View Full Version : Surprise Guests at Integris-Baptist ER Tuesday
hughmo 09-16-2011, 09:24 AM On Tuesday 9/13/2011, I went to stay with my girlfriend as she waited to be seen at the ER at Baptist Hospital on NW Expressway (very minor, swollen Tonsils). Upon arrival, I noticed several people standing to the left of the doors inside, one of which was holding a baby no more than a few months old. All of these folks had confused yet disgusted looks on their faces, and they all seemed to be agitated about something. I noticed my girlfriend was sitting just beyond the people, so trying not to disturb anyone or eavesdropping, I made my way over to her and was about to sit down when we hear..."Y'all shouldn't sit over here! They got roaches crawling everywhere!"
Disgusted but somehow disbelieving I started to look around for proof...It didn't take long, because I found three medium sized cockroaches under a chair and then noticed several small ones on a back wall. This is a medical facility, granted it is the ER and it is exposed to more foot-traffic than any other area of the hospital but regardless this environment should not be the breeding ground for vermin.
Several of the people left to go to Mercy hoapital because they felt the conditional were so disgusting. My girlfriend and I decided to move to a different waiting area that seemed to be clear of any creepy-crawlies, and proceeded to wait for another 7 hours for her to get an antibiotic shot in the rump.
Thank you Integris Baptist Medical Center ER... Setting the new standards and lowering the bar for everyone! YUCK!
HewenttoJared 09-16-2011, 11:49 AM I was in that facility this week. It looked clean to me : )
Thunder 09-16-2011, 12:58 PM This is a great story for KOCO to do. Please report it to KOCO and hope you took pictures. The hospital needs to be exposed and we need the health department to shut the entire place down. :-)
HewenttoJared 09-16-2011, 01:05 PM This is a great story for KOCO to do. Please report it to KOCO and hope you took pictures. The hospital needs to be exposed and we need the health department to shut the entire place down. :-)
No Thunder, we don't need to shut down Integris.
1. My mom works there.
2. They help a lot of people.
Thunder 09-16-2011, 01:07 PM No Thunder, we don't need to shut down Integris.
1. My mom works there.
2. They help a lot of people.
3. There are lots of roaches there.
Ahh, okay. I guess those roaches deserve equal chance to live as all life does on this planet.
Thunder 09-16-2011, 01:10 PM To be serious.. The roaches were most likely confined to the ER area. There are a lot of people with the vermin problems in their homes. Most likely the roaches travel within a purse, suitcase, or bag. Another possible explanation would be a location nearby that recently underwent treatment and these roaches simply scrambled to the nearest location they could find. Hope the ER was quick enough to call in an exterminator.
Bunty 09-16-2011, 01:38 PM Probably a bunch of restaurants need shut down worse for filth and unsanitary practices.
So what authority inspects hospitals for cleanliness, if the county health dept. doesn't? Is it some accreditation agency? If so, maybe they don't come around often enough.
Lord Helmet 09-16-2011, 03:59 PM Ahh, okay. I guess those roaches deserve equal chance to live as all life does on this planet.
You realize that there are likely roaches in almost EVERY restaurant you've ever eaten in. They're also probably in every supermarket you've stepped into as well.
Thunder 09-16-2011, 04:13 PM You realize that there are likely roaches in almost EVERY restaurant you've ever eaten in. They're also probably in every supermarket you've stepped into as well.
Yes, I do. I also know that OKC Zoo proudly present cockroaches cramped in a small tank.
oneforone 09-16-2011, 06:10 PM Cockroaches are very portable. I worked in a local electronics store that is now gone with the wind. A customer returned a CRT Monitor for a warranty claim. This Monitor was smoke stain yellow and loaded with you guessed it cockroaches. It took several weeks of regular treatments from EcoLab to finally kill them all.
All INTEGRIS holds their facilities to high standards when it comes to cleanliness and safety. I know that because both my sisters work there and they would be first ones out the door if the place was nasty. Before you start a fire please have an idea of what your talking about. Any place in the world especially hospitals are subject infestations. Hospitals have to treat anyone who presents in an ER. Many of these people are dirty, filthy and nasty. Many of these people bring in everything they own. Many of those items include all kinds of things that would make your skin crawl.
Besides for all we know the person that said "Y'all Shouldn't sit over here..." may have gathered them in a jar from home and threw them on floor because they were upset with the hospital for some reason. My first jobs required that I clean the restrooms. You would not believe what people do to public restrooms out of spite.
I bet if you frequented every hospital in the city, you would not want to go to any of them after a while. I had surgery in one that had some serious blood stains on the floors. It made me wonder if I would survive the surgery or not.
Thunder 09-16-2011, 06:17 PM Cockroaches are very portable. I worked in a local electronics store that is now gone with the wind. A customer returned a CRT Monitor for a warranty claim. This Monitor was smoke stain yellow and loaded with you guessed it cockroaches. It took several weeks of regular treatments from EcoLab to finally kill them all.
Can you be specific? Did they bring in the monitor because of cockroaches in it? It took several weeks to murder all those cockroaches in the monitor? Geez, you should have advised them to throw it in the dump and get a new monitor. LOL
kevinpate 09-16-2011, 06:42 PM Roaches can be next to anything and everything they choose. I am biased, and have been for a few decades, regarding this specific facility. For that reason I'll skip my non roach based rant and note that roaches in any ER waiting room are likely not the worst thing one might encounter in such an area.
bombermwc 09-19-2011, 08:29 AM I'm not going to comment about the roaches...I'm sure they took care of the problem.
However, hospitals aren't as clean as everyone thinks they are. Hospital transmitted infection is a a HUGE problem (MRSA). It's really impossible to clean the facility to any real level of sterility. Think about what all is in a room and how would you clean it without endangering the people in the facility. You can't just spray the room down with clorox...remember the thing that cleans the room can't kill the patient!
When cleaning PC's from client facilties all over the country, i find that the ERs are often very dirty places. I always think, wow and people get treated here. But think about the volume of people that flow through an ER and remember how difficult it is to keep a place like that clean....ESPECIALLY a waiting room. And then also remember, even if there is a roach there, just kill it. It's not going to "get" you. Those things are going to outlive humans folks.
Bunty 09-19-2011, 01:56 PM Seems like back when I used to work at a hospital, the only time they really got concerned about things being real clean was when the hospital would soon be inspected by the Joint Commission.
metro 09-20-2011, 10:14 AM To be serious.. The roaches were most likely confined to the ER area. There are a lot of people with the vermin problems in their homes. Most likely the roaches travel within a purse, suitcase, or bag. Another possible explanation would be a location nearby that recently underwent treatment and these roaches simply scrambled to the nearest location they could find. Hope the ER was quick enough to call in an exterminator.
Mine travel Southwest Airlines
Martin 09-20-2011, 11:07 AM Mine travel Southwest Airlines
you have roaches? -M
oneforone 10-02-2011, 04:10 PM Can you be specific? Did they bring in the monitor because of cockroaches in it? It took several weeks to murder all those cockroaches in the monitor? Geez, you should have advised them to throw it in the dump and get a new monitor. LOL
We couldn't toss it, it was brought in for an extended warranty claim. All warranty claims had to be returned to the service center. We put it in a box and covered it in tape and with about five layers of shrink wrap. We put a note on it telling the service center it contained cockroaches. I am not sure what happened after that. The service center handled everything.