View Full Version : I-40 Crosstown Bridge Demolition?

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06-22-2012, 01:35 PM
Maybe they plan on both demolishion crews meeting at BNSF and Gaylord for faster removal of that section. Having both sides already cleared would give them ample space to put put the debris straight to the ground and out of the way then load the stuff up when its all done

06-25-2012, 11:55 PM

Somehow, my video got wavy beams and buildings in it. I have no clue what YouTube did to it. Alas, from this evening...

06-26-2012, 12:01 AM
I remember driving over those wavy beams very well.

06-28-2012, 01:11 PM
All of the big steel beams on the East end, East of Bass Pro, should be down by the end of the day. They just had about a section and a half left to remove when I drove through there last night.

06-28-2012, 06:48 PM
They are moving fast by Bass Pro so they can finish the east end of the new i40. Also there isnt much left of the old i-40 in total. They should be closing down Robinson soon...probably within the next week. Then the dreaded Gaylord Closure....

06-28-2012, 08:43 PM
All of the big steel beams on the East end, East of Bass Pro, should be down by the end of the day. They just had about a section and a half left to remove when I drove through there last night.

They were still taking them down tonight, but they are really getting after it construction wise. They are drilling huge piers everywhere.

07-06-2012, 02:32 PM
Robinson street will close for cross two demolition on Tuesday the 10th at 7pm

07-06-2012, 08:05 PM
Also there isnt much left of the old i-40 in total.

Too bad... I had a great joke involving Final Destination 5... guess I'll have to think of something else

07-06-2012, 08:43 PM
They've got the concrete off the exit ramp just west of Robinson already. It's pretty amazing how quickly they're moving.

07-10-2012, 03:05 PM
Yes, drove by there today going west on SW 4th...its so weird driving through the area and being able to depict tree lines. I did take a few pics but will not be able to post them until after work.

07-12-2012, 08:38 AM
The East end is pretty much cleaned up. Only a pile of dirt and a couple of coulmns were left standing last night.

07-12-2012, 09:28 AM
Photos please!! :)

07-12-2012, 09:49 AM
I was downtown near the arena yesterday and holy moly...

I knew the bridge was considered an artificial, pyschological barrier to the downtown area, but I didn't realize how big of a barrier it was until I saw it almost completely gone. Downtown looks and feels substantially larger and more cohesive with the bridge almost gone. When the park construction begins and much is developed south of the arena, I think people will have a completely different conception of downtown.

07-12-2012, 10:22 AM
I was downtown near the arena yesterday and holy moly...

I knew the bridge was considered an artificial, pyschological barrier to the downtown area, but I didn't realize how big of a barrier it was until I saw it almost completely gone. Downtown looks and feels substantially larger and more cohesive with the bridge almost gone. When the park construction begins and much is developed south of the arena, I think people will have a completely different conception of downtown.

I agree... now just waiting for someone to make a comment like "well it until they build the new barrier of the CC"

07-12-2012, 10:27 AM
I agree... now just waiting for someone to make a comment like "well it until they build the new barrier of the CC"

Or the flyover bridges on the west end.

07-12-2012, 08:09 PM
Photos please!! :)

Ask and ye shall receive... (
Devon Tower ( by Matthew Bridges (, on Flickr (
Devon Tower ( by Matthew Bridges (, on Flickr (
Devon Tower ( by Matthew Bridges (, on Flickr (
Downtown ( by Matthew Bridges (, on Flickr

07-12-2012, 09:05 PM
The new arena entrance is starting to look really good. The section of crosstown in front of it should be gone in a week or two.

07-13-2012, 05:46 PM
Looking west on Harvey Avenue:

Looking east on Harvey Avenue:

Clearance 14' 0" - not anymore. :p

07-19-2012, 09:30 PM
Robinson is open and the view is great! This area is going to be amazing when all work is said and done!

Larry OKC
07-23-2012, 03:19 PM
Have a question or two...drove by the area around Toby Keiths, Bass Pro parking lot etc. Toby Keiths still had decking; Bass Pro, the decking was gone (steel beams and column supports still there..really weird looking up thru what use to be the Crosstown) a gap then the new Boulevard connection. It looked like the elevated part at Bass Pro would remain elevated becuase of the flyover connection already built, but at some point the Boulevard is coming down to "at grade". Where will that be? In front of Toby Keiths or further down at the Arena or even further than that?

07-23-2012, 03:32 PM
Have a question or two...drove by the area around Toby Keiths, Bass Pro parking lot etc. Toby Keiths still had decking; Bass Pro, the decking was gone (steel beams and column supports still there..really weird looking up thru what use to be the Crosstown) a gap then the new Boulevard connection. It looked like the elevated part at Bass Pro would remain elevated becuase of the flyover connection already built, but at some point the Boulevard is coming down to "at grade". Where will that be? In front of Toby Keiths or further down at the Arena or even further than that?

I believe the boulevard will go under the railroad tracks. I think the roadway will be slightly depressed at the RR tracks...? So to answer your question, it'll have to come down somewhere East of the tracks.

07-23-2012, 05:02 PM
So cool!

Thanks for the photos everyone.

07-23-2012, 05:27 PM
Have a question or two...drove by the area around Toby Keiths, Bass Pro parking lot etc. Toby Keiths still had decking; Bass Pro, the decking was gone (steel beams and column supports still there..really weird looking up thru what use to be the Crosstown) a gap then the new Boulevard connection. It looked like the elevated part at Bass Pro would remain elevated becuase of the flyover connection already built, but at some point the Boulevard is coming down to "at grade". Where will that be? In front of Toby Keiths or further down at the Arena or even further than that?

Bridge ends just to the west of the canal. Elevated ramps coming from northbound I-235, southbound I-235, and westbound I-40 will feed into the bigger bridge structure.

07-24-2012, 08:03 AM
I believe the boulevard will go under the railroad tracks. I think the roadway will be slightly depressed at the RR tracks...? So to answer your question, it'll have to come down somewhere East of the tracks.

correct ... the road is planned to come to "grade" (and then go below the tracks) somewhere next to harkins ..

07-24-2012, 02:10 PM
When will they be closing Gaylord for demolition??

08-03-2012, 12:17 PM
Photos from today:

08-03-2012, 12:27 PM
Great progress. One thing that stands out is the ridiculous amount of land taken up by surface parking. We definitely need parking to go vertical as soon as possible and ignore to bozos that will whine about "not being able to find a parking spot" just because it isn't within sight of their destination's front door.

08-03-2012, 01:28 PM
Great progress. One thing that stands out is the ridiculous amount of land taken up by surface parking. We definitely need parking to go vertical as soon as possible and ignore to bozos that will whine about "not being able to find a parking spot" just because it isn't within sight of their destination's front door.

It's seems they have it all almost finished except for the gaylord stretch.. Any idea when they start that?? Will be major with railroad and Gaylord blvd...

08-03-2012, 03:30 PM
I took some of these pictures, and I am amazed by how much more open downtown feels, even from way up in the Chase building, once the highway went away. Proves to me that an elevated boulevard, even partially, is just a really dumb idea. It closes areas in and creates pockets of land that will never develop.

08-03-2012, 04:06 PM
That last photo just looks so odd. I have been going downtown since that elevated road was built. I cannot remember it not being there. And I'm 52. It just looks so foreign seeing the area without it. Never have I seen a photo from downtown where you could see all the way to the Union Station. Amazing.

08-03-2012, 04:10 PM
Here's that same photo showing the boundaries for Central Park and the proposed CC:

08-14-2012, 10:23 PM
Or the flyover bridges on the west end.

Looks like we will see the last remaining pieces come down by the end of the month. They are closing Shields/Gaylord starting 8/20. That is the only remaining piece left to bring down.

08-15-2012, 02:26 AM
Thanks for the update on when they'll be closing that artery into out of downtown!

08-15-2012, 04:28 AM
What seems to be non-existent - the alternate to get out of downtown to EB I-40.
I'm thinking Reno will be my route of choice for a week or two!

08-15-2012, 07:49 AM
I believe you can still use EB exit from Shields, you may just need to go south on Robinson and cross back to Shields south of the interstate.

08-15-2012, 11:01 AM
I believe you can still use EB exit from Shields, you may just need to go south on Robinson and cross back to Shields south of the interstate.

Larry OKC
08-15-2012, 12:31 PM
So westbound, everyone will be taking Western (the only other DT exit)???

08-15-2012, 02:13 PM
So westbound, everyone will be taking Western (the only other DT exit)???

Im sure some people will. Others will go around the bridge deconstruction by using Robinson.

08-15-2012, 02:13 PM
Maybe this is the time to learn the street grid...

08-15-2012, 03:42 PM
After Thunder games, I take 5th st to I-235 South and then merge to I-40 westbound......I can be out of the Santa Fe garage and out of there in no time flat...

08-15-2012, 03:49 PM
One time I went out of the Santa Fe garage onto 2nd St., over to Russell M. Perry, up to 4th St., then over to Lincoln, where I then went back west on 10th St. to get onto 235 northbound. I'll tell ya what, it may have been a bunch of zig-zagging but it was better than sittin pretty.

08-15-2012, 06:11 PM
One time I went out of the Santa Fe garage onto 2nd St., over to Russell M. Perry, up to 4th St., then over to Lincoln, where I then went back west on 10th St. to get onto 235 northbound. I'll tell ya what, it may have been a bunch of zig-zagging but it was better than sittin pretty.

You should have just taken Lincoln all the way up to 44 then go west for 100 ft and merge onto 235 North to avoid sitting at the bottleneck of construction... you will save time and get onto 235 at north side of construction.

08-15-2012, 07:39 PM
You should have just taken Lincoln all the way up to 44 then go west for 100 ft and merge onto 235 North to avoid sitting at the bottleneck of construction... you will save time and get onto 235 at north side of construction.

Actually, I got off at NW 36th St. and went over to Classen to access NW Expressway (kinda wanted to avoid 44 westbound when it was a hell hole with the ramp construction at 235.

Larry OKC
08-16-2012, 11:13 AM
Maybe this is the time to learn the street grid...

But you have to be able to access the street grid...LOL

08-16-2012, 02:09 PM
But you have to be able to access the street grid...LOL

Per news release... Expect closure to last 30 days.

08-16-2012, 02:11 PM
But you have to be able to access the street grid...LOL

Uhhhhhh, anywhere you drive in or out of downtown you can access the street grid, considering that's what 700 square miles is... You should work for ODOT.

Larry OKC
08-17-2012, 10:13 AM
OKCisOK4me: You are correct, once someone is in the stop-n-go traffic of the street grid, you can indeed get around but it takes longer to do so. You are missing the point, access to the street grid is limited (reduced from 6 to 2) from the highway. ODOT did it on purpose, and even admits that they have too few access points (the rational for plowing full steam ahead with the elevated Boulevard). ODOTs answer is similar to the years long construction mess that is going on at the Broadway Extension/I-44 interchange...avoid it for the next few years (take the street grid). See how much time it adds to your commute (perceived or actual).

Buffalo Bill
08-20-2012, 01:04 PM
OKCisOK4me: access to the street grid is limited (reduced from 6 to 2) from the highway.

More numerical nonsense from Larry.

08-20-2012, 01:13 PM
More numerical nonsense from Larry.

Larry is correct. I-40 used to have numerous downtown/Bricktown direct exits. Now it's down to two. Even with the BLVD as proposed, it's only going to increase by two. ODOT did exactly what it wanted with the highway, it was meant to carry as many cars as possible as fast as possible, which meant limiting access as much as possible. They completely succeeded in that regard. But, it turns out, that's really NOT what the city really needed.

08-20-2012, 01:20 PM
Larry is correct. I-40 used to have numerous downtown/Bricktown direct exits. Now it's down to two. Even with the BLVD as proposed, it's only going to increase by two. ODOT did exactly what it wanted with the highway, it was meant to carry as many cars as possible as fast as possible, which meant limiting access as much as possible. They completely succeeded in that regard. But, it turns out, that's really NOT what the city really needed.

there is plenty of access to downtown and bricktown coming from I 40 east and west

Buffalo Bill
08-20-2012, 01:36 PM
Larry is correct. I-40 used to have numerous downtown/Bricktown direct exits. Now it's down to two. Even with the BLVD as proposed, it's only going to increase by two. ODOT did exactly what it wanted with the highway, it was meant to carry as many cars as possible as fast as possible, which meant limiting access as much as possible. They completely succeeded in that regard. But, it turns out, that's really NOT what the city really needed.

I've posted this before, but it bears repeating:

Let's see what we have:

Old Crosstown - EB off ramps at Walker and the old loop to Harvey
New Crosstown - EB off ramps at Western and Shields

Old Crosstown - EB on ramps at Lee and the old loop at Robinson
New Crosstown - EB on ramps at Western and Shields

Old Crosstown - WB off ramps at Robinson and Classen
New Crosstown - WB off ramps at Robinson and Western

Old Crosstown - WB on ramps Robinson and Hudson
New Crosstown - WB on ramps at Shields and Western

08-20-2012, 02:05 PM
OKCisOK4me: You are correct, once someone is in the stop-n-go traffic of the street grid, you can indeed get around but it takes longer to do so. You are missing the point, access to the street grid is limited (reduced from 6 to 2) from the highway. ODOT did it on purpose, and even admits that they have too few access points (the rational for plowing full steam ahead with the elevated Boulevard). ODOTs answer is similar to the years long construction mess that is going on at the Broadway Extension/I-44 interchange...avoid it for the next few years (take the street grid). See how much time it adds to your commute (perceived or actual).

I'm sorry that I don't really have a commute (5 miles) that requires me to use anything other than the street grid. I use 74 from Expressway to 39th and that's it. The grid doesn't add a whole lot of time if I had to take Portland. People just need to wake up a little earlier, so I don't really see your point.

Larry OKC
08-20-2012, 03:18 PM
OK, lets just eliminate the interstate completely then

08-20-2012, 04:18 PM
OK, lets just eliminate the interstate completely then

Yeah, I don't think it's that simple. How about we just eliminate the subject...

Larry OKC
08-21-2012, 11:27 AM
More numerical nonsense from Larry.
That "numerical nonsense" was reported in the Oklahoman. if you have issues with it, talk to them. Even ODOT's Mr. Green and Director Ridley concede they have too few downtown exits. Mr. Green said they reduced the number because of modern highway design/for safety reasons. Mr. Ridley mentioned it as justification for plowing full steam ahead with the elevated Boulevard design. Again, talk to ODOT about it if you think it is in error.

Sid: are you serious? Do you realize how much that would add to folks commute time, taking time from their families etc if you got rid of I-40, I-240, I-44, I-35, the Turnpike, Broadway Extension, Hefner Parkway etc etc etc? The amount of wasted gasoline sitting at stop lights, adding to pollution/ozone alert days???

there is plenty of access to downtown and bricktown coming from I 40 east and west
Coming from the west, there are only two access points to Downtown/Bricktown (Western & Shields) this has been widely reported. I don't travel that much from the east so can't speak to it

08-21-2012, 01:25 PM
A brief jog on I-235 northbound will get you direct access to Bricktown via Sheridan. So make that three. Throw in the future boulevard and you'll have four. You're complaining about something that is temporary because the final completion has yet to materialize.

Larry OKC
08-21-2012, 01:41 PM
4 is still less than 6 (but if you are adding in these, don't you have to add them into the 6 number too)? Both I-35 & the Boulevard are different roads. But if you want to count it, go ahead and do so on the east end of the Boulevard (when it happens) but not the west (too far away from DT, just like you can't count Penn & Agnew). While the time to complete this is less than some other projects, it is like ODOT saying they should just avoid the mess for the next 10 years or so while they redo the broadway Ext/I-44 interchange completely.

08-21-2012, 03:44 PM
Yeah, but you gotta remember that according to ODOT, the has yet to be built boulevard will handle 96,000 vehicles a day, therefore taking away the loads off of Western and Shields Boulevard...

Need I say more?

Larry OKC
08-21-2012, 07:28 PM

08-23-2012, 12:35 AM
The quality of the on and off ramps as well as improved roads from them to the core make the 2 west bound exits better than the hairpin loops and narrow single lane offramps that led to crappier roads that was the legacy of the old 40