View Full Version : Kamp's 1910

07-16-2010, 06:56 PM



Address: 10 NE 10th
Phone: (405) 230-1910
Hours: Mon - Fri: 6:00 am - 10:00 pm
Sat: 7:30 am - 10:00 pm
Status: opened late 2010
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Information & Latest News
7/16/10: A Kamp's family member is opening a new restaurant in the Java Dave's downtown location, and Java Dave's is moving into a new building about a block away from the current location.

07-16-2010, 06:59 PM
I'll have the story in tomorrow's paper

07-16-2010, 07:39 PM
I would go to Java Dave's more often...but they need a new railroad crossing over there.

07-16-2010, 07:41 PM
.but they need a new railroad crossing over there.

Isn't that happening right now?

07-16-2010, 07:50 PM
Not "right now" .. I got my clock cleaned the other day.

07-16-2010, 08:58 PM
I thought Tenth was closed at the crossing for the last several weeks while they redid it.

07-16-2010, 09:19 PM
I'll have the story in tomorrow's paper


07-16-2010, 09:23 PM
I'm devastated. My career is over. Guess I'll get a job driving Oklahoma Spirit trolleys.

07-17-2010, 12:22 AM
Maybe you'll keep them on schedule, Steve.

07-17-2010, 06:36 AM
From what I've heard from an acquaintance who once drove the trolleys, the union might have a problem with that. They certainly wouldn't want me giving out any tour or history information on the ride.

07-17-2010, 07:24 AM
I'm sure the Kamp's restaurant will do well there. They seem to have a handle on good customer service - which is something I've always felt Java Dave's lacked. Hopefully with a smaller location and less staff they can keep a better focus on the customer.

07-17-2010, 08:13 AM

I am excited about the new Kamp's restaurant opening up.

07-17-2010, 09:19 AM
I'm sure the Kamp's restaurant will do well there. They seem to have a handle on good customer service - which is something I've always felt Java Dave's lacked. Hopefully with a smaller location and less staff they can keep a better focus on the customer.

They might want to focus on offering completely different coffee as well.

07-17-2010, 10:11 AM
They might want to focus on offering completely different coffee as well.

HAHAHA, indeed, they have terrible coffee, and seeing as it its the focus of their business, it's kind of hard to overlook...

07-17-2010, 02:32 PM
They might want to focus on offering completely different coffee as well.

Not a coffee drinker myself, so I can't comment on the coffee. The food was always good to very good, but the staff was usually mediocre to terrible. Good place downtown to meet people or get some work done on the laptop. However, I'd often go in there and the tables were dirty, wifi was down and even the cable tv would be all snow and nobody would know what to do. They also have attracted a few squatters that were really bizarre. The other day two different ones interrupted a meeting I was having. Both wanting to know if we "knew Obama was shutting down the Internet in 2012?" Not to mention the Nazi attitude they had developed regarding their parking lot.

This will either be a turing point with a smaller venue where they can focus on their core business, or its the beginning of the end. I doubt I'll visit much if it too much smaller and they take the get your coffee and leave attitude.

07-19-2010, 08:06 AM
Well at one time they could get away with it. There weren't a lot of coffee places out there, and so it sort of became "the" place to be for a while. Problem is, there are so many others shops out there with a) more convenient locationns b) better coffee c) better service d) better parking e) more reliable connections like wifi, etc. and since they have done squat to improve where they are lacking, they just won't be around long.

Crap, IHOP has better coffee than they do!

07-19-2010, 09:20 AM
I liked going there, but the smell always drove me nuts. If you're there more than 5 minutes, all of your clothes reek of shortorder grill. Which is weird considering how big and airy the place it.

07-19-2010, 04:01 PM
Well at one time they could get away with it. There weren't a lot of coffee places out there, and so it sort of became "the" place to be for a while. Problem is, there are so many others shops out there with a) more convenient locationns b) better coffee c) better service d) better parking e) more reliable connections like wifi, etc. and since they have done squat to improve where they are lacking, they just won't be around long.

That's great, and I get what you're saying..however the idea that new competition will drive Java Dave's out of business lacks one thing...competition. The idea of downtown being a successful neighborhood for coffee shops has largely failed to gain momentum. There's Starbucks, Coffee Slingers, Beatnix, and Java Dave's...that's largely it. There are smaller ones and ones with bad hours in weird locations that you typically get in office buildings, but those are the four that cater towards the coffee shop crowd.

We've lost the Buzz. We've lost BrewHaHa. We've lost Uncommon Grounds. We'll probably lose another, maybe it'll be Java Dave's, but my point is just that the idea of coffee shops downtown hasn't even got strong roots yet, so obviously competition is not the factor in their demise so much as they just don't wow people. There hasn't been one that's opened up that has literally grown a following the way that Cafe Plaid or Aspen Coffee have. In Oklahoma, the idea of coffee shops are pretty much confined to the college towns...and Tulsa.

07-19-2010, 04:20 PM
That's great, and I get what you're saying..however the idea that new competition will drive Java Dave's out of business lacks one thing...competition. The idea of downtown being a successful neighborhood for coffee shops has largely failed to gain momentum. There's Starbucks, Coffee Slingers, Beatnix, and Java Dave's...that's largely it. There are smaller ones and ones with bad hours in weird locations that you typically get in office buildings, but those are the four that cater towards the coffee shop crowd.

We've lost the Buzz. We've lost BrewHaHa. We've lost Uncommon Grounds. We'll probably lose another, maybe it'll be Java Dave's, but my point is just that the idea of coffee shops downtown hasn't even got strong roots yet, so obviously competition is not the factor in their demise so much as they just don't wow people. There hasn't been one that's opened up that has literally grown a following the way that Cafe Plaid or Aspen Coffee have. In Oklahoma, the idea of coffee shops are pretty much confined to the college towns...and Tulsa.

If I read you right (or at least the way I read your post) you actually help to make the point that competition HAS been a factor in the demise of some coffee shops downtown. The fact "of downtown being a successful neighborhood for coffee shops has largely failed to gain momentum" means there is a very small pool of customers to draw from and each competitor makes it harder for each individual coffee shop to make it into profitability.

I would also argue that many of Java Dave's customers are not traditional coffee shop patrons. I've been going there for years and I think many people treat it like a deli that also serves mediocre coffee.

If they scale down to less seating and most likely a smaller food menu then they will lose many of those non-coffee shop patrons who liked the place for its square footage, atmosphere and food.

07-19-2010, 04:21 PM
That's great, and I get what you're saying..however the idea that new competition will drive Java Dave's out of business lacks one thing...competition. The idea of downtown being a successful neighborhood for coffee shops has largely failed to gain momentum. There's Starbucks, Coffee Slingers, Beatnix, and Java Dave's...that's largely it. There are smaller ones and ones with bad hours in weird locations that you typically get in office buildings, but those are the four that cater towards the coffee shop crowd.

We've lost the Buzz. We've lost BrewHaHa. We've lost Uncommon Grounds. We'll probably lose another, maybe it'll be Java Dave's, but my point is just that the idea of coffee shops downtown hasn't even got strong roots yet, so obviously competition is not the factor in their demise so much as they just don't wow people. There hasn't been one that's opened up that has literally grown a following the way that Cafe Plaid or Aspen Coffee have. In Oklahoma, the idea of coffee shops are pretty much confined to the college towns...and Tulsa.

The Buzz moved underground, it's not gone, right?

Also, BBates has it as to Java Daves: most people treated it as a short order grill with wifi.

07-19-2010, 05:15 PM
Well what I meant is that, as with other consumer genres that have been a hit downtown, there are a LOT of people that want to give downtown a chance, including coffee shop goers..who will remain centered 30th and Western because nearly all of the good coffee shops that can maybe compare to a college town coffee shop are within a mile of 30th and Western (Will's, Red Cup, Cuppies and Joe, etc).

Speaking of coffee, the Plaza District, has also proven the same thing with local retail. It turns out there WAS a large pool of untapped consumers wanting to shop for retro, locally-made things. All someone had to do is do it well. That's kind of like giving the impression of success long before you've become a success at something..possibly arrogant, but vital if you're going to make it as something hip and trendy.

07-19-2010, 09:21 PM
The Buzz is in the Underground. It's under the BancFirst building.

Larry OKC
07-20-2010, 01:30 AM
That's great, and I get what you're saying..however the idea that new competition will drive Java Dave's out of business lacks one thing...competition. The idea of downtown being a successful neighborhood for coffee shops has largely failed to gain momentum. There's Starbucks, Coffee Slingers, Beatnix, and Java Dave's...that's largely it. There are smaller ones and ones with bad hours in weird locations that you typically get in office buildings, but those are the four that cater towards the coffee shop crowd.

We've lost the Buzz. We've lost BrewHaHa. We've lost Uncommon Grounds. We'll probably lose another, maybe it'll be Java Dave's, but my point is just that the idea of coffee shops downtown hasn't even got strong roots yet, so obviously competition is not the factor in their demise so much as they just don't wow people. There hasn't been one that's opened up that has literally grown a following the way that Cafe Plaid or Aspen Coffee have. In Oklahoma, the idea of coffee shops are pretty much confined to the college towns...and Tulsa.

LOL...Maybe that's why Chandler's company transferred him to their office in Tulsa (considering the Friends spent almost as much time in the coffee shop as their apartments).

07-20-2010, 01:44 PM
d) better parking

They were such Nazis about their parking lot!

11-20-2010, 02:20 PM
Has anyone eaten here? I drove by today and saw a sign saying it was open.

11-22-2010, 01:34 PM
Ate there Friday. It was good, a little pricey

11-23-2010, 09:25 PM
Can you give more details please......

12-01-2010, 08:14 AM

Ate there for breakfast this morning with the wife. We both really liked how they have renovated the place, great floors, cool lighting and good table layout.

The pastry case was full of good looking sweets.

We decided to split the Boxcar Burrito for $4.75 (my half is pictured above).

It was served fast and plenty warm. It was pretty light on the eggs and heavy on the potatoes and tortilla. Actually, it was pretty heavy all around and considering we had just come from an hour at the YMCA, it didn't sit just great with us.

That said, it certainly didn't taste bad and I'm sure the sausage and gravy types will love it. I did think it was a little pricey though.

We visited at 7am and left at 7:20. Only one other customer during that time and he had a coffee.

We will probably stop by again and try something different for breakfast and will definitely give lunch a shot in the future.

I didn't detect a WiFi signal while I was there, but when I asked was told they were "working on it right now."

What we did find odd was that Java Dave's has simply relocated to the warehouse building on the South end of the same parking lot. A much smaller and lower budget looking establishment they will compete with Kamp's on coffee sales.

12-01-2010, 10:44 AM
Bates, thanks for the review. Yeah there is another thread somewhere from awhile back with an article talking about the switch and why Java Daves moved to the warehouse. Basically to find their original identity and lower overhead. At the end of the day, it's just coffee mainly.

12-08-2010, 12:24 PM
Their menu needs tweaking.

12-08-2010, 03:31 PM
Their menu needs tweaking.

can you be more specific, that's a pretty vague comment.

12-09-2010, 06:42 AM
I plan to eat there soon, but did they have a grand opening? Or have they don't anything to promote the fact that they've opened? One of the reasons I haven't tried it yet is because I forget it's there.

12-09-2010, 09:40 AM
Driven by it several times and both times it was empty around 6pm-7pm at night, but appeared to be open. I have seen virtually zero publicity for it, other than here and an ad or two in the Gazette. I wonder if they are banking on their "KAMPS" name.

12-21-2010, 11:26 AM
Driven by it several times and both times it was empty around 6pm-7pm at night, but appeared to be open. I have seen virtually zero publicity for it, other than here and an ad or two in the Gazette. I wonder if they are banking on their "KAMPS" name.

I tried to help with their PR - when I saw the track elves I emailed Ali at Ch4 and she put together this nice PR warm fuzzy piece.,0,5257044.story

08-27-2011, 07:17 AM
Ate at Kamps for the first time yesterday. On my 1-10 scale of overall appearance, decor and food I would rate Kamps a 9. No its not a fine dining experience thus the name 'cafe'. Planning on taking the entire family there for Labor Day.

Anyone else have an evaluation of Kamps?

08-27-2011, 07:19 AM
Went when it first opened. I liked the renovations to the building (for the most part), but found the staff to be not very friendly and the food just marginal. However, I've heard really good things from others that have been recently. Will most likely give it another shot soon for lunch.

08-27-2011, 07:26 AM
Went there about 2:30 yesterday - lunch rush was long gone. But the staff was almost overwhelming friendly. I suppose that says a lot after dealing with what sounds like a HUGE lunch rush. Maybe some staff adjustments have been made...very friendly yesterday anyway.....

08-27-2011, 08:35 AM
Food is pretty good and offers lighter fare which is nice.

08-27-2011, 01:45 PM
What is the decor/theme exactly? I'll have to stop by soon.

08-27-2011, 03:14 PM
I have been there about 10 times. From not busy random times, to a busy lunch crowd. I have never had any complaints with the staff or service. They have a really solid breakfast. The biscuits and gravy derailed (biscuits, eggs, sausage gravy, cheese) is my go to choice. Lunch is a good variety of sandwiches and wraps. They have a bakery with cookies (maple pecan is best), cupcakes, bagels etc. The place is really big and can be packed without seeming crowded. Crowd is a mix of OU and St Anthony crowd and then a lot of people who work downtown. Can get out of there for under $10. Two thumbs up from me.

12-09-2011, 10:16 AM
i went for the first time last week for lunch and the sandwich was pretty good. i swung by for breakfast this morning and ordered some breakfast to go. the place wasn't overly crowded but it took what felt like forever to get my meal to me... in reality it was around 10 minutes waiting. i guess when i'm ordering in the morning i expect to get in, get out and get on with my business so i left a bit frustrated, ready to cross this place of the list. however, when i tucked into my breakfast sandwich i've gotta say that it was one of the best ones i've ever eaten. -M

02-11-2016, 07:58 AM
OKCTalk - Kamp's 1910 to open in Edmond (

02-11-2016, 08:56 AM
ha... since posting that in 2011, kamp's became my regular breakfast stop for quite awhile. imo, the place serves the best breakfast burrito in the city. since they make everything from scratch the wait times are pretty long, especially if you're in a rush. i just got into the habit of phoning in my order on the way to work and my sandwich would be waiting for me... problem solved. -M

02-11-2016, 08:57 AM
They do a great job with their baked items, sandwiches, wraps and soups.

Everything fresh and tasty.

This new Edmond location will kill it.

02-11-2016, 09:02 AM's going to be a CHAIN now..? Aw, crap. Now I won't be able to go the original location anymore...


02-11-2016, 09:21 AM
Kamp's reminds me a lot of Louie's.... just better in almost every way.

02-11-2016, 04:48 PM
I cannot get on their website to view their menu. Anyone have better luck?

02-11-2016, 04:51 PM
I cannot get on their website to view their menu. Anyone have better luck?

10th Street ? Kamp's 1910 Cafe (

02-11-2016, 09:32 PM
The link above does not work. I wonder if their website is down for maintenance, or something?

02-11-2016, 10:23 PM
The link above does not work. I wonder if their website is down for maintenance, or something?

That's strange, I just clicked on it and it worked for me.
C. T.

03-18-2016, 07:08 AM
Edmond location is coming along nicely... About 30 days out now...

This is looking from what will be the service line back towards the bar area. To the right of the bar is a door leading out to the patio.

03-30-2016, 10:38 AM
Getting close at the new Edmond location... Will be tables and chairs in the middle of the room.

04-01-2016, 10:19 AM
i wish they would put tables in between those booths too, and in front of those booths along the wall. Those things are going to be absolutely worthless. When are these restaurant people going to learn how to run restaurants? Sheesh.


04-18-2016, 08:16 AM
They open in Edmond today (Monday).

Went to a soft opening on Friday night and everything was excellent, just like the 10th Street location. Love their soups and sandwiches but they also have a nicely stocked bar.

Great option for that area of Edmond as there isn't much to choose from.

04-20-2016, 12:05 PM
Have tried for a few days now to get in for lunch, but the line had been out the door. Today it wasn't too bad, so I grabbed a bite. Looks like they will be super packed for lunch for the first few weeks. So happy they opened this up here!!!

04-20-2016, 02:28 PM


Good for them. I love their food and this is a great smaller place.

I bet they'll end up wishing they had leased more space.

04-20-2016, 03:30 PM
I bet they'll end up wishing they had leased more space.

You nailed it, with this comment.

It took me a while to even find a spot to sit today...and ended up crammed in a corner at a bar top. I didn't mind, because I'm not really that picky, nor bothered by little things. But, I do know, there was a group or 5 women, who had to sit at the bar next to me...and were getting anxious about not receiving their food yet. I overheard one say, they had been 30 minutes. After getting up and talking with someone they received their food about 3 minutes later. When I finished up, and stood up/turned around to leave...there were several people standing around...waiting for a table to clear before they could sit down. (I'm pretty sure, this is only a problem, because it is brand new...but, I could see it always being super busy at lunch.) And as small of a space that it is...I'm pretty confident that it will seem cramped/uncomfortable for some.

04-20-2016, 03:38 PM
There is a decent sized patio still to come that will help with the seating situation.

04-22-2016, 10:07 AM
You nailed it, with this comment.

It took me a while to even find a spot to sit today...and ended up crammed in a corner at a bar top. I didn't mind, because I'm not really that picky, nor bothered by little things. But, I do know, there was a group or 5 women, who had to sit at the bar next to me...and were getting anxious about not receiving their food yet. I overheard one say, they had been 30 minutes. After getting up and talking with someone they received their food about 3 minutes later. When I finished up, and stood up/turned around to leave...there were several people standing around...waiting for a table to clear before they could sit down. (I'm pretty sure, this is only a problem, because it is brand new...but, I could see it always being super busy at lunch.) And as small of a space that it is...I'm pretty confident that it will seem cramped/uncomfortable for some.

I would say give it a few months and check how long the lines are maybe.

I know the shopping center has some high rent prices so maybe they didn't expect the amount of turn out.

If Tucker's goes in there as well it is going to be crazy busy