View Full Version : Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

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08-30-2011, 08:05 PM
I suppose going to the Land of the Zombies (and the Haunted House) would make you feel alive...LOL

I guess so. I can't remember the last time I have been to a haunted house.

08-31-2011, 12:56 PM
There are employees in the mall that are telling this same story. I went to the Finish Line this past weekend to get my son some shoes. I asked the employee what was going to happen there at the mall. She said they just sold the mall to a new owner who was going to bring a bunch of stores back. She also said Dillards was coming back. She stated they just signed a new lease for another year. I have no idea where her information is coming from, but that is what she is telling customers. I have found no facts to back up her claim. I grew up as a kid going to that mall and it's sad to see where it is today.

08-31-2011, 01:13 PM
I just don't see them being very successful at bringing stores back to Crossroads. Most retailers will likely choose Moore, Norman Midwest City, West OKC near the new outlet mall or I-240 before moving into Crossroads. No retailer is going to want to move to a location that is hidden from interstate traffic. Trying to bring Crossroads back to life at this point would be throwing good money away after bad. The only reason why the remaining few retailers are there is because they are still making enough money to pay the bills and make a reasonable profit or the location is a franchise.

I think the best they could do with Crossroads at this point is a mixed use industrial and business park. The days of being a retail destination are pretty much over for Crossroads.

08-31-2011, 09:47 PM
There are employees in the mall that are telling this same story. I went to the Finish Line this past weekend to get my son some shoes. I asked the employee what was going to happen there at the mall. She said they just sold the mall to a new owner who was going to bring a bunch of stores back. She also said Dillards was coming back. She stated they just signed a new lease for another year. I have no idea where her information is coming from, but that is what she is telling customers. I have found no facts to back up her claim. I grew up as a kid going to that mall and it's sad to see where it is today.

My friend who works for Dillards said They are talking about going back to Crossroads Mall. However it will be a Clearance Center store if they open back up there.

09-01-2011, 12:59 AM
The retail days at CRM is far from over. Smart retailers will move into that mall. Well, they just need to be smart about moving into a mall.

(pssst) PSM and QSM are away from the major interstates.

09-01-2011, 09:35 AM
The retail days at CRM is far from over. Smart retailers will move into that mall. Well, they just need to be smart about moving into a mall.

(pssst) PSM and QSM are away from the major interstates.

PSM is directly off I-44, just a mile or two from I-235. QSM is right off the Turnpike, and about halfway between Broadway Extension and Hefner Parkway. Neither is off the beaten path.

09-01-2011, 09:58 AM
PSM is directly off I-44, just a mile or two from I-235. QSM is right off the Turnpike, and about halfway between Broadway Extension and Hefner Parkway. Neither is off the beaten path.

CRM is right next to I35 and I240. :-)

09-01-2011, 10:25 AM
CRM is right next to I35 and I240. :-)

With absolutely horrible on and off ramps to get to it. I used to go there all the time when I was in high school and remember well how difficult it could be.

09-01-2011, 10:28 AM
It is real easy for me.

Larry OKC
09-01-2011, 01:08 PM
Guys, the original post was about visibility more than access (though if ya don't know what you are doing can be a discouragement), the ongoing construction hasn't helped either. One of the things that made it successful for decades was it was located at the Crossroads (thus the name). It was new and one of the largest malls at the time. High visibilty before all of the out parcels were built, hiding it from view. PSM and QSM are both still highly visible. mainly because the turnpike & interstates that go by them are elevated. I-35 and I-240 in that area are at grade. Unless you are Wal-mart, can't have anything hiding it from view, out of sight out of mind. Maybe Wal-mart needs to put in a major Supercenter there but they already have relatively new ones within close distance. Not that Wal-mart is adverse to relocating their stores, they do it often. If you build a Wal-mart, they will come. Been proven all over the city time and again.

09-13-2011, 08:04 PM
"two dudes ..."
I am now cracking up.... yes, yes, sure enough.... Megax, be sure to read The Oklahoman in the morning. The "conspiracy" is over...

09-13-2011, 10:07 PM
"two dudes ..."
I am now cracking up.... yes, yes, sure enough....

Two "dudes" was my call. I could have said two guys, or outstanding gentlemen, but where's the fun in that?

09-13-2011, 10:19 PM
megax, I'm laughing because in your own way, you got it right. The story should be posting at NewsOk shortly... but you deserve an early notice of it: Crossroads has indeed been sold ... to "two dudes," as you say - Michael Dillard and Roddy Bates. I'll let Richard Mize unravel the rest of the story....

09-13-2011, 10:41 PM
megax, I'm laughing because in your own way, you got it right. The story should be posting at NewsOk shortly... but you deserve an early notice of it: Crossroads has indeed been sold ... to "two dudes," as you say - Michael Dillard and Roddy Bates. I'll let Richard Mize unravel the rest of the story....


Steve, remind me to give you a frickin' hug whenever we meet face-to-face. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

How is everyone here feeling now? LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

^5 Mega guy, you did it and I believed in you when everyone else dissed ya to the dump.

09-13-2011, 11:09 PM

Larry OKC
09-13-2011, 11:12 PM
megax, I'm laughing because in your own way, you got it right. The story should be posting at NewsOk shortly... but you deserve an early notice of it: Crossroads has indeed been sold ... to "two dudes," as you say - Michael Dillard and Roddy Bates. I'll let Richard Mize unravel the rest of the story....
Thanks to Megax11's insistence & Steve's "heads up", here it is:
Read more:

Local investors bought Crossroads Mall on Tuesday in a deal that will surprise people who assumed it was doomed: They plan to keep it open as a mall.

Mike Dillard and Roddy Bates, owners of Raptor Properties LLC, paid $3.5 million... As recently as June, the asking price for the 762,532-square-foot property was $6 million, one-fourth the $24 million asked when the mall property, which then included other space that has since sold, landed among Price Edwards & Co.'s retail listings in summer 2009.

Raptor Properties acquired the main mall building with 383,784 square feet; the former J.C. Penney store, 198,358 square feet; the former Steve & Barry's, 157,000 square feet; and the former Ward's Automotive, 23,390 square feet. Several other former Crossroads properties previously sold to other investors.

Now all we need is confirmation from the County Assessor's site to show that the deal hasn't fallen through at the last minute and the property has indeed (no pun intended) changed hands...

09-13-2011, 11:39 PM
Great work, Steve.

I am truly happy that Crossroads Mall will revive and be back! Its going to be the hottest place in town! Who cares about outdoor shopping strips. Majority of people still love shopping multiple places in a climate controlled building. Now the key is advertisement. The word needs to be out there to remind the people that Crossroads Mall is not dead and that its up to them to be smart by continuing to shop at businesses there.

Next year's Christmas will have this place packed while Penn Square Mall watch in disbelief. :LolLolLol

People will start to notice parking spaces easily available at Penn Square Mall and Quail Spring Mall. LOL!

09-14-2011, 05:34 AM
It's nice that someone bought it. But, there going to have to say something a little bit more then just "were going to give the mall some TLC and attract new businesses" for me to get excited. I don't usually associate TLC with major improvements.

09-14-2011, 07:43 AM
Thanks, guys.

I just saw it on news9 this morning. It makes me happy. Now we can talk about what we want to see in the mall. If these new owners play their cards right, some good things can come out of this.

I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but I just want to speculate based on my dream. I'm only talking cosmetic, but maybe you guys can give your opinions on how you want it to look inside.

In my dreams, I have seen the mall in two different renovated styles.

The first one had white flooring with small green diamonds inbetween every 4 tiles. Green pillars divided each store. Both white and green had marble.

The second one, and I've started having dreams seeing it look this way more, still had a brown look. I keep seeing very bright neon, however. While brown in look, it still had a very modern feel.

Not that I'm saying my dreams will peg exactly how it looks, but my dreams have been known to come true more often than not.

How do YOU GUYS want it to look inside, if they indeed renovate?

Anyhow, good times ahead hopefully for the city. The more this city blooms, the better.

09-14-2011, 08:06 AM
Oh, and I wanted to add that the credit isn't all mine. The guy at Best Buy was obviously right. I'm just glad he was right.

I wanted to add to my above post, in saying that I hope to god people at the businesses around the mall get out of dodge. Having business colleges next to the mall doesn't help anything. My friends at Toys R Us will be happy to know this, as at one time they were wanting to move to Moore, but decided to stay put. Maybe they will have more traffic now.

The empty jacked up parking lots near the mall should be sold off to anyone wanting to build small plazas for more retail use.

This is all hopes anyhow. If the city helps, as these two new owners want them to, or if others see what's happening, here's hoping lots of good stuff happens to the mall and its surrounding areas.

09-14-2011, 09:33 AM
I would be all for remodeling the mall back to the way it looked when it opend in the 70's it was so cool looking in there then.

09-14-2011, 09:52 AM
Get rid of all the ghetto stores and hire a lot more security guards would be the first step to bringing Crossroads back to life. Not feeling safe and secure is one of the things that I think really drove people from Crossroads to other malls. A loooong way to go to even begin to bring that mall back to somewhere that would attract people who don't live within a few miles of it.

09-14-2011, 10:23 AM
I agree. They need to get rid of all the stupid convienant stores inside the mall. If they're in a booth, fine. However, I see some of the worst style of stores for a mall, in the actual units.

They need to try and entice Dillards to come back, not as a clearance store, but as a normal Dillards store.

If I were these two guys, who obviously had the money to buy the mall, I would do this in this order -

1: Not be cheap about fixing up the mall.

2: Before fixing up Crossroads, I would sell the idea back to stores that left (anchors). I would ask them what it would take for them to come back. Tell them the plan is to lower rent and nickel and dime every store like previous owners did, without listening to their needs.

3: If I can get Penney's, Dillards, and Macy's back, I would then take the Steve and Barry's location, destroy it, and ask AMC theatres if they would like to build a movie theatre in that spot. This way the mall has a theatre built in.

4: With those people back on the list, I would start renovating the mall. Based on my dreams, personally, I would go with a lighter color. The White and green marble look. Brighten up the mall. However, any renovation to modernize is better than none.

Also in modernizing the mall on the inside, I would modernize it on the outside.

5: I would make the middle of the mall the food court. OR, I would put the eateries near the theatre if I could get one in the old Wards/Barry's location. Keep the eateries together.

6: I would get more security, although even Penn Square Mall has seen its share of rapes, murders, and robberies.

7: I would tell the small mom and pops stores to get booths for the middle of the mall, or just leave. No offense, but in bringing something back to life, Hollister wins over a convienance store.

8: I would try and get stores that are popular in other malls. For teens or adults like me who wear it, I would try and lure Buckle, Hollister, Abercrombie, etc. I would try and get back Candyopolis (sp). Spencers, I would like to see come back. Mall already has a Victoria's Secret and Gamestop.

These are some ideas. However, if these new owners want to hit the home run, they have to first and foremost, NOT BE CHEAPSKATES! They have to please the merchants and do some serious butt kissing to get anchors back. I wouldn't go for 4 anchors, because if I owned the mall, I would like to see a movie theatre inside, to streamline the surrounding area. Plus the AMC Crossroads (formerly Regal) is looking a bit dated.

Now then, the surrounding areas. If this is all successful, I would start fixing up the parking lot around the mall. The areas where the parking lot is jacked up further out, I would repave those and get some small plazas built in hopes of trying to lure something other than business colleges.

If those are successful and the money starts piling in, I would then make an offer to the business colleges for their buildings. If they agree, I give them the cash and send them on their merry way. AHA, here is the kicker. I wouldn't shape those buildings into new retail. I would doze it all. I am talking about the former Best Buy (not the one that's currently open near CRM) which is now a business school, and all of the buildings next to it.

What purpose does this serve? This would make it so people can see the mall from I-35. People always say the mall not being able to be seen is a bad thing, so make it visible.

Texas Roadhouse can stay, since it still looks in good shape.

09-14-2011, 11:00 AM
3: If I can get Penney's, Dillards, and Macy's back, I would then take the Steve and Barry's location, destroy it, and ask AMC theatres if they would like to build a movie theatre in that spot. This way the mall has a theatre built in.

while i'm skeptical on crossroad's ability to make a rebound, i agree that getting anchors would be a wise first step. it'd be a longshot but dillards and macy's could maybe make a return if given the proper incentive. however, a jc penney in crossroads would compete against newer locations already a short distance away in both moore and midwest city. as for theatres, i'm pretty certain regal cinema is struggling. with destination cinemas such as warren just a few miles south and (to a lesser degree) harkins just a few miles north, i don't see how a new theatre attached to crossroads would be seen as a good risk.


09-14-2011, 11:08 AM
while i'm skeptical on crossroad's ability to make a rebound, i agree that getting anchors would be a wise first step. it'd be a longshot but dillards and macy's could maybe make a return if given the proper incentive. however, a jc penney in crossroads would compete against newer locations already a short distance away in both moore and midwest city. as for theatres, i'm pretty certain regal cinema is struggling. with destination cinemas such as warren just a few miles south and (to a lesser degree) harkins just a few miles north, i don't see how a new theatre attached to crossroads would be seen as a good risk.


Well for the movie theatre aspect, I think of it like this. Hollywood Spotlight 14 is still alive and kicking in Norman, despite being about the same distance from Warren, as CRM is from Warren.

AMC runs AMC 24 in Quail Springs. They could simply make a nice theatre for Crossroads. AMC runs Regal 16 now, near Crossroads, not Regal. They're long gone. So it would be AMC.

Anyhow, I remember when Warren was sold out for the latest Harry Potter. People were going to AMC 16 Crossroads. I also remember at a certain time of the day, ALL of Moore lost power, so people got turned away in buying Harry Potter tickets. So again, they went to AMC Crossroads 16.

This means business can still be had, but if AMC were to even put in one of their bootleg IMAX's, despite Warren having a real one just a ways away, people would still go for various other reasons. Some may just not like the cramped nature of Moore. It does feel really cramped.

People could furthermore, enjoy some shopping at the mall, before heading to the theatre to see a flick.

Just an idea, but having a theatre built onto the mall, instead of outside, could help the malls image in being more modern.

09-14-2011, 11:14 AM
Get rid of all the ghetto stores and hire a lot more security guards would be the first step to bringing Crossroads back to life. Not feeling safe and secure is one of the things that I think really drove people from Crossroads to other malls. A loooong way to go to even begin to bring that mall back to somewhere that would attract people who don't live within a few miles of it.

bleh, you're at less risk at CR than a northside mall, You're also more bored and have far less selection, but your risk is not greater at CR.

Larry OKC
09-14-2011, 11:19 AM
As far as looks go, hard to lose with classy (marble) or even Retro and I love neon. The challenge to any of it is having DEEP pockets to pull it off. They got it for a surprisingly low amount. As mmm pointed out getting former anchors back doesn't seem realistic if they have built/relocated nearby (probably either owning or long term leases). Unless they open a store somehow related (like the rumored Clearance Dillards or outlet mall types). The outlet type seems to be the most promising right now if they can latch on to the coat tails of the success of the other one. That one is maxed out and and a retailer that was wanted to move quickly could renovate and get opened before an expansion could get built out there. Plus any expansion would probably have to be a certain amount pre-leased before they would begin construction where this could be done 1 by 1.

Crossroads was destination shopping when it was built, IIRC, it was the 8th largest mall in the country. Bring back the types of businesses that were there that we fondly remember.

09-14-2011, 12:01 PM
Get rid of all the ghetto stores and hire a lot more security guards would be the first step to bringing Crossroads back to life. Not feeling safe and secure is one of the things that I think really drove people from Crossroads to other malls. A loooong way to go to even begin to bring that mall back to somewhere that would attract people who don't live within a few miles of it.

I strongly disagree with this ill-informed statement. Crossroads Mall is extremely safe. I feel safe going there, so does many people. Lets look at Penn Square Mall where thousands of people flock to the mall knowing there is a high crime rate and that it could potentially happen to them. *yawnz*

09-14-2011, 12:05 PM
As far as looks go, hard to lose with classy (marble) or even Retro and I love neon. The challenge to any of it is having DEEP pockets to pull it off. They got it for a surprisingly low amount. As mmm pointed out getting former anchors back doesn't seem realistic if they have built/relocated nearby (probably either owning or long term leases). Unless they open a store somehow related (like the rumored Clearance Dillards or outlet mall types). The outlet type seems to be the most promising right now if they can latch on to the coat tails of the success of the other one. That one is maxed out and and a retailer that was wanted to move quickly could renovate and get opened before an expansion could get built out there. Plus any expansion would probably have to be a certain amount pre-leased before they would begin construction where this could be done 1 by 1.

Crossroads was destination shopping when it was built, IIRC, it was the 8th largest mall in the country. Bring back the types of businesses that were there that we fondly remember.


Look at Walmart. There are so many of them in close proximity. So what? Dillard's and JCPenney can have some stores being in close proximity. Remember, its always smart to cover as much bases possible. Who cares about stores competing against each other? They are under the same company! Having more stores spread out will bring in more money for the company overall, because there would be a store that is nearby that people would go there to shop. For example, someone in South OKC may not feel like driving all the way to MWC, but if there is one at Crossroads Mall, then BINGO! Like I said, look at Walmart. Of course, Walmart stores competing against each other, but all of them are managed by the same company overall and look how successful. Okay?

I want Dillard's, Macy's, and JCPenney to come back to their original location. I'm not sure about the location of previously occupied Steve 'n Barry's sports...any info on that space?

09-14-2011, 12:06 PM
Bring back wicks and sticks and so forth

Larry OKC
09-14-2011, 12:20 PM
Thunder: point taken about Wal-mart. However, it works for them. Now how many Dillard's or JCPenney's etc can you name that would be in that same close proximity as they would be if they were to open another store in CSM?

The more buildings you have, the more overhead you have and most likely the less shoppers per store you have. Throngs of people flock to Wal-marts. I don't see quite the same concentration with a regular department store. Their store "leakage" is going to be more profound and more of a concern. I am sure they have requirements that they aren't going to have locations within a certain radius of each other without the needed density of residents to support them. Have to remember we are highly spread out metro area without population density.

All of that said, I think I mentioned it before, and it goes along with what you are saying...get Wal-mart to be one of your anchors. Same goes for a grocery store DT to help with the residency situation there. get Wal-mart to build a Neighborhood Market DT and problem solved. Well, maybe not because there are many people who dispise anything to do with Wal-mart & wouldn't set foot inside one. Fine, let Sunflower build a DT location. That seems to be more in line with those types anyway.

09-14-2011, 12:37 PM
I doubt that Walmart will be interested in being a mall anchor. Although, it would boost traffic to the mall 10x.

09-14-2011, 01:03 PM
I know if I were a frequent Penney's shopper, I wouldn't be going to Moore. I hate driving through that small, cramped, area.

Having the convienance of not having to drive 15 minutes from southside north, to get to Penneys, or 15 minutes south to get to Penneys would be ideal.

It's like Best Buy. They have one covering all areas of the city. They're not hurting each other. Penneys and Dillards could be the same thing. Dillards, though, doesn't have any location in Moore, so it's either Norman, or PSM as the closest for southsiders.

I think the new owners will surprise us.

09-14-2011, 04:24 PM
Bring back Jeans West and Chess King! LOL!! Crossroads never dies baby!!

09-14-2011, 04:52 PM
Look at Walmart. There are so many of them in close proximity. So what? Dillard's and JCPenney can have some stores being in close proximity. Remember, its always smart to cover as much bases possible. Who cares about stores competing against each other? They are under the same company! Having more stores spread out will bring in more money for the company overall, because there would be a store that is nearby that people would go there to shop. For example, someone in South OKC may not feel like driving all the way to MWC, but if there is one at Crossroads Mall, then BINGO! Like I said, look at Walmart. Of course, Walmart stores competing against each other, but all of them are managed by the same company overall and look how successful. Okay?

Walmart is a bad example. Walmart is probably one of the biggest contributors to the decline of the indoor mall. Walmart has a much larger demographic base to pull from and they can get away with building stores all over the place. In fact, their the reason why these other stores can't.

09-14-2011, 04:59 PM

Larry OKC
09-14-2011, 08:40 PM
i hope you are all correct

09-14-2011, 11:18 PM
Sounds like lots of people in this thread are eating crow after being so mean to megax11.

Larry OKC
09-14-2011, 11:42 PM
LOL, after they became substantiated, verifiable (and not just 2nd, 3rd hand or more rumors), we have been ready to say so...

Even the National Enquirer got things right every so often. I remember when they were the only media outlet that got the M*A*S*H finale right. Entertainment Tonight and what other ones existed at the time, nope.

Larry OKC
09-14-2011, 11:44 PM
got my wires crossed on that one

09-14-2011, 11:46 PM
This gives me hope regarding the IKEA to Yukon rumor LOL. Of course, that poster hasn't been seen again as far as I know. Megax11 was persistent.

09-14-2011, 11:49 PM
Sounds like lots of people in this thread are eating crow after being so mean to megax11.

I wouldn't bet the house on Crossroads being a major retail destination quite yet. Let's face it the Federal Government was anxious to get the mall off of their books. Had another year passed I bet somebody would have been able to walk away with the deed for under a million.

There are still a lot of issues that need to be handled. First and foremost is the area on the adjacent areas around the mall. You have a half occupied strip center blocking the view of the mall from interstate traffic to the West. The I-35/I-240 Interchange rebuild that is going to happen at some point during the next few years. That alone will have a drastic effect on customer traffic for 12-18 months. You have two movie theaters that are doing well one month and tanking the next. Then you have Valley Brook and all of it's wonder to the East. The surrounding area is littered with abandoned warehouse space.

Lastly, you have image problem. Your going to need a huge investment from the city and investors. I don't see the City of Oklahoma City investing in a re-vitalization project for Crossroads and the nearby areas.

Don't get me wrong, I really hope this deal takes off and Crossroads returns to being a vital asset to the metro. I just don't see retail being front runner in the game. I see a complex of Industrial, small business, convention/meeting space, education, healthcare, office space and a mix of quick service restaurants to cater to that crowd. If anything, move the business park from Sheppard to Crossroads. Tear down Sheppard Mall and replace it with center similar to Town Center in Midwest City.

Any new retail they try to sell on moving there will quickly be courted by city/business leaders in Moore, Norman, Midwest City, Del City and South OKC will likely swipe anyone shopping for space at Crossroads. The only thing that would bring Crossroads back at this point would be IKEA opening a store there. They could use an existing anchor space. There stores have a showroom on one floor and the product on another. Then again I think IKEA would probably choose I-40 West, I-35 area in Edmond, Memorial or Moore/Norman long before they would choose Crossroads.

09-15-2011, 12:53 AM

09-15-2011, 01:11 AM
^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Greetings oneforone, I shall take the time I have now to respond to your previous long post, which the members can find up above (follow the arrows).

I wouldn't bet the house on Crossroads being a major retail destination quite yet. Let's face it the Federal Government was anxious to get the mall off of their books. Had another year passed I bet somebody would have been able to walk away with the deed for under a million.

We all know that it takes time for something to become something. Rome wasn't built in a day (is that how its said?). I would like to say that you are incorrect with your thinking that CRM's value dropping to less than a million.

There are still a lot of issues that need to be handled. First and foremost is the area on the adjacent areas around the mall. You have a half occupied strip center blocking the view of the mall from interstate traffic to the West. The I-35/I-240 Interchange rebuild that is going to happen at some point during the next few years. That alone will have a drastic effect on customer traffic for 12-18 months. You have two movie theaters that are doing well one month and tanking the next. Then you have Valley Brook and all of it's wonder to the East. The surrounding area is littered with abandoned warehouse space.

The buyers are very much aware of all issues presented to them one way or another. The amount of money they will be spending to purchase CRM is no joking matter. This is serious business and a serious business is serious business.

I can see CRM clearly and perfectly fine on both, Interstate 35 and 240. The surrounding buildings and the strip center has no such negative effect toward my view on the mall while cruising down the Interstates within the lawful speed limit.

Constructions are happening all around us, including Downtown, so what. We all know that constructions are only temporary. Still want to complain about that? There are plenty of access points to CRM and when people are determined, trust me boy, they will get there as I will quite easily as well.

Valley Brook and other buildings to the east, including the landfill, is not within CRM properties. They are there, so what. There are many locations in every city having some "negative" viewpoint. Want an example? Go cruise on down Interstate 40 through Downtown, you will see the old and rusty mills to the south. Does it stop you from going to Downtown or Bricktown? No, it does not (and don't lie).

Lastly, you have image problem. Your going to need a huge investment from the city and investors. I don't see the City of Oklahoma City investing in a re-vitalization project for Crossroads and the nearby areas.

The Oklahoman has an image problem. Do people still buy newspaper from them? Yes. Do people still pay "special membership" to access some features on The Oklahoman's website? Yes. Penn Square Mall has an image problem. Do people still go there to shop? Yes. Does the ladies actively park within certain areas knowingly the potential of high crime risk? Yes.

Why single out Crossroads Mall? What is your beef with this glorious piece of history?

I, among with many others, are quite confident with the dudes being able to restore CRM to its newfound glory. Will it take time? Yes. Will it happen? Yes. The dudes know there will be huge investments to be done. Want to know a secret? It takes risk to be successful. Not just any risk...a major, shocking, unthinkable, OMFG kind of risk. They have faith, the will, the money, and the power to do it, then it will happen. Trust me, OKC will be motivated with this glorifying news.

09-15-2011, 01:41 AM
I keep seeing Valley Brook brought up as a negative for Crossroads. I have gone to Crossroad since it opened and never once gave Valley Brook a thought. It is irrelevant. Can anyone give me an instance where it has caused a problem for Crossroads?

09-15-2011, 09:14 AM
Sounds like lots of people in this thread are eating crow after being so mean to megax11.

Well, I can't blame them. First time was misinformation. Other times, was me just rattling off my hopes of the mall, based on my dream.

It does mean, however, my dream is slowly coming true. It will see full realization, if the mall happens to look in anyway, the way I mentioned it in other topics.

I am just happy we can talk about the future of this mall in a light other than negative.

09-15-2011, 09:22 AM
No eating crow on my end. My only argument was that insinuations that The Oklahoman was in on some sort of conspiracy to hide a sale of Crossroads Mall were ridiculous - I argued that the paper would be all over this story as soon as a sale took place. The sale has taken place, and the paper has done cover stories the past two days since the sale was finalized.

09-15-2011, 09:27 AM
Hmm, that story could paint an interesting picture as to where these OKLAHOMA owners (which means they will actually care about the mall) are going.

They mention Costco. That's pretty awesome. I've always wanted to shop there and hear about it all the time. That would be a first for the city and people would have to come to southside to shop there.

If they can't get Costco, I would love to see them try for Fry's Electronics. I recently took my kids to Vegas and went to Fry's there. That store was beastin'. IT HAD IT ALL! It blows every other store out of the water.

I would also try for other known mall anchor stores. Maybe Sears?

I think they will try, and I mean TRY, to suck up to Penneys and Dillards.

I have a good feeling about this, because they don't want to go after stores until they've shown the mall in a new look, which could go a long ways in getting people back. People wanted it to look more modern, I bet they will give it to them.

I kind of wished these new owners posted here or read this site. Maybe we could offer them some free advice on how to get the mall to look. I know one thing. They need to get a dedicated section of the mall for food (ie food court). It would be awesome to see an arcade back for the kids.

EDIT: Steve, have they updated the assesor site yet?

09-15-2011, 09:35 AM
Meh. After seeing pics of Costco, I thought it was like an electronics store. I know they carry some, but I didn't know it was in the style of Sam's Club.

The mall wouldn't do good having a warehouse looking store like that.

BRING ON FRY'S! Man, I wish those owners read this site. We need Fry's. Best store I shopped at.

09-15-2011, 09:51 AM
what is the average square footage of a fry's? are they typically large enough to fill one of crossroads anchors? -M

09-15-2011, 11:10 AM
Hmm, that story could paint an interesting picture as to where these OKLAHOMA owners (which means they will actually care about the mall) are going.

They mention Costco. That's pretty awesome. I've always wanted to shop there and hear about it all the time. That would be a first for the city and people would have to come to southside to shop there.

If they can't get Costco, I would love to see them try for Fry's Electronics. I recently took my kids to Vegas and went to Fry's there. That store was beastin'. IT HAD IT ALL! It blows every other store out of the water.

I would also try for other known mall anchor stores. Maybe Sears?

I think they will try, and I mean TRY, to suck up to Penneys and Dillards.

I have a good feeling about this, because they don't want to go after stores until they've shown the mall in a new look, which could go a long ways in getting people back. People wanted it to look more modern, I bet they will give it to them.

I kind of wished these new owners posted here or read this site. Maybe we could offer them some free advice on how to get the mall to look. I know one thing. They need to get a dedicated section of the mall for food (ie food court). It would be awesome to see an arcade back for the kids.

EDIT: Steve, have they updated the assesor site yet?

I'd like to see them try to get Target to move from 44th and Western over to Crossroads mall. Of course I think a two story Target would be pretty cool.

Larry OKC
09-15-2011, 11:24 AM
what is the average square footage of a fry's? are they typically large enough to fill one of crossroads anchors? -M

Frys seem HUGE. I don't know their actual sf, but the last one I went to in the Arlington TX area looked like it was 2 or 3 Wal-mart supercenters inside. They have anything and everything that is electrical. Prices blow everything out of the water. I love this place. They told me that they were coming to OKC several years ago but obviously that didn't happen.To give ou an idea of the amount of stuff they carry, they had multiple full page ads in the Sunday paper with primarily line listings not huge amounts of space taken up by pictures with a little bit of text.

ON EDIT: while they do seem huge it looks like they may be about the same as a Wal-mart Supercenter (Frys =
50,000 to 180,000 square feet) but that space is not taken up by clothing, decor and grocery either

09-15-2011, 11:25 AM
what is the average square footage of a fry's? are they typically large enough to fill one of crossroads anchors? -M

I can only vouch for the Vegas location they had south of the strip.

THAT STORE WAS MASSIVE! So much walking room, and they carried everything.

If I could guesstimate about the size of that store, it was as big as the inside of a walmart supercenter or close to it. If they knocked down all walls of JCP's first floor, I think that store would have fit in there. I THINK!

Here is a pic from outside the Vegas location. Despite what you see there, it still stretches to each side of that pic and then goes all the way back, way deep.

It seems all Fry's are pretty large on the inside. I wish I could show some pics to use as a comparison.

Also, I've noticed wherever a new Fry's goes, depending on the city/state, they give each Fry's a theme.

Like here is one in Arizona -

Here's another in another state -

The one in Vegas, as you can see, has a slot machine on its entrance. Pretty cool.

EDIT: If Fry's ever came here, that would be awesome. It was seriously a store I could have spent hours in.

09-15-2011, 04:02 PM
Just saying...

What would be everyone's reaction of Crossroads Mall suddenly to become a monster mall that literally goes skyhigh? A 1,000' tower at the core of the mall. :-O

09-15-2011, 04:11 PM
Just saying...

What would be everyone's reaction of Crossroads Mall suddenly to become a monster mall that literally goes skyhigh? A 1,000' tower at the core of the mall. :-O

Though I am happy for better prospects for CRM, my initial reaction to the above is to suggest you put the cork back in the bottle, step away from it quietly, and call yourself a cab. I might be wrong, but I somewhat worry you reached your limit ... an hour ago.

09-15-2011, 04:23 PM
I keep seeing Valley Brook brought up as a negative for Crossroads. I have gone to Crossroad since it opened and never once gave Valley Brook a thought. It is irrelevant. Can anyone give me an instance where it has caused a problem for Crossroads?

I agree with this. I only know of Valley Brook from the talk of strip clubs and corrupt cops. Before anybody asks for proof about the cops it's just been long talked about and then TODAY there's this:
Valley Brook police chief charged with drug trafficking
Read more:

So, I guess where there's smoke many times there is, indeed, a fire. But does Valley Brook have anything to do with Crossroads? I don't see it.

09-15-2011, 04:23 PM
delete - meant this to be an edit.

09-15-2011, 04:31 PM
Good for CRM. These guys bought it for a song and that helps the bottom line. But they will have to spend lots of money to get it marketed and competitive. This is a lot more ambitious project than Dillard has taken on before. It will be interesting to see how much money he can put in as I doubt it is too easy to get loans for enclosed mall improvements these days, let alone money for marketing. If improvements and marketing isn't done, there is no reason to suspect it will be any more successful than it has been the last decade. As long as it breaks even then Dillard made a good deal as the land will be worth what they paid. It is if it has negative cash flow that will test his stomach.

09-15-2011, 07:02 PM
Good for CRM. These guys bought it for a song and that helps the bottom line. But they will have to spend lots of money to get it marketed and competitive. This is a lot more ambitious project than Dillard has taken on before. It will be interesting to see how much money he can put in as I doubt it is too easy to get loans for enclosed mall improvements these days, let alone money for marketing. If improvements and marketing isn't done, there is no reason to suspect it will be any more successful than it has been the last decade. As long as it breaks even then Dillard made a good deal as the land will be worth what they paid. It is if it has negative cash flow that will test his stomach.

Yeah, I'm not confident the new owners will spend or do what it takes to bring Crossroads Mall back to life. After viewing the fox 25 report on the other thread, I get the impression the guy thinks he they can do a few cosmetic changes and everyone will come back. He sounds and even looks like one of those guys from "house flippers".

09-15-2011, 09:33 PM
Yeah, I'm not confident the new owners will spend or do what it takes to bring Crossroads Mall back to life. After viewing the fox 25 report on the other thread, I get the impression the guy thinks he they can do a few cosmetic changes and everyone will come back. He sounds and even looks like one of those guys from "house flippers".


There will be major changes. The dudes don't have to go into complete and specific details so early on. FFS, they just bought the mall. Give them time to assemble the planning and designing teams. When all is done, you will see outdoor shopping centers will begin to have vast amount of near-store parking spaces available while people fight for one at CRM.