View Full Version : Old People Hogging Jobs!

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Larry OKC
08-19-2011, 10:45 AM
I am throwing this in there for argument's sake.

Let's say you're a business owner/upper management/CEO. You have positions to fill, and a specific budget with which to fill it.

Do you fill it with someone who has experience in the workforce, who has a knowledge base that perhaps exceeds that which the position requires, or do you fill it with someone who still has a significant learning curve to overcome in order to be efficient at said position, and then because you are now down ANOTHER position (the entry-level position), you now have to spend more $$$ on training for the new person, plus potentially lose some productivity while that person is still learning the new job.

Putting yourself in the POSITION of a business leader, what would you choose?

Especially in a down economy, it is no wonder some businesses are turning to older workers to fill these roles.

Is it fair? That's a subjective question that has as many different answers as people who speculate on it.

Being "retired" does not mean "sitting on your rocker all day watching soap operas or ESPN classic." Many "retired" seniors, as has been earlier discussed, are still looking for jobs in the workforce and still NEEDED.
i understand what you are saying, but I have seen first hand exactly what you are describing. They don't look at the value the trained, experienced worker brings to the table...just the higher salary and possibly higher health care (insurance rates) that go along with it...all to often they don't see the company specific knowledge that walks out the door every time there is turnover...the lost productivity in getting people up to speed etc.

08-19-2011, 11:31 AM
(Roll sarcasm music) In another 30 years the no-respect generation will have enacted legislation making it legal to exterminate workers when they turn fifty. Just in time for your retirement G Walker. ooops

08-19-2011, 11:46 AM
What I'm mad about is old people hogging all the good parking spots !!!!

08-19-2011, 12:29 PM
What I'm mad about is old people hogging all the good parking spots !!!!

If you're talking about the handicapped parking slots, then it's time to count your blessings that you can walk without pain, weakness, or quickly getting out of breath. The able bodied people who get those parking places are real bad and selfish.

08-19-2011, 12:40 PM
The percentage of U.S. adults with jobs is down to 58.1%, from 64.7% in 2000, according to the St. Louis Fed. That, my friends, isn't good.

Is their any estimates on how much of that drop is baby boomer are retiring?

08-19-2011, 12:42 PM
Is their any estimates on how much of that drop is baby boomer are retiring?

Someone likes Harry Dent.


08-19-2011, 12:51 PM
If you're talking about the handicapped parking slots, then it's time to count your blessings that you can walk without pain, weakness, or quickly getting out of breath. The able bodied people who get those parking places are real bad and selfish.

I was being facetious