03-31-2005, 12:32 AM
How do you feel about feeding your pet table scraps?
View Full Version : Feeding your pet table scraps Patrick 03-31-2005, 12:32 AM How do you feel about feeding your pet table scraps? Midtowner 03-31-2005, 10:43 AM Cleaning the floor/plates is the only thing that they can do that is in any way somewhat useful. mranderson 03-31-2005, 11:35 AM Cleaning the floor/plates is the only thing that they can do that is in any way somewhat useful. That is why my dog is a dishwasher. Keith 03-31-2005, 06:12 PM Cleaning the floor/plates is the only thing that they can do that is in any way somewhat useful. Wrong....I do feed my dog table scraps, however, she is an excellent watch dog and plays very well with the kids. Zoedith 03-31-2005, 06:36 PM I feed my dogs some table scraps. Probably just a bite here and there, I don't see anything wrong with it. It is annoying to go to someone's house to eat and have their pets staring at you while you eat though. My Grandfather lives on a farm and that's the only thing they feed their dogs. Midtowner 03-31-2005, 07:02 PM Wrong....I do feed my dog table scraps, however, she is an excellent watch dog and plays very well with the kids. I stand corrected. Patrick 04-05-2005, 03:27 AM Give your dog a plate with food sometime. You'll find that your dog can get that plate about as clean as any dishwasher! Mine can, anyways! No need to run it through the dishwasher! lol! Midtowner 04-05-2005, 07:49 AM They say that the mouth of a dog is cleaner than that of a human. Clearly, Patrick, you believe them ;) I wonder if it's still cleaner after the dog raids the litter box for a little snack? mranderson 04-05-2005, 11:20 AM They say that the mouth of a dog is cleaner than that of a human. Clearly, Patrick, you believe them ;) I wonder if it's still cleaner after the dog raids the litter box for a little snack? Just maybe it was a joke. Some people do that. Midtowner 04-05-2005, 12:34 PM Just maybe it was a joke. Some people do that. Maybe the wink was to indicate sarcasm/humor? Certainly a future city councilman could pick up on something so obvious... Patrick 04-06-2005, 01:41 AM Yeah, why bother wasting money on soap, hot water, etc. when you can just have your pet lick the plates clean? GrandMaMa 08-31-2006, 08:16 AM I realize, first of all that this response is just about 2 yrs late and most, if not all posts on this thread were made in jest, but the subject is a serious one and, all joking aside, should, at some time, be taken seriously and responded to accordingly. Now, that said, there are several valid reasons why a pet should not eat from their human's plate. 1/ Give them ONE bite off your plate, and from then on, they will watch you, beg you and in general, make pests of themselves with you and any potentential guests in your home. Why is this important? You are, or are SUPPOSED to be the head of the pack (dogs are pack animals and need to know who is who, that's where they get their sense of belonging and security) 2/ It is very easy while sharing with your pet, your rations, NOT to consider that it is probably not the best ration for your dog. If you are feeding your dog the right ration, they need no other additives or supplements to their diet. If you wish to give them treats for good behavior, they should be healthy treats, totally separated from your meal and your mealtime. Let's see, what else...or yeah, if you feed your dog the same thing at the same time each day/night, you can estimate pretty accurately when they need to visit the great outdoors, making everyone happier. That also goes for water. There is nothing wrong with taking up all food and water when everyone goes to bed, believe me, it makes a big difference. And for those who REALLY think that a dogs mouth is cleaner than a humans: Maybe for another dog, or for themselves licking their wounds, but surely you can't watch them and their tongue being intimate with parts of their anatomy (too many to mention) and, like someone else pointed out, their sneaky little visits to the litter box, and really believe that. No one loves their dogs more than I do, but they are dogs, and we are humans. GrandMaMa 08-31-2006, 08:44 AM In addition, I would love to hear about other's pets, some methods that they have used to teach them, or problems that they may be having and I would love to see photos of peoples pets...guess the gallery is the place for that, huh? mranderson 08-31-2006, 08:18 PM you must be careful. There are a lot of foods dogs can not eat. Such as onions, tomatoes, grapes and others. I only give our Jack Russells eggs and sometimes a bit of meat from my burger... And nothing else. GrandMaMa 09-01-2006, 05:10 AM you must be careful. There are a lot of foods dogs can not eat. Such as onions, tomatoes, grapes and others. I only give our Jack Russells eggs and sometimes a bit of meat from my burger... And nothing else.You are so right, and many folks either aren't aware of the restrictions that should be placed on the diet of a dog or just don't think about it. There are also common house plants that make dogs ill and can sometimes prove fatal as well. I used to feed chicken that I cooked and pulled off the bone, cooked rice, carrots and garlic salt/powder. They love it, but man oh man, they had better be outside dogs or it keeps you busy letting them in and out all day and night. It's a good diet to get your dogs back to eating if the heat has gotten them off their feed though.I didn't know that you had Jack Russells now, thought that you were a cocker man. Those Jacks can keep you going, can't they? Do they ever wear down? We just had a beautiful litter of cockapoos, eyes will be open this weekend. They will pretty much mature around 10 lbs or under, I can't wait for them to get a little older when their hair coat starts growing. I suppose that I should have started another thread, as this one was over 2 yrs old. mranderson 09-01-2006, 05:32 PM FYI: Holly was a Westiepoo. The Jacks are actually my girlfriends dogs. We just refer to them as family pets. I am still trying to talk her into letting me get a third dog which will eiuther be another Jack or a Beagle. GrandMaMa 09-01-2006, 07:51 PM FYI: Holly was a Westiepoo. The Jacks are actually my girlfriends dogs. We just refer to them as family pets. I am still trying to talk her into letting me get a third dog which will eiuther be another Jack or a Beagle.I raise Cockapoos myself. Cocoa is from our last litter. She is almost 5 mos old and weighs only 5 lbs. She is a very rare chocolate, phantom in color. When I took this photo, she had just come in from outside and her feet/legs were wet, that's the phantom color showing through from underneath. I will never really understand how that color works, no matter how long her hair gets, she will always be chocolate on the outside and silvery next to the skin. Her daddy is an 8 lb black phantom toy poodle. |