View Full Version : Sara Celi - New Reporter Coming to Town

08-04-2011, 12:44 AM
Just a reporter, no one major, but the Lost Ogle posted a link to her blog. Coming from Cincy, she posted her thoughts coming to OKC for the first time. Can't say I really like them as it seemed she got off the plane in Alva (or someplace out in BFE) instead of OKC.


Why Oklahoma??

I get asked that question a lot.

The first time I saw Oklahoma City, the temperatures that June day hit 103 degrees. I walked outside the terminal at Will Rodgers Airport with an overnight bag and a pair of sunglasses. Outside the airport’s sliding doors, the dusty prairie greeted me. Flat. Tan. Small trees.Tumbleweed. Sunshine.

Something inside me clicked, and it wasn’t just the rumbles in my stomach from the hastily eaten lunch at a diner in the middle of Atlanta’s Hartsfield/Jackson Airport. It wasn’t the nervous jitters from a job interview that began the moment I stepped off the plane.

Suddenly, I got it. I knew why hundreds of folks packed their bags and loaded up wagons to head West during the land grabs of the 1890s. I saw what had driven them to stake a homestead in a land settled last during the great age of manifest destiny.

Wide open spaces. Room to make a big mistake.

I’ll be 30 in 7 months. I’m married to a world traveling Air Force man, and we don’t have kids. If I was going to do something drastic, like move across the country for a job, then I was going to do it now. Oklahoma City is 856 miles by way of St. Louis from Cincinnati. It’s roughly a three hour plane ride and on Central Standard time. Lots of people live in the metro, but drive 40 minutes in any direction and you find yourself part of the Great American Desert. Oil, natural gas, and agribusiness are big kings here.

I don’t know anyone in OKC, except for the few people I’ve met at my new job.

This is going to be an adventure. And it starts, now.

Granted I understand the "Great American Desert" is a term used to describe a large portion of the country, but usually it is mainly far western Oklahoma and back to the west. Eh, minor things. Hopefully she gets to learn more about the state and the fact that we aren't some flat, desert area in the middle of fly over country.

08-04-2011, 03:42 AM
I love it and its funny. Will Rogers Airport is in the wrong location, so she described the scenery out there perfectly. I'm sure she will update the scenery when she goes around downtown and surrounding towns.

Reporter for weather? She's going to freak at our tornadoes. I bet she was already freaking at our unique heat wave.

08-04-2011, 04:07 AM
Just a reporter, no one major, but the Lost Ogle posted a link to her blog. Coming from Cincy, she posted her thoughts coming to OKC for the first time. Can't say I really like them as it seemed she got off the plane in Alva (or someplace out in BFE) instead of OKC.


Granted I understand the "Great American Desert" is a term used to describe a large portion of the country, but usually it is mainly far western Oklahoma and back to the west. Eh, minor things. Hopefully she gets to learn more about the state and the fact that we aren't some flat, desert area in the middle of fly over country.

Are you serious about having issues with her comments, I felt just the opposite from you, she actually gave a compliment when she said (I knew why folks packed their bags and headed est).

08-04-2011, 05:00 AM
Just a guess, but to me it sounds like her husband got stationed at Tinker and she is pissed about having to move here.

08-04-2011, 05:18 AM
The whole region feels like a desert in this heat wave.

08-04-2011, 06:46 AM
In her second post she says: "But even finding a small space in this corner of the prairie has been no easy task. It’s been downright exasperating."

I think people like her write stuff like that because it plays up to what people from other areas want to hear about Oklahoma. When I tell people I grew up in the slums of Detroit and saw 5 people get killed every single day, people nod their head because that is what they expected from the murder capital. But the reality is total BS, I only saw 2 people get killed everyday.

08-04-2011, 07:35 AM
She's coming in september. Where and what for I wont say

08-04-2011, 07:55 AM
I love it and its funny. Will Rogers Airport is in the wrong location, so she described the scenery out there perfectly. I'm sure she will update the scenery when she goes around downtown and surrounding towns.

Reporter for weather? She's going to freak at our tornadoes. I bet she was already freaking at our unique heat wave.

Will Rogers is in probably the best location possible for an airport. It isn't land locked by developed areas and doesn't have air traffic flying over densely populated areas that would have the NIMBYs going crazy.

Are you serious about having issues with her comments, I felt just the opposite from you, she actually gave a compliment when she said (I knew why folks packed their bags and headed est).

More tongue in cheek, but I don't really think her comments were meant as complimentary. LOL

In her second post she says: "But even finding a small space in this corner of the prairie has been no easy task. It’s been downright exasperating."

I think people like her write stuff like that because it plays up to what people from other areas want to hear about Oklahoma. When I tell people I grew up in the slums of Detroit and saw 5 people get killed every single day, people nod their head because that is what they expected from the murder capital. But the reality is total BS, I only saw 2 people get killed everyday.

Only 2? Geez you had it easy.

She's coming in september. Where and what for I wont say

Well that added a lot to this discussion. :-P

08-04-2011, 02:52 PM
She's coming in september. Where and what for I wont say

Does that mean the person she is replacing doesn't know they are being replaced yet?

08-04-2011, 03:10 PM
Looks like this is a bump up for her... from reporter in the nati to anchor in OKC.

08-04-2011, 03:12 PM
"The first time I saw Oklahoma City, the temperatures that June day hit 103 degrees. I walked outside the terminal at Will Rodgers Airport . . ."

Did you spot her first (maybe second? =) mistake?
Perhaps the airport in Boise City, where she apparently actually landed, is named after some guy in the oil or agibusiness named "Rodgers" but in OKC . . .

"Lots of people live in the metro, but drive 40 minutes in any direction and you find yourself part of the Great American Desert"

Apparently, if you are from Cincinnati, "any direction" doesn't include East, Northeast or Southeast.
Maybe it has something to do with eating chili with cinnamon on spaghetti.

Or maybe she just misses the ♪♪ ♪ WKRP in Cin-cinn-aa-aa-ti ♪♪ ♪

Larry OKC
08-04-2011, 09:48 PM
Is that her real name? Sounds like some sort of sitcom character.

If this drought keeps up her Great American Desert comment may be more true than she thought.