View Full Version : Shadid Speaks Back To The Oklahoman

Doug Loudenback
08-03-2011, 11:44 AM
Here's the beginning of my article, You're Close to the Target When You Start Drawing Heavy Fire ( ... and here are Ed Shadid's remarks about that which he voiced yesterday at city council:

08-03-2011, 01:08 PM
wish I could vote for Shadid

08-03-2011, 01:30 PM
The Oke has cake on their face.

08-03-2011, 01:37 PM
"I'm not obsessed with the convention center, I'm obsessed with the process." Thank you, Dr. Shadid. That is a remark that could apply to so many of the problems between those of us who are concerned with the plutocrats who have such influence in our city government and those who believe in an open and transparent city government that functions for all of the people of our community.

The comments about The Oklahoman were spot-on as well. Never forget that paid day off for Opubco employees to campaign for Maps3 that enraged the journalistic community all across this country and called into question the ethics of the publisher of the paper being the chairman of the chamber - which led the campaign. Why is that important now? Because we're now seeing the payback and it helps explain some of the recent votes made by members of our council.

Doug Loudenback
08-03-2011, 01:41 PM
wish I could vote for Shadid
You can by supporting him, personally and with your friends.

08-03-2011, 02:05 PM
This is the most fascinating thing to happen in local politics perhaps in forever.

Before there was the Internet to stream the council meetings, host things like Doug's blog, have sites like the OK Gazette to broadcast a different point of view, and sites like this one where lots of people can join the discussion, this sort of dialog and challenge to the powers that be would never have happened. Which is probably why it never has until now -- at least in any meaningful and effective way.

Nice call out to Doug!

Here is the youtube video referenced by Shadid:


08-03-2011, 04:33 PM
Those of us in the know might be applauding, but as far as Dr. Shadid's political career goes, it's not always a good idea to pick a fight with someone who literally buys ink by the barrel.

08-03-2011, 04:41 PM
Those of us in the know might be applauding, but as far as Dr. Shadid's political career goes, it's not always a good idea to pick a fight with someone who literally buys ink by the barrel.

Too many alternatives to the newspaper for information.

08-03-2011, 04:48 PM
Too many alternatives to the newspaper for information.

Don't think of yourself, think of the average person showing up at the voting booth, old, on a fixed income, still has a CRT television set, etc. These are people who rely on the Oklahoman (in large print) for virtually all of their news. Don't underestimate the newspaper.

08-03-2011, 04:49 PM
Until recently, it was certain political suicide to square off against the Oklahoman and guys like Larry Nichols.

I'm not so sure that is the case any more.

Shadid may end up limited in his influence and not being re-elected, but I hope it's not due to the power of a handful of people. As he himself has pointed out, that's no way to run a democracy.

Larry OKC
08-03-2011, 04:56 PM
Keep in mind that many of the same forces were against Shadid and lost that round. They did win with the other races however. May be a matter (so far) of Shadid winning the battle (council election) but losing the war. Some of these are going down by some very close margins (a single vote). Given that is the case, it would be wise for those who are currently in the 1 vote majority to make sure they don't miss a single Council meeting or are not there for the entire meeting.

Fascinating to here the remarks from the very same Councilors that insisted with their words one course of action but voted the opposite. Am with Mr. White on this, can claim it isn't personal but it is really hard not to take it that way. But as he said, maybe it is just a coincidence after all. Don't the Councilors that have pushed this through realize that the precedent has now been sent and they are endangering their own request for deferrals?

The only reason i could see for a deferral NOT to to granted is if a true emergency existed (one Councilor mentioned he had an item deffered for 2 YEARS). That something had to be decided by a particular drop-dead date. this was NOT one of those instances, it was just a lets move forward.

08-03-2011, 09:15 PM
This is the most fascinating thing to happen in local politics perhaps in forever.

You're right. The MAPS3 controversies have officially begun. Which is funny, because we were applauding ourselves for political civility for so long, looking down on Tulsa for all that. Although I'm confident it will never get anywhere close to that bad here. It does look like we could see some flare-ups, which we were due for I suppose. Every city has 'em, as it should be.

Larry OKC
08-04-2011, 12:51 AM
Read more:

...Shadid criticized The Oklahoman in comments made near the end of Tuesday's meeting. He accused the newspaper of avoiding coverage of controversial issues related to MAPS 3, and The Oklahoman's executives and editors of refusing to allow fair and comprehensive stories about MAPS 3 and an Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. substation near downtown that could be moved.
<B>Almost 440 stories and editorials related to MAPS 3 have appeared in The Oklahoman since February 2003, including nearly 430 since April 2007, when it first was proposed.
The Oklahoman has printed at least eight stories in the past two years on the substation.</B>
Interesting, they fail to mention how many of those 440 stories/editorials were negative in any way towards MAPS 3. Most came across as puff pieces that could have easily been written by the Chamber (and in a way they were, since the head of the Oklahoman and the Chamber were the same person and the Chamber was in charge of the Yes MAPS Campaign). In sharp contrast to the reporting standards the paper had during the original MAPS (as Doug has well documented).

Wow, 8 stories in the past 2 years about the substation. Impressive. Just one quick question: How many of those substation stories appeared BEFORE the election? MAPS 3 passed in Dec of 2009 (about a year and a half ago), the "2 years" mentioned in the article implies that they had stories on it pre-vote. However, I can find NO mention of the substation pre-vote. The first instance in the mainstream media was AFTER the vote when the Mayor mentioned it in a presentation he gave to the MAPS 3 Citizen Oversight Committee's first public meeting.

If someone wants to post an Oklahoman article that supports their contention, feel free....

08-04-2011, 01:01 AM
Don't think of yourself, think of the average person showing up at the voting booth, old, on a fixed income, still has a CRT television set, etc. These are people who rely on the Oklahoman (in large print) for virtually all of their news. Don't underestimate the newspaper.

Nobody reads that rot anymore. Seriously. The circulation decline is shocking. They are giving away the paper at Motel 6. The circulation claims they make are a joke.

08-04-2011, 01:06 AM
I spoke to Bill Bleakley the night Shadid was elected, and he explained the voters of Ward 2 to me. After that conversation -- and after what I've seen of Shadid's courage -- there is no way in hell he will not be reelected. By a wide margin. Seriously. Ward 2 voters -- even the conservatives -- march to the beat of a different drummer, and they like Shadid's rhythm. It is absolutely a joke to think the effing Oklahoman would have any influence over Ward 2 voters's opinions. Seriously.

Remember: the opposition spent at least 150 grand running a brutal negative campaign against Shadid, and he won with MORE THAN 60% of the vote!

Shadid is building a very solid foundation for reelection, as he represents his ward.

Just the facts
08-04-2011, 08:54 AM
If people would just be honest and report the facts, none of this would happen. People need a motivation to lie or withhold information.

08-04-2011, 04:14 PM
That is an unbelievable article from the Joke. Really, it speaks to how bad the problem is. Did the Bolsheviks even write 440 pieces of propaganda when they were trying to overthrow Kerensky?

08-04-2011, 10:50 PM
Those of us in the know might be applauding, but as far as Dr. Shadid's political career goes, it's not always a good idea to pick a fight with someone who literally buys ink by the barrel.

I think he should applauded for doing what he thinks is right and what constituents want instead of wonder how to stretch his political career. That's what wrong with politics, spineless people afraid to make tough choices.

08-05-2011, 01:51 AM
Shadid is on the right side of history, people with financial power and editorial influence are very use to getting their way, Shadid is standing up for what is probably fairer to the other 99% of citizens whose voices are rarely heard.

08-05-2011, 04:39 AM
Shadid is on the right side of history, people with financial power and editorial influence are very use to getting their way, Shadid is standing up for what is probably fairer to the other 99% of citizens whose voices are rarely heard.

It is amazing how you will just keep hearing people like this come out of the woodwork saying exactly this, voicing their pent-up annoyance with the powers that be, if given the opportunity/chance to actually speak.

08-05-2011, 11:41 AM
We all know the power and influence of newspapers has greatly diminished but it's still difficult to know by how much.

Most of the people here are obviously very comfortable with technology and use the Internet as their primary source for news and information.

Surprisingly, the majority of people still use TV as their main news source. But for those under 30, the Internet is already the main source (over TV, newspapers and radio), and it's almost closed the gap on TV with 30-49 year olds. TV rules in the 50+ group but at the same time, the Internet has just about caught newspapers.

Across all age groups, newspapers are fading fast and the Internet is growing exponentially. Of course, all papers have an Internet presence but I doubt many 'net users bother with the opinion pages and even if they do, they are likely seeking lots of other places rather than merely accepting the views of an editorial.

08-05-2011, 01:27 PM
This is all funnier than a comic strip, you okctalk people. Where is that Jill lady that use to talk so much S#$% about people who stand up to these lunatics?

Larry OKC
08-05-2011, 02:11 PM
She is still here and has expressed some of her own concerns, especially about the Convention Center process and it's possible impact on a subject she is involved with (she is on the Streetcar sub-committee).

08-05-2011, 11:56 PM
This is all funnier than a comic strip, you okctalk people. Where is that Jill lady that use to talk so much S#$% about people who stand up to these lunatics?

Yes, it's almost as funny as some of the people who run for mayor.

08-06-2011, 12:43 AM
ohhh no you di'int!

08-06-2011, 12:57 AM
This is all funnier than a comic strip, you okctalk people. Where is that Jill lady that use to talk so much S#$% about people who stand up to these lunatics?

That's a nice attempt from someone who doesn't have a pot to piss in with regards...

08-06-2011, 07:43 AM
that's a nice attempt from someone who doesn't have a pot to piss in with regards...


08-06-2011, 10:47 AM
You know what makes sad is that after reading some of these forums, you guys thinks that Ed Shadid is god, well he's not, i'm sorry, I not saying that the Oklahoman is not right, but he ain't either, and thats whats wrong with the situation, that leads me to my point that people needs to quit acting like little children and start acting like adults, end of story.

Larry OKC
08-06-2011, 01:10 PM
You know what makes sad is that after reading some of these forums, you guys thinks that Ed Shadid is god, well he's not, i'm sorry, I not saying that the Oklahoman is not right, but he ain't either, and thats whats wrong with the situation, that leads me to my point that people needs to quit acting like little children and start acting like adults, end of story.
Shadid is my Councilman, I voted for him without reservation and so far have been impressed. However, I don't think he is god. Curious, but what exactly do you think that Shadid is wrong about? Any factual errors on his part? If you don't agree with his conclusions, that is fine as reasonable people can and often look at the same set of data and come to different conclusions (that has always fascinated me).

08-06-2011, 02:51 PM
While Shadid isn't my councilman, I think there are some things he is doing that are refreshing. If you talk to him, his concern for the city and his ward is impressive. He's not afraid to speak his mind, but most of the things he says are thoughtful rather than reactionary. I love his concern for sustainability, walkability, healthy living. He's clearly doing his homework and seems to have a very good grasp of the finer details of issues before the council. My biggest concern is that he becomes that "other" voice, ala Brian Walters, whom most of the council ignores or deliberately votes against. I'd like to see him work to build a coalition of councilors who attempt to make the right choice rather than the easy choice. But that will probably take some compromise, and he doesn't seem to me to be someone who compromises much......which has positive and negative aspects.

08-06-2011, 03:26 PM
You know what makes sad is that after reading some of these forums, you guys thinks that Ed Shadid is god, well he's not, i'm sorry, I not saying that the Oklahoman is not right, but he ain't either, and thats whats wrong with the situation, that leads me to my point that people needs to quit acting like little children and start acting like adults, end of story.

Wait.. so disagreeing with his fellow councilmen makes him a child?

Vote a certain way and keep your disagreements behind closed doors or you're a child? Is that it? What are you getting at?

08-06-2011, 03:33 PM
You know what makes sad is that after reading some of these forums, you guys thinks that Ed Shadid is god, well he's not, i'm sorry, I not saying that the Oklahoman is not right, but he ain't either, and thats whats wrong with the situation, that leads me to my point that people needs to quit acting like little children and start acting like adults, end of story.

Care to elaborate, or incapable?

Doug Loudenback
08-06-2011, 07:20 PM
I'd like to see him work to build a coalition of councilors who attempt to make the right choice rather than the easy choice. But that will probably take some compromise, and he doesn't seem to me to be someone who compromises much......which has positive and negative aspects.
Betts, do you not see the watered down continuance resolution that he and Pete White put together as a substantial step at and attempt to reach compromise? It was Marrs, Salyer, and Ryan who came across as two-faced and unwilling to compromise, if you ask me.

Larry OKC
08-06-2011, 08:57 PM
While Shadid isn't my councilman, I think there are some things he is doing that are refreshing. If you talk to him, his concern for the city and his ward is impressive. He's not afraid to speak his mind, but most of the things he says are thoughtful rather than reactionary. I love his concern for sustainability, walkability, healthy living. He's clearly doing his homework and seems to have a very good grasp of the finer details of issues before the council. My biggest concern is that he becomes that "other" voice, ala Brian Walters, whom most of the council ignores or deliberately votes against. I'd like to see him work to build a coalition of councilors who attempt to make the right choice rather than the easy choice. But that will probably take some compromise, and he doesn't seem to me to be someone who compromises much......which has positive and negative aspects.
I understand the "Brian Walters" concern but there does appear to be a coalition of sorts right now. 4 to 4 with the mayor being the deciding vote. Shadid, White, Kelly and sometimes Greenwell (surprisingly). I agree with Doug's previous observation, that it would serve him well to smile a bit more. I think I almost saw one trying to escape in the last Council meeting. Didn't you say you have worked with him?

Larry OKC
08-06-2011, 09:00 PM
Doug, IIRC correctly, isn't Salyer your Councilor? That is fairly strong language coming from you.

08-06-2011, 09:23 PM
I understand the "Brian Walters" concern but there does appear to be a coalition of sorts right now. 4 to 4 with the mayor being the deciding vote. Shadid, White, Kelly and sometimes Greenwell (surprisingly). I agree with Doug's previous observation, that it would serve him well to smile a bit more. I think I almost saw one trying to escape in the last Council meeting. Didn't you say you have worked with him?

Good point. Maybe we should find a suitable replacement for Mayor Cornett.

Larry OKC
08-07-2011, 01:45 AM
Just have to sway one more, my post was a bit misleading, the Mayor's vote is just 1 of 9 (it isn't like he only gets to vote if there is a tie). So I stand self-corrected.

08-07-2011, 06:58 AM
Don't underestimate the growing wave of young and progressive types of people who A. Don't read the Oklahoman or any other newspaper B. outnumber the "old, on fixed income" CRT television crowd C. move information and communicate at a level the Oklahoman has thus far failed to grasp.
Picking a fight with the Oklahoman is exactly what will get Shadid noticed, especially if the Oklahoman decides to use their miscalculated amount of public opinion to paint him in a bad light after he had the courage to bring attention to what he perceived (correctly so) to be a meddling of big business on political interests.
The little guy going up against the status-quo and being painted as the underdog by outdated power players like media giants is exactly how President Obama got elected. People are fed up with this hogwash by big business and I'll tweet it to 75 other Okies before grandma has her next bridge game.

Doug Loudenback
08-07-2011, 02:24 PM
Doug, IIRC correctly, isn't Salyer your Councilor? That is fairly strong language coming from you.
Yes, and I actively supported her. I'd do so again under the same (Tea Party) circumstances. I am nonetheless very, very disappointed with her proxy vote (via the mayor) concerning Shadid's requested continuance and actual vote concerning the Shadid/White resolution. The "two faced" part stems from her comments at the May 31 council meeting, something like, "See, all you have to do is ask for a continuance." The more particular language is in one of my blog posts.

Larry OKC
08-07-2011, 02:39 PM
Doug: I understand and certainly agree with the 'two faced" element.

08-10-2011, 09:12 AM
‘Line in the sand’

Riddled by conflict and animosity, the Oklahoma City Council rejected a deferral process proposed by a targeted councilman.

(Click link to read The Oklahoman memo and view video of Shadid’s comments.)