View Full Version : Bioscience Big Business in Metro

08-02-2011, 10:01 AM
Bioscience industry looks for next breakthrough (

A $6.7 billion economic impact. Some 51,000 jobs spread over an 11-county Central Oklahoma area. When it comes to the economy, the bioscience industry has established itself as a major player in the metro.

“I think it comes as a surprise to people,” says Sheri Stickley (pictured), president and CEO of the Oklahoma Bioscience Association.
From clinical pharmaceutical trials to nanotechnology, she says the bioscience industry is thriving because of a willingness to collaborate, a surplus of available research space and willing capital sources.

In May, United Airlines announced a new nonstop flight between Oklahoma City and San Francisco. Those in the industry say that’s a tip of the cap to Oklahoma’s bioscience growth.

Follow the link to read more

08-02-2011, 10:39 AM
It is big and it’s very good to see its growth in Oklahoma. We should continue to help its growth.
I met a new neighbor last night who just happens to be a microbiologist. She will start work on a PHD soon but she currently helps conducts research on cathodic protection and energy at OU
It amazing to me how much this field impacts all of us but its impact will grow and Oklahoma can be a major world player.
It was the vision of our leaders helped make this possible. We need more leaders like them.

08-02-2011, 10:58 PM
I think this is another one of those studies that is including the hospital janitors in its count of "bioscience" employees in the metro.

If you hear that the metro is 11 countries, you should begin to automatically question and doubt whatever follows.