07-21-2011, 12:30 PM
Does anyone know what occupied the building before Blue Moon chinese restaurant took it over? They've occupied it for 28 years now they say. Looks like old Bonanza or Burger Chef architecture to me. Very curious.
View Full Version : Blue Moon building Jettmiester 07-21-2011, 12:30 PM Does anyone know what occupied the building before Blue Moon chinese restaurant took it over? They've occupied it for 28 years now they say. Looks like old Bonanza or Burger Chef architecture to me. Very curious. Jettmiester 07-21-2011, 12:32 PM Can a moderator edit my thread title please? the L did not show up in the title BLUE MOON BUILDING. Thanks Moderator! Thunder 07-21-2011, 02:20 PM When I saw the topic, I thought it was the Blue Moon club in Vally Brooks. :-P Pete 07-21-2011, 02:52 PM It was built in 1977 and Blue Moon first leased it in 1985 and then bought it in 1990. You can tell by looking at the building it used to have a drive-thru on the north side. I searched the Oklahoman archives for 1320 S. Broadway but the only thing I found was a place called Shannon Station Restaurant in 1980. I suspect it was built by a fast food chain of some sort but quickly abandoned. I don't think Bonanza had a drive-thru and as far as I can tell, Burger Chef was gone from the market by the time this building was constructed. The only ads I've found were from the 60's for three locations: NW 39th, SW 59th and Midwest City. Jettmiester 07-21-2011, 02:59 PM I agree, I have never seen a Bonanza with a drive through either. Thanks for the response. Did Burger Chef ever make it out to this part of the country? Their store color I beleive was blue, and that roof looks like it could be very close to original....lord knows the parking lot seems that way. ;) Pete 07-21-2011, 03:03 PM Yes, Burger Chef is what I was mentioning about being around there in the 60's at those three locations. Didn't last long. Jettmiester 07-21-2011, 04:19 PM Somehow I missed that line in your post about Burger Chef. They hung in there for a while back east where I grew up...early 80's I think is when the remaining few dissapeared from Jersey. I also felt the Blue Moon structure is a bit large for a buger chef....but you never know. Another possibility perhaps is Roy Rogers. Their roof color was brown however, but it could have been replaced. This intrigues me for that I am usually very good at being able to tell what something was originally by its design. This one has got me. Other than the drive through, it really reminds me of a Bonanza most. Speakiing of Roy Rogers, I will always remember my Uncle Al asking us when we were kids if we wanted to go to Roy Rogers for a Trigger Burger. lol Steve 07-21-2011, 05:01 PM Get Doug to look it up on Sanborne maps Pete 07-21-2011, 05:35 PM I have access to the Sanborn Maps (through the public library network) and they only go up to about 1955. I did find that in 1979 that location was inspected and shown as "Denver's" -- but that doesn't ring a bell at all. Jettmiester 07-21-2011, 06:01 PM Denvers? Never heard of that either. Interesting. sooners83 07-27-2011, 02:56 PM I was very very young but I thought it was a Sonic or a Braum's? Pete 07-27-2011, 03:08 PM Sonic has always been right to the north of this building. And don't think it was a Braum's as it doesn't look like one of their structures from any era, plus there is another location a few blocks north. hipsterdoofus 07-28-2011, 08:33 AM The old Braums was over on Boulevard South of 15th, so just around the corner. I can't imagine there was another Braums in that area before then, but I may be wrong. jdcf 08-12-2011, 10:40 AM The originial restaurant was Danver's Barbecue. Went there many times. Similar to Roy Roger's and Arby's. jdcf 08-12-2011, 10:48 AM I forgot to mention that Danver's was a chain out of, I believe, Tennessee. Pete 08-12-2011, 10:54 AM Ah, that inspection report must have been a typo; said Denver's rather than Danver's. Looks like there are still a few of the around in the South (at least I think this is the chain that evolved from that concept): |