View Full Version : Trees

07-15-2011, 02:36 PM
A few years ago, this oak tree started to get sick. You can see the many dead branches. Can this tree be saved? That is all the leaves it can grow. We don't know the cause of it. The leaves fall way early than usual before all the other trees.

07-15-2011, 02:39 PM
You should probably contact an arborist to come look at it but a few years ago would have been the right time to call one.

07-15-2011, 02:46 PM
So, you are saying its too late? How much do you think it would cost to take it all down, but leave the stump there for future nice potted flowers? The house behind the tree in the picture, not that one, but the next one to the left is a man willing to cut it down for $200 (I believe this to be an estimate).

07-15-2011, 03:05 PM
If you take it out, you're better off taking the stump with it. It'll either rot or spring up baby trees all over the place. But yes, you should have contacted an arborist a long time ago...

07-15-2011, 03:14 PM
So, you are saying its too late? How much do you think it would cost to take it all down, but leave the stump there for future nice potted flowers? The house behind the tree in the picture, not that one, but the next one to the left is a man willing to cut it down for $200 (I believe this to be an estimate).

I'm not saying it's too late I'm saying you need to call a tree expert to find out for sure.

07-15-2011, 03:18 PM
On the other hand, the remains of the trunk could be carved into the shape of a flipper--I mean a fin--and you could call it "Land Shark" . . .

I'm thinkin' that if you let those beavers--or are those giant tribbles?--grazing at the base of the trunk finish what they're doing it could cut the removal costs in half.

(Quick Question: Is that a Del City vista? Or is it MWC?)

07-15-2011, 03:20 PM
(Quick Question: Is that a Del City vista? Or is it MWC?)

No vista green card needed. Del City. Don't kill me, please, people on here wouldn't know what to do without me.

07-15-2011, 03:28 PM
Dude . . . (sigh) . . . I may be cranky, snarky, sarcastic and snide . . . But I'm not mean.
And I mean that. I'm just a sort of a Red Greenish Sandy Clause kinda guy . . . I'm not "Paulie".

BTW: That pic had Del City written all over it. (Which isn't a "bad" thing . . .)

BTW2: $200 to deal with the tree is very, very reasonable for services rendered. Just be sure that your neighbor--the AxeMen/Lumberjack Wannabee--is licensed, bonded, permitted and capable of performing the task. Be especially sure that your homeowner's insurance covers any possible ignoring of protocols resulting in the unintentional dropping of that tree on the nice carport next door.

07-15-2011, 04:00 PM
He is self employed and has a lot of outdoor equipments along with a huge trailer.

Here is more pictures of the sick tree and the healthy tree needing trimming. The healthy tree needs to be raised up (by trimming) about 6 feet higher to let in more sunlight to grow grass. And all over, it needs a nice trimming (like a haircut).

Huge pecan tree in the backyard. The one on the far right is a neighbor's pecan tree. The one on the far left is a whatever tree. The center is our pecan tree. It do not seem to produce any good pecans anymore.

Focus on the most center, that is our pecan tree. This tree had gone through a whole lot of damages over the years, so it shrunk down in size.

This I believe is a Weeping Mulberry, if I remember correctly. We had three, this one, and two in front of the porch. One died suddenly during a year where Spring was starting, it was spouting leaves, then a frigid cold snap and the tree somehow died. The other was slowly damaged due to moronic brother kept bringing all his friends over and they would just pull on the branches...swing on it...just slowly hurting that tree. We decided to take it out. So, we only have this one tree. I really like it.

07-15-2011, 05:58 PM
Kinda off topic here but thats a good looking yard especially for this time of the year plus the drought.
What and when did you put down for weed and feed?

07-15-2011, 06:12 PM
Kinda off topic here but thats a good looking yard especially for this time of the year plus the drought.
What and when did you put down for weed and feed?

Lawn's Don every few months. I don't know exactly what they use. I'm playing catchup with the watering now. Usually, I'd water almost every day, but I didn't maintain that most of the time this year. The water sprinkler is on out there right now.

07-15-2011, 06:27 PM
Lawns don?
Is that a brand of weed and feed or a lawn care business?

07-15-2011, 07:08 PM
I've seen trees recover from worse than that, but that's probably not the way to bet. (An elm next door was thoroughly trashed by the December '07 ice storm; they never got around to taking it out, and it's flourishing again.)

Then again, sometimes things refuse to die. I lost most of a sweetgum in a spring windstorm several years back: the arborist advised euthanasia, chopped it down, dismantled the stump, and hauled away lots of sawdust. Got a sapling in its place that fall.

07-15-2011, 07:13 PM
Lawn's Don is a lawn care business in MWC.

windowphobe, a neighbor had his very old Maple tree destroyed a few years ago in an intense ice storm. What he did was leaving the tall stump alone while cutting everything on it off. Slowly the past few years, the tree has been growing bigger and bigger with more branches and leaves. Its quite amazing.

Redskin 70
07-18-2011, 03:58 PM
Thunder, there is a way to save the tree but you would have to wait till the winter.
Its called coppiceing. You can try to save the tree with pruning but that probably wont help at this time. Probably to late.

That being said, as its a hard wood tree you can wait to the winter/late fall and take the tree down, but this is the important part, leave the trunk at a height of 14/16 " and cut it at an angle so water will drain off it. In the spring, NEW shoots will come up around the outer edge. Let em grow for a few years and then remove the ones that arent looking well. Just keep the best.

There are reports of copiced trees that are well over 1000 years of age with this technique.

07-19-2011, 10:38 AM
Do any of your neighbors want that tree gone? Looks suspiciously like some other trees I've seen poisoned...