07-15-2011, 11:33 AM
wow, Dr Shadid bought two pages in the lastest Gazette to present his well informed opinion on the MAPS3 projests. Can see why the other memebers were willing to weasel out and vote before he put his findings into the public record. Anyone else get the feeling Mick asked Meg Salyer to be absent on the July 5 council meeting to give some weak cover to go ahead and vote without Councilman Shadid present. His leadership is the type that will move the city forward, not the myopic avaracious chamber junta.
07-15-2011, 11:48 AM
wow, Dr Shadid bought two pages in the lastest Gazette to present his well informed opinion on the MAPS3 projests. Can see why the other memebers were willing to weasel out and vote before he put his findings into the public record. Anyone else get the feeling Mick asked Meg Salyer to be absent on the July 5 council meeting to give some weak cover to go ahead and vote without Councilman Shadid present. His leadership is the type that will move the city forward, not the myopic avaracious chamber junta.
No, the mayor did not ask Meg to be absent. She had good reason for being gone and there's no conspiracy there.
07-15-2011, 11:51 AM
Everyone well knows why Dr Shadid wasn't at the meeting, never heard why Councilwoman Salyer not in attendance.
07-15-2011, 12:10 PM
It was for personal reasons. Enough said.
07-15-2011, 12:12 PM
Not normally a conspiracy person, almost always turns out to be cases of incompetence, but you have to admit, the whole deal smelled funny didn't it?
07-15-2011, 12:53 PM
Why does it smell funny? I don't see how Salyer failing to be there helps Mayor Cornett in any way.
07-15-2011, 01:05 PM
Would have seemed even more unsavory if Dr Shadid the only memeber absent.
Just the facts
07-15-2011, 02:18 PM
No conspiracy Edgar - just bad decisions. Sometimes people aren't as smart as we think they are.
07-15-2011, 04:02 PM
Continuances are almost always granted when a councilmember who must be absent requests them. There doesn't need to be any explanation of the difference between a de facto and de jure rule.
07-16-2011, 11:18 AM
yeah probably just ashamed to cast the vote in person.