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07-13-2011, 10:07 AM
Neurologist recommendations and reviews?

07-13-2011, 10:49 AM
Dr. Charles Morgan. Absolutely one of the finest doctors, neurologists, and individuals you'd ever deal with. Practices out of Neurological Associates in the Integris medical building on SW 44th and Western. He's taken care of my uncle and me (and my uncle is in a far more challenging situation) for nearly two decades.

07-13-2011, 01:16 PM
I don't know of a hospital in that area. Is it a major hospital?

07-13-2011, 01:34 PM
I don't know of a hospital in that area. Is it a major hospital?

One of the largest in the metro, opened in 1965.

07-13-2011, 02:00 PM
I don't know of a hospital in that area. Is it a major hospital?

Integris Southwest is immediately to the south of the medical tower. Been there forever.

07-13-2011, 02:02 PM
Integris Southwest is immediately to the south of the medical tower. Been there forever.

Thanks. I will try to look it up soon and contact them about insurance.

Larry OKC
07-13-2011, 11:04 PM
Don't know of any (haven't needed it for anyone yet that I know of), but hopes, thoughts & prayers are sent.

07-14-2011, 04:09 AM
Don't know of any (haven't needed it for anyone yet that I know of), but hopes, thoughts & prayers are sent.

I keep having constant pain upper left side. I also have constant pain within my ear area with pressure.

I kept calling the ear doc office yesterday, but the recording kept saying closed, even though they should not be closed. I need to see them on this and a Neurologist for other constant pain.

About 30 Ibuprofen and 5 or 6 Hydrocodone daily is making me....just sad. Here I am waking up just 3 hours (?) after finally going to sleep. I can't frickin sleep. :-(

07-14-2011, 07:11 AM
I'll second the recommendation on Charlie. And he's as nice as he is competent.

07-14-2011, 07:39 AM
Does it hurt more when you lay down? If so, it could be fluid retension in the inner an ear infection gives you. I'm not saying it's an ear infection, but if you're not pushing fluid down the eustacean (sp?) tubes, then you end up in pain, and can have dizziness or nausea as well. I'm no doctor, but I would also think that any general physician would be able to diagnose that or do an in-office xray to see if they can see fluid.

You can get displaced pain with head issues as well. It pinches a nerve and your toes hurt instaad of your head. Again, no doctor here, but for quick action, definitely at least start with a family doctor so he can start the process of getting you in. Specialists can sometimes require that you are given a refferal, and insurance may not cover the visit/treatment if it's not a referral and gets pre-approved. Although some also let you go to them anyway if they are participating in your insurance....since you'll still be paying the co-pay anyway.

When in doubt, most insurances list their providers on line so you can look up physicians that participate. Or call them.

07-14-2011, 08:47 AM
I tried to set up appt to get in today, but they want referral. Left message with my doc, but its hopeless. I'm this close to go to an ER.

07-14-2011, 09:03 AM
I'm having mom to take me to that hospital hoping they got an ER there so I can get a quick referral to him.

07-14-2011, 09:07 AM
Does it hurt more when you lay down? If so, it could be fluid retension in the inner an ear infection gives you. I'm not saying it's an ear infection, but if you're not pushing fluid down the eustacean (sp?) tubes, then you end up in pain, and can have dizziness or nausea as well. I'm no doctor, but I would also think that any general physician would be able to diagnose that or do an in-office xray to see if they can see fluid.

You can get displaced pain with head issues as well. It pinches a nerve and your toes hurt instaad of your head. Again, no doctor here, but for quick action, definitely at least start with a family doctor so he can start the process of getting you in. Specialists can sometimes require that you are given a refferal, and insurance may not cover the visit/treatment if it's not a referral and gets pre-approved. Although some also let you go to them anyway if they are participating in your insurance....since you'll still be paying the co-pay anyway.

When in doubt, most insurances list their providers on line so you can look up physicians that participate. Or call them.

Craniofacial Dysplasia

Look it up. Watch the Mask movie. This is what I'm dealing with. Mom had 8 hours surgery close to my age when bone was pressing against her brain. I had surgeries twice on my left ear cuz of the bone growing. It looks like I need surgery again on that part, but the Otolarlynogly (ear, nose, throat doc) office kept having "We're closed" recording yesterday. Also the extreme pain just upward near my left eye, which I guess will be where Neurologist can deal with.

Larry OKC
07-14-2011, 01:11 PM
While you are doing the ER thing, would also recommend contacting your insurance company to give them the heads up with what is going on and maybe they can be of assistance.

07-14-2011, 06:16 PM
Okay, yeah, I seen that hospital driving by there many time before. I was there for like...4 hours. They drugged me up, but I was still hurting. Had a CT scan then suddenly they wanted to stick needle in my back where my spinal cord is... They didn't send me to the recommended doc, but another guy instead. Came home, slept, just now woke up and it stopped. Hope it stay this way. lol

07-14-2011, 08:13 PM
If you've got craniofacial dysplasia, you'd be better off with a specialist at the University. You probably need a good internist, a geneticist and a neurosurgeon. If you are truly taking 30 Ibuprofen a day you need to stop taking so many. First of all, that kind of dose can cause kidney damage over time. Secondly, it can cause gastritis or an ulcer. You should probably be referred to a pain management specialist as well.

07-15-2011, 01:05 AM
What is the verdict on Dr. Timothy Rathbun?

The ER Doc prescribed me BUTALB-ACETAMIN-CAFF 50-325-40 and PROCHLORPERAZINE 10mg.


Dental appt on August 19th, which is too far out. Awaiting on appt date with Timothy (Neurology), which they stupidly required referral from my regular doctor despite the fact I went through the ER there with referral already. Still trying to contact the Otolarynlogy office for the ear portion. Three different issues I'm dealing with at the same time. Life's been miserable.

This is what I feel like.

I just don't know how much more I can take.

07-15-2011, 02:45 AM
Sorry to hear you are going through so much. I know how it is to have physical issues that don't go away. Don't give up. If you can just get rid of one problem at a time hopefully soon you will be pain free.I'll say prayer for you.

07-15-2011, 02:52 AM
Sorry to hear you are going through so much. I know how it is to have physical issues that don't go away. Don't give up. If you can just get rid of one problem at a time hopefully soon you will be pain free.I'll say prayer for you.

You know what was funny. When I was laying there waiting for that guy to poke a needle in my back, mom was sitting there saying "calm down, just think of something" so I was playing some religious songs in my mind such as "It is no secret what God can do" and "I can only imagine." Didn't really feel much during the entire process. So much for the myth that it was to be quite painful. Wasn't so for me.