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07-12-2011, 03:26 PM
Edit: Sorry, its actually their dual service their raising rates on, but who just wants the mail-in service and not streaming?

LOS GATOS, Calif., July 12, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Netflix Inc. (Nasdaq:NFLX - News) announced today it is launching new unlimited DVD-only plans in the U.S. at their lowest price ever– only $7.99 a month for the 1 DVD out at-a-time plan and $11.99 a month for the 2 DVDs out at-a-time plan.


New members can sign up for these plans by going to

Netflix also announced it is separating its unlimited streaming and unlimited DVD plans in the U.S. to better reflect the costs of each and to give members a choice: a streaming-only plan, a DVD-only plan or the option to subscribe to both.

With this change, Netflix will no longer be offering unlimited plans that include both streaming and DVDs by mail. The unlimited streaming plan will remain at $7.99 a month. The price for getting both unlimited streaming and unlimited DVDs will be $15.98 a month ($7.99 + $7.99).

For new Netflix members, the changes will be effective immediately. For existing members, the new pricing will start for charges on or after September 1.

"Netflix members love watching instantly, but we've come to recognize there is still a very large continuing demand for DVDs by mail," said Andy Rendich, Netflix Chief Service and Operations Officer. "By better reflecting the underlying costs and offering our lowest prices ever for unlimited DVD, we hope to provide a great value to our current and future DVD-by-mail members."

Netflix introduced streaming to its popular DVD-by-mail business in 2007. Since then, membership has climbed from 6 million to 23 million in the U.S. as people have embraced the idea of watching instantly an ever-expanding library of movies and TV shows on the hundreds of consumer electronics devices capable of streaming movies and TV shows from Netflix right to members' TVs.
Yahoo: NetFlix raising rates (

16 dollars a month. Time to cancel dual service?

07-12-2011, 03:35 PM
Yeah, this is a big change.

I was on the $9.99 a month plan for unlimited streaming and one disc at a time but now will drop back to the $7.99 for just streaming -- if not cancel altogether. Otherwise, this is basically about an 60% price increase.

Just the facts
07-12-2011, 03:38 PM
If I have to pick one over the other I will cancel the streaming service. I recently bought a 2TB network media server and copied my 160 movie collection to it. I also have another 60 VHS tapes to copy. Via Windows Media Center I run my own personal instant streaming. I have not been very happy with Netflix's instant streaming selection anyhow.

07-12-2011, 03:40 PM
NetFlix is going to have some serious problems in the coming months. First, many of their content licensing agreements with the larger movie studios are getting ready to expire, or they are hitting subscriber threshholds that render existing agreements invalid. That means that the studios are getting ready to *hammer* streaming services like NetFlix on future digital streaming rights fees. That, combined with newer competitors (with deeper pockets) like Amazon (and Hulu, among others) and it would seem that life for NetFlix is going to get much more difficult in the coming months.

Just the facts
07-12-2011, 03:42 PM
Pricing your self out of the market always seems to work. Maybe they need to move out of California and pass the savings onto the consumer.

07-12-2011, 03:49 PM
If I have to pick one over the other I will cancel the streaming service. I recently bought a 2TB network media server and copied my 160 movie collection to it. I also have another 60 VHS tapes to copy. Via Windows Media Center I run my own personal instant streaming. I have not been very happy with Netflix's instant streaming selection anyhow.

Did Captain Jack Sparrow contribute to this 160 movie collection? LOL

07-12-2011, 03:54 PM
NetFlix is going to have some serious problems in the coming months. First, many of their content licensing agreements with the larger movie studios are getting ready to expire, or they are hitting subscriber threshholds that render existing agreements invalid. That means that the studios are getting ready to *hammer* streaming services like NetFlix on future digital streaming rights fees. That, combined with newer competitors (with deeper pockets) like Amazon (and Hulu, among others) and it would seem that life for NetFlix is going to get much more difficult in the coming months.

I would add ISPs to the top of the list.

07-12-2011, 03:56 PM
Was reading a story yesterday how much pressure they are under by the mega Tech companies with massively deep pockets who are foaming at the mouth to kill off Netflix. Movie studios want insane royalties now since streaming has taken off and Netflix is getting kicked in the teeth left and right.

I agree the streaming selection is limited and annoying at times. I wish they would open up their entire catalog at all times, instead of limiting it to a rotating selection. I do like have full series on there on shows I've missed or don't want to watch sitting at the computer.

I find though that I don't really use the DVD service anymore. Took it down to 1, and really don't watch them. I like find the random TV series, older movies, or independent and foreign films that you normally can't find elsewhere. Use to never watch movies with subtitles, but found a like of random gems and great movies through the non-mainstream Netflix catalog.

Either way, move not unexpected...but I've found new value in the streaming product at Netflix that if they don't have a lot of new release movies immediately it doesn't get to me. I'll keep it around.

EDIT Below...

NetFlix is going to have some serious problems in the coming months. First, many of their content licensing agreements with the larger movie studios are getting ready to expire, or they are hitting subscriber threshholds that render existing agreements invalid. That means that the studios are getting ready to *hammer* streaming services like NetFlix on future digital streaming rights fees. That, combined with newer competitors (with deeper pockets) like Amazon (and Hulu, among others) and it would seem that life for NetFlix is going to get much more difficult in the coming months.

Yeah what Dave said. LOL It is going to get ugly. Though I would imagine that someone like Google will come in buy up Netflix, but I don't want to be bombarded with ads on Netflix like they've done to YouTube.

Pricing your self out of the market always seems to work. Maybe they need to move out of California and pass the savings onto the consumer.

Dave's comments explain why they are doing it. It is about survival...not pricing to extort customers.

Just the facts
07-12-2011, 03:59 PM
Did Captain Jack Sparrow contribute to this 160 movie collection? LOL

No, that would be illegal. These are all movies that I have personally paid for. Now that I have copied most of my movies I am surprised at how often I watch them. I have a dedicated laptop connected to the TV and a WMC remote. I push the button and Media Center fires up (takes less than 3 seconds), scroll down to Movies, go through my list, select a movie, and hit play. Two seconds later the movie is playing. During the copy process I only copy the main movie so there are not any previews or menus - it just starts playing from the beginning. The original disks sit nicely in a box in the closet never to be touched again.

I can also watch them via the PS3 or any of the other 4 computers in the house. I am still searching for a way to watch them on the tablet.

07-12-2011, 04:01 PM
I love the Netflix streaming. Like Venture, I really enjoy the old episodes of TV series and the catalog of independent and classic movies. As for newer releases, it doesn't bother me at all as most aren't worth watching anyway. I remember once years ago somebody told me that "any movie you haven't seen is a new movie." If you think about it - that's very true.

07-12-2011, 04:11 PM
I just saw the news myself and I was tempted to sign up for the one-month free trial. Unfortunately, when I attempted to do this, I received the following error... "We do not accept prepaid cards. Please enter a valid credit card or debit card." This is a total joke, because its not really a prepaid card. Its actually linked to a bank/checking account with direct deposit. Anyway, how the hell can their system determine this?! I will be contacting them with a very long raging complaint. I'm more interested in DVD rental (2 or more at a time), but was going to check their online-streaming movies to see if they finally got around to providing full...pretyped CC or Subtitle.

I think the prices are still affordable and people do not need to be kicking, moaning, and whining about this. At most, a monthly plan is equal to the price of a new DVD, so I believe it is very affordable as it is unlimited.

07-12-2011, 04:11 PM
I will most likely cancel my Netflix, which is a shame. We were just at the point of canceling cable to do the Netflix and Hulu+ only route. Not now though. I'm not about to bend over while they charge me double for the exact same service.

07-12-2011, 04:14 PM
Not sure what I'm going to do but if choose the streaming I would like to have all the movies to choose from not a just limited amount.

07-12-2011, 04:17 PM
As more content moves into straight streaming, you invite tons more competition. Virtually any technology company can stream content; it was always the physical distribution that separated Netflix.

But the physical discs are going to be less and less important and that means the studios, distribution companies and big boys like Google and Youtube (not to mention Hulu & Amazon) can jump right in. It's just a matter of negotiating contracts and putting up a website -- very low barriers to entry.

07-12-2011, 04:20 PM
I will most likely cancel my Netflix, which is a shame. We were just at the point of canceling cable to do the Netflix and Hulu+ only route. Not now though. I'm not about to bend over while they charge me double for the exact same service.

Then if you want to complain about paying two different prices, one for DVD rentals and one for online-streaming rentals, then that is very funny. They do have bundle special and its still cheap. Considering you have lots of money, I know for a fact that you can afford it. :-)

Btw, both are not the exact same service. DVD rentals are physical and the cost of shipping...both ways. Online streaming is instant without waiting in the mail. Both of these are entirely different. Pick one, or both, and continue to support Netflix...or else they will go bankrupt and if Obama just happens to be a fan of Netflix, he'll bail them out. So the cost of not supporting Netflix will ultimately cost you more with your tax dollars. :-P

07-12-2011, 04:38 PM
Then if you want to complain about paying two different prices, one for DVD rentals and one for online-streaming rentals, then that is very funny. They do have bundle special and its still cheap. Considering you have lots of money, I know for a fact that you can afford it. :-)

Btw, both are not the exact same service. DVD rentals are physical and the cost of shipping...both ways. Online streaming is instant without waiting in the mail. Both of these are entirely different. Pick one, or both, and continue to support Netflix...or else they will go bankrupt and if Obama just happens to be a fan of Netflix, he'll bail them out. So the cost of not supporting Netflix will ultimately cost you more with your tax dollars. :-P

I love getting financial advise from a guy who can't even get a real bank account and credit card. Why would it make sense for me to pay DOUBLE starting Sept 1 for the exact same service I'm getting now at half the price? It has nothing to do with "affording it." It has everything to do with not letting NetFlix screw their customers. There is zero incentive for me not to cancel. I'm not granfathered in, I can join at a later date for the exact same inflated price. At the very least they should offer a contractual option - keep paying the lower rate but sign up for a 1-2yr obligation. Otherwise, I'm outta there.

Also, they are NOT the exact same service. Only a very small portion of their library can be streamed. If the libraries were identical I would have less issue with it. As it is now, I can buy virtually any DVD I want for $.99 - $3.00 at the pawn shop.

07-12-2011, 04:41 PM
I love getting financial advise from a guy who can't even get a real bank account and credit card. Why would it make sense for me to pay DOUBLE starting Sept 1 for the exact same service I'm getting now at half the price? It has nothing to do with "affording it." It has everything to do with not letting NetFlix screw their customers. There is zero incentive for me not to cancel. I'm not granfathered in, I can join at a later date for the exact same inflated price. At the very least they should offer a contractual option - keep paying the lower rate but sign up for a 1-2yr obligation. Otherwise, I'm outta there.

Also, they are NOT the exact same service. Only a very small portion of their library can be streamed. If the libraries were identical I would have less issue with it. As it is now, I can buy virtually any DVD I want for $.99 - $3.00 at the pawn shop.

I do have a bank account, but not the same as yours. Its my decision with what I want to use. Credit card? I don't need them. Why would I get myself in trouble with credit cards? Netflix is not screwing their customers. They must restructure to keep the company afloat, but still be affordable. Nothing wrong with it. Do whatever you want, Brian. Its your minority opinion. :-)

07-12-2011, 04:45 PM
Canceled today.

07-12-2011, 04:48 PM
Canceled today.

Why? What company with higher prices did you choose instead?

07-12-2011, 04:49 PM
My first gut reaction is WHOA but even at 18 bucks a month for blu-ray and streaming video it's still worth it. It's only seven dollars more a month. Eh big deal.

Now of course since I can cancel and restart any time if I find a better deal it's bye-bye net flix. You gotta love the free market man.

07-12-2011, 04:50 PM
Why? What company with higher prices did you choose instead?

Redbox. You can reserve DVDs online and pick up at your desired location. Still costs one George Washington to rent per night. And I have HBO at home. Don't know why you assume I would choose a company with higher prices if my whole reason in canceling Netflix is their rising prices.

07-12-2011, 04:52 PM
I do have a bank account, but not the same as yours. Its my decision with what I want to use. Credit card? I don't need them. Why would I get myself in trouble with credit cards? Netflix is not screwing their customers. They must restructure to keep the company afloat, but still be affordable. Nothing wrong with it. Do whatever you want, Brian. Its your minority opinion. :-)

You've already shared in ther past that you screwed up your ability to get a 'real' bank account. NetFlix is not in any financial bind, profits and memberships continue to climb and their stock is up almost 300% from a year ago. Yes, their costs are getting ready to increase when licenses are renegotiated, but no evidence of this price encrease being a necessity has been offered.

07-12-2011, 04:55 PM
You've already shared in ther past that you screwed up your ability to get a 'real' bank account. NetFlix is not in any fincial bind, profits and memberships continue to climb and their stock is up almost 300% from a year ago. Yes, their costs are getting ready to increase when licenses are renegotiated, but no evidence of this price encrease being a necessity has been offered.

I have a real bank account, Brian. I don't know why you are attacking me on bank accounts. Do I have to use the same bank as yours? No. I love using what I decided to use and that is final.

Just the facts
07-12-2011, 04:56 PM
Brian - I know you are an Apply guy but for you and others looking to ditch cable - check out Windows Media Center. It comes free with all Windows 7 computers. Buy a cheap USB tv tuner and you can even record live tv and get a 2 week program guide. Plus there a lot old TV shows on some of the channels that are already included. CBS has their entire current line-up and many of their old shows already on it (Love Boat, Brady Bunch, Taxi, Happy Days, Star Trek (the orginal)). And it is all free.

07-12-2011, 05:00 PM
Netflix's problem is that Hollywood doesn't produce anything valuable enough to warrant paying 16$ a month. Judging by the most of the comments on this thread, the previous price was already at the breaking point.

07-12-2011, 05:01 PM
I believe in companies making a profit but I question the need for a 60 percent increase. It sounds like either price gouging or mismanagement. I can afford it, it just irritates me so I am going to cancel as of August 31st. I quit watching TV about six years ago, but I know where the "on button" is located. I might even subscribe to a movie channel, something I have never done.
C. T.

07-12-2011, 05:02 PM
Brian - I know you are an Apply guy but for you and others looking to ditch cable - check out Windows Media Center. It comes free with all Windows 7 computers. Buy a cheap USB tv tuner and you can even record live tv and get a 2 week program guide. Plus there a lot old TV shows on some of the channels that are already included. CBS has their entire current line-up and many of their old shows already on it (Love Boat, Brady Bunch, Taxi, Happy Days, Star Trek (the orginal)). And it is all free.

I'm actually doing that now with Apple TV and EyeTV. I have a 27" iMac dedicated to just being a media server. I can record all my shows to the iMac and then send them to my iPad, iTouch or to another TV in my house or on the patio. I can also watch all my shows remotely from any Internet enabled device. I've wanted to dump cable for awhile, but the wife is still hanging on to it.

07-12-2011, 05:05 PM
We currently only do NetFlix for the series stuff like Breaking Bad, Entourage, Weeds, Big Love, Mad Men, etc. And some of those are on regular TV. If its a newer movie we just rent it from Red Box or 7-11 for a buck.

07-12-2011, 05:10 PM
Where's the 60% increase? Here's what my account says:

I've been paying $19.99 for 3 DVDs at a time plus unlimited streaming.

From $19.99 plus tax to $23.98 plus tax isn't anywhere close to 60%.

It's still a great value for me.

07-12-2011, 05:16 PM
60% increase for those of us that were getting one disc at a time plus unlimited streaming -- which I believe is their most popular plan.

07-12-2011, 05:17 PM
I'm paying $9ish and its going to almost double. I couldn't imagine being on the 3 DVD plan as there just isn't enough in the library that interests me.

07-12-2011, 05:28 PM
60% increase for those of us that were getting one disc at a time plus unlimited streaming -- which I believe is their most popular plan.

Yep. I just went to the Netflix site again and saw that. Truly unfair. I was simply looking at my rate and it's not changing much.

I'm paying $9ish and its going to almost double. I couldn't imagine being on the 3 DVD plan as there just isn't enough in the library that interests me.

I can see that after looking at the table. As for the library not offering much to you and not imagining paying for the 3-DVD plan - that's why they have options. I watch tons of classic movies/television and a lot of independent and foreign films. So for me, it's great - we're all different. I can't imaging sitting through 5 minutes of these "reality" TV shows, so again - no right/wrong - just different that's all.

07-12-2011, 06:08 PM
Netflix isn't meant to fit everyone, just like most service offerings. The move to make this change though seems to say they know what the studio contracts are going to cost and they are getting out in front to increase revenue.

It is what it is. People that are leaving today (or making the decision today) are either emotional spenders or lost value in Netflix a long time ago. The fact that people would leave Netflix and sign up for a TV movie package ($9-15/mo) and combine that with RedBox or another the end of the day, they may find something that is better for them but end up paying more in the end. We all make emotional decisions when it comes to money. When my previous DirecTV account had a price increase, I got annoyed and went back to Cox. Then their prices kept increasing and I lost programming I enjoyed. I'm back with DirecTV.

People make heat of the moment decisions because they think they are being taken for a ride, when there is likely reasoning behind the scenes for them to make this change. Who knows. They may end up having a difference streaming package that includes the entire library instead of just the limited one now. Or the change in plans is to simply boost revenue so they can expand the system capacity for the streaming content so they can get more out there without having to pay the bills on the DVD/BluRay service as well.

07-12-2011, 06:49 PM
We currently only do NetFlix for the series stuff like Breaking Bad, Entourage, Weeds, Big Love, Mad Men, etc. And some of those are on regular TV. If its a newer movie we just rent it from Red Box or 7-11 for a buck.

You might try these sites to see if they have your shows you like to watch.

07-12-2011, 06:54 PM
You might try these sites to see if they have your shows you like to watch.

Sure, you can find these shows anywhere if you want to go the illegal route.

07-12-2011, 08:38 PM
You might try these sites to see if they have your shows you like to watch.

We used to watch when it was around. Great site. Have no idea how legal it was or was not, but it had lots of shows we liked.

Just the facts
07-13-2011, 07:30 AM
I talked with the wife about it last night and we decided we are going to cancel the streaming option. It all came down to selection over timing. We would rather wait 24 hours and have access to a larger selection then get instant access to a smaller selection. This kind of sucks since the Android app just came out for my phone but what can you do. The app is still not available on the Android tablet so no loss there.

Of Sound Mind
07-13-2011, 07:40 AM
Cancelled my Netflix right when I got the email, more out of principle than whether or not I can afford it.. Their loss. I can find other sources for entertainment.

07-13-2011, 08:19 AM
I just opened the Netflix email, yesterday, after reading the "breaking news" in here.
We mostly only use the streaming video function rather than the "mail based" function and apparently it is possible to pay a minor price bump on the streaming while losing the other option altogether.

In any case--as we have only been using the service for a few months--I think that $15.99 (even if it was for the streaming only) is a pretty reasonable price. The current $7.99 or $8.99 always seemed unbeliveably low to me. I guess I was correct . . .

07-13-2011, 09:28 AM
Cancelled my Netflix right when I got the email, more out of principle than whether or not I can afford it.. Their loss. I can find other sources for entertainment.

Which reinforces my comment about the emotional spenders being the ones leaving right now without giving it much thought. To each their own though. :-)

07-13-2011, 09:39 AM
Can't find the original...but this article highlights a lot of why prices need to go up:

"Netflix has another year or two on most of these contracts, and then the game completely changes," says Michael Pachter, analyst at Wedbush Securities.

Pachter predicts Netflix's streaming content licensing costs will rise from $180 million in 2010 to a whopping $1.98 billion in 2012.

Netflix had a $161 million profit last year on sales of $2.2 billion, and it ended last quarter with $342 million in cash on hand.

But Netflix's rivals have much larger bigger wallets. At the end of the first quarter, Amazon had almost $7 billion in cash, and Google had a whopping $37 billion.

In another bit of uncertainty, Netflix's most direct competitor, Hulu, is on the block. Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger said at a conference last week that Hulu's owners -- who include Disney -- are "committed to selling" it. The list of interested potential buyers includes Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Yahoo and nearly every other tech giant, plus telecoms like AT&T and Verizon. Landing Hulu would give any of them a strong beachhead for challenging Netflix.

Would not be shocked to see Google make a move. They already own YouTube...Hulu would make another nice addition to it. They could also just jump ahead and take over Netflix as well and control the market.

07-13-2011, 09:51 AM
I agree with what some of the others have said... the $9.99 a month was a really good price and the extra $1.50 a week isn't going to kill me. Just have to drink one less beer a month at my local watering hole.

07-13-2011, 12:19 PM
Which reinforces my comment about the emotional spenders being the ones leaving right now without giving it much thought. To each their own though. :-)

I don't think it necessarily reinforces your comment at all. I made the decision immediately, but it had nothing to do with emotion. I'm not emotionally attached to my ability to rent movies via NetFlix. I know what I think the service is worth to me, and when they crossed that line of value to me I decided to cancel.

If I have been buying gas at the same station for a year, but I drive up today and they've almost doubled the price and I know I have other options - me deciding to go elsewhere isn't emotional, its me being practical.

If the Netflix price had gone to say $12/month, I'd keep it. More than that it is not worth it (to me).

07-13-2011, 12:25 PM
Maybe we will start seeing Netflix subscription ads produced by the same folks who do the (is it four times a year now?) Begfests for PBS. (Of which I am a proud supporter, BTW . . .)

"Folks . . . We are counting on YOU to help pay for the service so that all can enjoy it because if you don't contribute at the current level there won't be any Netflix anymore and nobody wants that . . . Do YOU?"

07-13-2011, 12:31 PM
I did notice lower prices at the few brick and mortar Block Busters around town. $.49 Sunday rentals and $1.49 matinee rentals that include a 20oz cola. Recently I've also been taking advantage of the $.99 rentals at 7-11.

07-13-2011, 12:53 PM
Venture79, I agree with your point, but since I am retired, I think my money can be better spent elsewhere although, right at first mine was a "knee jerk" reaction. I have had time to think about it and I still feel the same.
C. T.

Which reinforces my comment about the emotional spenders being the ones leaving right now without giving it much thought. To each their own though. :-)

07-13-2011, 12:57 PM
Roadhawg, One less beer? My priorities are certainly different than yours. Isn't there a saying about that, something like "I'll give up my beer when they pry my cold, dead fingers from around the glass"?
C. T.

I agree with what some of the others have said... the $9.99 a month was a really good price and the extra $1.50 a week isn't going to kill me. Just have to drink one less beer a month at my local watering hole.

07-13-2011, 01:19 PM
I agree with Venture. A lot of people are being stupid quitting Netflix without a valid reason. Prices on everything continues to rise, but do they stop buying them? No. So, the crazy people cries when Netflix raised prices....but Netflix don't need those kind of people anyway. Comments on AOL article about this continues to be shocking. :-/

07-13-2011, 01:31 PM
I agree with Venture. A lot of people are being stupid quitting Netflix without a valid reason. Prices on everything continues to rise, but do they stop buying them? No. So, the crazy people cries when Netflix raised prices....but Netflix don't need those kind of people anyway. Comments on AOL article about this continues to be shocking. :-/

Thunder - there is nothing "stupid" about people making a decision to drop a service because they no longer feel the value equals the cost. I find it more than odd than someone in your financial situation cannot wrap their head around that idea.

07-13-2011, 01:33 PM
7 Reasons Why Netflix's Price Hike Is a Bonehead Move -

07-13-2011, 01:39 PM
I find it more than odd than someone in your finiancial situation cannot wrap their head around that idea.

What is wrong with my financial situation? You don't know anything about me. Unless you did background check and/or something without my knowledge and expressed permission?

07-13-2011, 01:47 PM
What is wrong with my financial situation? You don't know anything about me. Unless you did background check and/or something without my knowledge and expressed permission?

FYI - You don't have to have a person's permission to do a background check on them. But, that doesn't have anything to do with this thread.

07-13-2011, 01:49 PM
FYI - You don't have to have a person's permission to do a background check on them. But, that doesn't have anything to do with this thread.

Wow, I feel violated.

Pete, can you do something about this?

Brian, you are the one that keep bringing up my financial situation, which you clearly do not know about.

07-13-2011, 02:18 PM

Netflix has been forced to hike prices because it needs to find some extra $2 billion in content costs for the studios next year.

C'mon people, its not because Netflix was getting greedy. No!

07-13-2011, 02:21 PM
Roadhawg, One less beer? My priorities are certainly different than yours. Isn't there a saying about that, something like "I'll give up my beer when they pry my cold, dead fingers from around the glass"?
C. T.

LOL it was either a beer or a cigar and I enjoy both equally

07-13-2011, 02:23 PM
I agree with Venture. A lot of people are being stupid quitting Netflix without a valid reason. Prices on everything continues to rise, but do they stop buying them? No. So, the crazy people cries when Netflix raised prices....but Netflix don't need those kind of people anyway. Comments on AOL article about this continues to be shocking. :-/

Netflix doesn't need paying customers? :ohno:

07-13-2011, 03:18 PM
Wow, I feel violated.

Pete, can you do something about this?

Brian, you are the one that keep bringing up my financial situation, which you clearly do not know about.

I love it, you've brought up my financial situation numerous times, yet I point out yours and you start crying for Pete. Get over it.

With HBO to go and other technologies around the corner, NetFlix had better add services or they could find themselves in trouble.

07-13-2011, 03:35 PM
I agree with Venture. A lot of people are being stupid quitting Netflix without a valid reason. Prices on everything continues to rise, but do they stop buying them? No. So, the crazy people cries when Netflix raised prices....but Netflix don't need those kind of people anyway. Comments on AOL article about this continues to be shocking. :-/

Stupid? You of all people are calling others stupid? WOW.... Anyway, I'm trying to decide myself what to do. I really can't justify paying 60% more a month for the same service. What about Redbox? Never used them before, might check them out.

Just the facts
07-13-2011, 04:02 PM
Remember this from the NetFlix CEO last year:

American Insults
Not content with offending Canadians, CEO Reed Hastings wasted no time insulting Americans. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Hastings was asked if he was worried that U.S. subscribers would be upset that the company was offering Canadians an unlimited movie streaming service for $7.99 per month, one dollar less than what Americans had to pay. Hastings replied:

How much has it been your experience that Americans follow what happens in the world? It's something we'll monitor, but Americans are somewhat self-absorbed.

Wow. Netflix basically told all Americans that we’re dumb and unobservant. Great public relations, Reed! Hastings issued yet another Netflix apology on its blog:

My Big American Foot is in my mouth. I do not believe that one of the most philanthropically-minded nations in the world (America) is self-absorbed or full of self-absorbed people. My apologies to anyone offended by my self-absorbed comment.

We appear to be paying more attention than you think Mr. Hastings.

07-13-2011, 05:43 PM
Stupid? You of all people are calling others stupid? WOW.... Anyway, I'm trying to decide myself what to do. I really can't justify paying 60% more a month for the same service. What about Redbox? Never used them before, might check them out.

Milk used to cost you 75 cents? 50 cents? Maybe 25 cents? And now you pay 4 bux? You still buy milk?