View Full Version : Leaving the Board

03-29-2005, 12:16 AM
I would like to announce I am leaving this board.

I have enjoyed chatting with all you. Thanks for the fun.


03-29-2005, 08:09 AM
I would like to announce I am leaving this board.

I have enjoyed chatting with all you. Thanks for the fun.


I'm going to violate the TOS here with a partial cross-post. My apologies, but I think it is appropriate that I have these words in both places:

I'm sorry that you feel that way. Rereading the offending thread, I cannot find any examples of me doing anything but attacking the ideas of other people (i.e., not the people) -- especially the ones that were just factually wrong. I'm sorry that you take offense to that.

Often, when two or more people discuss something, there will be differing opinions, you know that. I'm saddened that you can't be tolerant of my opinion, nor do you seem to want to re-explain yours in such a light that it makes sense. If you came to this board seeking an echo chamber, that would just be incredibly boring if everyone always agreed, I hope you agree with that :D

Perhaps I was off base in pointing out your veiled personal attack on me (that's what it was, I don't think there's any argument there). Two wrongs don't make a right. If I could delete the post, I probably would. So for that, I'm sorry, I may have been out of line.

As for lines like "Say hi to the tooth fairy for me", those were intended purely to be humorous, as well as to help to drive a point home. I try to add a little humor to an otherwise potentially unpleasant post. If you misinterpreted my intent as trying to make you 'look stupid', again, sorry.

But seriously, take the body of my posts into account. I do not 'attack' you or your ideas in most threads, in fact, I'm genuinely complimentary of even the people that send me threatening and crass private messages. I genuinely respect what they are doing and their wish to improve the city. While sometimes, we may differ on our individual ideas, we all share a passion for this fine city. I do respect you and everyone else here for that, but please don't think that means I have to agree with you all of the time, or even most of the time

Please, if you have an issue with me, (or anyone else) in the future, I'd love to receive a PM so long as it's respectful. If you're respectful to me, I'll return the favor to you. I'm really a very nice person.

As for stating my opinion and being insistant about why I am right and you are wrong, I have the facts on my side here, please don't get angry if I bring them up and defend them.

In closing, I'd like to say that I'll miss your input, I'll miss your ideas, I'll miss you sharing your ideas about how to improve our city. Perhaps you will one day reconsider your decision.

03-29-2005, 11:58 AM
I have decided to stay on after all. I have however decided to stay away from hot button issues for awhile.

I'm just passionate about my beliefs and I let a silly thing get to me.

Thanks to all of you that emailed me with your comments and concerns.