View Full Version : Daycare in Edmond
AFwife04 07-05-2011, 07:33 PM ARGH. I need to put my daughter and son in a different center. I am so unhappy where they are right now. I was wondering if anyone had any personal experience with the following places
High Flyers
Kids Inc.
Churchill Academy
First Christian
Faith Christian
I have 2 kids that need childcare and I am a nurse who does not work night or evening shifts so Goddard, Primrose, My Small Wonders, etc. are out because I may as just hand over my whole paycheck.
BrettM2 07-05-2011, 09:36 PM My wife runs an in-home child care in Edmond. You might contact the Child Care Providers of Edmond if that route interests you. 330-HOME.
AFwife04 07-06-2011, 06:54 AM An in home daycare would work for my son, he is 15 months old. My daughter is starting kindergarten in August and unless the provider transports to school, it is not really a viable option for my 5 year old. It is certainly worth checking out though. Thank you.
BrettM2 07-06-2011, 07:50 AM Some will transport (and the person at the line should be able to direct you). My wife does for one of her kids, as well as one of ours, so it'll just depend on district and the options near there. Good luck!
SoonerBeerMan 07-06-2011, 08:05 AM Camelot might be an option. I know they transport.
EdmondBrad 07-06-2011, 08:52 AM First Christian has a very good reputation but maybe a long waiting list as well.
AFwife04 07-06-2011, 08:35 PM I toured First Christian today. They told me best case scenario 6-12 months. Back to the drawing board. I'm touring Camelot tomorrow.
Steve 07-06-2011, 09:04 PM I'm a bit hamstrung on this one... let me say I've had experience with two of the three non-church daycares you listed. Not happy. Not happy at all. That's all I'm going to say. Go with your gut. Walk in shortly before noon - about 11-11:30, and go with your gut.
jbkrems 07-07-2011, 01:08 AM Faith Christian Child Care (if its what I am thinking of), is on Bryant (ran by Faith Church in Edmond), and I go to church there. We have new management for the child care, and they would luv your business. :)
ImTheDude 07-07-2011, 04:46 PM My son is at first Christian, and after being at a few other places before this, we absolutely love it there. Get on the waiting list,it's worth however long it takes. We were told the same wait time and had a spot within a couple months.
AFwife04 07-09-2011, 09:21 PM Faith Christian doesn't really accommodate my working hours very well. My hubby is in the military so I have to be able to pick up and drop off in the event he deploys or has to be away from home.
Steve, if you don't feel comfortable telling me on this thread, could you PM me? One on my list can accommodate both kids after all. (I was initially told they could not ).
BayAreaOkie 07-19-2011, 01:09 AM I wouldn't put my kid in Camelot if I had a gun at my head -- try One Step At A Time. Both of my kids went there and it was a wonderful facility. Camelot is nothing but a puppy mill for kids. Sorry -- you may disagree, but the smell of urine and screams of kids was enough for me to yank my kid from there within one day.
SoonerBeerMan 07-21-2011, 12:19 PM Its weird how one place can be viewed so differently from person to person. Just goes to show you that the best way to judge a child care facility is to experience it yourself.
AFwife04 07-23-2011, 08:35 AM Its weird how one place can be viewed so differently from person to person. Just goes to show you that the best way to judge a child care facility is to experience it yourself.
So true!