View Full Version : Going back to College in Okc

07-03-2011, 05:57 PM
Okies im 28yrs old and have an associates degree, im planning on going back to school to finally get my bachelors. Of course i will still be working full-time so im going the route of adult accelerated once a week programs. Everyones heard of SNU's one night a week program, but there is also Mid America Christian, Oklahoma City University, and i just recently heard even OU has a program where you can do it all online. Im even considering University of Phoenix. So i hope all you guys have some opinions on which school would be better, or what program to maybe stay away from etc etc

07-03-2011, 10:17 PM
As an educator I hate online degrees. I understand that some people's schedule makes going to class difficult, but online degrees are the equivalent of fast food. The quality of the education will be worse as class allows for some of the most meaningful learning. I finished my masters and am now finishing my doctorate at OU while maintaining a job where I usually worked 70 hours a week. I wouldn't change a thing.

07-03-2011, 11:39 PM
My PhD is in education - Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum (ILAC) with a social studies focus. My advising professor is really good and the staff in general has some amazing thinkers. I've been very happy with the program.

07-04-2011, 05:37 AM
Perhaps it is a generational thing, but if I were today choosing between the opportunity to tell a future employer or promotion granter my educational background was derived from OU or Phoenix, I'd be far more comfortable in noting the former.

I do not mean to knock the latter choice, some friends have taught there over the years, but I think locally at least the state school would carry the edge in reputation.

07-04-2011, 08:13 AM
As a recent OU grad, I have nothing but great things to say about the University. That being said, I would avoid online classes like the plague. I took a couple of and hated them in the end. I didn't feel like I really learned anything as compared to when I was in a classroom. I also think that when you take an online class, you are missing out on a major component of being successful - being able to interact with people. I know so many people that have no people skills because they never forced themselves into situations where they had to meet new people and form relationships.

What are you wanting to get your degree in? That could and should play a major role in deciding where you want to go.

07-04-2011, 12:52 PM
Got my Masters at OCU by going one night a week...I would definitely recommend in class learning instead of online unless it is absolutely necessary

07-06-2011, 11:16 PM
My oldest son did his undergrad at SNU (on campus). He loved it there. He is earning is MBA online at MACU. MACU is good school but I think SNU is probably the better of the two.
I tried a class at Phoenix and would not recommend it to anyone. The instructors are OK, the materials are OK but the students are a whole different matter. Walk, no run away from the idea of Phoenix.