View Full Version : Transformers 3

Richard at Remax
07-03-2011, 11:28 AM
Saw it last night. In 2D. While parts were entertaining, mainly the last hour, I still found it to be disappointing. First of all it was way too long 2 hours 45 minutes and there were way too many plot holes. Also, times must be rough cause too many good actors wasted their talents on this movie. Regardless it was better than Revenge of the Fallen but not as good as the first.

Larry OKC
07-03-2011, 12:51 PM
The Oklahoman has a good write up on it (think it was with the director) and he stated that Spielburg told him it was the best 3D movie he had seen. Just based on that, I would want to see it but def in 3D. I haven't seen the 1st 2 Transformer movies so can't compare it to them. Thought the 60s moon landing was an interesting plot point too.

07-03-2011, 01:13 PM
No Megan Fox,No way!

07-03-2011, 01:37 PM
The Oklahoman has a good write up on it (think it was with the director) and he stated that Spielburg told him it was the best 3D movie he had seen. Just based on that, I would want to see it but def in 3D. I haven't seen the 1st 2 Transformer movies so can't compare it to them. Thought the 60s moon landing was an interesting plot point too.

I am guessing he meant best camera work and editing of 3D, not overall movie as a whole.

Larry OKC
07-03-2011, 08:48 PM
I am sure, and for that reason would see it in 3D.

Supposedly Fox was fired at the insistence of Spielberg when she compared the director to Hitler in an interview.

07-03-2011, 08:57 PM
I am sure, and for that reason would see it in 3D.

Supposedly Fox was fired at the insistence of Spielberg when she compared the director to Hitler in an interview.

Yeah I heard that also,Steven Spielberg directed Schindler's list didnt he?She stuck her foot in here mouth on this one!

07-04-2011, 02:20 PM
Saw it last night. In 2D. While parts were entertaining, mainly the last hour, I still found it to be disappointing. First of all it was way too long 2 hours 45 minutes and there were way too many plot holes. Also, times must be rough cause too many good actors wasted their talents on this movie. Regardless it was better than Revenge of the Fallen but not as good as the first.

I though it blew 1 and 2 outta the water!! This was one of the best movies I have seen in a while. Just go see it for Leonard Nimoy playing the voice of Sentinel Prime!! Epic!

07-04-2011, 02:44 PM
I am sure, and for that reason would see it in 3D.

Supposedly Fox was fired at the insistence of Spielberg when she compared the director to Hitler in an interview.

Though to be fair, she hadn't agreed to be in the part 3 movie at that time. It sounded like she thought the director had been rather sexist on the first two movie sets towards her which she mentioned in earlier interviews and then she threw in the 'Hitler' comparison (which had nothing to do with sexism, just a stupid comment to really say the director was a tough person to work for).

She'll likely never get such a high profile movie role again but these movies seem to be more about the special effects than the characters in them.

Larry OKC
07-04-2011, 08:34 PM
I got the (mistaken) impression she was already signed up/shooting the 3rd one when she made the comment and was fired. Briefly what I read, the director said he was sorry that he required her to show up on time and do her job sort of thing. Bosses can be such jerks when it comes to things like that! LOL

I put it in the same vein as Charlie Sheen going off on Chuck Lorre. No matter if true or not, don't be surprised when you get canned. And in Lorre defense he was a producer back on Roseanne, so I would attribute any personality "conflicts" to that experience. He learned from the best (or worst).