View Full Version : Old Harrigan's site at I-240 and S. Penn

07-02-2011, 09:21 PM
Anyone know what's going in there? Hubby and I drive by this evening and couldn't see any clues.

Larry OKC
07-02-2011, 11:27 PM
There is another thread on it somewhere, but it is going to be part of that business college that is currently in the strip mall near the Thrift store & Hobby Lobby. Don't know if they are vacating the strip mall space or if this is an expansion.

07-03-2011, 05:06 AM
There is another thread on it somewhere, but it is going to be part of that business college that is currently in the strip mall near the Thrift store & Hobby Lobby. Don't know if they are vacating the strip mall space or if this is an expansion.

Different building/location, the business college is constructing a stand alone, new building.

Larry OKC
07-03-2011, 01:30 PM

I understand that. But are they vacating the strip-mall space and moving into the stand alone building?

07-03-2011, 02:59 PM

I understand that. But are they vacating the strip-mall space and moving into the stand alone building?

Yes, once completed, they will vacate the leased building.

Larry OKC
07-03-2011, 09:52 PM
Interesting, the new building looked small in comparison the the strip mall space. WOnder if the mall has anything lined up to take their place yet. That mall seems to be near full occupancy now that Hobby Lobby moved in on that end.

07-04-2011, 01:28 AM
Interesting, the new building looked small in comparison the the strip mall space. WOnder if the mall has anything lined up to take their place yet. That mall seems to be near full occupancy now that Hobby Lobby moved in on that end.

It does look small, but I read an article that said the new building is 75% larger than the leased space.

07-12-2011, 12:37 PM
It does look small, but I read an article that said the new building is 75% larger than the leased space.

The strip mall is long, but shallow, so the apparent amount of space is very deceptive. While I have nothing against that particular business school (whatever it is), I was surely hoping that a restaurant might find a reason to land in that old Harrigan's space. I do miss the cheddar hot rolls :(