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03-01-2013, 10:06 AM
OKC is within the distribution distance

03-01-2013, 10:23 AM
Smashburger's fries are a lot better than 5 Guys' fries. I would actually go there and just order the fries. Not so with 5 Guys.

guru, you are a good poster... I've known you for a long time on the boards... So, I say this with all due respect...

I don't know any person that has a functioning brain can say that 5 Guys fries are anything but awesome on top of awesome. This is an epic fail on your part.

Hey, don't get pissy... I said "with all due respect" first. lol

Mississippi Blues
03-01-2013, 11:40 PM
I opened this thread, my heart racing, thinking In-N-Out was expanding into OKC.

03-02-2013, 07:53 AM
I went to Las Vegas last summer and my brother took me to In N Out for the first time and I tried their hamburger and I thought it was going to be a decent hamburger but boy was I wrong! It was so damn good! I also tried the fries but their fries are terrible!

Please bring it to In N Out to Oklahoma so I can chomp into that delicious juicy burger! :D

03-02-2013, 07:56 AM
I opened this thread, my heart racing, thinking In-N-Out was expanding into OKC.

. . .thus my fridge-opening GIF. I'll post it again just because I love it.

To bump this thread after all this time, with no news of an OKC expansion, is just cruel.

03-02-2013, 08:01 AM
I don't know if I care that much. I love our local options. Give me the S&B Columbian, the onion cheeseburger at Tuckers, the prime rib sliders at the Deep Deuce Grill, the patty melt at McNellies or several other options and I'm happy. And, as far as I'm concerned, there are no better fries than those at Tuckers.

03-02-2013, 08:44 AM
We get it. Local options are always the best. Always. But wouldn't a regional chain like this be nice for the heathens who just want something different from the McDonald's and the Sonics of the world? Does it always have to be a one-or-the-other type of deal, or can they all coexist peacefully?

Roger S
03-02-2013, 09:18 AM
I don't know any person that has a functioning brain can say that 5 Guys fries are anything but awesome on top of awesome.

Must be something really wrong with my brain because I would rather eat a McDonalds fry than 5 Guys. ;)

Mississippi Blues
03-02-2013, 10:18 AM
. . .thus my fridge-opening GIF. I'll post it again just because I love it.

To bump this thread after all this time, with no news of an OKC expansion, is just cruel.

I saw that & it describes my reaction perfectly.

03-02-2013, 11:26 AM
We get it. Local options are always the best. Always. But wouldn't a regional chain like this be nice for the heathens who just want something different from the McDonald's and the Sonics of the world? Does it always have to be a one-or-the-other type of deal, or can they all coexist peacefully?

Probably. I just don't think any other these chains are worthy of the reaction. I've eaten an In-N-Out and while it's a nice burger, I prefer the ones I listed above. Why not get excited about what we have locally? Now, I will be excited if we get a Restoration Hardware, because there's nothing here in OKC like it. But, when there are great burgers in local restaurants, my blood pressure doesn't rise at the thought of something new that I consider no better or different.

Mississippi Blues
03-02-2013, 11:43 AM
Betts is just stating how she reacts & feels to the thought of national chains coming to OKC. She's not saying no one should be excited, she just doesn't personally get excited at the thought of In-N-Out or any other national burger place coming to OK City.

I personally am wanting them to open up here, but I also enjoy the local stuff just like betts. I'll eat at both & not really think twice about it. That's just me.

(I don't know you personally betts, so if you're not a "she", please forgive me. I just seem to remember others referring to you as "she".)

03-02-2013, 11:56 AM
I'm a she, and you're right. If other people get excited about it, that's fine with me. I just like to point out our local options from time to time, as I am usually happiest with them. I think chains usually lose something in translation from their first few stores. Although, I'm rooting for my nephew's cookie store, Schmackary's in NYC, to become a chain so I can enjoy his cookies more often then a few times a year. Cookies don't taste as good if they're shipped.

Mississippi Blues
03-02-2013, 12:51 PM
Our local places are very good & it wouldn't make a difference to me if another chain opened up here or not? It's just nice to have options I suppose.

There's no doubt in my mind they'll locate here in OKC, I just don't know how soon.

Roger S
03-02-2013, 01:20 PM
I personally thought the In-N-Out burger I had in California was similar to a Sonic burger so I'm not going to get excited about In-N-Out.

Like Betts I prefer our local options with Nic's Grill at the top of my list.

However a chain I would get excited to see here, and I know people really have a love/hate relationship with them, is a White Castle.

Wheneve I fly to Michigan to visit friends I have there. They meet me at the airport with a Crave Case. Now that's some serious friendship there!

03-02-2013, 01:43 PM
I personally thought the In-N-Out burger I had in California was similar to a Sonic burger so I'm not going to get excited about In-N-Out.
I was working out in California (Central Valley) out of Sacramento, the others that I was working out there with (locals) kept telling me about this new burger place in Modesto they loved. We turn the corner and it was a Sonic....I busted out laughing. I told them they were as common in OKC as Subway stores and my sister had worked at one when she was in high school (the old 23rd & Council location) so they weren't anything real special to me.

However a chain I would get excited to see here, and I know people really have a love/hate relationship with them, is a White Castle.
Tried it twice, once in 1976 in Memphis and once in 2003 in need to eat there again.

03-02-2013, 01:50 PM
Man I do miss In-N-Out.

03-02-2013, 01:51 PM
Didn't there used to be a White Castle in Moore, on the service road just north of 12th street?

Roger S
03-02-2013, 02:03 PM
Tried it twice, once in 1976 in Memphis and once in 2003 in need to eat there again.

I understand completely. Anyone I know that has eaten White Castle has either loved it or hated it. I've never really known anyone that was in between those two extremes. ;)

Roger S
03-02-2013, 02:12 PM
Didn't there used to be a White Castle in Moore, on the service road just north of 12th street?

I don't think there was ever one in Moore unless it was there before 1980.

There was a burger place where Pickle's is, and if I remember right it may have even been called Pickle's then too, that served sliders back around 1986-87.

I remember going in there as a highschooler because they were selling $0.25 burgers. I hadn't seen $0.25 buirgers since I was a young child in the 70's and my parents would get a bag of burgers at McDonald's for $0.25 each. So imagine how disappointed we were when these little square burgers came out. We felt ripped off... LOL

What I find odd about White Castle is that it originated in Wichita but is no longer found in Kansas. I think the closest one to here is in Missouri.

03-02-2013, 02:56 PM
It's been awhile since I've been down that way but there was a Fajita place in the building the last time I noticed. This woulda been some time around 1983 or so. Coincidentally, SWMBO mentioned something about it a few nights ago and I vaguely remembered it.

Roger S
03-02-2013, 03:03 PM
Las Fajitas has been there since the early to mid 80's. I don't remember what year exactly it opened.

My mom was the accountant for Las Fajitas back then and she confirmed that you are correct. That is where the slider burger place was before it became Las Fajitas and not where I thought it was at 27th.

03-02-2013, 03:35 PM
White Castle was located in the spot where Las Fajitas is now.

Roger S
03-02-2013, 04:12 PM
I sure don't remember it being a White Castle..... I did drink a lot from 85-87 but I thought it had another name.

03-02-2013, 04:14 PM
Must be something really wrong with my brain because I would rather eat a McDonalds fry than 5 Guys. ;)

McD's fries are very good -- when fresh out of the fryer.

Roger S
03-02-2013, 04:34 PM
I found this Time Line ( for White Castle and it never mentions anything about opening any locations in Oklahoma.

Mississippi Blues
03-02-2013, 05:00 PM
McD's fries are very good -- when fresh out of the fryer.

McDonald's fries are very good when they're hot out of the fryer. They're the worst fries though when they're cold or just warm.

03-02-2013, 05:23 PM
McDonald's fries are very good when they're hot out of the fryer. They're the worst fries though when they're cold or just warm.

I am a white castle fan and there has never been one in Ok.....

03-02-2013, 05:41 PM
McDonald's fries are very good when they're hot out of the fryer. They're the worst fries though when they're cold or just warm.

I think McDonald's has magic heat lamps over the fries. Whether fresh from the fryer or fresh from under the heat lamp, McDonald's fries have an edibility lifespan of five minutes max. For that five minute span--and that is pushing it--they aren't bad at all. Eat them first before you touch anything else on your order. If you spend too much time sampling whatever else it was you ordered instead of plowing through the fries, they will have turned to . . . whatever alien, non-organic, mass they were carved or extruded from in the first place. Perhaps they come from another department in the lab that created the McRib.

03-02-2013, 06:27 PM
I am a white castle fan and there has never been one in Ok.....

Four people have confirmed there was at the location mentioned but think whatever you want. It didn't last long but there was definitely one there.

03-02-2013, 07:22 PM
During each and every one of our visits "UpNord"--in the vicinity of the twin cities--we drove by many a White Castle Burger place. I was really wanting to sample The Legend. My wife, who grew up there, never indicated that stopping to try one out would be a good idea. I didn't want to argue . . . and I wasn't really hungry. =)

03-02-2013, 07:42 PM
I was working out in California (Central Valley) out of Sacramento, the others that I was working out there with (locals) kept telling me about this new burger place in Modesto they loved. We turn the corner and it was a Sonic....I busted out laughing. I told them they were as common in OKC as Subway stores and my sister had worked at one when she was in high school (the old 23rd & Council location) so they weren't anything real special to me.

Tried it twice, once in 1976 in Memphis and once in 2003 in need to eat there again.

It looks like the old Krispy Kreme on 240 will be some kind of burger joint I wonder if In/Out ill have a location there.

03-02-2013, 07:54 PM
It looks like the old Krispy Kreme on 240 will be some kind of burger joint I wonder if In/Out ill have a location there.

Maybe the Sonic pope who just quit was ahead of the curve.

03-02-2013, 10:23 PM
I found this Time Line ( for White Castle and it never mentions anything about opening any locations in Oklahoma.
Was it maybe a Krystal which is a southern White Castle clone? I seem to remember some in Texas many, many years ago.

03-02-2013, 10:27 PM
The best burgers ever were at TwinBurger, out on Arapaho Ave, on the way to the Motorena Drive-In.
Their fries were nothing to sneeze at and they introduced the concept of the "banana shake" to an entire community yearning to expand their horizons.

Roger S
03-02-2013, 10:59 PM
It looks like the old Krispy Kreme on 240 will be some kind of burger joint I wonder if In/Out ill have a location there.

I'm guessing this is going to be another Garage since Hal Smith owns that building.

Roger S
03-02-2013, 11:03 PM
Was it maybe a Krystal which is a southern White Castle clone? I seem to remember some in Texas many, many years ago.

I'm sure it wasn't a Krystal's.... It may very well have been called White Castle but it wasn't a White Castle which could be the reason it didn't last very long.

I remember the time I ate there the burgers tasted like the hamburgers served in school cafeterias and it was nothing like the White Castles I have had anywhere else.

03-03-2013, 09:50 AM
Was it maybe a Krystal which is a southern White Castle clone? I seem to remember some in Texas many, many years ago. You are correct. Krystal was founded in Chattanoga and recently relocated their corporate headquarters to Atlanta. There were several Krystal Burgers in the DFW area, however, they seemed to have all closed down.There may be a few left, but the ones I know of have all closed. I was never a fan of either White Castle or Krystal.

03-03-2013, 03:55 PM
Had my first experience with In-N-Out back in '03. Good stuff, but nothing I couldn't live without. I was in Irving a couple weeks ago and they have one there now so I tried it again for lunch one day. On the recommendation of a coworker who grew up in southern Cali, I tried the double-double, animal style. It was a very good, tasty burger with what seemed like high quality ingredients but, again nothing I couldn't live without. It definitly has a distinct flavor so I could see how someone might crave it if that's what you grew up with.

As for fries, they were okay, but I like the fries at Tucker's better (as well as the burger - can't beat a good onion burger IMHO).

03-06-2013, 08:52 PM
The place in Moore was not a White Castle. It was a White Castle clone with a different name. I think it was locally owned. White Castle started in Wichita, yet there are no White Castles in Wichita now. Most White Castles are East of the Mississippi River even though they have some in Denver. They are popular in St. Louis also. I think the burgers are ok, but nothing spectacular.

I like In-N-Out Burger too. I would rather eat a local burger like Nic's or an El Reno style onion burger though. I am not going to wait for an hour for an In-N-Out burger. Another California chain I like is Fatburger. Magic Johnson invested in the chain a few years ago and they opened some new locations outside of the west coast. There was one in the Jax Brewery Building in the French Quarter in New Orleans that closed after Hurricane Katrina.

Bigray in Ok

03-06-2013, 09:51 PM
If you want the old-style McDonald's fries, and they're the best to me, you have to ask for the fries unsalted. One taste will bring back memories. They let you salt them yourself with little packets back in the day and most of the people I knew never did.

03-07-2013, 09:16 AM
The place in Moore was not a White Castle.

Not to argue, but it was. Not a knock-off, not a clone, but a "White Castle."

I went to HS in Moore in the 80's and drove by the place almost every day. It wasn't open for long.

Larry OKC
03-07-2013, 03:47 PM
Seems unlikely that there was ever a "real" White Castle in Moore

Why Doesn't White Castle Franchise? (

From the companies website, here ae the states they are located:
New Jersey
New York

FAQs | White Castle (

2) Why hasn’t White Castle expanded to my area?
White Castle and all its subsidiaries are privately owned and operated. The company does not franchise or offer stock options, and finances its expansion solely through retained earnings. For these reasons, White Castle expands slowly and tends to operate within the existing Midwest and Northeast regions where all our support facilities (meat plants, bakeries, etc.) are located.

But it does go on to say that the meat comes from "Florida, Texas, Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois….Australia or New Zealand" (But all from "100% USDA approved beef"). Not all of the states on the supply list have locations. So who knows. Now if someone has a photo or a news article that definitevely proves that a White Castle existed here...

03-07-2013, 09:10 PM
The place in Moore was not a White Castle. It was a White Castle clone with a different name. I think it was locally owned. White Castle started in Wichita, yet there are no White Castles in Wichita now. Most White Castles are East of the Mississippi River even though they have some in Denver. They are popular in St. Louis also. I think the burgers are ok, but nothing spectacular.

I like In-N-Out Burger too. I would rather eat a local burger like Nic's or an El Reno style onion burger though. I am not going to wait for an hour for an In-N-Out burger. Another California chain I like is Fatburger. Magic Johnson invested in the chain a few years ago and they opened some new locations outside of the west coast. There was one in the Jax Brewery Building in the French Quarter in New Orleans that closed after Hurricane Katrina.

Bigray in Ok
There are no White Castles here in Denver, Missouri is the closest locations to here.

03-12-2013, 06:06 PM
I noticed that on their website. I think they used to have some in Denver. I think it is interesting that they started in Wichita, yet there are none there now.

Bigray in Ok

Plutonic Panda
04-07-2014, 12:21 PM
Ate there for the second time yesterday and I honestly don't understand what is so great about the place. The employees are nice and they get paid 10.50/hr which is good, but other than that, the fries are (meh) and the hamburgers are hamburgers..... they taste good, but aren't leaving me leaving wishing they had one here, unlike White Castle.

I would love to see them here. none the less.

04-08-2014, 07:47 PM
Ate there for the second time yesterday and I honestly don't understand what is so great about the place. The employees are nice and they get paid 10.50/hr which is good, but other than that, the fries are (meh) and the hamburgers are hamburgers..... they taste good, but aren't leaving me leaving wishing they had one here, unlike White Castle.

I would love to see them here. none the less.

I like five guys better myself

08-13-2014, 08:03 PM
In and Out burger plans on puting a location in OKC any ideas where this will be?

08-13-2014, 08:14 PM
In and Out burger plans on puting a location in OKC any ideas where this will be?

I hope this is true but curious where info came from?

08-13-2014, 08:15 PM
In and Out burger plans on puting a location in OKC any ideas where this will be?

Where did u see this?

08-13-2014, 09:16 PM
I hope this is true but curious where info came from?
someone told me we were getting one I'll ask where he heard it. all i could find was a facebook fan page about getting one here. I hope that wasn't it.

08-13-2014, 11:15 PM
Could be true. My neighbor's beauty operator's second cousin said he had heard the same thing from a Fedex delivery man.

Plutonic Panda
08-13-2014, 11:24 PM
In and Out burger plans on puting a location in OKC any ideas where this will be?
That would be great! If they do build one, you guys can thank me for sending them an email a few months ago ;)

08-13-2014, 11:30 PM
That would be great! If they do build one, you guys can thank me for sending them an email a few months ago ;)

We'll put a plaque on the wall in your honor. :)

Plutonic Panda
08-13-2014, 11:33 PM
We'll put a plaque on the wall in your honor. :)I sent Pappadeaux an email just 2 weeks or something like that before they officially announced an OKC location

08-14-2014, 09:16 AM
I sent Pappadeaux an email just 2 weeks or something like that before they officially announced an OKC location

Wow you have some serious power if they got location and plans done in just two week!.

Plutonic Panda
08-14-2014, 01:39 PM
See that's what I'm saying. I just have a way with the restaurants ;) ;)

08-14-2014, 03:43 PM
See that's what I'm saying. I just have a way with the restaurants ;) ;)

How about a Frickers or Quaker Steak and Lube? Come on man work your magic.

08-14-2014, 04:29 PM
But I should win the prize because a friend of mine that is "in the know" guaranteed that an In-N-Out place was opening in Okc three years ago and I posted it on Okctalk. Now, ain't I the smart one?
C. T.
p.s. My friend never would explain why he was so sure, and I was too embarrassed to post anything else about it.
That would be great! If they do build one, you guys can thank me for sending them an email a few months ago ;)

08-14-2014, 06:11 PM
In-n-out is currently building two restaurants in San Antonio and from what I've heard and read, In-n-Out's next market will be Houston.