In case you didn't already know this, you can choose to ignore (block from display) posts from any user.
To do so, go to "Settings" at the top of any page, then "Edit Ignore List" on the left hand side of the next screen. You can then type in the names of anyone you want to ignore.
This may be helpful if you get frustrated by someone. Sometimes it's easier and healthier just to ignore rather than engage.
06-27-2011, 07:23 PM
In case you didn't already know this, you can choose to ignore (block from display) posts from any user.
To do so, go to "Settings" at the top of any page, then "Edit Ignore List" on the left hand side of the next screen. You can then type in the names of anyone you want to ignore.
This may be helpful if you get frustrated by someone. Sometimes it's easier and healthier just to ignore rather than engage.
This is so strange you posted this today. I was listening to an interview this weekend with Eli Pariser, the author of The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You. One of his arguments is that we have walled ourselves from opposing viewpoints, which is something that used to be very hard to do. Now, we can choose to read only Drudge and Fox or only MSNBC and Daily KOS and "wall" ourselves off from all that we don't agree with. Anyway, in this interview, Pariser even mentions discussion forums with "ignore" abilities that are often used to not have to read any viewpoints different from ours.
It has its place, but I agree with Pariser. It's really better to read and consider all points of views.
I haven't read the book ( yet, but he makes so many good points in the interviews and reviews I've read.
06-27-2011, 07:44 PM
I wouldn't put someone on ignore simply because they have a different opinion. Some people, however, are so angry and so irresponsible in what they say - or downright dishonest about what others have said - that there is no point in even trying to have a conversation with them. They're just screaming. And there are a handfull with a one track mind that could turn a discussion of favorite ice cream flavors to the issue of climate change or legalization of marijuana in a single post.
06-27-2011, 09:32 PM
I wouldn't put someone on ignore simply because they have a different opinion. Some people, however, are so angry and so irresponsible in what they say - or downright dishonest about what others have said - that there is no point in even trying to have a conversation with them. They're just screaming. And there are a handfull with a one track mind that could turn a discussion of favorite ice cream flavors to the issue of climate change or legalization of marijuana in a single post.
Well, so what. Given the absolute certainty of climate change we'll all run out of ice cream by 2017 anyway, and thus the flavors are just oh so wasteful of our time. Wake up folks, and if you can't, go get stoned and mellow out until it's all over but the crying.
.oO(Like that, huh?)Oo.
06-27-2011, 09:38 PM
Weird, this entire thread is blank on my screen! ( I know :lame: )
06-27-2011, 09:57 PM
Well, so what. Given the absolute certainty of climate change we'll all run out of ice cream by 2017 anyway, and thus the flavors are just oh so wasteful of our time. Wake up folks, and if you can't, go get stoned and mellow out until it's all over but the crying.
.oO(Like that, huh?)Oo.
Leave it to Kevin...