View Full Version : OVERUSED and MISUSED Word!
bucktalk 06-27-2011, 11:44 AM I think, generally, that I'm a patient guy. I don't typically respond to things unless I've given it some thought and even some research if its needed. But honestly --the word "hate" is so overused and misused in dialog when it comes to differences of opinion. Seems like people love to raise the "hate" flag when it comes differences of opinion from gay issues to political issues. For the life of my I can't grasp why, if someone doesn't agree, then its considered hate. Can we all ligthen up a bit and not use 'hate' unless it truly approperiate. Let's at least give a try!!
jmarkross 06-27-2011, 11:45 AM I think, generally, that I'm a patient guy. I don't typically respond to things unless I've given it some thought and even some research if its needed. But honestly --the word "hate" is so overused and misused on this site.
For the life of my I can't grasp why, if someone doesn't agree, then its considered hate. Can we all ligthen up a bit and not use 'hate' unless it truly approperiate. Let's at least give a try!!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
A forum is for the exchange of opinions of all sorts. For me--I have virtually no contact with anyone relatively young, because I am old! Here...I can throw out something and see what others of all ages and walks of life think about it. No reason to get "exercised" or foamy at the mouth. Take it or leave it. Costs you nothing. I hope no one here is trying to convince anyone of anything. What a futile and meaningless effort that would be.
ROBUST fits this category as well...
Bigrayok 06-28-2011, 05:01 PM When people use the term "hate" or "tolerance" they often mean "I can have my opinion, but if you disagree with me, you are intolerant or full of hate." When someone calls another "intolerant" they are often being intolerant themself. Another overused used phrase is 'No problem." There have been discussions on this board about waitstaff using this phrase when a customer says thank you. Another overused phrase is "Paradigm Shift." People in higher education, church, and business use this all of the time. I think Stephen Covey's book "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" contributed to this phrase's overuse since he uses it in his books a lot.
Bigray in Ok
PennyQuilts 06-29-2011, 10:37 AM You mean those who have zero tolerance for intolerance and get to define what it means to be intolerant? : )
Yeah, you're right, Bigray. What used to be just a disagreement - even a strong disagreement - has become by many to mean the one disagreeing is a hater. That's using a completely different part of the brain but it takes things from an intellectual disagreement to a belief that the other person is morally bankrupt. The response to a disagreement is to try to give information to change their mind. The response to a hater is to react with finger wagging and attempts to shame them. Is it any wonder this country is so polarized?
Back in the day of the moral majority - which still fills many with rage - the finger wagging did absolutely nothing but enrage and infuriate people. Duh. That is what happens when shame is used instead of reason when someone has a different value system. It isn't the substance of the disagreement that is causing angst - it is the manner in which it is characterized. "You're just a terrible person" might be appropriate on someone who is beyond redemption but these days, many apply it to anyone who doesn't have the same value and belief system. It is a seductive trap because not only does it make the accuser feel morally superior, it allows them to attack without needing to justify their position intelligently or with wisdom A scorched earth strategy, IMO, is incredibly destructive.
HewenttoJared 06-29-2011, 10:41 AM I was accused of hating someone only moments ago. Someone I do not hate...
PennyQuilts 06-29-2011, 10:42 AM i was accused of hating someone only moments ago. Someone i do not hate...
As a kid, my parents didn't allow us to use the word "hate".
It was a good lesson and to this day I almost never use it.
It's a very strong term, especially used in reference to people or groups.
HewenttoJared 06-29-2011, 11:03 AM Smart parents.
jmarkross 06-29-2011, 03:54 PM In our society today, the meanings of words are all jumbled up and lumped into a few piles. People feel free to pick one from the pile and use it willy-nilly. Makes them misunderstood and makes others not listen to them any more. Education today is touchy-feely stupid crap and has nothing much to do with the basics. Skipping the basics--like the language--dooms today's young people.
I blame it on colleges churning out hopeless inept teachers who think they can change the world through some sort of blind allegiance to whatever trendy thing they heard some left-wing loser who could only go to college until they became a professor (by default), then spend the rest of their days blathering about "life", the life they have never even experienced.
It is the goal and quest of the ignorant.
nighttrain12 06-29-2011, 11:03 PM 'Greatest' seems to be an overused and misused word. I'm especially talking about in regards to its use in sports. Such as, we just witnessed one of the greatest games, series, seasons, individual performances, etc.
RadicalModerate 07-01-2011, 07:03 PM At the end of the day, I think we can all agree that we need a robust ramp-up of the consensus building that will enable The American People to move the paradigm shift against overuse and misuse of the four-letter word "hate" into overdrive.
If you don't agree with that, it is simply because you are a hater (proun.: "HAY-tuh") . . .
Achilleslastand 07-01-2011, 07:12 PM At the end of the day, I think we can all agree that we need a robust ramp-up of the consensus building that will enable The American People to move the paradigm shift against overuse and misuse of the four-letter word "hate" into overdrive.
If you don't agree with that, it is simply because you are a hater (proun.: "HAY-tuh") . . .
You can throw the word hero into the mix as well........
jmarkross 07-01-2011, 07:38 PM At the end of the day, I think we can all agree that we need a robust ramp-up of the consensus building that will enable The American People to move the paradigm shift against overuse and misuse of the four-letter word "hate" into overdrive.
If you don't agree with that, it is simply because you are a hater (proun.: "HAY-tuh") . . .
It is unprecedented how clear you were in this this point in time (waxing nostalgic)
Larry OKC 07-03-2011, 01:26 PM Renaissance & Momentum
Larry OKC 07-03-2011, 01:28 PM Bumper sticker from back in the 80s
All extremists should be shot