11-27-2012, 03:53 PM
Mr. Spriggs (formerly of S. Air Depot down by 29th St./also on Lincoln Blvd.) and Mr. T's (of NE 23rd St. out around Post Rd.) could be ranked way up on The Pantheon of OKCBBQ except for they are taking aerial photographs of the roof of that pantheon. In fact, either of "the cousins" could probably coach Coachs. That's how good all of them are. =)
Roger S
11-27-2012, 04:28 PM
OKCBBQEA: Liked your review (Oklahoma BBQ Eaters Anonymous: YOU COULD SCORE A HOMERUN AT COACH'S (http://okbbqea.blogspot.com/2012/11/you-could-score-homerun-at-coachs.html)) of Coach's in Bricktown (bet they did, too). I was looking around your blog for Van's, and only saw your review of the Moore location (Oklahoma BBQ Eaters Anonymous: WHAT'S SO GOOD ABOUT A GOOD TIMES VAN'S PIG STAND? (http://okbbqea.blogspot.com/2012/04/whats-so-good-about-good-times-vans-pig.html#more) -- which favorably mentioned the Shawnee location on Harrison). I've been to the four Van's locations and agree with you that each has their own personality. I like the food from the original location on Highland in Shawnee, myself. Have you been to that one? If distance didn't matter, I would always pick that Van's over the others. I couldn't find a review for Mr. Spriggs on your blog. Have you tried that one? It's another favorite for me. Their pulled pork sandwich is a real winner.
Thanks for the kudos!
I have not tried the location on Highland yet but I have a Shawnee run in the planning stages. I forget all the names but I think counting the two Van's locations there are 5 places I want to try there.
I have been a fan of Mr. Spriggs since they were located in the little white run down shack that was located near Air Depot and 29th prior to the Town Center being built. I am not a big fan of their pulled pork (unless it has changed in the last year it is the chopped, folded, spindled, mutilated pulled pork I rant about on my blog all the time) but I do love their ribs and chopped brisket and I never pass up the sweet potato pie. I also like the 911 sauce and I recommend using the macaroni salad to help temper the heat of it.
Roger S
11-27-2012, 04:34 PM
Mr. Spriggs (formerly of S. Air Depot down by 29th St./also on Lincoln Blvd.) and Mr. T's (of NE 23rd St. out around Post Rd.) could be ranked way up on The Pantheon of OKCBBQ except for they are taking aerial photographs of the roof of that pantheon. In fact, either of "the cousins" could probably coach Coachs. That's how good all of them are. =)
Mr. Tee's will always have a fond spot in my heart. While my last visit wasn't as good as the past (new owners) I lived walking distance from them at a time in my life when eating BBQ was a luxury. I could afford to eat a chopped brisket sandwich with some macaroni salad from Mr. Tee's about once a week.
if you take a Shawnee run, make sure you go to Rob's Smokehouse. Great smoked chicken, good brisket except they only serve it chopped, and pretty good ribs
I like it much more than Vans