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10-06-2017, 06:15 PM
Well it shouldn't be... Again, we are waiting Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad as explained earlier. They have not given us an approval to proceed. That has nothing to do with a lack of accountability or ineptitude with the City and/or our committee.

Let's restate this in a way that more directly answers Pete's question. So if I've understood correctly: There is now no definite timeline for completion of this phase of the Santa Fe Station improvements, due to issues with BNSF preventing work on the pedestrian tunnel through the viaduct from proceeding. Would that be an accurate statement?

Lafferty Daniel
10-08-2017, 10:45 PM
I'm made this point several times and will do again:

The City never reports against original timelines, budgets and scope. They merely keep changing the reports to show the latest projections, which are continually shifting. For example, the river projects are now labeled as complete but nowhere on current reports does it show there were to be a whole list of things -- like a grandstand and windscreen -- that just got cut. That is also not reflected in the budget.

I've never seen this done in business before. Imagine being a project manager and reporting monthly to your boss and never addressing the original promises made when the project was approved.

The only way to figure this out is to keep the original documents then do your own comparison and the contrast is startling. And as near as I can determine, this happens on all large City projects, not just MAPS 3.

The net effect is that everything always seems to be on schedule and on budget because they merely change the numbers and dates and the amount of work being done to match what actually is happening, rather than reporting against what was originally promised. Not only is it a terrible business practice, it also means there is no way to recognize and correct chronic problems like consistently under budgeting and being hugely unrealistic on timing. Not coincidentally, almost every major City project is way over budget (we just cut way back on the amount of work to be delivered) and time. Then for each subsequent project, we make the same mistakes over and over and find something new to blame like utilities or weather or things we should be able to figure out and make contingencies for in advance.

This goes largely unnoticed because it's very easy to get changes approved by just cutting items and revising timelines. The City Manager writes up a memo, City Council approves (without the benefit of seeing what was originally agreed to in the first place, often years if not decades prior). And the local media just publish what the City tells them without verifying or asking educated questions.

I'll pull together an update based on original promises and you'll see what I mean.
This would be a great piece for KFOR to do. Maybe that can put some pressure on those in charge.

Edit: I see Rover already mentioned this.

10-12-2017, 04:59 AM
Missouri DOT posts a small blue sign at the beginning of each of their work zones that states the work being done and the estimated time to completion. Something like "Road Resurfacing—Fall 2017". Even something small like that would help hold the city accountable.

10-12-2017, 04:29 PM
Missouri DOT posts a small blue sign at the beginning of each of their work zones that states the work being done and the estimated time to completion. Something like "Road Resurfacing—Fall 2017". Even something small like that would help hold the city accountable.

This is what Tulsa does.

10-25-2017, 08:28 AM

"Projects no longer included in the anticipated base project bids to be solicited by contractors include a SW 4 street plaza and a skywalk between the convention center and an adjoining Omni Hotel, a 540-space surface parking lot, ballroom light riggings, exterior vertical shade fins and a central utility plant."

This is before the project has even been bid, which indicates they think they are going to have a hard time fitting within the original budget, which already includes funds appropriated from the overall MAPS 3 contingency.

"David Todd, MAPS 3 program manager, said some of the items like the surface parking likely will be built with other funding if not included in the base project."

Other funding meaning more tax dollars spent on this project and a total cost that keeps growing and growing.

10-25-2017, 08:45 AM
Well, the people who hate the idea of a skywalk for no reason are going to be happy, but that doesn't remove the very valid reasons for having one.

But hey, it'll be just like the jail, right? No money to do it right the first time, but plenty of money to redo it, then redo it, then redo it...

10-25-2017, 08:48 AM
Money will be "found" to do all of these things, I'm quite sure of it.

kevin lee
10-25-2017, 09:12 AM
I read it as nothing was chopped. They've deleted from this bid so they can be offered as smaller bids later.

10-25-2017, 09:24 AM
That is correct. This move allows for flexibility. Add alternates might still be a part of the project within the existing budget if bids come in below budget (as they often do in projects of this type, believe it or not). If bids come in low, they are included as if they were never carved out. If not, they can be funded in another phase, paid for with other funding sources, or eliminated entirely. This has happened with nearly every large project since the beginning of the first MAPS, and is neither surprising or underhanded in any way.

10-25-2017, 09:32 AM
Have any of the other MAPS projects used 'other funds' to cover add alternates?

10-25-2017, 09:42 AM
Have any of the other MAPS projects used 'other funds' to cover add alternates?

Of course they have. Here’s but one example:

10-25-2017, 09:49 AM
Of course they have. Here’s but one example:

MAPS funds were used for that:

Source of Funds MAPS 3 Sales Tax-MAPS 3 River-OK River Whitewater FacilityConstruction in Progress

10-25-2017, 10:18 AM
MAPS funds were used for that:

Oh, you meant monies outside of MAPS. OK, those include:

Private donations solicited by Civic Center Foundation to complete trimmed Civic Center projects. Also included naming rights to main theater and little theater.
Ballpark had around a million in add alternates completed by team ownership. The team facility rental was deferred until the team recaptured the million; essentially an interest-free loan to City
Ronald J. Norick Library entrance plaza improvements that were trimmed from MAPS budget but funded through private donation
There was a planned plaza between canal and ballpark third base entrance that was trimmed and now years later being redesigned with funding efforts underway by Downtown OKC Partnership with cooperation from City
There were a number of items left out of original build of arena to stay within budget that were eventually added as tenant build and guest amenities as a part of separate arena tax

I can think of those right off the bat but I know there are other examples.

10-25-2017, 10:23 AM
I truly hope that the convention center add alternates are underwritten through private donations but I highly doubt that will be the case.

BTW, we are now approaching $500 million total tax dollars for a project originally pitched and approved at $252 million... And they haven't even started construction.

10-25-2017, 10:31 AM
That $500 million number is of course based on math that suits your argument and is just as debatable and squishy as the math you suggest the City uses for its own purposes. Including the hotel in your total, for instance, is of course a defensible position but it’s also an incomplete telling and completely debatable.

For the record the anticipated base bid of the convention center is $193 million.

10-25-2017, 10:37 AM
That $500 million number is of course based on math that suits your argument and is just as debatable and squishy as the math you suggest the City uses for its own purposes. Including the hotel in your total, for instance, is of course a defensible position but it’s also an incomplete telling and completely debatable.

For the record the anticipated base bid of the convention center is $193 million.

It's based on actual figures provided by the City. And that base bid is only part of the project.

And since you are challenging my objectivity I must restate I have nothing to gain here where you and your business are completely tied to this project and the people who run it.

In Millions:
Convention Center $252
Contingency moved to CC budget $36
Parking garage $10
Hotel public cost $85
Interest on $85MM $50
TIF for land acquisition $10
Total $443

Land swap with OG&E $10
Add Alternates $9
Hotel land $10
Total cost of parking garage less $10MM $27

10-25-2017, 10:47 AM
I’m not challenging your objectivity just clearly stating that it is one of multiple legitimate ways to look at this project.

And again, TIF, hotel public participation and other public funding have been brought to bear throughout downtown for the past couple of decades, and for projects both directly and tangentially connected to MAPS-generated improvements.

10-25-2017, 10:54 AM
I’m not challenging your objectivity just clearly stating that it is one of multiple legitimate ways to look at this project.

And again, TIF, hotel public participation and other public funding have been brought to bear throughout downtown for the past couple of decades, and for projects both directly and tangentially connected to MAPS-generated improvements.

I will restate:

1. The convention center was pitched and approved at $252 million.
2. To date, $443 million in public funds have been committed towards it (all 'must haves') with a bunch more associated indirect costs.
3. The number continues to grow and construction has yet to commence.
4. There is nothing to suggest future spending will come from anywhere other than public funds.

These are very important points that are not being reported in any sort of perspective anywhere but here and if I seem negative it's only because I feel obligated to report what is actually happening.

10-25-2017, 12:53 PM
It is super informative whenever you two debate an issue.

10-25-2017, 12:59 PM
It is super informative whenever you two debate an issue.


Urbanized better still be taking me to the Thunder game tonight! :)

10-25-2017, 01:14 PM
It's based on actual figures provided by the City. And that base bid is only part of the project.

And since you are challenging my objectivity I must restate I have nothing to gain here where you and your business are completely tied to this project and the people who run it.

In Millions:
Convention Center $252
Contingency moved to CC budget $36
Parking garage $10
Hotel public cost $85
Interest on $85MM $50
TIF for land acquisition $10
Total $443

Land swap with OG&E $10
Add Alternates $9
Hotel land $10
Total cost of parking garage less $10MM $27

Just to be clear that contingency money was first removed from the CC project and then it was added back in

10-25-2017, 02:25 PM

Urbanized better still be taking me to the Thunder game tonight! :)
Haha for the record I hadn't even seen the most recent posts when I texted you to confirm.

10-25-2017, 02:58 PM
These slides are from the presentation given to the convention center committee.

The items removed from the base bid total $11.4 million, not $9 million as reported by the Oklahoman.

Prediction: All the building alternates get done by taking more money from overall MAPS contingency; all the site alternates (more than $7 million) get done by the City taking tax dollars out of street and/or Project 180 money.

11-15-2017, 08:46 AM
$9 million more being put into the convention center budget, this time for the parking garage:

Also, the city is buying the OG&E gold building for an undetermined amount to be paid later, but still has to count against this project.

Article says the convention tab is "at least $425 million" but I'm sure those calcs don't include the $50 million in interest for paying Omni their $85 million up front.

I stand by my numbers that this project is approaching half a billion and it hasn't even been bid yet.

11-16-2017, 07:31 AM
Also, the city is buying the OG&E gold building for an undetermined amount to be paid later, but still has to count against this project.
I'll miss that old ugly building. I don't think I ever got a picture, but there was a really cool mission control-style room in there where they used to coordinate substation stuff, with a giant wall map/diagram that lit up back in the day.

11-16-2017, 05:09 PM
Estimated $500 million: We should have a grand convention center to compete with cities like Louisville, Raleigh & Memphis. City does seem to add more stems & pieces to this project.

Parking is necessary to finalize a deal with Omni Hotels for a $235.5 million, 600-room luxury hotel to serve as a headquarters hotel for the nearly $300 million convention center.--Oklahoman, Crum November 14, 2017
Oklahoma City 2016 population estimates: Metro 1,373,211, Urban 638,367

It will take $500 million to keep up with cities on our level (1.2 million+ metro & 450,000+ urban population); especially if we want to maintain an attractive convention center, arena & hotel equipped with parking & a sky walk to the 600 room Omni.

11-16-2017, 05:55 PM
I believe William Crum at the Oklahoman mentioned how we are projected to collect a possible $30 million over the original plan. If there were any areas we were able to come in under budget we cOUld potentially add those funds to whatever surplus we have by Dec. 31st.

Hopefully, when it is all said and done, we have no trOUble funding anything from the Maps 3 initiative.

11-20-2017, 09:12 AM
The new substation is almost complete.

11-20-2017, 08:27 PM
How delayed is this project at this point? a year? two?

11-21-2017, 06:00 AM
How delayed is this project at this point? a year? two?

The fact that people keep asking that shows that they could do a better job communicating the timeline. Why do you feel it is delayed?

kevin lee
11-21-2017, 07:46 AM
At the first site planning in Feb 2016, it was stated that construction wasn't beginning until 2018 with a completion date of 2020. They shouldn't have to say much more than that because it seems they're on schedule.

12-05-2017, 07:01 PM
OKC to buy OG&E land for $14 million

By: Brian Brus The Journal Record December 5, 2017

OKLAHOMA CITY – The city will spend $14 million to acquire a downtown block from Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co. to build a parking garage, the City Council decided Tuesday.

The 865-space garage will cost $40 million to build once the deal goes through. It is needed to support MAPS 3 development in the Core to Shore area north of the Oklahoma River, in particular a new convention center, hotel, and 70-acre park.

COTPA, the city’s parking authority, will pay for the construction project through the issuance of bond debt. The municipal government will fund the property acquisition with $9 million from the MAPS 3 sales tax and $5 million in a loan by the Oklahoma City Economic Development Trust that OG&E has agreed to carry for 20 years at zero interest.

“It’s a little bit different than maybe some of the other things that we’ve seen in the past but very similar to many of the other real estate purchases we’ve done for the convention center and the park and throughout the Core to Shore area,” said Cathy O’Connor, head of the Urban Renewal Authority.

OG&E is selling the block bounded by SW Third and Fourth streets, between Broadway Avenue and E.K. Gaylord Boulevard, where the utility has a control center for power transmission and distribution systems. The property is often referred to as the gold building because of the color of its unadorned metal plating. The purchase price is based on fair market value, O’Connor said.

The utility technology will be relocated in northeast Oklahoma City by March 2019 once the transaction is closed. O’Connor said City Hall should use that time to work on other parts of the project, such as architectural design and whether private developers will be allowed.

Mayor Mick Cornett questioned whether the utility had reason to finish in a timely manner. O’Connor said the agreement does not include a clause for delay damages; however, OG&E is still motivated by noble reasons.

“They have been great to deal with and I think they see this as part of their contribution as a community partner with the city,” she said.

Councilman Ed Shadid also wondered about OG&E’s position, asking whether O’Connor had received a full accounting for relocation costs. The new site, just south of NW 10th Street, is expected to cost no more than $300,000; the utility has agreed to pay for any overage.

“We’ve talked about it in very broad terms and they’ve indicated to me some of the components of relocation,” O’Connor said. “The city’s share is substantially less than the full cost. … They’ve indicated to me that their relocation costs are well in excess of $7 million.”

“But you don’t have a breakdown of what exactly they’re putting in there and what each thing costs, making them whole,” Shadid said. “How do you negotiate that if you do not know the numbers?”

“I do not. You are right,” O’Connor said.

Shadid followed up by asking if that caused any concern. City Manager Jim Couch said it did not, adding that the utility company prefers not to have all of its business numbers public.

Shadid voted against the four related agenda items; they passed regardless, 8-1. Seven affirmative votes were needed to waive the competitive bidding process, and six votes were needed for the city to incur the debt.

City residents voted for the original Metropolitan Area Projects plan in 1993 as a temporary 1-cent sales tax, later extending it six months to reach a $350 million target. Projects included construction of the Bricktown Canal and renovations to what’s now known as the Cox Convention Center.

In 2001, voters came back and supported OCMAPS, also called MAPS for Kids, to raise $700 million for school district infrastructure improvements.

In 2009, residents approved MAPS 3 to raise $777 million for projects such as a new downtown park, streetcar, senior wellness centers, convention center and river improvements.

12-05-2017, 07:11 PM
OG&E is making out like bandits. Revenge for not allowing the rate hike they tried to push through before it was approved?

Jersey Boss
12-05-2017, 08:25 PM
Why would Couch endorse a public monopoly keeping business numbers a secret? More importantly, why would the Council plow ahead with out a full accounting of expenses? This is poor stewardship of tax monies. It is also a display of poor leadership of a gubernatorial candidate.

12-08-2017, 12:49 PM
OG&E has started to dismantle the substation in prep for full move to the new site by the OK River, all needed to make room for the convention center.

12-24-2017, 10:16 PM
Potential visiting groups want to see convention center progress

By: Brian Brus The Journal Record December 22, 2017

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma City Convention and Visitors Bureau is putting a little more effort into convincing event organizers that, yes, the downtown MAPS 3 convention center will be built and on time.

“We’re dealing with groups that want to be put in the convention center right now. They’re booking their events three or four years out,” bureau Marketing and Communications Director Seth Spillman said.

“We have to have a message put together about what Oklahoma City will look like then,” he said. “Because it’s a dramatically different package from what we have right now.”

The convention center is part of the package of projects voters approved under the MAPS 3 temporary sales tax issue, which will produce slightly more than $777 million by the time it ends this year. The project at SW Fourth Street and S. Robinson Avenue broke ground this year. Once finished, it will have a 200,000-square-foot exhibit hall, 45,000-square-foot meeting space and 30,000-square-foot ballroom.

In November, city officials reported development of the convention center remains within budget, although a list of additions might require more money. The center is scheduled for completion by 2020.

Greater Oklahoma City Convention and Visitors Bureau President Mike Carrier recently said the city lost out on hosting a group in 2022 because construction on the $288 million convention center has not started yet. The bureau’s sales team had tried to secure the U.S. National Guard’s annual conference, which promised about 12,000 room nights for local hotels. Organizers wanted evidence of progress before committing their own resources.

Carrier said that experience highlights the need for better promotional material. People are too used to seeing large projects be announced and not come to fruition.

“Once folks see it start, we’ll see some changes in attitude,” Carrier said.

To that end, the bureau created a video that targeted the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement, which was trying to find a place for its 2020 convention. Carrier said investing in material from the Ackerman McQueen media consultant agency made the feature possible, and having a staff videographer helped a lot.

“We have been working with a 12-person customer advisory board of meeting planners around the country with various levels of experience with Oklahoma City,”
Spillman said. “Using that feedback we’re pulling together a program that will launch with the groundbreaking of the new convention center, and then the plan is to keep a steady trickle of information and buzz out there.”

01-10-2018, 12:51 PM
Looks like they are moving forward with -- and expanding -- the skywalk between the Omni, parking garage and convention center.

The renderings show creating an enclosed corridor that would then connect to another enclosed bridge to the parking structure.

This was proposed by the MAPS 3 manager so I suspect this will be another addition to the convention center budget.

These plans will be reviewed in the next meeting of the Downtown Design Review Committee:

01-10-2018, 01:49 PM
Hmn, so they're looking to close off 4th between the hotel and the convention center? Was that always part of the site plan?

01-10-2018, 01:49 PM
I am totally fine with this. Not having a skybridge would be a very bad decision, and the singular reason the opponents could give against it isn't even valid.

01-10-2018, 01:54 PM
Hmn, so they're looking to close off 4th between the hotel and the convention center? Was that always part of the site plan?

Yes, plans have always shown 4th closed between the convention center and the hotel.

01-11-2018, 05:24 PM
What's up with OG&E; can someone add up all the financial package OG&E will receive from the City? Starting with the $30 million they will receive (relocate) from the substation & the gold building (control center) for the convention center site--$14.4 million.
Gold building lower left from The Peake & dismantled substation below mid center of picture above.

So far OG&E will receive $30 to relocate, $14,420,000 for the gold building & $2.28 million for substation property: $46.7 million--are there more funds in store for this electrical giant?

01-12-2018, 12:25 PM
seems like enough for a down payment on a new tower... if only they had the land for it.................

01-12-2018, 12:33 PM
seems like enough for a down payment on a new tower... If only they had the land for it.................

oge = trash.

01-12-2018, 02:34 PM
I'm just as irritated as everyone else over the stage center fiasco, but I can't really hold the city wanting the land their sitting on or the substation move against them.

01-16-2018, 07:41 AM
City to invite proposals for project surrounding new Omni garage (

As part of the deal with Omni hotels to develop a 600-room convention center directly adjacent to the new MAPS3 convention center, the city must provide structured parking for the hotel.

Recently, the city acquired the old OG&E data center on the block directly east of the proposed Omni, and has received approval to proceed with a $40 million garage.

In order to maximize the garage property along the forthcoming OKC Boulevard and to defray some of the costs, the city will likely seek requests for proposal (RFP) for a mixed-use project that would be developed in conjunction with the garage.

The Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Authority will be working with the Oklahoma Development Authority – each headed by Cathy O'Connor – to assemble a committee and issue the RFP.

As part of this agreement the ground may sell a portion of the old OG&E block to a developer if they are chosen by an appointed selection committee.

Work is already well underway for the MAPS3 Scissortail Park to the west and the convention center and hotel should start construction later this year. Construction has also commenced on a Fairfield Inn, the first private development in the area know as Core to Shore.

Also this week, the city submitted plans to the Downtown Design Review Committee for enclosed skywalks which would connect the convention center to the Omni and the proposed parking structure.

In addition, the city is set to start clearing the land for the lower section of Scissortail Park, which will run from I-40 and the Skydance Bridge all the way to the Oklahoma River, ultimately fulfilling the long-term plan of connecting downtown to the river and its numerous recreation facilities.

01-16-2018, 07:42 AM
City to invite proposals for project surrounding new Omni garage (

As part of the deal with Omni hotels to develop a 600-room convention center directly adjacent to the new MAPS3 convention center, the city must provide structured parking for the hotel.

Recently, the city acquired the old OG&E data center on the block directly east of the proposed Omni, and has received approval to proceed with a $40 million garage.

In order to maximize the garage property along the forthcoming OKC Boulevard and to defray some of the costs, the city will likely seek requests for proposal (RFP) for a mixed-use project that would be developed in conjunction with the garage.

The Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Authority will be working with the Oklahoma Development Authority – each headed by Cathy O'Connor – to assemble a committee and issue the RFP.

As part of this agreement the group may sell a portion of the old OG&E block to a developer if they are chosen by an appointed selection committee.

Work is already well underway for the MAPS3 Scissortail Park to the west and the convention center and hotel should start construction later this year. Construction has also commenced on a 133-room Fairfield Inn, the first private development in the area know as Core to Shore.

Also this week, the city submitted plans to the Downtown Design Review Committee for enclosed skywalks which would connect the convention center to the Omni and the proposed parking structure.

In addition, the city is set to start clearing the land for the lower section of Scissortail Park, which will run from I-40 and the Skydance Bridge all the way to the Oklahoma River, ultimately fulfilling the long-term plan of connecting downtown to the river and its numerous recreation facilities.

Ross MacLochness
01-16-2018, 09:25 AM
Wow... we must be living in Bizzaro OKC. There are nearly ten downtown housing projects announced/underway, historic properties such as the Donnay building and Villa Theresa are being redeveloped, plans for protected bike lanes are in the works, and now a city built garage will be hidden behind a wall of mixed use development. This is great! If you must have a garge, this is a great way to approach it.

01-16-2018, 10:28 AM
I hope they get some decent proposals.

That property is a bit problematic because the boulevard will be slightly below grade and I'm not sure how this will be handled.

01-16-2018, 10:35 AM
Here's what I mean about the street grade...

Both Shields and the boulevard will be below the property level at the corner, as you can tell by the retaining wall on Shields.

01-16-2018, 10:41 AM
Yeah I had many frustrating interactions on this board over the years trying to describe that grade difference when discussing potential engineering for a dreamed-of canal extension.

01-30-2018, 08:30 AM
Latest update:

01-31-2018, 10:17 AM
OKC convention center below budget

By: Brian Brus The Journal Record January 30, 2018

OKLAHOMA CITY – Plans for the new downtown convention center are nearly $685,000 under budget, opening the possibility of adding a couple of features that other cities are struggling with.

The MAPS 3 convention center design principles have not changed significantly over the last three years, said Adam Paulitsch, architect and associate principal at Populous. He told Oklahoma City Council members Tuesday the project is shaping up nicely with about 200,000 square feet of exhibit hall space, 40,000 square feet of meeting space and 30,000 square feet for a ballroom.

The total project estimate for the project was initially set at $195 million. Paulitsch said Populous is due to revisit the council at the end of February for final approval of the plans, trusting that market prices won’t change significantly by then.

In the meantime, Populous has started communicating with the Omni Hotels architectural team as well. Council members decided that the convention center’s success would be bolstered by a luxury hotel within a short walk and asked for proposals from the industry. Omni Hotels came out on top with a pitch for a 17-floor building with 600 rooms, restaurants and another 50,000 square feet of meeting space. The hotel will be built at Robinson Avenue and Oklahoma City Boulevard.

“Truly, you will have a coordinated project between the two facilities once they’re constructed,” Paulitsch said.

He was referring to the overall interaction between the hotel and convention center with visitors economically supporting both sites. However, the comment could also be taken as a reference to actual bridges. The conference center was always designed to allow for the extension of skywalks to keep visitors protected from the elements as they cross the street to a parking garage and hotel.

Cities across the country have been debating those cozy amenities because they create the appearance of lifelessness at street level. Cincinnati, Ohio, for example, started taking down pieces of its extensive skywalk system in 2002, beginning with a segment connecting the Riverfront Stadium to office buildings. City leaders continued dismantling bridges into 2013 as new development replaced older buildings. Baltimore, Maryland, has taken down seven bridges with plans to remove two more, and city leaders in Spokane, Washington, announced they would not allow more skywalks.

Ten years ago, urban designer and popular writer Jeff Speck visited Oklahoma City to review walkability downtown. He concluded that tunnels and tubes were counterproductive to development. His book, Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time, was a best-seller in 2013.

“What we find is that they take away the whole livability of the street network and deprioritize investing in the accessibility of streets,” said Amanda O’Rourke, executive director at 880 Cities consulting group in Toronto, Ontario. Fellow 880 urbanist Gil Penalosa concluded the same in his reviews of walkways in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. “Even when they protect pedestrians from extreme cold, which is what you find a lot here in Canada, they take away from interaction with the community.”

Regardless, Oklahoma City has not turned away from skywalks. Devon received approval for a bridge to the new BOK Park Plaza last year, and the Populous convention center plan has already been approved by the Planning Department and Downtown Design Review Committee. Oklahoma City Planning Department Director Aubrey McDermid said City Hall doesn’t have a black-and-white stance on the issue, not disallowing skywalks but rather highlighting a preference for street development.

“We very rarely get a development of a magnitude that the owner is going to request a skybridge,” she said. “Typically, they’re only requested between garages and places of employment where they’re introducing hundreds of people at once to the sidewalks. … It’s more of an amenity.

“The reason that skywalk space exists is because they’re bringing so much foot travel to the area, so it kind of balances,” she said.

01-31-2018, 10:17 AM
double post

01-31-2018, 10:53 AM
Under budget lol

01-31-2018, 11:17 AM
Under budget lol

Paving the way for getting all the 'alternates' added back in; total of $14 million now.

01-31-2018, 05:58 PM
Paving the way for getting all the 'alternates' added back in; total of $14 million now.

Operative word being "paving," a very popular gerund in OKC vernacular.

01-31-2018, 06:25 PM
Operative word being "paving," a very popular gerund in OKC vernacular.

Best thing is prob extend MAPs for a few years and finish this out with 1st class facilities. Add another 10 floors to Omni and another 200k sq. ft of convention space and extend street car, at least double the miles to hot spots and become a real tier 2 city that can compete with some of the other tier 2 cities. Right now it looks like a notch below.

02-01-2018, 10:32 AM
OKC convention center below budget

By: Brian Brus The Journal Record January 30, 2018

OKLAHOMA CITY – Plans for the new downtown convention center are nearly $685,000 under budget, opening the possibility of adding a couple of features that other cities are struggling with. [...] The total project estimate for the project was initially set at $195 million.

Is it just me, or is being 0.35% under budget, prior to start of construction, a bit premature to count that as extra money in the bank?

02-01-2018, 10:33 AM
Is it just me, or is being 0.35% under budget, prior to start of construction, a bit premature to count that as extra money in the bank?

Not only is it not under construction, it hasn't even been bid.

Also, those 'under budget' numbers include all of their contingency funds plus a bunch more that was moved from the general MAPS 3 contingency.

02-01-2018, 11:04 AM
Wasn’t the part that came from the contingency budget originally a part of the cc budget, then moved to contingency, and then moved back to the cc? Or did I just dream that? I have a hard time keeping track.