View Full Version : Falling skies

06-20-2011, 12:49 PM
Sucked. Same old, same old. Spielburg must have "blessed" it as the Pope does--driving through a warehouse at 50-mph. Only the rubber "thing" was decent...another hackneyed episode in the post-apocalyptic future world scenario...trash...

Populated by every conceivable Hollywood cliche, reliably, as well...they even called the robots..."mechs"--how clever!

06-20-2011, 01:40 PM
I would think you could tell what it was going to be like from the previews. If you don't like that kind of movie then why did you go?

06-20-2011, 01:52 PM
I would think you could tell what it was going to be like from the previews. If you don't like that kind of movie then why did you go?

I watch almost all sci-fi...grew up in the 1950's, when sci-fi was King. Just hoping for a new angle--something better than the formulaic. Saw Forbidden Planet first-run in theater (Boomer Theater in Norman, 1956)...still trying to find that type. That's all. Rushes don't give me much of an idea.

Also--didn't have to go too far to see it--and the ticket price was reasonable....

06-20-2011, 02:10 PM
I thought it was alright. The writing isn't strong, but it's not like SG1 or anything.

And those things WOULD be nicknamed mechs if they started stomping around today.

06-20-2011, 02:16 PM
I thought it was alright. The writing isn't strong, but it's not like SG1 or anything.

And those things WOULD be nicknamed mechs if they started stomping around today.

I suspect the storyline will be stretched beyond human imagining for many, many, many hours and resemble the painter who paints your entire home with one pint of paint...thinned to other words...a money-making vehicle for ad revenue beyond the dreams of avarice...

06-20-2011, 03:11 PM
Agreed. They need Ron Moore.

OU Adonis
06-20-2011, 08:27 PM
I liked it. The reason we don't get a whole lot of sci fi nowadays is because people have unrealistic expectations.

06-21-2011, 08:01 PM
It's not really sf. It has some bad guys who happen to be aliens, but it's basically a more realistic version of "Red Dawn."

I particularly like the Captain Walker character. No one in the show likes him, apparently, but he hasn't been wrong about anything yet.

06-22-2011, 11:29 AM
Heh Red Dawn. Too true.

06-22-2011, 11:59 AM
I watch almost all sci-fi...grew up in the 1950's, when sci-fi was King. Just hoping for a new angle--something better than the formulaic. Saw Forbidden Planet first-run in theater (Boomer Theater in Norman, 1956)...still trying to find that type. That's all. Rushes don't give me much of an idea.

Also--didn't have to go too far to see it--and the ticket price was reasonable....

I agree Forbidden Planet was a classic.

06-22-2011, 02:39 PM
I agree Forbidden Planet was a classic.


Could always use some Krel metal, too...

Larry OKC
06-25-2011, 03:06 PM
Refresh my memory, but wasn't Forbidden Planet one of the first instances of a Transporter? Very much like the one on Star Trek (with the movie predating it by 10 years). Seems everyone remembers the Transporter from Star Trek but not Forbidden Planet. And yes, I am a Trekkie.

06-25-2011, 04:50 PM
Those were tubes they entered to protect them from the rigors of landing on Altair-4 during the slowdown from "warp" drive...

It was famous for the electronic music score...

06-25-2011, 09:39 PM
Refresh my memory, but wasn't Forbidden Planet one of the first instances of a Transporter? Very much like the one on Star Trek (with the movie predating it by 10 years). Seems everyone remembers the Transporter from Star Trek but not Forbidden Planet. And yes, I am a Trekkie.

Larry, I think you are thinking about "This Island Earth". There was a scene where the characters were inside of the transporters trying to escape from the Metaluna Monster.

06-25-2011, 10:20 PM
Larry, I think you are thinking about "This Island Earth". There was a scene where the characters were inside of the transporters trying to escape from the Metaluna Monster.

I still can't find a HeathKit for an Interociter...and who could forget Faith Domergue's seminal performance...

06-25-2011, 10:39 PM
I still can't find a HeathKit for an Interociter...and who could forget Faith Domergue's seminal performance...

As spoken by a fellow 50's scifi officienado.

06-26-2011, 04:39 PM
My son and I just watched the pilot and we both liked it. I didn't like Captain Walker at first, but he's grown on me. That John Pope character is an interesting one too, but seems a little too well-spoken for a supposed hoodlum ex-con.

One thing that bothers me is if they have so many airships that they can respond to a signal flare at a moments notice, how in the world does the resistance get by with traveling in large groups of 300 in broad daylight without attracting attention. You'd think they would be scouring the terrain with their heat-sensing devices to wipe out the resistance.

Ah well, I guess its best not to think too deeply on these types of things so I can enjoy the show.

Larry OKC
06-26-2011, 07:03 PM
Larry, I think you are thinking about "This Island Earth". There was a scene where the characters were inside of the transporters trying to escape from the Metaluna Monster.

You may be right (but This Island Earth isn't ringing any bells at all, can't say I have ever heard of it, but that doesn't mean I didnt catch part of it on TV at some point either). Another reason why I was thinking it was Forbidden Planet was a distinctly remember the robot and also The Great Bird of the Galaxy, said that Forbidden Planet was influential to him.

06-26-2011, 08:12 PM
You may be right (but This Island Earth isn't ringing any bells at all, can't say I have ever heard of it, but that doesn't mean I didnt catch part of it on TV at some point either). Another reason why I was thinking it was Forbidden Planet was a distinctly remember the robot and also The Great Bird of the Galaxy, said that Forbidden Planet was influential to him.

Saw it first run...a good one--great monster...

06-26-2011, 09:44 PM
You may be right (but This Island Earth isn't ringing any bells at all, can't say I have ever heard of it, but that doesn't mean I didnt catch part of it on TV at some point either). Another reason why I was thinking it was Forbidden Planet was a distinctly remember the robot and also The Great Bird of the Galaxy, said that Forbidden Planet was influential to him.

mark's youtube link shows the scene that I mentioned with the transporters and the monster.

Lord Helmet
06-28-2011, 09:32 AM
I thought the pilot was just OK. Last Sunday's episode was better though. I'll watch for a couple more weeks and see if my interest sticks.

Larry OKC
06-29-2011, 04:54 AM
mark's youtube link shows the scene that I mentioned with the transporters and the monster.

Nope, that wasn't the movie I am thinking of. Can honestly say, I have never seen the movie in that clip before.

06-29-2011, 09:03 AM
Nope, that wasn't the movie I am thinking of. Can honestly say, I have never seen the movie in that clip before.

Are you thinking of the one where three people from different parts of the world are abducted from the Earth and each is given a "lucite" clear plastic box with three silver tubes inside that each of them may was a sort of test by the aliens to test humans and see how they would use them...I forget what they tubes could do...but it could be either helpful or harmful as I recall...

Larry OKC
07-02-2011, 10:25 PM
No, sorry, the one I recall had Transporters in it and Robby the Robot that appeared in numerous TV shows (with a part added/deleted here and there).

07-02-2011, 10:43 PM
No, sorry, the one I recall had Transporters in it and Robby the Robot that appeared in numerous TV shows (with a part added/deleted here and there).

This is the only kind of transporter that I remember from Forbidden Planet.

07-03-2011, 04:29 AM
This is the only kind of transporter that I remember from Forbidden Planet.

The devices that protected the men during the slowdown from warp speed LOOKED like transporters...were clear tubes that glowed red during the transition--but they did not transport anything. I am sure if you saw it first run--you must be getting old, I saw it first run myself--and it appeared that way to your memory--but was not, in fact.

Larry OKC
07-03-2011, 12:46 PM
This is the only kind of transporter that I remember from Forbidden Planet.

Good one!

The Transporters I remember were very Star Trek like (no tubes involved), may have been an individual "chamber" rather than a multi-person Transporter "pad", but distinctly remember the transporter effect of "beaming in". But I may have imagined the whole thing (or confusing it with another movie). But like I said, def remember the Robot, the Transporters and when I ran across the entry that Roddenberry said that Forbidden Planet was influential it all seemed to click.

My apologies for further derailing the thread from "Falling Skies", so back to your regularly scheduled topic...

07-07-2011, 12:34 PM
I thought it was alright show.

07-15-2011, 02:06 PM
Sucked. Same old, same old. Spielburg must have "blessed" it as the Pope does--driving through a warehouse at 50-mph. Only the rubber "thing" was decent...another hackneyed episode in the post-apocalyptic future world scenario...trash...

Populated by every conceivable Hollywood cliche, reliably, as well...they even called the robots..."mechs"--how clever!

I agree. It not only sucked, but continues to suck. Yet, it doesn't even come close to approaching the extra-stratospheric levels of suckiness achieved by Battlefield Earth. That John Travolata/Ghost of L. Ron Hubbard "Klassuck" makes Ed Wood look like Elia Kazan (the spelling of whose name correctly escapes me now. So let's say John Ford instead.)

Maybe, in the interests of accuracy, they should have called the robots "Mehs" . . . ?

07-16-2011, 11:34 AM
Modern filmaking blows for the most part. little attention paid to script whae you can just blow things up.