View Full Version : Free College tuition for your kids! OK Promise deadline 6/30/2011

06-16-2011, 08:04 AM
I'm sure there is a thread on Oklahoma's Promise somewhere, but I couldn't find it.

Just a reminder if you make $50,000 or less and have a child in the 7th, 8th, or 9th grade you only have until June 30, 2011 to enroll them in Oklahoma's Promise.

This program will pay your child's in-state tuition when they go to college and is worth a small fortune! Imagine going to OU for just the cost of books and fees.

I know a few families that received this an it made all the difference in the world. for more details.

When our son went to high school in MWC over half of the students qualified but only a tiny percentage of the parents even bothered to fill out the form.

06-16-2011, 10:03 PM
Is this a one time thing or will this be offered again in future years?

06-16-2011, 11:06 PM
Is this a one time thing or will this be offered again in future years?

Its yearly, but the qualifying income has changed over the years (gone up, but that could always reverse). Have no idea how long this will continue to be funded.