View Full Version : Falls Creek Service
Keith 03-26-2005, 09:22 AM Tune in Monday evening, March 28, 7 PM., on KWTV Ch. 9, for the Falls Creek Baptist Assembly worship service. Jami Smith, a popular Christian singer, will be giving a concert, and two of the funniest guys I have ever listened to, The Skit Guys, will be performing their skits.
Scott Dawson will be the keynote speaker. Scott has been speaking to teenagers for many years, and he knows all the trials and temptations that the teens face in society today. He knows how to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the youth of today.
Falls Creek has been around for decades, and many, many teenagers and adults have turned their lives over to God, by listening to the powerful messages that have been preached from under the old tabernacle.
I attended Falls Creek every year, from 7th grade all the way through my senior year in high school. It's a great place to get away from all the troubles of life, and to spend time with God and His Word. No TV's, radios, or anything else that can cause distractions. Falls Creek is located in the beautiful Arbuckle Mountains, in a nice big valley.
Now, my children attend Falls Creek, and they love it. I have been going down their for the last three years as a youth leader, counselling those who have made decisions for Christ. It's a wonderful blessing to watch teenagers go down to the altar during the invitations, some giving their lives to Christ, while others just want to recommit their lives to God.
Monday evening's special will be a blessing to all who watch.
The picture below was taken many years ago, however, the tabernacle that these people are going in to, still looks the same.
The picture below was taken this last summer during one of the Falls Creek camps. This is inside the tabernacle, during one of the many invitations. Look at all the teenagers that are responding.
Midtowner 03-26-2005, 09:53 AM Ahh.. Falls Creek..
As a Catholic, of course, I never went. But sooo many people I know had their first uh.. adult encounters with the opposite sex there.
nurfe75 03-26-2005, 01:09 PM As my father is a Souther Baptist minister, I went every year of my life until I was 20. I went as a PK, then as a camper, then as a staff member working the gate and the Icee stands. I too have fond memories of it, but for different reasons than most people assume. It was simply a fun place to hang out with people my own age--and it usually meant my parents would take us to Six Flags over one of the weekends. In later years--as my parents both ran the concession stands, I would end up being there all 5 weeks (don't they have more weeks than that now?). So I know Falls Creek quite well.
I realize a lot of young people go there for spiritual fulfillment and yadda yadda yadda, but pastors and youth ministers need to start being realistic about why so many high school kids are willing to go down there every year. My church was small, about 200 in SS, and there were only about 20 or so regular youth members. Yet every year we would take like 50 to Falls Creek. Any guess as to why? Summer. Week away from parents. Lots of members of the opposite sex (or same sex, whichever persuasion suits you).
Most of the kids we took to Falls Creek went to hook up. Their intention was to find a date for the week. Why else would a high school kid who had never even been to church (and then never went again after you got back) want to go to a week long church service? Ah yes, morning class...morning worship...evening study before bed. That's enough bible thumping to make even the most ardent Christian (which I was at the time, believe it or not) sick to their stomach. In fact, I'm fairly certain it was the constant cramming of things down the throat that turned so many youth OFF of religion. Yet, they still came back every year to have that week-long romance.
If I had a nickel for every story I've heard about high school kids losing their virginity at Falls Creek, I'd finance my own reality show. I even had a sort of romance with a GUY while I was on staff down there one summer. Do you realize why they even HAVE a "safety patrol"? It isn't to keep anyone safe. It's to go out in the woods and hunt for youngsters making out and whatnot. Which doesnt usually work very well when the safety patrol is in on the fun too. I remember one night when I was a staff member working the gate a group of guys from the mens staff dorm all went skinny dipping at the Devil's Bathtub. Ahh, sweet memories of youth.
So yeah, there's lots of fun to be had at FC, but not just the kind you're thinking of. Time to start being realistic. I'd say a good 75% of the kids who go down there aren't looking for anything other than some summer fun. Sorry to burst your bubble.
nurfe75 03-26-2005, 01:10 PM Oh yeah. And I went to OBU with Jamie Smith's brother Ryan. Interesting stories there, but I'll leave them to your imagination.
Keith 03-26-2005, 03:16 PM I knew you would respond in the most negative way, however, I strongly believe you are wrong about your assumptions. I'd say about 90% of the youth that go to Falls Creek are going down there for spiritual reasons. Sure, there are a small minority(10%) that goes down there looking for romance and other things. You are going to have that type of behavior at any camp, whether it is a Christian or non-Christian camp.
It's very evident you haven't been in a long time. The schedule is not the same as it was when you went. There is the normal Bible (with a capital B) study and there is all kinds of free time. The camp is still, and will always be an excellent camp to find Christ. Realistically, many lives have been changed, and many great Christians have been called into the ministry.
Don't didn't burst my bubble. I have been to Falls Creek many times (as I mentioned in my first post), and I have seen all the good and all the bad. The good outweighs the bad 95%. You can believe what you want to and you can be as negative as you want to about Falls Creek, and make fun of it all you want, however, it is still going to remain the same, and it will always be there...even when YOU are gone. I'm assuming that you were one of the 10% that went down there for romance, because, by your posts, I can tell that it wasn't for spiritual healing. Not judging, just observing what your lifestyle is now.
This is not a debate, and I am not going to make it one. I was simply informing everyone of the Falls Creek special that is coming on Monday evening. If you want to debate yourself, then have at it...I expect it from you...just watch your step.
Midtowner 03-26-2005, 06:18 PM Oh, I've never been. As a Catholic, I'm told that I would defile the place with my presence. Some don't take too kindly to us Papists.
But nurfe's description is more what I'm familiar with, and I wouldnt say that I hung out with a bad crowd of kids either.
As far as hooking up goes at these things, my brother was a Young Life camper over in Colorado, then a Counselor. He did hook up with a girl at YL camp, but now he's marrying her in the Summer, and he's a devout Christian. I do think that kids go there for a little of both. You don't have to keep your religion and your sex apart.
nurfe75 03-26-2005, 07:23 PM "I'm assuming that you were one of the 10% that went down there for romance, because, by your posts, I can tell that it wasn't for spiritual healing. Not judging, just observing what your lifestyle is now."
Yes, you like making a lot of assumptions about me. Unfortunately for you, those assumptions are wrong yet again. In my teenage years I was what you would consider a model Christian and preacher's son. I never went down there to "hook up" and never so much as kissed a girl while camping there. In high school I was very big in my youth group, I was a Young Republican, and I always made my curfew. It was my time at Oklahoma Baptist University that changed me. But that's another story.
Believe what you want about FC, but please keep your assumptions about my "lifestyle" to yourself as you don't know me at all. Despite what you think about me because I happen to be gay, I am not sexually promiscuous, I don't drink, I don't club, and I'm not even a "liberal" as you are so fond of accusing me.
In fact, the one fling I did have at FC (yes, with a guy--but that was when I was 19, already in college, and a staffer--never while I was a camper with my church) was quite innocent and pure and there was never any physical manifestation of it except to hold hands when we went walking around. And I never said anything "negative" about FC--I just said that your perception of it isn't exactly right. All in all, I had fun down there.
nurfe75 03-26-2005, 07:28 PM BTW, the guy I had a sort of romance with was on the BSU promotion team. Who'd a thunk it?
mranderson 03-26-2005, 07:28 PM "Tune in Monday evening, March 28, 7 PM., on KWTV Ch. 9, for the Falls Creek Baptist Assembly worship service. Jami Smith, a popular Christian singer, will be giving a concert, and two of the funniest guys I have ever listened to, The Skit Guys, will be performing their skits."
If I heard the spots correctly, this program will be carried network wide. It is being advertised as being on CBS.
Keith 03-26-2005, 07:37 PM "Tune in Monday evening, March 28, 7 PM., on KWTV Ch. 9, for the Falls Creek Baptist Assembly worship service. Jami Smith, a popular Christian singer, will be giving a concert, and two of the funniest guys I have ever listened to, The Skit Guys, will be performing their skits."
If I heard the spots correctly, this program will be carried network wide. It is being advertised as being on CBS.
That is correct, Mranderson. Our own Falls Creek will be on nationwide on CBS.
"BTW, the guy I had a sort of romance with was on the BSU promotion team. Who'd a thunk it?"
I think it is sick. Plus, the guy on the BSU promotion team should have been relieved of his duties. I bet both of your parents were real proud.
nurfe75 03-26-2005, 07:49 PM Actually my parents are okay with my being gay. Not everyone is hateful and prejudiced. Besides, we were kids. Lighten up.
Keith 03-28-2005, 09:16 PM The Falls Creek special was excellent! I was able to watch the entire presentation, and I must say that I was really impressed. The music, the comedy, and then the message.
For those that were able to watch this special, you may have noticed that all of those that were on stage were sweating profusely. That's because the temperature in the tabernacle was over 100 degrees. Anytime you go to Falls Creek, and attend the tabernacle services, you will sweat.
Several years I have served as an usher. My job was to make sure that the teens were behaving during the service, and to make sure everyone had a seat. The majority of the time, though, was spent carrying teenagers out of the tabernacle that had become overheated and passed out. This does become a problem, because many of the teens do not hydrate themselves properly, and then they succumb to the heat.
For those who missed the presentation tonight, they do plan on rebroadcasting it on Saturday, April 16, 2005, at noon.
Patrick 03-28-2005, 09:20 PM nurfe, what church was your dad a pastor of? Just curious. I'm sure I know of him.
Also, I went to Falls Creek several times as a camper. I will admit, there have been some problems in the past, but that's only with a minority of campers. Sure, pretty much everyone goes to Falls Creek to have a good time, but there are many that are truly touched by Christ. I can't begin to count how many people I know who were changed as a result of Falls Creek.
Unfortunately, many times all you hear about are the bad things. That's true with anything.
Just look at how the media covers Iraq. Truthfully, more good is happening in Iraq than what the media will ever show.
Same thing with Falls Creek.
Patrick 03-28-2005, 09:21 PM The Falls Creek special was excellent! I was able to watch the entire presentation, and I must say that I was really impressed. The music, the comedy, and then the message.
For those that were able to watch this special, you may have noticed that all of those that were on stage were sweating profusely. That's because the temperature in the tabernacle was over 100 degrees. Anytime you go to Falls Creek, and attend the tabernacle services, you will sweat.
Several years I have served as an usher. My job was to make sure that the teens were behaving during the service, and to make sure everyone had a seat. The majority of the time, though, was spent carrying teenagers out of the tabernacle that had become overheated and passed out. This does become a problem, because many of the teens do not hydrate themselves properly, and then they succumb to the heat.
For those who missed the presentation tonight, they do plan on rebroadcasting it on Saturday, April 16, 2005, at noon.
I agree was a great performance.
Actually, Megan's sister went to OBU with Jami Smith, so we know the Smith family pretty well. Yes, we know her brother as well...great guy!
Midtowner 03-29-2005, 08:47 AM The Falls Creek special was excellent! I was able to watch the entire presentation, and I must say that I was really impressed. The music, the comedy, and then the message.
For those that were able to watch this special, you may have noticed that all of those that were on stage were sweating profusely. That's because the temperature in the tabernacle was over 100 degrees. Anytime you go to Falls Creek, and attend the tabernacle services, you will sweat.
Several years I have served as an usher. My job was to make sure that the teens were behaving during the service, and to make sure everyone had a seat. The majority of the time, though, was spent carrying teenagers out of the tabernacle that had become overheated and passed out. This does become a problem, because many of the teens do not hydrate themselves properly, and then they succumb to the heat.
For those who missed the presentation tonight, they do plan on rebroadcasting it on Saturday, April 16, 2005, at noon.
I missed it, and I meant to watch it.
I'll forget again, I'm sure. Maybe, if I'm lucky, someone will have a digital file of the show.
I need to get a darned TIVO. Keith, you must really enjoy that ministry. Keep up the good work.
Is Falls Creek over in the Turner Falls area? I used to go down there all the time as a child. I want to go back. Maybe over the summer.
Patrick 03-29-2005, 01:53 PM I'm not Keith, but yeah, Falls Creek is over in the Turner Falls area....just off the Davis turnoff actually.
BADallas 03-31-2005, 10:45 PM I think it is sick. Plus, the guy on the BSU promotion team should have been relieved of his duties. I bet both of your parents were real proud.
Former Falls Creek staffer who happens to be gay here. I know that this thread isn't about Falls Creek and its many gay former staffers.....just want you to know that there are others (although I was 17 at the time and didn't come to terms with it in a positive manner until 10yrs later...... mainly due to the Southern Baptist stance on this issue). I'm new here so I will reserve further comment.
I enjoyed my years at Falls Creek as a camper and staff member. I think that it is one of the finer resources that the Oklahoma Baptist General Convention (is this what they are called) provides to the state.
BADallas 03-31-2005, 11:43 PM I just read the dozens of posts on this board regarding homosexuality and the corresponding "homosexual lifestyle".......I didn't mean to bring it up yet again. All the points have already been made. I won't be offended if the moderator deletes my post above.
Viva Falls Creek (can they wear shorts above the knee yet?)
Patrick 04-01-2005, 01:27 AM I won't be offended if the moderator deletes my post above.
You're free to express your opinion here!
Keith 04-01-2005, 06:09 AM I just read the dozens of posts on this board regarding homosexuality and the corresponding "homosexual lifestyle".......I didn't mean to bring it up yet again. All the points have already been made. I won't be offended if the moderator deletes my post above.
Viva Falls Creek (can they wear shorts above the knee yet?)
First of all, welcome to this forum. Secondly, as Patrick said, you are free to express your opinions here. We have had to edit or delete a few posts concerning homosexuality, because we have had a few posters go way overboard, however, your post did not violate any of the TOS rules, and you were very courteous and respectful with your post:Smiley199 .
We believe that everybody on this forum can agree to disagree in a respectful manner, unfortunately, we have had a few who aren't as respectful as they should be:Smiley099 .
We have a great time here, so enjoy yourself.
nurfe75 04-01-2005, 08:14 PM Just curious, BADallas, but what years did you staff down there? '91-'95 here. I did everything from office messenger to Icee/Pop&Ice Cream to the gate. Despite the sweltering heat, the "lets go to 5 church services a day" thing, and the negative attitudes towards gay folk, all in all I had a lot of fun down there. Staffing was a lot more fun than going down there with my church.
BADallas 04-03-2005, 09:15 PM ^ I was there the summer before my senior yr of high school which was 90-91. I was a lifeguard/volleyball ref. Btw....your private message box has exceeded its limit.
Shaggy 04-05-2005, 09:24 PM Great place to go. I attended the camp during jr. high and high school. It's the best place and atmosphere to spend time with God.