View Full Version : What do you feed your animals?

03-25-2005, 09:43 AM
2 cats -- one is just over a year old, gets a mixture of Science Diet kitten food (til the bag is gone), the other, a 2 year old gets the adult formula, currently it's the fish and rice flavor. If you have to store the food in your house, I do not recommend the fish and rice formula, it smells awful.

03-25-2005, 09:53 AM
Sometimes I will feed her Pedegree. But she usually gains a bit of weight on it. I then put her on Fit and Trim. It is the only food that is effective with my dog for weight control... And that includes those expensive prescription ones.

03-25-2005, 10:08 AM
I'm afraid to use anything but the higher-end foods. When I hear what goes into some of the cheaper foods, like reconstituted protein from road kill, often consisting of dogs and cats, I just think my pets are "better than that".

Check into it, some of the places that they get those ingredients are pretty gross.

03-26-2005, 02:26 AM
My "kids" get Beneful Healthy weight control I think it is...maybe weight maintenance....Anyway it keeps Jenny in her Whippet shape and Lou not so stout to his short.....and they eat every morsel. My Beagle, Daisy, used to spit out one piece of the food I gave her (kibbles and bits...which I found out a little too late could be just about the worst to feed her do to the weight gain) I never did figure out if it was the shape of the food or the flavor she didn't like. My vet said some of the best stuff out there to help pups stay the right weight is the Fit and Trim....better, he said, then most of the stuff he had for sale. I think for now I will stick to the Beneful as my two do like it so well and it seems to keep them in great shape!

03-26-2005, 09:35 AM
I feed my dog "Scout," Purina Dog Chow or Kibbles N Bits. That is what my veterinarian suggested. She eats well, has no problem digesting, and loves the food.

03-26-2005, 09:54 AM
Most dogs are pretty easy to feed -- my parent's beagle/birddog mix liked to eat our late cat's fecal matter.

03-26-2005, 01:31 PM
Dry purina dog chow, I just leave it out and they eat when they want. They seem to stay fit, eating a few bites at a time. I guess I have been blessed with dogs who don't eat until their stomachs protrude. As for my lizard, he gets thawed frozen vegetable, and any insect I can find and not mind picking up (the last part is the key). Otherwise, he gets wax worms or crickets, meal worms, if not eaten, seem to take over the cage.

03-26-2005, 03:22 PM
Dry purina dog chow, I just leave it out and they eat when they want. They seem to stay fit, eating a few bites at a time. I guess I have been blessed with dogs who don't eat until their stomachs protrude. As for my lizard, he gets thawed frozen vegetable, and any insect I can find and not mind picking up (the last part is the key). Otherwise, he gets wax worms or crickets, meal worms, if not eaten, seem to take over the cage.
My dog does it the same way...just leave it out and she will eat it. She is picky, though. She won't eat just anything. She is not like the junkyard dog that eats anything that doesn't move. One good thing also, is that she has a big enough yard to run around in, that she gets lots of great she stays in excellent shaoe.

03-26-2005, 03:37 PM
I tried to feed them something else, and they picked all around the brown pieces. They eventually ate those too though, but I try to keep the same thing or they tend to not eat as much, and the food sits there longer.

My youngest dog was traumatized as a puppy, the consensus is she was beaten. Anyhow, for the first few years after I found her, she would only eat at night. At least, I think that was when, since she wouldn't do it when I was around. I have tried to feed my older dog canned food, but it isn't practical since the younger tries to steal it and it upsets her tummy, and that is no fun for me.

They will eat pretty much anything though...especially if I am eating it. However, that doesn't include pickles or onions.

03-28-2005, 09:06 PM
My "kids" get Beneful Healthy weight control I think it is...maybe weight maintenance....Anyway it keeps Jenny in her Whippet shape and Lou not so stout to his short.....and they eat every morsel. My Beagle, Daisy, used to spit out one piece of the food I gave her (kibbles and bits...which I found out a little too late could be just about the worst to feed her do to the weight gain) I never did figure out if it was the shape of the food or the flavor she didn't like. My vet said some of the best stuff out there to help pups stay the right weight is the Fit and Trim....better, he said, then most of the stuff he had for sale. I think for now I will stick to the Beneful as my two do like it so well and it seems to keep them in great shape!

Kelley, our dog eats the same thing...seems to be doing pretty good for weight loss, after Pedigree put some pounds on her.

My parents have a habit of giving her table scraps, which I'm am 100% against. That doesn't help out the cause any.

03-30-2005, 10:54 PM
Kelley, our dog eats the same thing...seems to be doing pretty good for weight loss, after Pedigree put some pounds on her.

My parents have a habit of giving her table scraps, which I'm am 100% against. That doesn't help out the cause any.


That's why you get a dog! So you don't have to clean the floor after you eat somewhere... That is the only thing they're any good for.

Well, that and digging holes in your yard.

03-30-2005, 11:25 PM

That's why you get a dog! So you don't have to clean the floor after you eat somewhere... That is the only thing they're any good for.

Well, that and digging holes in your yard.

I think Keith's dog is still digging holes in the yard! :)