View Full Version : Ed Kelley Leaves Oklahoman For the Washington Times

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Jim Kyle
06-28-2011, 09:00 AM
As one who was there, albeit nearly 60 years ago, I can assure you that anyone who tried to rock the boat would quite soon find themselves tossed over the side. That wasn't just the OPubCo policy; it was universal throughout the industry. When a publication such as the Gazette appears to be engaged in boat-rocking, it's simply following the policies of its ownership. For most established businesses, the goal is to maintain the status quo unchanged, since "change" equates to "risk" and top dogs want to stay on top. Only those with little to lose can afford to shake things up.

Case in point: another thread here deals with management policies at Channel 9. One would expect its competitors such as 4 and 5 to jump onto the controversy and take full advantage of the situation -- but their silence is deafening. I leave it to others to guess why this is the case...

06-28-2011, 02:49 PM
As one who was there, albeit nearly 60 years ago, I can assure you that anyone who tried to rock the boat would quite soon find themselves tossed over the side. That wasn't just the OPubCo policy; it was universal throughout the industry. When a publication such as the Gazette appears to be engaged in boat-rocking, it's simply following the policies of its ownership. For most established businesses, the goal is to maintain the status quo unchanged, since "change" equates to "risk" and top dogs want to stay on top. Only those with little to lose can afford to shake things up.

Case in point: another thread here deals with management policies at Channel 9. One would expect its competitors such as 4 and 5 to jump onto the controversy and take full advantage of the situation -- but their silence is deafening. I leave it to others to guess why this is the case...

As someone who worked in journalism in a different state for a few years, I would say that this no-rocking-the boat mentality is particularly endemic to Oklahoma's news media. It is tragic and the community as a whole is worse off for it.

Jim Kyle
06-28-2011, 03:13 PM
I don't think it's just Oklahoma; I think it's present in any area where only one publication has the dominant position. If two or more have approximately equal stature, then competition becomes a driver. Where just one rules, preserving the status quo becomes the primary goal.

I do agree that the community as a whole is worse off for it, but as a much wiser reporter taught me many years ago, the public gets what it's willing to support, no more and no less. He was speaking of elected officials, but it applies equally well to just about everything!

06-30-2011, 09:22 AM
Turn the page

The publisher and editor leading The Oklahoman since 2003 are both leaving, paving the way for new Publisher Christopher Reen this fall.