View Full Version : Benefit for John Waldenville

06-06-2011, 09:57 PM
This information comes from Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office.

Tip A Cop event to benefit the OCSO's Major John Waldenville.

(Midwest City, Oklahoma) May 21, 2011 Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office Major John Waldenville was ambushed by two men in the Oklahoma City Stockyards and shot once in the head. To date Major Waldenvilled is still being treated in the intensive care unit. Major Waldenville has a long road to recovery ahead of him not only physically, but financially.

A fundraising benefit is set for June 7, 2011 a Tip A Cop benefit is scheduled with proceeds going to Major Waldenville:

*Tuesday, June 7th, 6pm to 9 pm.

*Old Chicago Restaurant, 7301 SE 29, Midwest City

*Come by and eat, get waited on by deputies, and leave a generous tip for John.

There are other benefits planned we will keep you updated as the events get closer. Thank you for your support.


Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office

201 N Shartel Ave

Oklahoma City, OK 73102


Emergency: 9-1-1

Non-emergencies: 405-713-1000