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06-04-2011, 03:44 AM
Bricktown Canal (
owner=Chris Johnson
cost= $1.8 million
architect=Sam Gresham
sq. feet=15,557
Restaurant at street and canal level, apparel on street level, laser tag and games on upper level.
Latest News & Information
1/10/14: $1.8 million building permit (
Latest plans (see gallery below) to be reviewed by Bricktown Design Review Committee on 8/14/13.
County Assessor Record (

06-04-2011, 03:46 AM
It looks like a potential winner to me. Good find a2010. That new parking lot looks temporary as hell. At least the main structure fills the site from the street to canal.

06-04-2011, 05:36 AM
What an expensive piece of real estate to put such a suck project on.

06-04-2011, 10:12 AM
While not ideal, I'm ok with it, it's a decent infill project, even if on such prime land, that lot has been vacant for nearly 2 decades. I think Bricktown design committee should play hardball on the parking lot though.

06-04-2011, 10:40 AM
While not ideal, I'm ok with it, it's a decent infill project, even if on such prime land, that lot has been vacant for nearly 2 decades. I think Bricktown design committee should play hardball on the parking lot though.

There is no such thing as prime land in Bricktown. All along Mickey Mantle and Sheridan there are many develop-able lots that would be incredible infill sites, but for years they have sat empty. Bricktown especially is only worth as much as the rent gap, which is not very high anymore. I agree that this would normally, in different circumstances, be extremely prime land. But nonetheless, it's probably not going to attract a major development any time soon like Cotton Exchange.

06-04-2011, 12:58 PM
Spartan, I disagree, there is prime land, they are undeveloped because of greedy, unrealistic land owners, and bad city policy for vacant lots, that doesn't mean the land is not prime real estate.

06-04-2011, 01:14 PM
Thanks for sharing. Looks like a good fit for the area. I have to admit I was surprised to see the absence of mock stucco.

06-04-2011, 01:20 PM
According to Steve's article/blog, this project and the housing project aren't as sure as they seem.

06-04-2011, 02:48 PM
No one said they were. These two Bricktown projects are PROPOSALS to the Bricktown Urban Design Committee; lord knows how many times we've seen projects presented but never seem to get much farther than approval. I just thought they'd be fun to discuss as residential use in Bricktown is rare, and we've been waiting for these lots to be developed forever. I'm hopeful that the design committee hits 'em hard. I really do not like this proposal at all, because fact of the matter is that these two lots are indeed PRIME real estate, and I really hate that we'd be putting a parking garage on one of the only lots that has two sides of canal frontage. They didn't even attempt to address the canal frontage with the small parking lot or the parking garage; they're just walls. Dissapointing.

06-04-2011, 03:16 PM
Can someone post a pic of the Cotton Exchange Building?

J. Pitman
06-06-2011, 01:37 PM
What a strange name.

06-06-2011, 02:32 PM
What a strange name.

And dumb.

06-06-2011, 02:38 PM

06-06-2011, 02:54 PM
I'm guessing it's a take-off on House of Blues, Oklahoma Style?

06-06-2011, 03:40 PM
I'm guessing it's a take-off on House of Blues, Oklahoma Style?

Nope. T-shirts and the like, but also including some type of food/drinks... The owner owns a place on Meridian near SW 29th Street.

06-06-2011, 03:49 PM
I think the reasoning behind the name "House of Bedlam" is the owner cashing in on OU/OSU fans during football/basketball/baseball seasons. I can see it now, one side of the sports bar OU fans, the other OSU...good marketing strategy though...

06-06-2011, 04:45 PM
Ah, I forgot about the House of Bedlam in Bethany. They have about everything imagineable in terms of OU/OSU merchandise.

06-06-2011, 07:32 PM
A bland-ish building where they sell college t-shirts and, I'm guessing, fried bar food? That's imaginative.

06-06-2011, 08:14 PM
Sounds like a mental institution, which is what Bedlam originally was. Also, this being Bricktown, doesn't it have to be spelled "Houz of Beddlum" or similar?

06-06-2011, 09:39 PM
Several projects in the pipeline for Bricktown
By Brianna Bailey
Journal Record
Oklahoma City reporter - Contact 405-278-2847
Posted: 07:33 PM Monday, June 6, 2011

OKLAHOMA CITY – Businessman Chris Johnson hopes to bring Bedlam to Bricktown, with a canal-side building he wants to build here that would house a cafe and boutique full of University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University sports memorabilia.

Construction in Bricktown appears to be heating up again after being stalled somewhat by the recession. Several development projects are in the pipeline for the area.

“I think that Bricktown is starting to see some of the rebound of the economy just like many other areas of the city,” said Jeannette Smith, executive director of the Bricktown Association.

Developers Marsh Pitman and Wisconsin-based Raymond Management Group have announced plans to build an 11-story, 179,342-square-foot building that would house a 155-room Hilton Garden Inn and a 100-room Homewood Suites in Bricktown. The project is in the land acquisition phase. A new watering hole, Capt. Norm’s Dockside Bar, is also under construction on the Bricktown Canal at 105 E. California Ave.

Johnson, who operates a screen-printing business and the House of Bedlam cafe and store at 3100 S. Meridian Ave., wants to take the concept to Bricktown. Preliminary plans for the area also include a two-story, 114-space parking garage to the west of the new development on the other side of the canal. A pedestrian bridge spanning the canal would link the two buildings.

Plans for the House of Bedlam development were slated to come before the Bricktown Urban Design Committee this week, but the hearing has been postponed to give Johnson time to scale back the plans from a three-story retail building at canal level down to two stories.

“We’re just trying to complement that area and create more pedestrian walkways and parking, create more shopping and help other buildings lease up – that’s my main goal,” Johnson said.

Johnson recently acquired a chunk of vacant land on the canal across from the Bricktown Ballpark for the House of Bedlam development from would-be developer Gary Cotton for an undisclosed price.

Cotton once had plans to build a $36 million mixed-use development on the land at 101 S. Mickey Mantle Dr. called the Cotton Exchange that included condominiums, shops, restaurants, office space and four stories of parking.

Warr Acres businessman Gary Berlin is also cautiously moving ahead with plans to renovate the upper floors of the Mideke
Supply building at 100 E. Main St. in Bricktown. Berlin acquired the building in 2007 for $4.2 million. He hopes to transform the fourth and fifth floors of the building into 20 loft-style apartments and eventually add more rental units to the fifth floor of the building.

The project has been stalled by a lack of financing after banks tightened their lending in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, Berlin said.

Financing for the project is still tentative, but Berlin said he is optimistic about the future of the project.

“We’re just kind of testing the waters, so to speak, and seeing what we need to do to get going,” he said.

Berlin wants to bring the exterior of the nearly 100-year-old Mideke building back in line with what it use to look like when it was the headquarters of the Mideke Supply Co. from 1906 to 1993. Hours of research led him to find the original sign for the Mideke building in Boston. Berlin plans to pick up the roughly 3.5-by-7-foot sign on the East Coast and bring it back to Oklahoma this summer.

“There really isn’t going to be anything else in Bricktown like it,” he said.

06-06-2011, 11:21 PM

Larry OKC
06-07-2011, 01:32 AM
Sounds like a mental institution, which is what Bedlam originally was. Also, this being Bricktown, doesn't it have to be spelled "Houz of Beddlum" or similar?

Only if it was located in the defunct "Dogpatch U.S.A" or if the marketing cows from Chick-fil-A get involved...LOL

06-07-2011, 01:37 AM
Not that it matters, but who 'broke' this story? was it on here (Arch2010) or were journal record and newsok/dok sitting on this info to 'break' at a later date? I suppose anyone could look up meeting info...

06-07-2011, 07:08 AM
Yeah, it is interesting to see the two articles immediately following this posting on this forum. Although I don't think arch2010 should have gotten as defensive as he did in his post, considering he did beat the journalists to the punch.

I am curious about this planned parking garage ACROSS the canal? I think we might need to rely on the further judgment of the Bricktown Urban Design Commission on this one...

06-07-2011, 08:52 AM
You guys amuse me.

06-07-2011, 09:02 AM
Not that it matters, but who 'broke' this story? was it on here (Arch2010) or were journal record and newsok/dok sitting on this info to 'break' at a later date? I suppose anyone could look up meeting info...

Since you asked, I found this on the Bricktown Urban Design Committee agenda on Friday. I read all of the city committee agendas. It's part of my job. Good for you for reading them too.

06-07-2011, 09:39 AM
I think most urban/Bricktown observers knew that Gary Berlin was going to do something, either sell or actually do some work, but not many people knew when or what. The Chris Johnson (House of Bedlam) was much more of a surprise to people.

In reference to the Journal Record article - the Bricktown Urban Design Committee meeting is NOT postponed. Staff is recommending a continuance for the House of Bedlam.

06-07-2011, 09:44 AM
Count me as someone who's highly skeptical of the design of the House of Bedlam proposal (not that my skepticism matters). First, I'm not sure how I feel about a two story building taking up that location. But, oh well, it's his land and people seem anxious to get some new buildings in there.

More importantly, I wouldn't be surprised one bit if the parking lots the developer wants to put in there will be permanent, paid lots like every other lot in Bricktown. I'm just sick of seeing surface lot after surface lot downtown--and now we get two more that will be rented out for $10 to $20 per space!

06-07-2011, 11:11 AM
I think most urban/Bricktown observers knew that Gary Berlin was going to do something, either sell or actually do some work, but not many people knew when or what. The Chris Johnson (House of Bedlam) was much more of a surprise to people.

In reference to the Journal Record article - the Bricktown Urban Design Committee meeting is NOT postponed. Staff is recommending a continuance for the House of Bedlam.

I have corrected the story. City staff have recommended a continuance, but there will probably still be discussion on the matter.

06-07-2011, 11:22 AM
House of Bedlam? That is the second cheesiest name I have ever heard.

06-07-2011, 11:40 AM
House of Bedlam? That is the second cheesiest name I have ever heard.

not a new name it is a new location for his existing business

06-07-2011, 07:26 PM
This whole project is an abortion.

06-07-2011, 07:31 PM
Although I don't think arch2010 should have gotten as defensive as he did in his post, considering he did beat the journalists to the punch.

What are you even talking about? Man, some of you must think you can read minds or something; what a trip.

Larry OKC
06-08-2011, 01:57 AM
House of Bedlam? That is the second cheesiest name I have ever heard.

So what is #1?

06-08-2011, 06:18 AM
So what is #1?

Oklahoma City Boulevard?

06-08-2011, 09:14 AM
So what is #1?

Beef Jerky Emporium?

06-08-2011, 11:05 PM

Chris Johnson, a veteran Bricktown parking lot operator, was told Wednesday the Bricktown Design Committee has no interest in allowing him to open more parking along the Bricktown Canal. Johnson, who owns USA Screen Printing, built and opened the first paid surface lot along the canal in 1998 while indicating he was contemplating building a hotel on the site. Instead, he continued to operate it as paid parking before selling it to the late Jim Brewer five years ago.

06-08-2011, 11:07 PM
Good. Good for the Bricktown Committee. Glad to see they do have some juevos. Hopefully a new proposal will be brought up, but I don't see it happening from this guy.

06-09-2011, 11:15 AM
I'm not sure that legally it can be stopped - though certainly Chris Johnson has a business (USA Screen Printing) that relies on public good will. If you guys are opposed to this, I suspect people like you (average people not afraid to voice opposition) will be the ones with the best shot at getting it stopped.
For what it's worth, McDonald's changed the design of its Bricktown restaurant due to public protests; they likely could have overcome any decision by the design committee due to the way this ordinance is written.

Larry OKC
06-10-2011, 02:09 AM
Steve, were the McDonald's changes due to public protest or City level?

06-10-2011, 07:00 AM
then we clearly need to change the ordinance..... on an differnt but related topic ..... I heard a great idea yesterday that would help end this Parking lot problem in bricktown ... .. what if the city built a parking garage in bricktown and made it free? or just reclaimed some of their owned lots and made parking free in those ?

06-10-2011, 07:21 AM
Except there isn't a parking problem in bricktown. Unless there's a baseball AND thunder game going on, then i can park anywhere i want for free. Yes you walk, but you could probably use the exercise.

06-10-2011, 08:24 AM
Except there isn't a parking problem in bricktown. Unless there's a baseball AND thunder game going on, then i can park anywhere i want for free. Yes you walk, but you could probably use the exercise.

there are tons of paid lots that currently make owners lots and lots of money .... . clearly developers still want to build new lots on prime canal side land ... if the city opened a huge lot and said parking is free here ... it would incourage developers to build something on their empty parking lots

06-10-2011, 09:03 AM
... what if the city built a parking garage in bricktown and made it free? or just reclaimed some of their owned lots and made parking free in those?

As to more canal side parking, free or paid, that's a real Alexander sort of idea and should not happen.

Besides, city provided free parking is an interesting, but I think unnecessary, concept. There is no difficulty in locating free parking in or near BT. Indeed the city or some one built a honking huge lot just south of Bass Pro a while back, and it's rarely ever even 1/4 full. I wish it was never built. It seems uneeded and it gets way to close to the canal on that end, as does the new I-40, and both tent to ruin what had been a peaceful setting. Personal peeve I know, but it's my peeve, and I find I own it way better than I can bury it.

As an out of towner, I tend to hear it's folks like me who frequent BT more so than the locals. If that's even remotely accurate, why on earth would the city stop doing something else with its limited money that could primarily benefit the locals and instead supply, operate and keep maintained free parking lots closer in to the venues and attractions for me and other non-residents? Not that we would mind actually, but is that the best use of scarce city funds when the city was laying off PS and other dept. employees not so long ago and deferring equipment purchases, and well, let's face it, Project 180 is nice and all that, but OKC street departments have some road work cut out for them in other areas too.

06-10-2011, 11:10 AM
though certainly Chris Johnson has a business (USA Screen Printing) that relies on public good will.

Yep, and I am surely not doing business with them if they did this. No way.

The reality is that the canal was made to boost downtown's attractiveness to visitors and the more prime real estate used for parking the less there is for actual attractions. I hate to say it, but with Mid-Town and AA slowly coming up in stature for entertainment and dining options, plans like this could very well send Bricktown the way of the West End. Yeah, maybe there will be more paid parking in Bricktown, but there will be less and less to do and, therefore, less reason to park there.

What's funny is that mid-town has more of a real parking problem, but developers there seem to understand that it adding more parking should be done very cautiously so it doesn't hurt the potential density and appeal of the area.

06-10-2011, 11:48 PM
Yeah, maybe there will be more paid parking in Bricktown, but there will be less and less to do and, therefore, less reason to park there.

I'm not in favor of parking in that location in the least but the parking is not a cause of less to do there. It's just a deterrent for a better use which would give more to do.

06-11-2011, 12:54 AM
Thanks for posting our gallery. I'm pleased to see people have looked at our website over the past couple of days. My cousin had the sign mentioned in Warreng88's post prior. She had brought it to Boston for a planned restaurant but the plans fell through. One of the current owners Lynette of West Indies Trading Company called me about our website and had a great interest in the family history and what I knew about the building.

My dad also 'Bob Mideke' worked at Mideke's for most of his life. He was there when the business closed and helped settle all debts and dissolve the leftover stock before their closing. It was sad to see the business close after so many years but the economy had been hard on them during the late 80's and the early 90's and they decided to shut it down.

In 2005 my dad died having serious problems with diabetes but I fondly remember the times we spent together at Mideke Supply and the friendly people that worked there.

I got a lot of the books and catalogs from my step-mom about a year ago and it was too much of a chance to share this history to pass up when I was approached by a business friend who had left over stock from a plumbing supply who was looking for someplace to sell it. My wife and I decided to start Mideke Supply on the internet so sellers of the merchandise could find buyers interested in buying it.

Bob Mideke – –

06-11-2011, 01:45 PM
It's just a deterrent for a better use which would give more to do.

Which would equal less to do than otherwise would have been. As in, there is not much to do in lower bricktown because it is mostly parking. Sorry if I confused.

06-28-2011, 07:22 AM
Whoops. Looks like someone got put out, took their toys and went home:

A controversial proposal to build parking lots along the Bricktown Canal may be scaled back with news that part of the land sale required for the development has fallen through.
Gary Cotton, who owned lots east and west of the canal west of Mickey Mantle Drive, told The Oklahoman the applicant, Chris Johnson, bought the east lot from him but only had a contract for the west lot. That contract was canceled following a refusal earlier this month by the Bricktown Urban Design Commission to approve Johnson's plans for buildings that would have retail space on the canal level and parking at street level.

Read more:

09-10-2011, 03:02 PM
I'm not sure if these renderings or information is "new", as I can't access some of the older NewsOK articles, but here is the updated submission to the Bricktown Urban Design Committee for the House of Bedlam proposal. He has added significant canal-level retail since his first proposal of the same name. A new building is to be constructed where the two story garage was proposed. Around it, is the same parking garage, but now with retail on the canal level, and not parking. The garage is still able to have two floors added on at a later date. Also, the small parking lot south of the House of Bedlam building now also has canal level retail instead of just a wall. You have to admit, that this guy is listening to the Bricktown Design Committee! I'm glad they showed restraint, because this development has progressed bounds from the original.

Courtesy of the Bricktown Urban Design Committee, September 14th, 2011 Agenda.

09-10-2011, 03:10 PM
I saw this on the new agenda too, but didn't know if it was different from the original. If they don't allow this, who knows how long it will be until something else is even proposed on that site. It really doesn't need to be empty and I don't think this proposal falls in the "better than crappy makes us happy" category. It really would be a nice addition and an obvious improvement over what is currently there.

09-10-2011, 03:16 PM
Yes, very much different. The original proposal is the very first post of this thread and was indeed in the "better than crappy makes us happy" category. Here's a repost for comparison purposes.

One building. No canal retail at all besides in the one building. And TONS of surface parking fronting the canal.
Looking west, southwest towards the Bricktown Ballpark and the new 3 story building. Note 2 story garage on the right. New pedestrian bridge and the wrap-around walkways make me think that the future addition could likely be leasable space. Maybe.
Looking east, northeast from across Mickey Mantle. Notice the new parking lot.
The garage.

09-10-2011, 03:16 PM
That's a marked improvement.

09-10-2011, 05:05 PM
To me the surface parking is still the deal killer for that location. Somewhere off the canal, it's not as big of an issue.

09-10-2011, 05:38 PM
How shocking, someone staged a "take their toys and go home" and now they're back seeking approval again. Enforcing the damn building codes seems to work, if you ask me.

Still going to have a problem with parking. Do they want that so as to get away with operating another pay-parking lot, or do they really think they need that much parking right on the canal in order to be able to sell OU/OSU junk?

09-10-2011, 05:46 PM
Wasn't there a House of Bedlam on Penn and Memorial? If I remember right it was one of the many FAILED concepts in the old Harrigans.

09-10-2011, 06:00 PM
Still going to have a problem with parking. Do they want that so as to get away with operating another pay-parking lot, or do they really think they need that much parking right on the canal in order to be able to sell OU/OSU junk?

That's exactly what it is. They want another surface pay to park site that will never be developed. This is a terrible proposal simply because of the surface parking. We need to end this crap in downtown.

09-10-2011, 06:15 PM
Oh sorry. I have difficulty with drawings, translating two dimensions into three. If there is still surface parking on the canal, that's not good.

09-10-2011, 08:58 PM
That surface lot is tiny!!!

How about some street parking then.

09-10-2011, 09:08 PM
What is the code development without parking even allowed?