View Full Version : Cell Phones

05-31-2011, 09:39 AM
I have a phone needing to upgrade with Sprint. It is only 15 months into the 2 year agreement plan, so the upgrade credit is $75. Sprint has a special on Samsung Epic for new account or new line with $350 off. I can't have both the $350 and $75 discounts. To get the phone for the lowest price, it would be logical to open a new line, but I would have to pay on the new line for 2 years at $30 a month. I can switch the new phone to my current line and my current phone to the new line, but there would be no use for the 2nd line. Worth it? Probably not, but I'd really need to upgrade.

Then the past 30 minutes, I was looking on and saw the same phone with a new Sprint account to be $29.99. This is a shock, because it is so much lower than Sprint's current price with discount offer. What raises a red flag is RadioShack's claim of the phone's value to be $699.00.

RadioShack has the option to Upgrade/Renew (or extend 2 year agreement) and the phone would be $99.99 with $9.99 shipping. It is still way lower than any offers from Sprint and totally the best for me.

Now, I have never bought a phone from RadioShack. Can anyone tell me the difference when buying from RadioShack compared to direct from Sprint? Why are prices so low at RadioShack? I see no indication that the phone I am looking at to be Used/Refurbished, so I am hoping that it is new. Is there anything different with the phone, such as specs, apps, or whatever when buying from Radio Shack?

Help me out here, plz, okay?

05-31-2011, 12:34 PM
There is no difference in the contract you will get. Go for the best price, wherever you find it.

05-31-2011, 01:27 PM
I just hope the phone is not less quality or less specs or less features.

05-31-2011, 01:41 PM
I just hope the phone is not less quality or less specs or less features.

Do a comparison on both phones.

05-31-2011, 01:50 PM
Thunder, paying a separate line for two years that goes unused is 720 down the drain, less whatever added savings you get by going that route. Sounds like that is probably not your best option.

FWIW, my cell (different carrier, but a non smartphone samsung) came from RS. The first one went weird after 8 months, but they simply looked at it, so no abuse and replaced it under its warranty. No issues with the repalcement phone. It's not high end, but it meets my limited needs for talk away from my land line, text to/from the kiddos and check email. I wouldn't really use the other items if i had them, though my grown children rock and roll their smartphones.

05-31-2011, 02:24 PM
I'm gonna go with Radio Shack, cuz they offer me what Sprint can't do. Lower price and contract extension.

05-31-2011, 06:23 PM
I just hope the phone is not less quality or less specs or less features.

They are exactly the same. I've been selling third party cell service for awhile.

05-31-2011, 06:24 PM
They are exactly the same. I've been selling third party cell service for awhile.

You sell Epic? How much?