View Full Version : OKC Million Dollar Traffic Management System?

05-24-2011, 05:37 AM
About a couple of years ago, I remember reading an article in the Oklahoman hyping a million dollar traffic management system that OKC purchased that was supposed to ease traffic and potentially speed up traffic lights so the wait for drivers wouldn't be as long as it is now. Does anyone know if the system got off the ground and got implemented?

05-24-2011, 08:04 AM
Test implementation is in process. Call 297-2581 and ask to speak to someone about it.

05-27-2011, 04:22 PM
About a couple of years ago, I remember reading an article in the Oklahoman hyping a million dollar traffic management system that OKC purchased that was supposed to ease traffic and potentially speed up traffic lights so the wait for drivers wouldn't be as long as it is now. Does anyone know if the system got off the ground and got implemented?

These things take a long time to implement. I had some experience behind the scenes with a project like this in Norman. Timing traffic lights involves calibration and traffic flow studies, and it also involves different daytime models. If you read it in the Oklahoman, it was probably when it was first being talked about, then it probably got approved a few months later, and it will probably be fully implemented soon.

05-27-2011, 09:02 PM
There is another thread somewhere on it, I believe someone said it was going to take 4 more years to fully implement