04-03-2005, 10:42 PM
This thread has become my pet peeve.
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Sooner&RiceGrad 04-03-2005, 10:42 PM This thread has become my pet peeve. Jay 04-04-2005, 01:23 AM Well I do know one thing I'm only posting news events from this day forward. Simply because someone always feels the need to gut the forum and go on an attack mission. People please this is not Debate 101. Its a simple discussion board nothing more, nothing less. I want to know what people are thinking and how they feel. I don't want to know a Sam Donaldson/Rush Limbaugh version of why someone is wrong. If you disagree simply post why. Don't turn the post into a Supreme Court Case. Midtowner the kind of forum you want is not here. Maybe you need to start your own or write a blog. Who knows maybe the mods will give you your own forum if you ask them nicely. Then you can have a courtroom type battle just like you like. Keith 04-04-2005, 06:02 AM Well I do know one thing I'm only posting news events from this day forward. Simply because someone always feels the need to gut the forum and go on an attack mission. People please this is not Debate 101. Its a simple discussion board nothing more, nothing less. I want to know what people are thinking and how they feel. I don't want to know a Sam Donaldson/Rush Limbaugh version of why someone is wrong. If you disagree simply post why. Don't turn the post into a Supreme Court Case. Midtowner the kind of forum you want is not here. Maybe you need to start your own or write a blog. Who knows maybe the mods will give you your own forum if you ask them nicely. Then you can have a courtroom type battle just like you like. :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: Bravo!! Midtowner 04-04-2005, 08:24 AM Well I do know one thing I'm only posting news events from this day forward. Simply because someone always feels the need to gut the forum and go on an attack mission. People please this is not Debate 101. Its a simple discussion board nothing more, nothing less. I want to know what people are thinking and how they feel. I don't want to know a Sam Donaldson/Rush Limbaugh version of why someone is wrong. If you disagree simply post why. Don't turn the post into a Supreme Court Case. Midtowner the kind of forum you want is not here. Maybe you need to start your own or write a blog. Who knows maybe the mods will give you your own forum if you ask them nicely. Then you can have a courtroom type battle just like you like. So what you're saying is that you want to be able to argue what you want to argue without any basis in reality or fact? You will be content arguing lie against lie? I'm not sure I understand how Rush or Donaldson argue things -- Rush, however uses a lot of faulty reasoning and hyperbole, just as many users on this board do (and sometimes, he's spot-on). I am very glad that you have decided to tell me what kind of forum this is. How educational! I find your position to be highly anti-intellectual. Not a good thing if you want to have any kind of honest discussion. I'm sorry you apparently feel threatened by people who hold views that are different than your own. I did not see that I was not allowed to question others attitudes or beliefs in the TOS. Please direct me to where I can find that. Thanks. Jay 04-04-2005, 09:54 AM Opinion n. A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof: “The world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, but by opinion” (Elizabeth Drew). From what I understand this is the form of opinion most of use on this board. Just like the things that I post in my posts. My posts are never 100% true; they are just my feelings and observations on a topic. It’s just like if I said "All people who drive Fords are stupid." We obviously know this is false; however, my own personal observations may support this theory. Therefore my opinion could be that all people who drive Fords are stupid. A judgment based on special knowledge and given by an expert: a medical opinion. This definition of opinion is closer to your definition of an opinion. This definition is used in a formal setting such as a in a doctoral thesis, a court room, one of those sleeper roundtable shows or a news report. Midtowner, you remind me of a friend of my Dad's friends. He is one of those John Birch Society conservative extremist. You can never prove him wrong on any issue much less disagree. When you try to prove him wrong he is shoving magazines, newspapers, and statistics in your face. Most people around him behave like the people around Ted Striker in the movie Airplane when he is reliving his memories with Elaine. Midtowner 04-04-2005, 09:59 AM Listen, if you don't like your opinion to be challenged, you do have the right to leave this forum as you have threatened to do in the past. I enjoy contributing to this form, and encouraging spirited debate. Part of having an opinion, to me, is being able to defend it, or at least being able to admit that you have no basis in reason, for example, in a matter of faith -- you believe something simply because you do. I'm fine with that. However, if you use your faith to justify hatred, etc. you'd better believe I'm going to point out your hypocrisy. I hope that you can live with that, but if you can't, I can't be responsible to how you react to well-reasoned arguements, or simple facts... Jay 04-04-2005, 10:47 AM I think everytime someone post something that you don't like. You find everyway possible to attack it. Its probably one of the few ways you get to stroke your ego. I have simply decided that I don't like you. In fact thier is no way to try to like you or even tolerate you for that matter. So I think I will put you on my ignore list so I don't have to read the garbage you spew. Midtowner 04-04-2005, 11:38 AM I think everytime someone post something that you don't like. You find everyway possible to attack it. Its probably one of the few ways you get to stroke your ego. I have simply decided that I don't like you. In fact thier is no way to try to like you or even tolerate you for that matter. So I think I will put you on my ignore list so I don't have to read the garbage you spew. A very weak way of dealing with what you can't deal with, so enjoy. You're entitled to that opinion though. Keith 04-04-2005, 12:42 PM This thread has wore out its welcome. It's too bad that you can start a good thread, and then have a person step in and make it a pissing match, just because he thinks he is right and everybody is wrong. Case closed, and so is this thread. Patrick 04-05-2005, 03:08 AM In a sense I think this thread went spiraling down many many posts ago. I would reopen it because I think the debate IS valid, but the continued fighting off topic is not valid and should be dealt with off the main forum page. Personally, I'm neutral on the issue...I can see it from both sides. I think the biggest problem is that a pet peeve was mentioned, and then it stirred an argument. The thread should've ben left to listing pet peeves, not debating issues. If you want to debate whether police officers should use their lights when speeding, that's for another thread. Since we're off topic now, I guess I'll leave it closed. |