View Full Version : Better Block Project in the Pearl District

05-17-2011, 04:28 PM
I saw on TN where the Pearl District attempted to pull off a Better Block Project similar to the one down in Oak Cliff. I'm dying to hear how it went. Pictures? I need pictures of this! :tiphat:

05-19-2011, 09:13 PM
This reminds me of the Plaza District several years ago. There is a lot of potential. Just like the Plaza (and Film Row) it needs a city-funded streetscape project as the road is in pretty bad shape. The area also floods, which is why they want to build a canal down the middle of the street. The plan is to narrow 6th Street from 4 to 2 lanes with the canal down the center, bike lanes, and on-street parking.

05-20-2011, 08:38 AM
Where is this and when was the event pictured?

05-20-2011, 08:48 AM
Thanks, awesome pics. Seems like cities around the country have been doing this a lot ever since Dallas, except for OKC of course. So when is this canal actually going to happen, is it funded yet?

USG--this is the "Pearl District" in Tulsa which is at Peoria and 6th Street. These pics are from 6th..

05-20-2011, 09:04 AM
Thanks, awesome pics. Seems like cities around the country have been doing this a lot ever since Dallas, except for OKC of course. So when is this canal actually going to happen, is it funded yet?

USG--this is the "Pearl District" in Tulsa which is at Peoria and 6th Street. These pics are from 6th..

I don't think it is fully funded yet. Some of the other flood control projects in the area are though, but not the canal/streetscape.

It would connect to the creek/pond in Centennial Park across Peoria, another flood control project that was completed a few years ago:

At night, it's a really nice park,800x800,070,f.jpg

05-20-2011, 09:37 AM
So is all of this near Boston Ave Mehodist Church? If so, it has one of the most beautiful highlights in the US.

05-20-2011, 09:41 AM
No, it's actually on the opposite side of downtown.

BG--so then it would seem reasonable to not exactly hold your breath waiting for this canal. Because I've been hearing about this canal for the last 5 years, it's probably been "planned" longer than that.

05-20-2011, 09:47 AM
No, it's actually on the opposite side of downtown.

BG--so then it would seem reasonable to not exactly hold your breath waiting for this canal. Because I've been hearing about this canal for the last 5 years, it's probably been "planned" longer than that.

For now, yes. Centennial Park had been planned for many years too and was the first phase to be completed. There are two other ponds in the area that will start soon; I believe they are bidding out some of the work this summer. The canal and streetscape to connect the other ponds to Centennial Park will be the last phase. All of that is needed to really jumpstart the area because of the flooding issues.

USG, this neighborhood is directly east of downtown and west of TU, near Hillcrest Hospital.

05-21-2011, 05:48 PM
What was the funding source for Centennial Park, Vision 2025?

05-21-2011, 06:07 PM
The funding was partly a TIF and partly a 2004 (or 6) Bond issue. We're trying to line up funding for the next stage of the flood basin - the 'west pearl' and after that the 'east pearl' which is bigger and more costly. The impact will be huge. The design concepts, which the 'hood has worked through painstakingly, for years, with the stormwater planners/engineers/landscape architects are pretty revolutionary - for Tulsa anyway. All we need is some politicians who understand what we're trying to do. We could do with the City Manager approach that you guys have in OKC.

05-21-2011, 06:14 PM
BTW you might be interested in a link to the group who did most of the heavy lifting for 'Polishing the Pearl'. Jonathan Belzley picked up on the Oak Cliff event very quickly, the Pearl brainstormed it with him and a couple of others, then Jonathan took it to the Typros (a young professionals group) of which the 'Tulsa Urbanists' are probably the most effective team: