View Full Version : Bike Lanes

04-27-2011, 09:29 PM
For a city that touts itself as bike-friendly and has plenty of bicyclists in the campus area does Norman have one street with actual bike lanes? I can't think of any that have actual marked lanes and are not "bikeways" with signs indicating them as such.

Where would you want to see bike lanes on Norman streets? I would like to see them where they can better connect downtown to campus, but not on streets with a lot of angled parking which is dangerous for bikes.

04-27-2011, 10:25 PM
I've seen them on neighborhood streets. But none on the major section line roads.

04-28-2011, 03:02 PM
For a city that touts itself as bike-friendly and has plenty of bicyclists in the campus area does Norman have one street with actual bike lanes? I can't think of any that have actual marked lanes and are not "bikeways" with signs indicating them as such.

Where would you want to see bike lanes on Norman streets? I would like to see them where they can better connect downtown to campus, but not on streets with a lot of angled parking which is dangerous for bikes.


05-07-2011, 12:27 AM

05-07-2011, 05:26 AM
That's great to see about the updates made to the bike plan. Hopefully the restripings will be in important corridors like Robinson, Main, Boyd, Lindsey, et al.

05-07-2011, 08:24 AM
BG, when you say "bikeways," are you referring to sharrow lanes?