View Full Version : James Franco in Planet of the Apes Prequel

04-14-2011, 02:17 PM

I'm a sucker for well-made throwback films like this.

04-14-2011, 02:57 PM
prequels and remakes often fill me with dred, but yes, there are exceptions

04-14-2011, 03:57 PM
I love a well made prequel! Hope this one doesn't suck.

Pixar is making a prequel to Monsters Inc. which should be interesting!

08-08-2011, 05:27 AM
Went Sunday morning and saw it with friends at the Harkins Bricktown. We all really enjoyed it and a couple of people in the group were not real thrilled with the choice going in. Personally, I liked this one much more than the Wahlberg version.

08-08-2011, 07:24 AM
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Well worth seeing.

Richard at Remax
08-08-2011, 08:19 AM
Was a good movie. wished they would have developed the human characters as much as the apes. james franco seemed like a miscast and looked lost. 8/10

Larry OKC
08-08-2011, 02:02 PM
Based solely on the TV trailers, I was going to give this one a pass (the CGI stuff didn't look real at all). The original men-in-monkey suits was more believable IMO. Not against CGI as the Jurrasic Park movies were extremely well done and I quickly believed that the dinosaurs were real, alive and well. the Oklahoman had a recent review and praised it, so may give it a shot instead of waiting until it comes to TV. That said, I was disappointed in the Tim Burton / Wahlberg reboot a few years back, but after watching it last night on cable, it wasn't quite as bad as I remembered. Probably still a grade of "C", but the disappointment factor wasn't there with the later viewing. i knew what it was going into it.

Given that my AC went out late sometime during the night, spending a couple of hours at a cool theater may be worth it. :-)

08-08-2011, 02:59 PM
Based solely on the TV trailers, I was going to give this one a pass (the CGI stuff didn't look real at all). The original men-in-monkey suits was more believable IMO. Not against CGI as the Jurrasic Park movies were extremely well done and I quickly believed that the dinosaurs were real, alive and well. the Oklahoman had a recent review and praised it, so may give it a shot instead of waiting until it comes to TV. That said, I was disappointed in the Tim Burton / Wahlberg reboot a few years back, but after watching it last night on cable, it wasn't quite as bad as I remembered. Probably still a grade of "C", but the disappointment factor wasn't there with the later viewing. i knew what it was going into it.

Given that my AC went out late sometime during the night, spending a couple of hours at a cool theater may be worth it. :-)

Actually, it was the CGI that impressed us so much. A few people in the theatre were actually crying during a couple of scenes.

Larry OKC
08-08-2011, 10:23 PM
Maybe in the theater it is better, but the footage they are showing on TV looks awful IMO

Larry OKC
08-08-2011, 10:41 PM
Over at I ran across this plot summary:

As a side effect, the ape's eyes have also developed a pleasant glow. Her scientist wardens have given her the nickname ''Bright Eyes,'' which proves decisively that primatologists love their early-00s emo music.
I don't know a thing about what they were talking about, but I take it that the reviewer never saw the original 1968 Planet of the Apes movie. "Bright Eyes" is probably a nod/spin on what Dr. Zira (the female scientist chimp that took a liking to Taylor) called Taylor (Charlton Heston's character).

08-09-2011, 06:48 AM
Yeah, there were several call-outs to the original movies in this one. If you go see it, and I highly recommend you do, keep your eyes peeled on the TV screens and the newspapers.

Larry OKC
08-10-2011, 04:55 AM
kewl, i love inside stuff like that...the first reboot had a few too...I did enjoy Charlton Heston role playing the dying father whatever the general's name.

08-10-2011, 08:08 AM
Based solely on the TV trailers, I was going to give this one a pass (the CGI stuff didn't look real at all). The original men-in-monkey suits was more believable IMO. Not against CGI as the Jurrasic Park movies were extremely well done and I quickly believed that the dinosaurs were real, alive and well. the Oklahoman had a recent review and praised it, so may give it a shot instead of waiting until it comes to TV. That said, I was disappointed in the Tim Burton / Wahlberg reboot a few years back, but after watching it last night on cable, it wasn't quite as bad as I remembered. Probably still a grade of "C", but the disappointment factor wasn't there with the later viewing. i knew what it was going into it.

Given that my AC went out late sometime during the night, spending a couple of hours at a cool theater may be worth it. :-)

I'll just say you couldn't be more wrong about the CGI on this one. Just saw the movie last night and I will say that I am really torn about this movie. It was SO WELL DONE that at times it was even creepy at how realistic and human the apes had become. And there were even moments that were just hard to watch they were so gut-wrenching and emotional, even though it was just CGI. It was the first movie I can really think of that I didn't even think about it being CGI.

But, the strange thing is I don't know that I'd watch it again. It WAS so well done, but it dealt with some issues that honestly really kind of hit me hard and there were scenes that honestly were so realistic that I don't really want to watch them again.

I know this sounds like a negative review, but it isn't. I think it was very well done... almost too much so.

Larry OKC
08-10-2011, 08:07 PM
WichitaSooner: Like i said, I haven't seen the movie yet, just based on what they are showing in the trailers on TV. On TV, it looks extremely fake. But may be improved greatly in the theater. I will reserve final judgment on it when I see it in the theater.

Within seconds of the 1st Jurassic Park movie I quickly believed. Movies like King Kong remake were well done but had fake moments when you would be ripped back to reality and away from the movie. Yet I was very surprised to learn that the Times Square footage was all CGi and not sets and matte paintings.

08-11-2011, 06:59 PM

Larry OKC
08-11-2011, 11:47 PM
Interesting reminder after reading that link (and along the same thoughts i expressed in another thread). I saw the original Planet of the Apes movies as having an underlying "face in the mirror" to the human condition. Science fiction (Star Trek was known for this) is an 'acceptable' way to talk about societal ills (race relations, war etc). It is often nothing more than a "morality play"...thinly disguised underneath the makeup, special effects and plot devices. Just put the characters ina different time/place and you can talk about those things. M*A*S*H did the same thing when dealing with what the country was going thru with Vietnam, they just used Korea as an acceptable filtering lens.

One of the main "commandments" by the "Lawgiver" in the original film series was "Ape shall not kill Ape", yet that is exactly what happens with the Gorilla harming/killing another Ape (although it was seen as perfectly acceptable to do the same to an "inferior" being...humans). The amount of parallels and/or cautionary tales are really to numerous to detail.

08-15-2011, 05:15 AM
I'm glad this movie replaced the NOOOOOOOOOOOO from episode III with a better NOO!!!

08-15-2011, 01:17 PM
I'm glad this movie replaced the NOOOOOOOOOOOO from episode III with a better NOO!!!

Went to see this yesterday afternoon at Harkins. When that line was said, some lady in the theater goes, "OHHHHHH MY GODDDD...", LOL.

I thought it was awesome! Out of curiosity, was Caesar ever mentioned in any of the previous Apes movies? You know, as being the ancestral ape that started the revolution...

I'll go see it again!

08-15-2011, 01:41 PM
Went to see this yesterday afternoon at Harkins. When that line was said, some lady in the theater goes, "OHHHHHH MY GODDDD...", LOL.

I thought it was awesome! Out of curiosity, was Caesar ever mentioned in any of the previous Apes movies? You know, as being the ancestral ape that started the revolution...

I'll go see it again!

Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (

08-15-2011, 01:52 PM
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (

Thanks for that link. I was never a fan of the original movies, but this last one is making me go apes$&t to see them again or for the first time.

Larry OKC
08-15-2011, 07:07 PM
I see what you did there. LOL

Larry OKC
08-15-2011, 07:13 PM
Somewhere around here, I have the book that the movie franchise was based on (came out when the first movie as it featured pics from the movie on the cover. The original story is fairly short and NOTHING like what was portrayed in the original movie. It was more like the final scene in the first remake where Wahlbergs character crash lands skimming across the reflecting pool in front of the "Lincoln" Memorial in Washington D.C.