04-14-2011, 02:31 PM
I had somebody tell me that civics, geography and history aren't being taught in the public schools anymore. I told him he was nuts. Who's right?
View Full Version : Civics Roadhawg 04-14-2011, 02:31 PM I had somebody tell me that civics, geography and history aren't being taught in the public schools anymore. I told him he was nuts. Who's right? Martin 04-14-2011, 02:48 PM from ( History and Citizenship Skills (3 Units) 1 United States History, and ˝ United States Government ˝ Oklahoma History 1 selected from the subjects of History, Government, Geography, Economics, Civics, or non- Western culture and approved to meet college admission requirements you are right. he was nuts. : ) -M Roadhawg 04-14-2011, 02:59 PM Thought so... Thanks !! Larry OKC 04-19-2011, 02:52 AM While not abandoned completely a total of 3 Units seems pretty skimpy. Former Supreme Court Justice O'Conner was here recently and opined on the subject (nationally). Will see if I can lind the link but she mentioned that more people can tell you the Judges on American Idol than can tell you the name of even 1 justice on the Supreme Court. on edit Sandra Day O'Connor gives civics lesson at OCU (Oklahoman, 4/15/11) O'Connor said half of the states no longer require civics or government classes in high schools and only three require the courses in middle school. Less than a third of young people and adults in the nation can answer most of the questions on the test required of new citizens, she said. “Barely a third of Americans can answer what the three branches of government are,” O'Connor said. “Imagine. I mean that's really pathetic. And they can tell you the judges on ‘American Idol' but can't name one Supreme Court justice.” |