View Full Version : Best Doughnut in Okc?

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04-07-2011, 04:06 PM
Okay, Here is the problem........I am not a fan of the gourmet cupcake craze/trend that has taken over Okc.

In my opinion they are all overrated. Not saying they are bad, only that I am not a fan. Not because of price or quality, only because I believe the cupcake in itself has been assessed to highly.

Doughnuts....... they are much better than cupcakes but are only treated as a morning sweet and not an all day / evening sweet like the cupcake. Another problem is the doughnut shop isn't trendy enough, it is mainly where cops and older men gather in the mornings to read the paper and discuss various topics.

It is time for the doughnut makers of Okc to realize that they are missing out on a huge untapped market. Some doughnut shop needs to completely remake themselves into a cool, hip, and trendy place to hang out and eat one of the greatest sweets in America.....The Doughnut!

Think "Big Truck Taco" type of a doughnut shop. Uptown 23rd would be the perfect place for one of these new doughnut shops too.

Here are a few examples as to what I am referring to;

04-07-2011, 05:46 PM
Cereal on a doughnut? Ill pass. Bacon on a doughnut? HELL YES!

04-07-2011, 06:16 PM
A few years back I was in Austin and went to an Awesome doughnut shop that had doughnuts like the ones above!OKC needs a specialty shop,or atleast I'd like one here!

04-07-2011, 07:26 PM
Great idea! Those pictures sure show how the donut can be reinvented. Speaking of donuts, I still love the "hot" sign out on Krispy Kreme. I absolutely love those "hot" glazed Krispy Kream donuts with a very cold glass of milk. Yum!!

04-07-2011, 07:49 PM
Just about any donut fresh out of the fryer is excellent in my book. Its gotta still be warm though.

04-07-2011, 08:02 PM
Here are two places that fit the bill...both in the Pac NW...I have been to the first one personally and it was exactly what was described above...a coffee shop-style place that attracts a hipster crowd This place is in's actually hard to promote anything from that city, though I have to say...but that's a whole other rant/post. The donut I had there last summer was good, but not like...amazing or anything. Nice atmosphere in the shop, though This place is in Portland...haven't been there myself and some of the donuts look at bit TOO weird, but this type of place fits the bill as well.

It is totally doable it just takes imagination and some capital.

04-07-2011, 09:24 PM
Great idea! Those pictures sure show how the donut can be reinvented. Speaking of donuts, I still love the "hot" sign out on Krispy Kreme. I absolutely love those "hot" glazed Krispy Kream donuts with a very cold glass of milk. Yum!!

That's me. Funny thing is, I rarely drink milk, but with a good, warm/hot doughnut? I gotta have milk. Cold. You're so right. Damn you! What time is it? What time does KK close?

04-07-2011, 09:48 PM
Just about any donut fresh out of the fryer is excellent in my book. Its gotta still be warm though.

I don't know how good they are, but the Golden Corral on NY Expressway has a donut machine. I would imagine you could get some hot out of the oil there.

04-07-2011, 10:25 PM
Has anyone seen any cream cheese doughnuts in the OKC area? My favorite shop in my hometown had cream cheese doughnuts, and they are AMAZING.

04-07-2011, 10:33 PM
Am I right, though?

Cupcakes are overrated, the are good, not saying they taste bad. However, the Doughnut is the truly hidden gem for an American dessert. Place a cupcake in front of me and a doughnut, no question I am eating the doughnut. Honestly I don't even feel comfortable eating a cupcake. Do I pick it up to eat? Do I use a fork?

Why can't the doughnut become hip, cool, and trendy like the cupcake has here in Okc?

Okc needs an all hours doughnut shop, that isn't your grandpas doughnut place.

04-07-2011, 10:47 PM

04-08-2011, 07:37 AM
Am I right, though?

Cupcakes are overrated, the are good, not saying they taste bad. However, the Doughnut is the truly hidden gem for an American dessert. Place a cupcake in front of me and a doughnut, no question I am eating the doughnut. Honestly I don't even feel comfortable eating a cupcake. Do I pick it up to eat? Do I use a fork?

Why can't the doughnut become hip, cool, and trendy like the cupcake has here in Okc?

Okc needs an all hours doughnut shop, that isn't your grandpas doughnut place.

I've gotta stick with cupcakes. In high school a girl I was good friends with, her mom worked at a Dunkin Donuts and we'd hang out there alot. I only liked the basics (chocolate and glazed). I'd take baked cake over fried dough any day. I eat Krispy Kremes when they are around, but they always sit in my stomach like a rock.

04-08-2011, 02:58 PM
Great morning = a dozen, or better, of plain glazed doughnut holes and a honking big glass of good chocolate milk.

Not quite as good as grits and bacon gravy, but danged, danged close.

04-08-2011, 03:06 PM
There is a doughnut shop at N.W. 10th and Meridian called Polar Doughnuts that is kind of small and dumpy on the inside, but their doughnuts are really good. Their glazed doughnuts have potatoe flakes in them that give them a really good taste. Clark's Bakery in Downtwon Bakery used to have good doughnuts but they have changed ownership and I have not had any doughnuts since the new owners took over.

Bigray in Ok

04-09-2011, 03:35 AM
North May Donuts & Kolaches is AMAZING! Highly recommend it!

04-09-2011, 10:10 AM
I don't eat alot of doughnuts, but I'v always enjoyed Dunkin. Never cared for Krappy Kreme.

When I lived in Jersey, THE BEST EVER were from Delicious Orchards. Apple Cider Doughnuts. I order them online and friends sometimes ship some out to me. If you have one of these, you will never appreciate a regular doughnut ever again. They are done up from scratch every day.

try some~!

04-09-2011, 10:54 PM
Polar Donuts on 10th and Meridian are insanely good. In my opinion, this is OKC's best donut shop. The glazed are served hot. I can't eat them any more due to diet but they are outstanding.

04-09-2011, 10:57 PM
Polar Donuts on 10th and Meridian are insanely good. In my opinion, this is OKC's best donut shop. The glazed are served hot. I can't eat them any more due to diet but they are outstanding.

Their apple fritters are wonderful as well!!

04-10-2011, 01:03 AM
Their apple fritters are wonderful as well!!

I will try this out...

Sorta new to the area, and love discovering local haunts to appreciate, especially if it involves good food!

04-10-2011, 11:49 AM
Actually drove from Yukon to Polar this morning based on this thread - we have been on a great donut hunt for a while and were striking out around here. I just have one thing to say about Polar...


04-10-2011, 01:45 PM
The owners at Polar Donuts are super nice too. They will almost always give you a fresh hot glazed to eat while you wait for them to box up your order.

04-10-2011, 01:51 PM
The owners at Polar Donuts are super nice too. They will almost always give you a fresh hot glazed to eat while you wait for them to box up your order.

What are their hours? I couldn't find a website.

04-10-2011, 02:07 PM
They don't have a website, that's for sure! Not sure of their hours but I'm guessing early a.m. to early afternoon. According to soonerfangirl, they're open Sundays because she went there today.

04-11-2011, 10:28 PM
Did anyone watch last nights Food Network Challenge? It was donut showpieces. One of the owners of Top Pot competed.

04-12-2011, 09:50 AM
Double chocolate from Dunkin. Incredible.

04-12-2011, 10:12 AM
I go to the doughnut shop on NW 23rd across from the Shepherd Mall. It's open at 5 o'clock every morning. Quite good.

04-23-2012, 10:39 AM
If any of of the Restaurant people on this website want to open a gourmet doughnut shop, I'll be a loyal customer.

Are there any doughnut shops downtown, besides Brown's in Midtown?? I haven't tried Polar in Okc, what is their address?

04-23-2012, 10:50 AM
It would be hard to beat the Daylight Donuts location just north of Hefner on Penn.
Not only are the donuts well above average, the folks who run the place are exceptional.

Now . . . If someone opened an AUTHENTIC Spudnut shop in the OKC Metro (or even Oklahoma)
I would be forced to reassess my "hard to beat" paradigm . . .

"There are no 'bad' donuts . . .
Some donuts are just better than others.
Be sure to factor-in driving time." =)

Larry OKC
04-23-2012, 03:26 PM
have often heard that a bagel is a "bad" donut...LOL

04-23-2012, 03:34 PM
Only if you leave off the Salmon/CreamCheeZe "frosting" . . . =)
(But that would be a FauxDesigner Donut/Doughnut and not the Real Thing--Think: "Spudnut" =).

Here is a Doughnut/Donut Tip:
Daylight is superior to Krisp-E-Kreme.
KEK ain't worth the drive.
Daylight is way less "greasy".
Way, way less . . . "syrup-greasy-slime"

Yet The AuthenticSpudnut niche seems to remain . . . =)

The Doughnut Shop at 23rd and Other is probably the best in The Metro.

04-23-2012, 06:38 PM
It would be hard to beat the Daylight Donuts location just north of Hefner on Penn.
Not only are the donuts well above average, the folks who run the place are exceptional.

Now . . . If someone opened an AUTHENTIC Spudnut shop in the OKC Metro (or even Oklahoma)
I would be forced to reassess my "hard to beat" paradigm . . .

"There are no 'bad' donuts . . .
Some donuts are just better than others.
Be sure to factor-in driving time." =)

There is a Spudnut shop in Stillwater, at the intersection of Highways 51 & 177 (on the northeast corner). There's also one in Jay, but Stillwater is closer.

04-23-2012, 07:15 PM
OMG, I missed thread first time around and just saw those doughnut photos at the beginning. DANG!!! It is 7:15 at night and will be hours before I can go find a doughnut. This is killing me.

04-23-2012, 09:38 PM
I've never had a Daylight doughnut that was better than Krispy Kreme but I haven't had them as much, maybe it just wasn't a very good store. We alternated between KK and Shipley's (Houston based chain) in Austin. LaMar's ( here in Denver has been pretty good, there is a Winchell's pretty close to our house but still haven't been there.

I still haven't found any as good as Frankie's Big Doughnut at NW 19th & Portland, I miss those.

04-24-2012, 09:09 AM
Is there REALLY an AUTHENTIC Spudnut shop in Stillwater?
(And JAY?: We occasionally drive through Jay on the way to Grand Lake/Miami!)

When I was a kid, there was an old-timey Spudnut shop on the main North/South street in Boulder.
Some guy on a three-wheeled "bicycle" would make the rounds of the "suburbs" on the south end of town peddling Spudnuts in greasy bags.
I still remember what a treat they were. Way better than the stuff from the ice cream truck. =)

04-24-2012, 09:42 AM
Is there REALLY an AUTHENTIC Spudnut shop in Stillwater?
(And JAY?: We occasionally drive through Jay on the way to Grand Lake/Miami!)

When I was a kid, there was an old-timey Spudnut shop on the main North/South street in Boulder.
Some guy on a three-wheeled "bicycle" would make the rounds of the "suburbs" on the south end of town peddling Spudnuts in greasy bags.
I still remember what a treat they were. Way better than the stuff from the ice cream truck. =)

Spudnut Locations (

04-24-2012, 01:37 PM
Donut Palace on Britton just east of Penn (used to be a KFC) has really good donuts (no clue about their hours or anything, no website), as does Crest - lots of texture, frostings are richer than Daylight/Sunlight/whatever the chain/franchise is, they don't just dissolve immediately. Homeland's are too sweet and cake-y (as in a cake, not cake donut).

We need a place like this:

04-25-2012, 11:06 AM
Dunkin is always fresh, and for local Kings Palace on Britton east of Penn is excellent.

04-25-2012, 01:01 PM
Just noticed the pictures at the top and one has a chocolate doughnut with a beer in the background. Now what doughnut establishment in Okc can I get a beer with my doughnut?

04-25-2012, 02:36 PM
I have often wondered why someone hasn't explored gourmet doughnuts in the Metro myself.
I would love to see a place like Voodoo Doughnuts ( the guys there are hilarious and the doughnuts AMAZING. btw they say they spell doughnuts the way they do because their Doughnuts are made with Dough.. not DO)

there is also a airstream doughnut truck in austin called GORDOUGHS that is amazing.
this Doughnut sunday!.. each doughnut is fried up fresh when you order it. my favorites are the flying pig wich is covered with bacon and drizzled with maple and whipped cream. or the Nana pudding.. Fresh doughnut with bananas and pudding wafers and whipped topping. Cant beat it!

05-02-2012, 11:45 PM
Not amazing by any means, but certainly good. Best Donuts on Douglas and 23rd has creme cheese that they will fill donuts with, not sure if that is what you were wanting. They have about 10 fillings that they will put in the donuts you want as you order them.

05-03-2012, 12:48 AM
I used to live just a couple blocks away from Polar Donuts and never tried them out, even though I always wanted to.

Probably for the better, though, really.

I will say, though, that I got to try out Voodoo Doughnut in Portland last summer and it very much lived up to the Food Network and Travel Channel hype.

But if I can never get a Bacon Maple Bar here in OKC, that's probably for the better, too.

05-11-2012, 10:07 PM
I like Gerald's Donuts south of SW 59th and S Penn and
Route 66 Donuts west of Council Road on 66.

05-12-2012, 06:23 PM
Ooops! North of S.W. 59th and S. Penn.

05-12-2012, 09:10 PM
Full cup in Edmond off 2nd and fretz

05-12-2012, 09:33 PM
Full cup in Edmond off 2nd and fretz
There's one in Bethany, too. Where Clark's was for 50 years.

05-13-2012, 09:37 AM
Well over 35 years ago, after listening to Maya play for several hours, and being well past one toke over the line; I had a monster munchie going on, my future bride suggested we go to Gerald's as their long johns were probably being cooked while we were driving around. We went. I ordered a dozen maple long johns and she got us a half gallon of milk. The staff were shocked when I told them we would eat in. The long johns were still warm, the maple icing was melting in, and the milk was cold. Needless to say, the munchie was satisfied. QUOTE=Prunepicker;536484]I like Gerald's Donuts south of SW 59th and S Penn and
Route 66 Donuts west of Council Road on 66.[/QUOTE]

05-13-2012, 07:28 PM
I was in the same boat several times.

08-16-2012, 10:05 PM
Does anyone in Okc know where to find a maple bacon doughnut? I must try one of these.

08-17-2012, 12:00 AM
Now how am I supposed to get to sleep?!?!?!?! Oh, bother.

08-17-2012, 10:24 AM
Now how am I supposed to get to sleep?!?!?!?! Oh, bother.

Haha, I know right!

I should have put a NSF next to that google link with pics of maple bacon doughnuts!

But my question is why does Okc have such boring doughnut places?

I'm thinking Good Egg Group or the Big Truck Taco group needs to open a doughnut shop for the extreme doughnut lovers.

08-17-2012, 10:34 AM
This thread may provide a clue to the answer to the question posed on that other thread about "Choosing Obesity, Why?" =)

I'll bet it would be fairly simple to whip up some homemade "maple/bacon" flavored icing to put on a simple cake donut. Like from Daylight.
Heck . . . Just render some bacon, salvage the fat, mix in some artificial maple syrup and "voila!"
I'm surprised that "Pioneer Woman" or Paula Deen hasn't done that on their shows . . .

08-17-2012, 12:36 PM
I'll bet it would be fairly simple to whip up some homemade "maple/bacon" flavored icing to put on a simple cake donut. Like from Daylight.
Heck . . . Just render some bacon, salvage the fat, mix in some artificial maple syrup and "voila!"

That sounds amazing!!!

08-17-2012, 02:16 PM
Yet true. =)
(bordering on phantastic!)

In a pinch, a reheated frozen sausage biscuit from Braums will suffice.
With maple syrup. On it.

A purist could punch a hole through the center--vertically rather than horizontally, perhaps using an "apple-corer"?--to make it more authentically donutesque/torusarian . . . or not. Of course the bacon-flavor would be missing . . . Bac-N-O's?

Did I leave out the Organic Powdered Sugar to offset the natural sweetness of the artificial maple-flavored syrup?
For the glaze?

It may just be a rumor . . . But is there a new way of using starch called "Pancakes"?

(please accept my apology for saying "and voila" instead of "et voila" in a previous post)

08-17-2012, 05:34 PM
Polar Donuts. . .10th and Meridian (NW corner). I occasionally take a box to a morning meeting. When you walk in the door, the guy/gal behind the counter asks you if you would like a fresh (warm) glazed donut while he gets your order. . .drool, drool, drool. . . also. . .haven't found a better apple fritter anywhere!!

08-17-2012, 08:27 PM
Enjoy an occasional donut but when I try to win some points with my group at work my go to place is Kolache Kitchen!

08-17-2012, 09:11 PM
I'm thinking Good Egg Group or the Big Truck Taco group needs to open a doughnut shop for the extreme doughnut lovers.
Something like Gordough's ( in Austin? LaMar's ( here in Denver is pretty good but it's not Gordough's.

08-17-2012, 10:58 PM
I was also surprised OKC does not have a gourmet doughnut shop. With the recent news of being one of the fattest states, we should have good doughnut place at least.

I have not been to Polar on 10th/Meridian but will give it a shot soon.

When I was in Colorado recently I went to They had some awesome "gourmet" doughnuts.

09-05-2012, 12:06 PM
I was planning on posting these pics last week because the Saturday before Labor day is "International Bacon Day". So happy belated "I.B.D.", and in honor of such a glorious day I give you this.
Bacon Doughnuts pics courtesy of The Nickel Diner in downtown L.A.
Hopefully some day Okc will have such an item as the Bacon Doughnut of it's own. I'm still searching for one of these in Oklahoma.

09-06-2012, 10:56 AM
Flint has a donut appetizer and one of the dipping sauces is a bacon and chocolate mixture, delish.

09-11-2012, 10:08 PM
Hopefully some day Okc will have such an item as the Bacon Doughnut of it's own. I'm still searching for one of these in Oklahoma.

Looks like we may have our place! Not open yet but claims they will be doing what some of you guys are looking for.

The Daily Donut - Oklahoma City, OK - Restaurant/Cafe | Facebook (