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05-24-2011, 01:38 PM
Also, the airport is paving and lighting the north overflow lot and making it a taxi staging/waiting area. (The gravel lot on the north side of Amelia Earhart opposite the north shuttle lot.) Taxi drivers have made it too dangerous and a hassle for other drivers where they currently park. Which is on 67th street just north of the control tower. I see it every day, taxi drivers making illegal U-turns, blocking both eastbound lanes to talk window to window (sometimes facing opposite directions, with one of the cabs in the eastbound lane facing west), standing in the middle of the street talking, leaving their doors open in the middle of the street, etc.. Also, the drivers are arrogant and feel they are entitled to do it. When I see it, and I have to drive on the other side of the street to get around them, I honk and hold up my arms, they look like I am the one in the wrong, not them for blocking the street illegally. I am very pleased to see the airport is moving them off this street, but they ought to make the taxi companies pay to pave and light this lot, since it is a direct result of their drivers not obeying the law and being responsible.

05-25-2011, 09:04 PM
Venture, thanks for the reply. I agree, CLT would be a good option. Would OKC be willing to offer incentives to USAir in order to get them to return???

05-25-2011, 10:42 PM
Venture, thanks for the reply. I agree, CLT would be a good option. Would OKC be willing to offer incentives to USAir in order to get them to return???

As much as I would hope...I doubt the airport has any interest in offering revenue guarantee incentives to get them back. It is a shame, as Kerry stated...US is big back east. I missed the days of being able to take them on a quick hop to (the old) Pittsburgh hub, walk through the Air Mall, and then hop on a flight down to National, Philly, or Florida. Such an amazing airport to connect through...well it was. It was also nice when many small/medium communities had mainline service by USAir when everyone else didn't. First class all the way into many smaller midwest and northeast markets was always a treat.

Perhaps they'll come back. We'll have to wait and see. Two things that I can see happening with them though. 1) They'll finally do away with most of the America West junk. LAS was a cash pit, and it is gone. PHX is alright, but still too much exposure to Southwest and the yield poor West Coast. Would like to see them retool and finally execute on Wolf's "carrier of choice" strategy instead of being a hybrid low fare carrier. Or 2) Attempt to push a merger with either American, Delta or United. Delta and United have their hands full and don't need US's network. American on the other hand could use a secure footing on the east coast and one of the most efficient and sizable hubs back east (Charlotte). However, American needs to worry about not falling into bankruptcy right now which they are very close to. Of course, that could open the door for a US take over (which of course the American name would survive) and mash the two together anyway.

06-09-2011, 07:01 PM
I noticed on the Will Rogers Wikipedia site today that it says we have Delta (not just Delta Connection) service to Atlanta and MSP. When did/does Delta service to MSP start?

06-09-2011, 07:09 PM
Not sure who changed that. But the schedule (updated yesterday) indicates all CRJ service from now until the end of the schedule.

06-09-2011, 07:53 PM
Yeah not sure why someone made that change. Took it off though. :)

06-10-2011, 06:33 PM
Well, that's disappointing. Oh well, we still have twice daily mainline service to Atlanta. I would expect us to get mainline service to Detroit on Delta before MSP anyway.

06-10-2011, 08:58 PM
Yeah, it would have been nice to have that. One thing that is different about OKC than a lot of airports our size, we normally have mainline to only one of the carrier's hubs, while other airports have mainline to multiple hubs. We have a good chance of having mainline on United to Houston and Denver though. Depends on how the new United allocates their fleets. Right now it's just Denver, but once the merger starts to come through, I'm sure United would like to increase the overall mainline percentage of Houston. Houston will be the largest hub, so it is likely we could see mainline to there when the merger is more mature.

Anyway, here are the May numbers:

Looking good!

06-28-2011, 10:24 AM
Really wish we could get a break down of load factor in the report from the airport. Traveled over the last week and OKC specifically...outbound to STL was pretty full. However in bound yesterday from DEN was pretty pathetic. Vast majority of those on board were going on to Dallas. Only deplaned maybe 40 people at the most in OKC it seemed. Once the Love Field restrictions are gone, won't be shocked to see some of the Southwest service to OKC pulled back.

Airport overall was pretty good. Security was fast. Check in at Southwest was a little annoying because people don't understand you use to the kiosks, not all wait in line for the counter agent to call you up. The new massive FID board past security was kinda cool. I wish they would have a display somewhere over the escalators down to the baggage claim to help direct people to the right claim. Concession area wasn't bad, but pretty dirty and the service at a couple of the vendors wasn't all that friendly.

06-28-2011, 11:04 AM
I also flew out last week (on United). My flights were about 75% full...

I really wish we could localize our restaurant offerings even more. Get a Good Egg Dining establishment in there or something. Didn't I hear that a mini-Pops was coming?

06-28-2011, 04:25 PM
AA load factors have been very high all year. LAX service is selling good.

06-29-2011, 05:44 PM 0D1F-F3F8-4AFB-AA68-4E1D589001B7%26copyid%3D45B05F93-26F3-44C4-8A15-C03DAF4E2B0A%26brief%3Daopa%26sb_code%3Drss%26%26c ampaign%3Drss&i=7AD20D1F-F3F8-4AFB-AA68-4E1D589001B7

06-29-2011, 07:42 PM
Those have been discussed for quite a long time before anyone from the news covered them. I made a post about Atlantic in May or June 2010 about their FBO plans. They had a press release that the news never picked up. ARINC announced their plans for their 2nd MRO hangar (not general aviation) October or Novemberish with construction to start in January 11.

06-29-2011, 10:08 PM
It is nice to see ARINC staying pretty busy, as well as AAR...from a maintenance perspective anyway. Monday looked like ARINC had 3 KC-135s parked out there and AAR had a couple Allegiant (G4) MD-80s sunning themselves. Anyone know if the G4 birds are in short term storage or are they going through engine overhauls (since they were missing)? Now if they would only come back here and open up Florida.

06-29-2011, 11:02 PM
They are waiting on engines. They have completed return to service checks and received the new paint.

07-02-2011, 05:40 AM
Since we're talking about new routes, I have sometimes wondered why AA doesn't throw in a flight or 2 to MIA. Anyone here with "insider" information know how much traffic OKC has to the islands during the summer that connects through DFW?

07-02-2011, 10:53 AM
I don't have island data. But per the most recent data, Origin and Destination (traffic departing OKC bound for MIA, and vice versa) is not that strong.

OKC/FLL 75.43 (avg 37.7 passengers per day each way [37.7x2=75.43])
OKC/MIA 49.24 (avg 24.6 passengers per day each way [24.6x2=49.24])

FLL = Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood Intl.
MIA = Miami International Airport

Tulsa had this service because of maintenance flights, and even then, they didn't keep it too long.

07-02-2011, 07:16 PM
Skywest...are you an a.netter??? Any chance you could get your hands on which routes are most profitable for airlines out of OKC? When I was in ABI, I was talking to some of my friends who worked for Eagle that showed the ABI-DFW route being one of the top 50 most profitable routes. It made sense after I stared at the numbers for a while. You seem like you have a lot of knowledge on the insides of KOKC :)

07-03-2011, 12:05 AM
Since we're talking about new routes, I have sometimes wondered why AA doesn't throw in a flight or 2 to MIA. Anyone here with "insider" information know how much traffic OKC has to the islands during the summer that connects through DFW?

The only significant traffic to MIA would be for those going on cruises and that doesn't justify a nonstop. There are a few places like St. Lucia which are difficult to get to without an overnight somewhere which would be nice but, again, the traffic doesn't justify it.

07-03-2011, 02:09 AM
Since we're talking about new routes, I have sometimes wondered why AA doesn't throw in a flight or 2 to MIA. Anyone here with "insider" information know how much traffic OKC has to the islands during the summer that connects through DFW?

I think their was flights offered to Miami and either Tampa or Orlando on a seasonal basis not too long ago.

07-03-2011, 11:16 PM
I think their was flights offered to Miami and either Tampa or Orlando on a seasonal basis not too long ago.

Yes, we have had nonstops to Florida a few times in the past. At one time we even had a charter flight from here to Orlando during the summer season. There just isn't enough traffic currently for anything permanent.

07-04-2011, 08:36 AM
Orlando has been tried a couple times, and failed both times. Allegiant was planning to announce OKC-SFB (Sanford/Orland)...but decided to geave the market completely. Frontier tried Orlando and Tampa last year, and loads were crap.

Oklahoma to Florida is a very poor market. The yields are already bad for being mostly tourist traffic, but people just aren't willing to travel to Florida from OKC on any nonstop offerings. They'll usually stick to one stop/connection service on Southwest or filter down to the other airlines.

07-05-2011, 10:14 AM
I know this has been discussed before (it has been a while) but when do you think we will get another NS flight to NYC besides the CO flight to EWR? An AA flight to JFK/LGA would seem the perfect fit as it would connect OKC to another AA hub and allow for connecting on the Europe (JFK) or business/leisure traffic into NYC (LGA). At one point someone posted that OKC-NYC was the largest O&D market not served with a NS if you exclude EWR.

On a related note, is there somewhere on the internet I can see O&D data for OKC or is that something that only industry "insiders" can see?

07-06-2011, 06:58 PM
Just as an FYI, LaGuardia doesn't allow flights 1500 miles or greater to arrive or depart. I'm not exactly sure how many miles OKC is to LGA, but this may play somewhat of a role in why LGA is unlikely.

07-06-2011, 09:04 PM
Denver anyone? (must purchase by Thursday July 7.)

07-06-2011, 10:58 PM
Just as an FYI, LaGuardia doesn't allow flights 1500 miles or greater to arrive or depart. I'm not exactly sure how many miles OKC is to LGA, but this may play somewhat of a role in why LGA is unlikely.

We are around 1350 we are good. The biggest thing is that slots are so tied up at LGA still, it will be awhile to get service. If the US Airways / Delta slot swap ever gets approved, Delta could toss us a bone and offer service. However, I think they have a long list of cities who are in line ahead of us before we'll get the service.

07-06-2011, 11:00 PM
Denver anyone? (must purchase by Thursday July 7.)

The Southwest fare sale is decent in some markets, others are still $400-500 round trip. Here is the list of cities where they are offering sale fares out of OKC, all the others are the normal $200-400 one way.

From Oklahoma City back to top
To Albuquerque for as low as $136 one-way
To Amarillo for as low as $108 one-way
To Boston for as low as $179 one-way
To Corpus Christi for as low as $142 one-way
To Dallas for as low as $39 one-way
To Denver for as low as $59 one-way
To El Paso for as low as $176 one-way
To Houston for as low as $69 one-way
To Jackson for as low as $144 one-way
To Kansas City for as low as $59 one-way
To Long Island for as low as $179 one-way
To Lubbock for as low as $105 one-way
To Midland/Odessa for as low as $129 one-way
To Minneapolis/St. Paul for as low as $179 one-way
To Omaha for as low as $150 one-way
To Providence for as low as $179 one-way
To San Antonio for as low as $131 one-way
To St. Louis for as low as $116 one-way

07-06-2011, 11:45 PM
Venture, thanks for mentioning the Southwest fare sale. I didn't even bother to look at the Denver flights because I didn't know they have nonstops. I split my itinerary flying out of OKC on F9 and returning from Denver on WN.

07-06-2011, 11:48 PM
I have some credit on F9 I needed to use, so I booked a WN flight to DEN, catching the mainline F9 return to OKC on Aug 2.

07-06-2011, 11:51 PM
Just as an FYI, LaGuardia doesn't allow flights 1500 miles or greater to arrive or depart. I'm not exactly sure how many miles OKC is to LGA, but this may play somewhat of a role in why LGA is unlikely.

We're closer than DFW, so how do they flights originating there? That doesn't make sense.

07-06-2011, 11:57 PM
OKC is within the LGA perimeter.,DFW,DEN&R=1500nm%40LGA&MS=wls&MR=540&MX=540x540&PM=*

07-07-2011, 12:08 AM
Just as an FYI, LaGuardia doesn't allow flights 1500 miles or greater to arrive or depart. I'm not exactly sure how many miles OKC is to LGA, but this may play somewhat of a role in why LGA is unlikely.

I'm not sure where you get your information. Frontier and United fly nonstop from Denver to LGA which is 1626 miles. OKC would be closer. DFW to LGA is 1378 miles which would be a similar distance as OKC.

07-07-2011, 10:11 AM
I'm not sure where you get your information. Frontier and United fly nonstop from Denver to LGA which is 1626 miles. OKC would be closer. DFW to LGA is 1378 miles which would be a similar distance as OKC.

There is a 1500 mile perimeter rule from LGA that is valid all days except Saturday. However, Denver was made exempt to this rule since it is a major city just outside the line. Markets further west can only be served with special exemption slots that are limited and assigned by the DOT - I believe anyway...that is how it works out of DCA.

07-07-2011, 10:16 AM
For those of us who lack an understanding, and maybe that's just moi, why does the 1500 mile limit exist?

07-07-2011, 11:00 AM
For those of us who lack an understanding, and maybe that's just moi, why does the 1500 mile limit exist?

It was initially put in place to make sure people used Idlewild when it opened (which is now JFK). They now use it mainly to control airlines from dumping service to closer (smaller) markets to serve the major cities on the west coast.

07-12-2011, 09:38 PM
Looks like Frontier is increasing OKC-Denver service to 4x daily beginning in February.

The change has not been loaded into the system so I don't know equipment or times.

It is either a new flight in addition to our current 1x mainline 2x ERJ190 setup, or a swap from mainline to add more frequency with the same number of seats (4x ERJ190 flights is about the same number of seats as 2x ERJ190 flights and 1x mainline.) It is hard to tell at this point, but we will know for sure this weekend when those changes get listed into the schedule and booking system.

Also noticed today that a Frontier flight was using Gate 1 as opposed to the normal Gate 2. Not sure if Frontier changed gates temporarily or not. But the flights for tomorrow are schedule to Gate 1.

07-15-2011, 06:19 PM
Frontier still using Gate 1. Gate 2 is probably INOP, as a move from Gate 2 to Gate 1 does not help Frontier, and it would not be a factor of AA wanting the gate (they don't need it), as Gate 8 is empty and would be the natural choice if AA wanted a 3rd gate.

The 4th Frontier flight has not been loaded into the schedule yet, most of those changes occur Saturday night or Sunday morning. Anxious to see what it is.

In other news, June was a very solid month as far as passenger numbers are concerned.

Also very strong month for cargo, and number of operations.

07-15-2011, 07:04 PM
In other news, June was a very solid month as far as passenger numbers are concerned.

and I was one of them.

On June 23rd I flew for the first time in my over five decades of life. I was in seat 6A of United Express / Skywest Airlines CRJ-700 flight 6217 from OKC to DEN. The flight attendants were professional and polite and it was a very nice flight.

It was not as nice as the Boeing 777, seat 18A, from DEN to ORD, but was much nicer than the flight from ORD to CAK in seat 4A on an RJ-145 operated by United Express / Expressjet Airlines. By the time I boarded the third flight, I was ready to get away from airports and airplanes for a while.

The United Red Carpet Club in DEN was a very nice place to wait for my mainline flight. I definitely recommend opting for the lounge during a lengthy layover. I took this photo with my iPhone just before I left the Club. (
United Airlines Boeing 777 Flight 366 DEN - ORD ( by woodyrr (, on Flickr

07-20-2011, 08:32 AM
HUGE AA news today. With the massive plane order and likely divesting of Eagle. KOKC may look completely different in the next couple of years. It'll be nice to see new planes rolling in here (though I will miss the mad dogs), but it'll also be interesting to see how Eagle operates in and out of the market. Will we see new routes, lose routes... let the speculation begin.....

07-20-2011, 04:04 PM
OKC won't see that much change. We might gain one or two A319 to ORD, we'll keep mainline to DFW, either A319 or 737 or a mix of the two.

OKC will be one of the last stations to be switched from MD80's to the new fleet. The fuel efficiency on short stage lengths is comparable between the MD80 and 737 and A320 series. Longer routes will be switched first, as fuel efficiency is a product of duration, as taxi, takeoff, climb, and landing use a lot of fuel, no matter what equipment is used. Fuel efficiency is seen on routes longer than 500nm.

With that said, we'll see some rotation in here, but we won't be the first station to get the Airbus. OKC, TUL, AUS, SAT, HOU, IAH, etc. will be some of the last stations to keep MD80 flying as it gets phased out.

07-20-2011, 05:24 PM
So you think we'll see AA put more mainline into OKC within the decade? I'll be anxious to see how AA puts a "chrome" look on a plastic airplane. Say what you will, but AA has the best lookin livery in my eyes. I think im more so interested to see what happens to AE. Could they spin up something like Expressjet tried or will the high costs of regional flying that AE has associated with it make it a tough sell ??

07-20-2011, 11:18 PM
Will we see new routes, lose routes... let the speculation begin.....

The loss of any routes is very unlikely since the only destination that AA goes to nonstop from OKC which is not one of their main hubs is LAX. And even LAX is somewhat of a small hub.

07-20-2011, 11:44 PM
AA is hurting financially big time and I sometimes wonder if they could drop a hub from their list. They dropped RDU not too long ago and while they may not drop ORD from the hub, I sometimes wonder if they would scale back ORD and beef up DFW and make ORD a focus city much like LAX. Im not saying kill ORD all together.. but make it more mainline and less regional flights. AA seems to be expanding more DFW routes north these days than they used to. Plus, How were they able to swing such a large airplane order given their shoddy credit score and losses? Could AA merge with someone like USAirways? The massive order today with a mix of Airbus in it does seem to fit the mold of USAirways aircraft. Im just speculating but if AE is divested, then would AE be obligated to provide the same routes and daily flights that they have now with AA or would they be free to change that??? So many questions... so little answers...

07-21-2011, 12:01 AM
AA is hurting financially big time and I sometimes wonder if they could drop a hub from their list. They dropped RDU not too long ago and while they may not drop ORD from the hub, I sometimes wonder if they would scale back ORD and beef up DFW and make ORD a focus city much like LAX. Im not saying kill ORD all together.. but make it more mainline and less regional flights. AA seems to be expanding more DFW routes north these days than they used to. Plus, How were they able to swing such a large airplane order given their shoddy credit score and losses? Could AA merge with someone like USAirways? The massive order today with a mix of Airbus in it does seem to fit the mold of USAirways aircraft. Im just speculating but if AE is divested, then would AE be obligated to provide the same routes and daily flights that they have now with AA or would they be free to change that??? So many questions... so little answers...

Any more dropping of hubs or significant scaling back won't happen, period. They have to have both Chicago and Dallas. Both cities are huge origination and destination cities besides being hubs. AA is having financial issues but they are not candidates for a merger. They will survive. I'm not sure what you mean about a shoddy credit score. Do you know something that the rest of the public doesn't?

07-21-2011, 09:56 AM
LAX is very much still a large hub for AA/Eagle, combined they operate upwards of 150 daily departures, that's a big chunk of LAX traffic.

07-21-2011, 10:02 AM
Last I saw , Fitch gave AA had a credit rating of CCC- which makes it a substantial risk. That's just somethin I read online... Im no expert :)I don't think ORD would ever be eliminated as a hub. But, could some AE routes be dropped or lose frequency? As is looking at OKC, we have far more frequency to DFW than ORD and on bigger planes too. :)

07-21-2011, 01:45 PM
The biggest change we'll see may be on the Eagle side. However, talking with friends that are Eagle employees (not in OKC)...the reliability of Eagle is horrible compared to Chautauqua. So this should open the door to allow for more AmericanConnection flights operated by them. Eagle we'll probably see them get bought up by another out fit or go under massive changes. They are currently the highest cost regional carrier right now, and that isn't going to work playing in the same ring as Republic (Frontier, Chautauqua, Republic, Shuttle America), SkyWest (Skywest, ExpressJet/ SureJet) and Pinnacle (Pinnacle, Mesaba, and Colgan).

I would be more excited if we also saw a new contract that would allow for more 70-90 seat small jets.

07-21-2011, 02:00 PM
So you think we'll see AA put more mainline into OKC within the decade? I'll be anxious to see how AA puts a "chrome" look on a plastic airplane. Say what you will, but AA has the best lookin livery in my eyes.

Umm, though not a great representation, the A300 had a good deal of composites in it. Also they 787 is almost all composite, so they are going to have to get use it.

AA is hurting financially big time and I sometimes wonder if they could drop a hub from their list. They dropped RDU not too long ago and while they may not drop ORD from the hub, I sometimes wonder if they would scale back ORD and beef up DFW and make ORD a focus city much like LAX. Im not saying kill ORD all together.. but make it more mainline and less regional flights. AA seems to be expanding more DFW routes north these days than they used to. Plus, How were they able to swing such a large airplane order given their shoddy credit score and losses? Could AA merge with someone like USAirways? The massive order today with a mix of Airbus in it does seem to fit the mold of USAirways aircraft. Im just speculating but if AE is divested, then would AE be obligated to provide the same routes and daily flights that they have now with AA or would they be free to change that??? So many questions... so little answers...

RDU has been gone for well over a decade. About the same time they closed the BNA hub. So those have very little to do with the current situation. They axed STL to where it is nothing more than a typical spoke. ORD and DFW work and no need to downsize further. Until they can get more 70+ seat jets, they can't expand from DFW further north. The CASM on the 145s is terrible on long stage lengths. There are rumors abound that US Airways may make a move to buy American, but that really only became an option by forcing AA into Chapter 11 - which they aren't far from anyway.

07-21-2011, 04:51 PM
US Airways - Delta DCA/LGA Slot Swap Approved

Under the agreement, Delta would acquire 132 slot pairs at LaGuardia from US Airways and US Airways would acquire from Delta 42 slot pairs at Reagan National and the rights to operate additional daily service to Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2015, and Delta would pay US Airways $66.5 million in cash. In addition, the airlines will divest 16 slot pairs at LaGuardia and eight slot pairs at Reagan National to airlines with limited or no service at those airports. The completion of the transaction is subject to certain closing conditions, including government and regulatory approvals. A slot pair is the authority to operate one takeoff and one landing.

So what to take from this...
- OKC needs to get on the phone to Delta to try to land one of the LGA slots, but probably very little hope since Delta already has previously outlined what markets they are going to serve - mostly all well east of the Mississippi.
- We need to get US Airways back for any hope to get nonstop flights to National as they will not be firmly in control, not that they aren't already, of the airport.
- Need to watch and see what airlines land the 16 pairs from LGA (8 daily flights to/from) and DCA (4 daily flights). I would imagine Spirit and JetBlue are in the lead to get the LGA slots. Southwest, United, and American aren't going to be able to get close to them - especially Southwest now that they own AirTran. The DCA slots have a bit more flexibility, especially if they can get approved for perimeter exemptions (LGA doesn't have them) so Alaska could come into play for them to the west coast.

At the end of the day, this probably doesn't do anything for OKC except ensure that we will never have a nonstop flight to DCA and make it very hard to get into LGA.

07-25-2011, 05:16 PM
Some updates on frequencies.

OKC-Houston Hobby on Southwest will bump back up to 4x from 3x daily beginning in JAN12. Normally they reduce to 3x during Nov/Dec. And return to 4x the rest of the year. Business as usual.

The Frontier increase to 4x daily to Denver appears to be a mistake that was filed. False alarm. But we do maintain mainline service through the end of the schedule.

Not too much else to note. Been quiet.

07-26-2011, 09:56 AM
Hopefully Frontier can hang in there. It was interesting to find out that US Airways was handing it to Southwest in Philadelphia (as well as Alaska in Seattle) and is causing them to cancel several markets and a good number of flights. Just goes to show, the great giant is able to be fought back.

07-26-2011, 06:42 PM
Assuming Frontier sticks with the OKC market, what are the chances that we get a non-stop to Milwaukee at some point?

07-26-2011, 11:31 PM
Frontier will remain in the OKC market for the foreseeable future. They are filling seats and recently just upgraded one flight to mainline. Milwaukee probably won't happen, there just simply isn't any demand for that market. Kansas City is more plausible, but would face stiff competition from Southwest.

Also, heard today from a friend at Eagle in DFW, that the rumor mill has it that OKC-LAX would upgrade to mainline (MD80). Pure rumor mill stuff though, to be taken as a grain of salt or less. Would be nice though if it were true.

07-27-2011, 11:32 PM
US Airways - Delta DCA/LGA Slot Swap Approved


At the end of the day, this probably doesn't do anything for OKC except ensure that we will never have a nonstop flight to DCA and make it very hard to get into LGA.

According to this article, OKC has at least been on the phone with airlines about LGA. The good news is Delta got more slots at LGA, and Delta has been paying OKC more attention than usual this year. So there is certainly a chance we may see something to LGA. I don't know how high of a chance that is, but it certainly should not be ruled out.

More frequency updates:

American seems to have loaded a pretty significant ORD (Chicago O'hare) cut, which includes OKC dropping to 4x flights a day from 5x starting in March 2012. We aren't the only ones getting a frequency cut, there are about 15 other cities.

Continental is dropping to 7x flights in March from 9x, but I'm not paying too much attention to it because it might have to do with just the merger and trading frequencies between the Continental and United operating certificates. So, in effect a "virtual" cut, yet flying isn't changing. Just switching between Pre-Merger United and Pre-merger Continental.

07-28-2011, 01:03 AM
Smells like some ERJs getting parked at Eagle or something and that is resulting in a pull back, a modest one, at ORD.

Here is the thread with all the routes getting cut back:

07-31-2011, 11:07 PM
Well, the rumors weren't exactly true about American's OKC-LAX going mainline. But, it is increasing to 2x daily effective November 18, 2011 through the end of the schedule. Both will be operated by American Eagle CRJ-700 aircraft.

Schedule as follows

7:00am-8:20am CRJ-700 AA*3708
2:30pm-3:40pm CRJ-700 AA*3798
9:05am-1:55pm CRJ-700 AA*3799
7:10pm-11:55pm CRJ-700 AA*3707

08-01-2011, 10:05 AM
So now we have three daily between OKC and LAX? 1 by UAX Skywest and two-to-be by Eagle?

08-01-2011, 10:46 AM
Correct. In fact, if UA keeps the current schedule, for about 2 weeks in December we will be 2x UA* and 2x AA*. Other than that, 2x AA* and 1x UA*.

Impressive schedule to California, 4 daily flights. 3 to LAX and 1 to SFO. Very good for a market our size, similar markets and even a few larger markets don't have this many frequencies to the west coast.

08-04-2011, 12:07 PM
So the latest changes from the thread for OKC...(some already mentioned here)

AA LAX-OKC DEC 1.0>2 JAN 1.0>2 FEB 1.0>3 MAR 1.0>2 APR 1.0>2
CO IAH-OKC OCT 4>6 NOV 7>8 DEC 7>8 JAN 7>8 FEB 7>9 MAR 7>8 APR 7>8


How it reads...
Airline - Route - Month - Previous Number of Daily Flights (on average) bookable > New Number of Daily Flights (on average) bookable

The Continental numbers are weird since it is mainly just swapping between flights operated by CO and those operated by UA (United)...or at least coded under them. So for the IAH (Houston) route, it is like no change except for equipment being used.

That brings in another point, this report doesn't show aircraft type changes...just frequency changes.

08-04-2011, 06:27 PM
Wishfull thinking post here: But, what would we have to see in order for OKC to get service to Seattle ? I see Alaska Airlines has equipment down here, how often are they bringing places to OKC to get service? Why not put some bodies on board and get some revenue if they fly here enough ? Could they get AA to do ground handling since they're part of the "One World"?