View Full Version : At&t is the devil, can anyone explain how the devil beat T-mobile?
kwash 03-31-2011, 08:24 PM ive been with t-mobile for 4yrs and love it, its seems t-mobile has the most outspoken, hardcore screw the big boys customers of all the carriers. We all know at&t sucks, with their expensive plans, terrible customer service and bad coverage. Ask most at&t customers and they will agree at&t is the devil. T-mobile has great customer service, cheap plans and good coverage. Ask most people in america, what you want the most out of their wireless provider, and they will say, coverage and great customer service, and i dont wanna go broke paying for my service. T-mobile has all that right??? Even us cellular, sprint and verizon have superior customer service compared to at&t. So this is my question, how did we lose? Go to an at&t store and theres 50 people waiting in line to sign up, go to t-mobile and its dead. i dont think ive ever seen more than 5 people in a t-mobile store, they have 100million customers, we had 33million. People hate at&t with a passion and love t-mobile, but it obviously didnt show up at the cash register. Ive never seen a company be so hated like at&t, yet still have millions flock to them and a company be so loved by so many like t-mobile yet no one is walking thru the door half the time. So whats the reasoning i would love to hear opinions
metro 03-31-2011, 08:29 PM Tmobile doesn't have e iPhone. AT&T/Bell pretty much had a monopoly on the telecom business or decades, it's hard to compete with that, coupled with Tmobile is a German company. I'm a Tmobile customer myself and sad about the news, but what ya gonna do.
Easy180 03-31-2011, 09:02 PM All about the iPhone
Had one for a year now...No problems with AT&T aside from a few too many dropped calls...Can say I never had dropped calls when I was with US Cellular
Kerry 03-31-2011, 10:53 PM I invite the T-mobile customer to join Sprint. I have had Sprint for 10 years. I couldn't tell you how their customer service is because in 10 years I have never had to call them. My EVO 4G is way better than an iPhone.
Thunder 04-01-2011, 12:16 AM I agree with Kerry. Still no clue why the morons still flock to the stores for the so-last-year iPhones. People need to wake up and start flocking to Sprint for the EVO. But, there is another phone a bit more superior than EVO, the Epic, which is offered by Sprint, too.
There is another new EVO, the 3D. Sprint is obviously trying hard to wake up the people to smell the roses.
ljbab728 04-01-2011, 12:57 AM Yawn!!!! As long as I can make calls on my cell phone and occasionally send a text message that's all I care about. The rest are just electronic toys for adults that the manufacturers have convinced the public that they can't live without.
Thunder 04-01-2011, 01:03 AM Yawn!!!! As long as I can make calls on my cell phone and occasionally send a text message that's all I care about. The rest are just electronic toys for adults that the manufacturers have convinced the public that they can't live without.
But, but, but you are paying way too much for minimal usage to AT&T. :-(
ljbab728 04-01-2011, 01:22 AM But, but, but you are paying way too much for minimal usage to AT&T. :-(
How do you know how much I pay? I don't use all of the frills and it's very comparable to my home phone bill.
Jettmiester 04-01-2011, 01:43 AM Great thread, I will look into Sprint. T-mobile altered some of their coverage areas not long ago, Now when I visit family, when I get within 4 miles of my destination, I cannot use my phone at all because they quit some lease on a particular tower there. If I spend a weekend with family, I cannot use my phone at all...except for games. And I never play those.
Easy180 04-01-2011, 05:45 AM The always awesome my phone is better than your phone battles
Next we will go with our cars to be followed then by my spouse is hotter than your spouse
kevinpate 04-01-2011, 06:15 AM The always awesome my phone is better than your phone battles
Next we will go with our cars to be followed then by my spouse is hotter than your spouse
I have no quibbles over my ATT setup, nor do the fam members located here, AL and WY have any quibbles over their setups. I couldn't say the same when I briefly tried Sprint and Verizon a couple of years back. Both worked fine in the two metro areas, but both were very subpar in nearly all non-metro locations. So back to ATT for me.
D1 and S1 are quite pleased with their recently upgraded rides. S2 is still mulling over what he'll but to drive. Vehicles for me are merely devices to get from A to B,s o my needs are also met.
I couldn't be convinced someone else has a hotter spouse, nor would I ask anyone to waste their time on an effort to persuade.
Guess I oughta just find a new thread.
Kerry 04-01-2011, 06:50 AM Yawn!!!! As long as I can make calls on my cell phone and occasionally send a text message that's all I care about. The rest are just electronic toys for adults that the manufacturers have convinced the public that they can't live without.
That is all I used to care about as well, and truthfully, I didn't even care about the texting. Then I got a smartphone. I went about 6 months using it for nothing else other than phone calls. I finally decided to sit down and learn all the features and start using them. I gave myself one month to use every feature. If I wasn't still using it after 30 days I probably didn't need it. After 30 days not only was I still using nearly every feature, the phone was actually helping me.
ljbab728 04-01-2011, 11:38 PM That is all I used to care about as well, and truthfully, I didn't even care about the texting. Then I got a smartphone. I went about 6 months using it for nothing else other than phone calls. I finally decided to sit down and learn all the features and start using them. I gave myself one month to use every feature. If I wasn't still using it after 30 days I probably didn't need it. After 30 days not only was I still using nearly every feature, the phone was actually helping me.
I'm glad it's working for you but I'm sure you will agree that most people just use the apps as toys. I've seen very little that would add to my life so I ignore most of it. That's always subject to change though if something new comes up.
metro 04-02-2011, 08:03 AM Couldnt pay me to switch to Sprint, it's crap, I used to have it. Until they switch from CDMA to GSM or a future more universal platform most are going to by 2015. Sprints 4 G is nothing but marketing hype as there is no true 4G standard like 3G had. neration_.284G.29
Thunder 04-02-2011, 09:31 PM Couldnt pay me to switch to Sprint, it's crap, I used to have it. Until they switch from CDMA to GSM or a future more universal platform most are going to by 2015. Sprints 4 G is nothing but marketing hype as there is no true 4G standard like 3G had. neration_.284G.29
I'm a witness to Sprint's 4G and it was the first time ever after trying a phone with it, I suffered a serious jet lag! It took my whole body serious time to catch up with the phone. Oh, some of my hair went white. :-)
Jettmiester 04-02-2011, 11:34 PM I think I am about the only person I know of that doesnt even mess with ringtones or any apps. I'm lucky to just get all the phone #s stored in it that I need. lol I don't even have my phone hooked up to the internet.
ljbab728 04-02-2011, 11:37 PM I think I am about the only person I know of that doesnt even mess with ringtones or any apps. I'm lucky to just get all the phone #s stored in it that I need. lol I don't even have my phone hooked up to the internet.
You're not the only one. I've never used the internet on my phone. It's rare that I'm not near my computer at work or at home so why go to that expense?