View Full Version : Texas Set to Vote on Gambling?

03-29-2011, 12:58 PM
I guess the first question is what do we do about all the soon to be closed Oklahoma Indian casinos?

Texans could get to vote on a constitutional amendment to expand gambling.

The House Licensing and Administrative Procedures Committee ( will hear testimony on a number of measures to allow casinos and slot machines. The Texas Gaming Association ( is backing a measure that would license eight casinos and slot machines at eight racetracks. Other measures would allow gambling on Indian reservations or slot machines at bingo halls.

The Texas Gaming Association says its proposal could bring in $1.2 billion a year in gaming taxes alone. The organization also released a poll it said found that 86 percent of Texans believe there should be a vote on gambling.

The state faces a $23 billion budget shortfall over the next two years. Opponents warn that gambling could bring more trouble than it's worth

If this passes Texas only has another $21.8 billion to come up with.

03-29-2011, 01:04 PM
If it passes, how long until Oklahoma responds by the predictable act of following Texas and opening up the market to more non-Indian casinos?

03-29-2011, 03:36 PM
open it up to non indian casinos in oklahoma, but only open a certain area up, so insterad of 1 casino here in this town and one in that town, have 15 casinos in a one area, make it a destination/vacation/entertainment area !!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-29-2011, 06:27 PM
How about adding a new dam downstream from the Oklahoma River at 23rd and then allowing non-indian casinos to build along it. The casino floor would have to be located on the water but the rest of facilites could be on land. They could also require casino developers to put in a lock at the Easter Ave dam so the river boats would have another destination. The could do something similar in Tulsa County.

We could then use the new funds to phase out the state income tax.

03-29-2011, 06:46 PM
open it up to non indian casinos in oklahoma, but only open a certain area up, so insterad of 1 casino here in this town and one in that town, have 15 casinos in a one area, make it a destination/vacation/entertainment area !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Locate such a place between Oklahoma City and Tulsa and build high speed rail to it.

03-29-2011, 07:32 PM
Bye bye Winstar...Their worst nightmare

03-29-2011, 08:32 PM
It stands a slight chance of making it through the house, it has about a 5% chance of making it through the senate, they will kill it with riders.

03-29-2011, 10:53 PM
If this ever does pass and Texas gets into the casino business. I would bet big money that Texas wouldn't mess around with all of the restrictions like we have in Oklahoma. Texas would go all out, Vegas style with all of the games, luxuries, and amenities. One can only imagine what Texas style casinos would look like.

03-29-2011, 11:59 PM
If this ever does pass and Texas gets into the casino business. I would bet big money that Texas wouldn't mess around with all of the restrictions like we have in Oklahoma. Texas would go all out, Vegas style with all of the games, luxuries, and amenities. One can only imagine what Texas style casinos would look like.

Ohh god.. I don't even want to think about it! Please let it fail! lol.

03-30-2011, 02:25 AM
If this ever does pass and Texas gets into the casino business. I would bet big money that Texas wouldn't mess around with all of the restrictions like we have in Oklahoma. Texas would go all out, Vegas style with all of the games, luxuries, and amenities. One can only imagine what Texas style casinos would look like.

What? You mean they wouldn't just have over dressed bingo machines and table games you can't really make any money off of? :-) Not to mention a nice adult beverage at your seat. Of course, if they kicked the 18 year olds out of the casinos here then they would be able to make it work.

03-30-2011, 06:55 AM
If this ever does pass and Texas gets into the casino business. I would bet big money that Texas wouldn't mess around with all of the restrictions like we have in Oklahoma. Texas would go all out, Vegas style with all of the games, luxuries, and amenities. One can only imagine what Texas style casinos would look like.

You lose Mr. Bond.

The Texas Gaming Association ( is backing a measure that would license eight casinos and slot machines at eight racetracks. Other measures would allow gambling on Indian reservations or slot machines at bingo halls.

03-30-2011, 12:00 PM
What? You mean they wouldn't just have over dressed bingo machines and table games you can't really make any money off of? :-) Not to mention a nice adult beverage at your seat. Of course, if they kicked the 18 year olds out of the casinos here then they would be able to make it work.

Yesterday, for the first time I went into the little casino in Pawnee built on the outside to look like a big teepee. All the machines seemed to be mere 1 cent ones. I lost $3 and was then ready to give up and leave. No one offered me a drink as likely would be the case in Las Vegas. As little as I lost before leaving probably would make the Christian right opponents against gambling fairly happy.

03-30-2011, 12:03 PM
Bye bye Winstar...Their worst nightmare I wonder if the bank where they got the money to build Winstar ever asked before giving it out, "Now what would happen to our money, if Texas allows a mega huge casino to be build in or near Dallas?"

03-30-2011, 12:06 PM
Bunty - even Las Vegas doesn't comp the penny slots. I didn't think alcohol was allowed on tribal land anyhow.

03-30-2011, 12:12 PM
Bunty - even Las Vegas doesn't comp the penny slots. I didn't think alcohol was allowed on tribal land anyhow.

Well, darn, did the Union Plaza or whatever it's called in downtown Las Vegas do away with their penny slots? If so, it's just as well, since I didn't like the depressing down and out atmosphere around their penny slots.

03-30-2011, 12:19 PM
Penny slots still exist (sort of). For the most part Las Vegas doesn't use coins anymore on any slot machines. The coin amount now is just the maximum allowed on each bet. On some of the so called 'penny slots' you can make up to 99 different bets on a single pull of the handle (which is now actually a push button). Back in the day that would have been called a $1 machine. To be honest, slots have to be the lowest form of gambling there is. I see people playing slot machines and get depressed. Gambling itself is the ultimate 'get rich quick' scam and the slot players are the laziest of the 'get rich quick' types.

Alas, that is just my opinion, as I know some out there say they simply play for the fun of it; which makes me wonder why casino don't have free slot machines that don't payout anything but has a $20 cover charge. When I lived in Atlanta I played poker for fun in many local restaurants and not a single penny changed hands related to the poker.

Is this allowed in Oklahoma?

03-30-2011, 12:35 PM
Yeah when i play slots and i leave winning, I am singing that song sunshine days.. But if i lost everything I brought with me, I leave being carried out by security kicking and screaming the song by pink (burn it down).... Gotta love casinos lol, but I do understand not everyone does, thats okay. Casinos has its ups and downs, like i put up at the top lol..

03-30-2011, 01:57 PM
The problem I have with slot as entertainment is that they are completely devoid of input on behalf of the player. Put money in, push a button, and see if the machine gives you any of it back. I prefer roulette (where atleast I get to handle some chips and move them around) and poker (that actually has strategy and drama).

03-30-2011, 02:20 PM
But those progressive slot bonuses are fun to play lol, Im nota true gambler, I take what i can spend and have fun with it, if i win then thats a a free evening of entertainment.. My wife and i dont go to the movies or stuff like that, so we take what we would have spent for dinner and a movie theater and have fun at the local casino outing for me is in 3 weeks, lol its a countdown.. But back to subject, i hope texas doesnt pass, and hopefully oklahoma allows more then just indian casinos in.. oklahoma could do really good if they play it right, look at al lthe jobs the indian casinos has brought in, and who cares if it is high dollar paying jobs, its a job that wasnt there for someone who needed at one point

03-30-2011, 03:05 PM
It stands a slight chance of making it through the house, it has about a 5% chance of making it through the senate, they will kill it with riders.

I would second this. Actually I'll go further and say it's not happening....period. As long as Tricky Ricky is in the governor's manison in Austin, Texas will not expand gaming. They have been bouncing around this idea for the past decade and its never been considered serious legislation due to his veto threats alone. Of course when he runs for President (wink, wink) and gives up his seat then watch out.

Unitl then, any gaming expansion will be vetoed, assuming it even passes the house and senate. The Chickasaw Nation was one his largest out of state donors, giving him at least $40K in 2006. They know they have a friend in Tricky Ricky.

Everyone in OK should relax...for now.

03-30-2011, 04:33 PM
As long as Tricky Ricky is in the governor's manison in Austin, Texas will not expand gaming.

Just for clarification--Governor Goodhair doesn't live in the Governor's Mansion (that nearly burned down a couple of years ago), he now lives in a real mansion in suburban Austin that has cost nearly $600k to rent and maintain for him over the last two years.

But otherwise, yeah, I agree with you.

Jersey Boss
03-30-2011, 07:30 PM
Bunty - even Las Vegas doesn't comp the penny slots. I didn't think alcohol was allowed on tribal land anyhow.

Don't know about other joints, but Riverwind has full liquor service.

03-30-2011, 07:48 PM
^Choctaw Casino Resort in Durant (about 15 miles north of the Texas border on US 69/75) does also.

03-30-2011, 07:52 PM
That is what I find interesting and hadn't really thought about it until now. It used to be illegal for alcohol to be on tribal lands. Maybe they can have it now but the Indians just can't drink it.

04-01-2011, 05:48 PM
Bye bye Winstar...Their worst nightmare

And Gainesville, Tx too. The podunk town has built their whole economy around Winstar. LOL