View Full Version : Five year old arrested

03-18-2005, 02:16 PM
A five year old little girl was arrested by police in Florida for thowing a tantrum in school because her teacher took away her candy.

She kicked, screemed, kicked the teacher in the shin, tossed things, and more. The police formally pronounced her under arrest, hand cuffed her, and placed her in the cage of a patrol car.

This came from an article in channel

What do you think of this? Are you outraged? If so, with whom, and why?

03-18-2005, 03:10 PM
She should be tried as an adult.

03-18-2005, 07:52 PM
A five year old little girl was arrested by police in Florida for thowing a tantrum in school because her teacher took away her candy.

She kicked, screemed, kicked the teacher in the shin, tossed things, and more. The police formally pronounced her under arrest, hand cuffed her, and placed her in the cage of a patrol car.

This came from an article in channel

What do you think of this? Are you outraged? If so, with whom, and why?

I'm sure this was a scare tactic used by the police officer, however, using it on a 5 year old girl was just plain wrong. They should have called her parents, had them pick her up from school, and then placed some type of punishment on her. My gosh, it was just a temper tantrum that should have been handled a different way.

Because of this, she will have a bad impression on the people who are suppose to protect her, the police.

Try her as an adult? I've taken prisoners to jail with better humor than that.

03-18-2005, 08:25 PM
That would infuriate me beyond belief if my young child was taken away in handcuffs, can you imagine the fear of a five year old being taken by strangers? They are no more than babies... I do believe in good behavior but she was probably overwhelmed or exhausted and just acted her age. I don't believe in lawsuits but you can bet if that were my child, I would be calling the nearest attorney.

03-18-2005, 09:43 PM
If the kid thinks that it's okay to hit an adult, there's something wrong with the parent(s). Maybe the parent(s) needs some parenting classes. We don't know the circumstances surrounding it, so it's a little silly to claim "outrage" or some sort of righteous indignation. We don't have all the facts. This could be a repeat case. The child could be an abused/neglected child and the teacher was just looking for an avenue to get DHS involved. It's hard to say from our vantage point.

03-22-2005, 02:44 AM
Having a 5 year old dragged away in hand cuffs could also be psychologically damaging.

03-22-2005, 08:02 AM
It would have to be some major extenuating curcumstances to rate handling a five year old in this manner.

Has there been any news updates that could give us better information for a decision?

03-22-2005, 03:57 PM
I don't know which way to feel regarding this news. If the child couldn't be controlled after the police arrived then I don't blame them. Hand-cuffs are pretty non-evasive and make the whole situation safer. I'd agree though, I wouldn't want this tactic to become a habit.

Oh, BTW - Howdy All!

03-22-2005, 05:13 PM
Try her as an adult? I've taken prisoners to jail with better humor than that.

I love you too.

08-05-2005, 03:02 PM
Channel Oklahoma has reported the police officers that handcuffed the little girl will not be deciplined. The police department said they made a mistake slapping the kid in cuffs, however, it was within department policy.

Any thoughts?

08-06-2005, 09:16 AM
she is too young to cuff. Some policies look weired because human beings made them. My dad who is retired policeman said people should consider moral and ethical values especially from Eastern philosophy before they consider laws.

08-08-2005, 02:49 PM
If we had corporal punishment in schools this wouldn't have happened. She would've gotten a couple of swats and it would be done. But, nOOOOooooo. Teachers aren't suppoed to touch our precious little tyrants. :rolleyes:

Dungeon Master
08-08-2005, 03:00 PM
Bring her to the Dungeon. I'll straighten the little twirp out. No wait a minute, bring her parents. They're the ones to blame for raising her to behave that way. I'm getting ready for Halloween anyway and could use some fresh corpse.

08-08-2005, 03:14 PM
After watching the video, I have to say that this child was not a typical 5 year old. She was very defiant, punching, hitting, kicking, pulling things off the walls, standing on the table.

I guess when I first heard it I thought of my 5 year old who is very docile and shy. Most of his classmates were the same, pretty well behaved. I could never imagine them in cuffs but after seeing this video on the news, I'm seeing it thought the eyes of law enforcement - they had to protect her from herself. They also didn't want to get punched or kicked and needed to control her. Unbelievable and very sad.

This child was acting like a little monster so I have revised my original thoughts of 'never' put a 5 year old in cuffs.

Dungeon Master
08-08-2005, 03:35 PM
Ah yes, a little monster. Send her to the dungeon. I have shackles of all sizes.