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11-08-2011, 01:11 PM
The Diner, Sooner Dairy Lunch, The Service Station, O'Connell's, even Wendy's(never frozen).

Your list, plus Braum's at Porter/Robinson, and Abner's. Although, I'm not a fan of Service Station. Not bad food. It just never really clicked with me.

11-08-2011, 02:29 PM
Wife and I went there Friday afternoon. Both agree it's way overrated. Burger was okay and fries so-so. Be okay in a pinch. What struck us was they had fifteen people working and it still took about ten minutes to get our order out and only two ahead of us. So far best place we've found is Tucker's. Great burgers and even better fries. My wife loves their "The One Salad" as much as their burgers. Went Saturday (after Whole Foods, but that's a whole 'nother story), pretty busy, but order was out in a few minutes and was great.

11-08-2011, 02:40 PM
Whoever said Carl's Jr. or Sonic had better burgers than 5 Guys must have about 3 taste buds. Braum's on the other hand is pretty competitive burger wise. None of the aforementioned can compete with 5 Guys's fries, however. . .

11-08-2011, 04:14 PM
I think their burgers are good, but I'd prefer burgers from Republic, Irma's, Service Station, and Tucker's. Someone told me the Garage has great burgers, but I haven't tried one... yet.

11-08-2011, 06:21 PM
Whoever said Carl's Jr. or Sonic had better burgers than 5 Guys must have about 3 taste buds. Braum's on the other hand is pretty competitive burger wise. None of the aforementioned can compete with 5 Guys's fries, however. . .

Actually, I dinna say Carl's or Sonic were better, simply noted they were nearby. I was following up on a poster who held the opinion 5Guys fries were to die for, but the 5G burgers were overpriced. For someone who cares more for the fries, it's a viable option.

Oh, and Kilgore, Garage on E Main does have decent grub. I like the Bison the best. A friend swears by the turkey burger. Oddly though, no one I am close with swears by their ordinary burger. But Norman has some great burgers around, so simply being a tasty beef burger doesn't get a sandwich all that far.

11-08-2011, 06:58 PM
Actually, I dinna say Carl's or Sonic were better, simply noted they were nearby. I was following up on a poster who held the opinion 5Guys fries were to die for, but the 5G burgers were overpriced. For someone who cares more for the fries, it's a viable option.

Oh, and Kilgore, Garage on E Main does have decent grub. I like the Bison the best. A friend swears by the turkey burger. Oddly though, no one I am close with swears by their ordinary burger. But Norman has some great burgers around, so simply being a tasty beef burger doesn't get a sandwich all that far.

My bad. Apologies! I will agree with the consensus that the 5 guys burgers are overpriced. I've not been to the one in Norman yet, but the ones in Austin and Moore were both delicious as long as you don't mind throwing cash out the window.

11-08-2011, 09:02 PM
I go here from time to time, and there are times that you're going have to just not be so uptight about how many calories are in what.

Agree, but you probably don't want to be hitting Five Guys (or any burger joint) on a weekly basis.

11-11-2011, 04:21 PM
I looked this up in my system (I work for Oklahoma Gazette) and no one had claimed them so I gave them a call and asked who is the person that handles the marketing decisions and they told me they have never advertised and they will never advertise... Congratulations to them! It seems they are doing just fine - tired of the money! LOL

Larry OKC
11-12-2011, 06:42 AM
Seems over priced at first glance but as others have pointed out, similar prices just about anyplace you go anymore (unless you order off value menu). Carl's $6 Dollar Burger is coming dangerously close to actually costing $6 bucks (think when they first came out with it was in the $3 and it is $5 and change).

My vote for favorite burger (haven't tried Smashburger or 5 Guys yet) is Big Ed's (double burger basket) and Braums is a close 2nd place. Tuckers is very good and if I am in the area, will drop by. Most of the other places mentioned that I have tried (Irmas etc have been major disappointments).

Can't remember now if it was 5 Guys or Smashburger but their smallest burger was bigger than a McDonald's Quarter Pounder??? And nutritional numbers were similarly not exactly "healthy".

11-12-2011, 12:14 PM
It's a good burger, but I agree having one isn't a life changing experience. I would say it is an upgrade over most (but not all) fast food burgers in the same way Panera is an upgrade over fast food places that have sandwiches. Their burgers are really juicy for being so well done... I have to believe they must have a fairly high fat content to accomplish that. But my general attitude on that is who cares if you're only going there once a month.

11-12-2011, 12:22 PM
I've always enjoyed 5 Guys it's a Good Burger (FASTFOOD). Can't Please EVERYONE I guess from the review she wrote. I've liked them in this state and many others, very glad to see them in the OKC area and looking forward to seeing them add some more stores.

11-13-2011, 03:26 PM
This article illustrates that some people just don't understand there are differences between burger places, if you want a $5-6.00 meal, stick with the fast food franchises. I think Whataburger and Braum's is hard to beat for their price point, I wish we had both of them up here. The 5 Guys and Smashburger are $10.00 burger places, I have been to Smashburger a few times since the one on the 16th Street Mall is close to my office. I was not impressed by 5 Guys in Austin, it was fine, just nothing special to me. One of the best burgers that I have had is at Bartlett's (formerly Houston's) in Austin, which is similar to Charleston's but it is about a $16.00 burger meal but it is tremendous. Charleston's and Houston's always seemed to have the same menu.

11-13-2011, 07:31 PM
Bluedog - try the Cherry Cricket in North Cherry Creek. My favorite burger place in Denver.

11-13-2011, 07:36 PM
Bluedog - try the Cherry Cricket in North Cherry Creek. My favorite burger place in Denver.
My friend told me about that place as well.

11-22-2011, 07:02 PM
Made my first trip to 5 Guys this afternoon. 12 and change for a large drink, reg. fry and a reg bacon cheeseburger for me. About 30-50% more than anyplace else that comes quickly to mind. Very few folk giving it a try today.

I sat and read and did some texts after I ate, and in addition to my table, I don't think there were ever more than three other four-tops in play.

Burger was well prepared, tasty, but truthfully, it dinna rock my world the way it does for some. Now the fries, well, I guess there's been too much build up seeping into me from my reading here. There were plentiful, and they were thick enough and they were tasty. At the same time, they weren't all that and then some. Sort of like the burger, they were fine, but not OMG! fine the way some folk carry on about them.

In truth, the fries seemed a tad overdone. Not enough to turn them back and say please try again, but enough that for a place known for the fries it was a wee bit of a surprise.

I can see me going back, but mainly because it is now the closest burger barn to me that is not a Carl's or Sonic. Working against them though is the Braum's dbl bacon cheese is really just about as tasty, possibly have more meat and cheese, I can get a real thick strawberry shake if I want one, there's not a mile's difference in driving, and the price point way more than offsets the slight extra distance And, 5 Guys isn't any faster from order to serve than Braum's is.

12-05-2011, 09:15 PM
Try the Cajun seasoning on the burger. Tasty.

12-13-2011, 07:06 PM
My youngest, home for the holidays, suggested calling Chedder's for a to-go order. A Smokehouse, A BaconCheesburger, and two fries clocked in under 15.00 for us. Far better burger than I expected, faster than 5Guys, and calling in before he drove to pick up had him back every bit as fast as ordering at a window at any of the driveups in the same area. I'm not a huge fan of their interior, but for a callout order, it is definitely a contender from now on.

05-10-2012, 10:32 AM
Just got this transaction press release from CB Richard Ellis:

• Five Guys Burgers and Fries leased 2,700 square feet of space at 6900 Northwest Expressway in Oklahoma City. This transaction was handled by Alaina McGlothlin, CCIM with CB Richard Ellis|Oklahoma.

• Five Guys Burgers and Fries leased 2,400 square feet of space at 2300 West Memorial Road in Oklahoma City. This transaction was handled by Alaina McGlothlin, CCIM with CB Richard Ellis|Oklahoma.

OKC continues to show strong retail and restaurant growth!

05-10-2012, 12:38 PM
Great news for wallets on diets and bull market bellies!

05-10-2012, 01:09 PM
I've been meaning to try the one in Norman but any time we're up there we end up at Tulio's or Cheddars. Is it pretty good?

05-10-2012, 01:19 PM
Glad to hear this news. 5 Guys make good burgers. It will be nice to have them here in the city.

05-10-2012, 01:24 PM
Is it pretty good?


There are people who will tell you no, or that they're too expensive, but yes they are, and no they're not.

Glad they're finally showing the Northsiders some love.

05-10-2012, 02:04 PM
I'm sure it's a local franchisee opening these locations as this has been the primary way Five Guys has been expanding.

05-10-2012, 03:23 PM
Ahhh a location close to my office.. that is good news.. I like 5 guys but not enough to drive to Moore or norman to eat there when I have tuckers and S&B closer.. and I would say they are better than 5 guys or at least evenly matched.

05-10-2012, 03:26 PM
5 Guys is great, and I'm excited.

I'm curious, though, what the ratio of hamburger joints to people is in this city, and how it rates among other cities!

05-10-2012, 10:17 PM
Yeah it's a good burger. The fries always leave me wanting to drink a gallon or two of water though.

05-10-2012, 11:20 PM
5 Guys is good, but we have local places that are better. In the last city I lived in, it was the best burger in town. But not here. If you have never had one though, well worth a try. Great fries.

05-10-2012, 11:23 PM
Never been to 5 guys.... How does it compare to S&B?

05-11-2012, 07:54 AM
Yeah, I'll be sticking with Tuckers and S&B. Those locations are terrible for me, and I like to keep it local.

05-11-2012, 08:34 AM
Yeah, I'll be sticking with Tuckers and S&B. Those locations are terrible for me, and I like to keep it local.

Thanks for the LOCAL support!

05-11-2012, 09:00 AM
Yeah, I'll be sticking with Tuckers and S&B. Those locations are terrible for me, and I like to keep it local.

I'll take your spot, Betts. I'm pretty close to both locations. =)

05-11-2012, 10:10 AM
I've been meaning to try the one in Norman but any time we're up there we end up at Tulio's or Cheddars. Is it pretty good?

Been to all three of those, the latter two way more often than I've gone to 5 Guys. 5G is not gross by any means, but after giving it a fair try, it just did not even come close to the nirvana type hype some give it. The bacon burger at Chedders is as good, or better, costs less (a big issue to some folk) and in Norman at least there's no meaningful difference in distance. Chedder's and 5G are practically across the street from each other. Chedder's also gets the nod for way more variety and for a nice interior and comfortable seating should you elect to dine in rather than take your food with you.

Of course, that being said, O'Connell's has a better burger (and other selections) than either C or 5G in my opinion. Took as bit for me, but I finally ended my mourning of Lindsey St and warmed up to the Campus Corner location.

Garage bison burger and Abner's Ale patty melt are also worthy contenders and top both Chedder's and 5G locally.

05-11-2012, 10:39 AM
I will not set foot in a Five Guys Burgers place until I've been to Tuckers. Period.

(However, I decided to "charbroil" some burgers last night, and after the first round--on toasted Italian bread with a slice of basil instead of that wasteful leaf lettuce--I had room left for another half a burger, open-faced on a thin slice of grilled Italian bread (the grill-caramelized onions UNDER the cheese on the burger), with a bit of grilled tomato, a basil leaf, a raindrop-shaped blob of either mayo or miracle whip on the tomato and three tasteful dots of yellow mustard. On a small, clear plate. Semi-vertical. With one Zesty pickle slice. "$18," I said to my wife. "Yup," she agreed," smiling. =)

05-11-2012, 11:30 AM
Smashburger > 5 Guys

05-11-2012, 11:36 AM
Smashburger > 5 Guys

Smashburger is pretty good but I have yet to try 5 Guys so I'll reserve judgement.

05-11-2012, 11:47 AM
Five Guys is pretty good. Perhaps a bit overrated, but good nonetheless. I've always found that local joints usually taste better than chain places, even if Five Guys' shtick is trying to seem like a local place. It's always good to see new food places being built, though.

05-14-2012, 12:17 PM
I like 5 Guys okay. I've eaten at a couple, one in DC and another in Baltimore. The burgers are good, but I really love the Cajun fries!

05-14-2012, 12:29 PM
I am hoping they will open one in Midwest City soon. The Tinker Lunch Crowd alone will keep them profitable.

My definition of eating local is eating at whatever is close by when I am hungry. I am not going to drive across town and wait 2 hours for a cheeseburger. My time, my gasoline and money are my most valuable assets. I don't like to waste any of them.

05-14-2012, 12:39 PM
Obviously, there Is a lack of TacoTruX just outside The Tinker Gates.
Does MWC require a permit to set up a BBQ grill?
(outside of the State Burn Ban edicts?)
And is that "Gathering Point/Convenience Store" not selling "Posada" burritos anymore?

Sorry . . .
I haven't mastered the art of tweeting about Quality Foods . . .
Yet I still feed the birds (seeds)

Maybe "5 Guys" Burgers could consider opening "down-scale convienient" venues involving "Fish"?
With only three icons (not Manny Moe and Jack) . . .

Although I have trouble with the entire concept of "Non-Coastal Sushi" . . .
(and raw fish in general).

[edited to change are to is in the first sentence)

05-14-2012, 10:35 PM
Tuckers, Irma's are both far better than Five Guys & Smashburger.

05-15-2012, 12:28 AM
It's just nice to have a new franchise that was once reserved for the East and West coast.

07-12-2012, 02:24 PM
Sounds like we're mere days away from finally being able to get a good burger in OKC proper. From teh Twitters:

Joey Hughes ‏@joey_hughes

@Five_Guys When will either of the Oklahoma City locations be open???

Five Guys ‏@Five_Guys

Hi @joey_hughes! The Rockwell location is just a few days away from opening & hopefully Quail Springs will open before the end of summer.

07-12-2012, 05:24 PM
I really do like 5 Guys, but I agree that Tucker's puts it to shame.

07-13-2012, 07:33 AM
I really do like 5 Guys, but I agree that Tucker's puts it to shame.

for an onion burger i 100% agree ... but 5 guys is pretty darn good ..

07-13-2012, 09:35 PM
We saw the sign for the 5 Guys on the NW Expressway today. Not sure exactly where they are going in on Memorial Road.

07-16-2012, 12:31 PM
Five Guys ‏@Five_Guys

Hey Oklahoma City, ur new Five Guys is NOW OPEN! Find us in the Rockwell NW Shopping Center at 6900 NW Expressway, Oklahoma City, OK 73132.

Not sure exactly where they are going in on Memorial Road.

2300 West Memorial Road = SW corner of Penn and Memorial.

07-16-2012, 12:34 PM
Five Guys ‏@Five_Guys

2300 West Memorial Road = SW corner of Penn and Memorial.

Uh oh - my waistline is in trouble now. That is WAAAY too convenient!

07-16-2012, 08:47 PM
Trying to place exactly where the Rockwell one is going in...Anyone know what it will be next to?...Just right down the road from my work

07-16-2012, 09:22 PM
Trying to place exactly where the Rockwell one is going in...Anyone know what it will be next to?...Just right down the road from my work

You know in about the same amount of time it took you to ask this you could just go on and street view it.

Since that sounded like a respnse from metro Ill go ahead and give you the answer, looks like SE corner of NW xpwy and Rockwell

07-17-2012, 12:28 AM
So, in addition to Freshly Ground Beef (perhaps a chuck blend, maybe 80/20 or 85/15) do the Five Guys offer pool tables, pinball machines, shuffleboard and/or skeeball? =)

No? Well, hopefully they will have an autographed picture of our President, on the wall, reminding them that they didn't succeed by themselves.

07-27-2012, 12:16 AM
We have eaten twice at the NW Expressway location, and the hamburgers are great.

09-03-2012, 11:27 PM
I tried out the new location today just on a whim as I was driving by. It's my first time with 5 guys. It was fine but was nothing outstanding or worth going out of my way for. The fries were good but I like them a little more crisp. The amount of fries they served were enough for 5 people. Maybe that's why they call it 5 Guys?

09-03-2012, 11:51 PM
Over rated IMO

09-04-2012, 09:43 AM
Burgers are very high on my very short list of favorite foods. I've been hearing about all these "good" chain burger joints and am excited that they are finally here in the OKC area. The first I tried was Fuddruckers and it was decent, but WAY overpriced. Next came Smashburger which was very good! My wife brought back a "Double Double Animal Style" from In N' Out in Dallas but I can't form a valid opinion on a several-hours-old burger. We tried Five guys on the Expressway a few weeks ago and it was very good. I thought Smashburger and Five Guys are comparable to Ron's but my wife thinks Ron's is better. I'm not really into onion burgers so I haven't tried some of the places mentioned in this thread but would like to try Nic's.

09-04-2012, 10:03 AM
If you are a burger fan, you really need to try Tucker's. I wasn't much of an onion burger fan also, but I like Tucker's a lot.

09-04-2012, 11:54 AM
The first I tried was Fuddruckers and it was decent, but WAY overpriced.


09-04-2012, 12:07 PM
If you are a burger fan, you really need to try Tucker's. I wasn't much of an onion burger fan also, but I like Tucker's a lot.


09-05-2012, 12:27 PM

Fuddruckers is a burger chain.

Just the facts
09-05-2012, 02:52 PM
Fuddruckers is a burger chain.

I think Ginkasa was questioning the 'it was decent' part.

Larry OKC
09-05-2012, 09:00 PM
Five Guys ‏@Five_Guys

Hey Oklahoma City, ur new Five Guys is NOW OPEN! Find us in the Rockwell NW Shopping Center at 6900 NW Expressway, Oklahoma City, OK 73132.

2300 West Memorial Road = SW corner of Penn and Memorial.
They need to get the AC fixed. By all appearances this is a new store/new equipment so non-functioning AC really shouldn't be an issue. Was there today at 5:30 pm and it felt like it was nearly as hot inside the dining area as it was outside (100 degrees plus). Wouldn't even want to venture a guess what the temp was in the grill/kitchen area. Dining room sparcely populated with about 10 tables seated. Given that it was the start of the dinner rush, should have been much busier but easy to see why it wasn't. Wanted to give them a try but knew it wouldn't be fair to judge the food with the AC distraction. Mentioned it to a couple of employees that it was just too hot and I would try again. Met with indifference (I am sure they were hot too). Will try again when it cools off some.