View Full Version : More trouble for OCPD officer Maurice Martinez
BBatesokc 03-15-2011, 07:06 AM
Seems Martinez may have had evidence removed and planted in his home when police searched it.
This all reads really bad, but I'm trying to reserve judgement for now.
Thunder 03-15-2011, 08:34 AM He's guilty and should be sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole.
BBatesokc 03-15-2011, 09:05 AM He's guilty and should be sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole.
Fortunately, I don't think there is much fear we will ever have to worry about you being on a jury.
I've set through many trials and criminal proceedings (my own included) and things are often not as they appear. I agree it looks pretty bad, but I also see where some of this may be prosecutorial propaganda.
I remember in my trial DA Lane kept telling the public he had me on tape three times. I kept saying no he didn't because I never did what he said - but he kept going on TV and giving interviews saying the tapes would prove his case and my guilt. Much like what is going on here.
In my case, in the end, the DA claimed the damning tape 'malfunctioned' and actually didn't exist. The problem is, one police officer wrote a supplemental report of what he overheard me saying and it did prove Lane lied.
I worked on the Rowland Oklahoma County sexual assault case and the Tulsa rape and assault cases. He was acquitted of one and the other was dropped. In both cases the prosecution was adamant of Rowland's guilt. In the end the cases were baseless on a criminal level. But they looked ominous when told only from the prosecution's perspective.
In Martinez's case 'possible illegal Internet porn' is meaningless, but the implication is undeniable. 'Pictures of foster kids in various stages of undress'? Than can be anything from damning evidence to bathingsuit pics to horseplay. Lets not forget there have been many examples of parents being arrested for having 'nude' photos of their children, that later turned out to be nothing but the embarrassing bathtub photos many parents take.
That said, at this point this case could go either direction.
rcjunkie 03-15-2011, 09:10 AM Fortunately, I don't think there is much fear we will ever have to worry about you being on a jury.
I've set through many trials and criminal proceedings (my own included) and things are often not as they appear. I agree it looks pretty bad, but I also see where some of this may be prosecutorial propaganda.
I remember in my trial DA Lane kept telling the public he had me on tape three times. I kept saying no he didn't because I never did what he said - but he kept going on TV and giving interviews saying the tapes would prove his case and my guilt. Much like what is going on here.
In my case, in the end, the DA claimed the damning tape 'malfunctioned' and actually didn't exist. The problem is, one police officer wrote a supplemental report of what he overheard me saying and it didn't proved Lane lied.
I worked on the Rowland Oklahoma County sexual assault case and the Tulsa rape and assault cases. He was acquitted of one and the other was dropped. In both cases the prosecution was adamant of Rowland's guilt. In the end the cases were bases on a criminal level. But they looked ominous when told only from the prosecution's perspective.
In Martinez's case 'possible illegal Internet porn' is meaningless, but the implication is undeniable. 'Pictures of foster kids in various stages of undress'? Than can be anything from damning evidence to bathingsuit pics to horseplay. Lets not forget there have been many examples of parents being arrested for having 'nude' photos of their children, that later turned out to be nothing but the embarrassing bathtub photos many parents take.
That said, at this point this case could go either direction.
I agree. Whatever the case, the truth will hopefully come out in the end, either way, his career and future is tarnished at best.
kevinpate 03-15-2011, 09:15 AM He's guilty and should be sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole.
Laddie, please read this quoted section, slowly. It is from the recent article:
Martinez, 44, was arrested Jan. 19 on multiple sex abuse complaints. He has not been charged.
Just for, oh, I don't know, the value we should all place in our constitution, maybe you wait until someone actually charges the arrested officer with a crime before you decide he is guilty of something.
Even most of the hard core hang 'em all and let God sort it out types I know will wait for a charge before they line up to be judge and jury on someone.
I take no stance on what the officer has or has not done. But to declare anyone guilty in advance of charges, well, that's just special, and not in a good way.
Easy180 03-15-2011, 07:26 PM Don't know what to think but him only fostering boys will not play well in court
BBatesokc 03-15-2011, 08:19 PM Don't know what to think but him only fostering boys will not play well in court
Can a single man foster girls?
Easy180 03-15-2011, 08:34 PM Can a single man foster girls?
Not sure but it certainly won't help with the whole homosexual pornography aspect of the story
BBatesokc 03-15-2011, 09:21 PM Not sure but it certainly won't help with the whole homosexual pornography aspect of the story
I'm still leery about the comments by police of him having photos of the foster boys in various states of undress. If you take the innuendo out, it could just mean teen boys in their bathsuit or boxers. Also, I've seen the FaceBook profile pics my teen son's guy friends use and I kid him that when I was a teen those poses were considered a little gay-ish. Most are posting pics of themselves shirtless trying to look all GQ or Abercrombie.
BBatesokc 03-16-2011, 05:02 PM Well, I just read affidavit from the search warrant. If any part of it is true (and it is detailed) then he is despicable and guilty as hell. The affidavit is far more detailed than the article and claims the photos found on the computer in Maurice's bedroom show the boys nude and contain images of explicit homosexual sex between adults and boys estimated as young as 15. Not to mention the video camera in the bedroom and porn on his cell phone.
Easy180 03-16-2011, 06:33 PM I would venture to say he is a flight risk with that description (assuming he is a free man at this point).
BBatesokc 03-16-2011, 07:02 PM I would venture to say he is a flight risk with that description (assuming he is a free man at this point).
I honestly would not be surprised if he either fled or committed suicide. I don't say that lightly. But, he knows what the rest of his life will be like if he's a cop convicted of homosexual child abuse in prison.
The law regarding child porn is pretty black and white and leaves virtually no room for a defense.
Easy180 04-15-2011, 09:42 AM Ruh Ro Raggy
Looks like the kid that accused him was found in Utah and Martinez is now facing possible kidnapping charges
ahtohg 04-15-2011, 03:19 PM "Investigators found photos of police Sgt. Maurice Martinez’s foster children in various stages of undress, a video of a foster child describing sex acts performed with another child, hundreds of photos of homosexual pornography and a surveillance camera in a child’s room when searching the arrested officer’s home in January, according to an affidavit."
This could mean absolutely nothing. If 60 boys have been in foster care at his home, statistically speaking probably 6 were gay. Gay 16 years old are going to download gay porn - it is the same with straight boys and straight porn. It is just the way it is with kids. The things that kids do in the age of facebook and flip cameras can be really outrageous.
We should reserve judgement until all the facts are known - no matter how bad it may seem at first glance. There is a chance he is completely innocent but he could have his career destroyed for no reason.
Midtowner 04-17-2011, 02:09 PM True. You do get some pretty sketchy kids as a foster parent, and it's most certainly not a stretch for them to do some pretty horrible things like planting evidence.
Easy180 04-17-2011, 02:53 PM More details on this recent arrest
The Oklahoma City police officer accused of sexually abusing a teenage boy was arrested again Friday in what police said was a sting operation after tips led authorities to the runaway teen in Utah. Police said officers used a Taser while making the arrest.
Police Sgt. Maurice Martinez was arrested about 1:45 a.m. in a traffic stop at SE 44 and Sooner Road, police Capt. Patrick Stewart said. Martinez was pulled over as he was driving to a meeting that, unbeknown to him, had been set
up by investigators.
“I'm going to suppose they had surveillance on him,” Martinez's attorney, Irven Box, said Friday. “I believe they may have had wiretaps on the phone. There is some explanation of why he was doing what he was doing that I can't reveal at this time.”
BBatesokc 04-17-2011, 03:57 PM "Investigators found photos of police Sgt. Maurice Martinez’s foster children in various stages of undress, a video of a foster child describing sex acts performed with another child, hundreds of photos of homosexual pornography and a surveillance camera in a child’s room when searching the arrested officer’s home in January, according to an affidavit."
This could mean absolutely nothing. If 60 boys have been in foster care at his home, statistically speaking probably 6 were gay. Gay 16 years old are going to download gay porn - it is the same with straight boys and straight porn. It is just the way it is with kids. The things that kids do in the age of facebook and flip cameras can be really outrageous.
We should reserve judgement until all the facts are known - no matter how bad it may seem at first glance. There is a chance he is completely innocent but he could have his career destroyed for no reason.
I initially reserved judgement too. "various stages of undress" in regards to boys could have simply meant teen boys mooning the camera or in boxers. A video camera in a room could mean he was having trouble with a kid sneaking out or doing drugs. Porn could have been downloaded by one of the foster kids without the foster parents knowledge. And, pissed off teens can make vicious and untrue accusations out of spite, jealousy, or whatever.
Problem though is that "various stages of undress" included pics of several of the foster boys nude from the waist down. Those pics and gay porn were found on a computer only accessible by Martinez (password protected) and on his personal cell phone. That alone is pretty indefensible if the foster boys were underage its prison no doubt. The non-foster kid images of sex are described as being of boys under 16. Plus, the fact he sent a convicted felon in to break into the house and take items and plant fake evidence will not sit well with a jury.
Add the fact police have a CI and a witness who both provided information that not only the police knew to be true but also provided information about events which would occur in the near future (and did within days), shows they are building a really good case against Martinez.
Any doubts I had are gone. I don't know to what extend he is guilty, but if only one of the allegations proves true he will be found guilty and most likely go to prison.
BBatesokc 04-19-2011, 10:37 AM Oooops. Even more trouble - "Witness in sex-crimes investigation against Oklahoma City police officer said he feared for accuser's safety"
Read more:
kevinpate 04-22-2011, 10:59 PM Charged today in a 37 count information involving four different lads
from the linked article:
faces 32 felony counts of sexual child abuse. He faces three other felony counts — threatening a witness, child pornography possession and child abuse.
He faces two misdemeanor counts — harboring an endangered runaway child and conspiracy to obstruct an officer.
Most of the sexual abuse counts involve the adopted son who first reported being molested. Prosecutors alleged that adopted son was sexually abused 23 times since Aug. 15, 2009. Prosecutors also alleged Martinez made threats this month to keep the adopted son from testifying.
The teenager was found April 14 with a family in Tooele (, Utah ( Police reported Martinez gave the teenager $400 in March to go to Utah on a bus. Police reported Martinez forced the teenager to make a video and to sign a letter recanting the accusations.
Prosecutors and police identified the other sexual abuse victims as two other adopted sons and a former foster son.
kevinpate 08-24-2011, 09:31 PM And then there were twelve ...
Judge dismissed 23 of 35 felony counts against the former officer today.
Martinez faces nine felony counts on sexual abuse and three additional felony charges, which include attempting to prevent a witness from testifying, possession of child porn and a child abuse charge. There are two misd. counts as well - harboring an endangered runaway child and conspiracy to obstruct an officer.
More at:
BBatesokc 08-25-2011, 05:23 AM They could dump every charge but the child porn and he'd still be in just as bad of a situation (IMO).
Thunder 08-25-2011, 05:26 AM He probably got vidz and pix of young adult porn stars that look like underage kids and the DA assumed wrongly. lol I bet that will be the defense's argument. Prater will argue that its impossible. LOL
Midtowner 08-25-2011, 06:28 AM I'm going to stand by what I said earlier. You can't rely on officers' affidavits. Those aren't fair opinions of the truth. They're trying to get a conviction. There's a reason you can't admit police reports into evidence. Remember that foster kids often come from abusive homes themselves. They are often savvy enough to know how to manipulate the system. If foster parents tell 'em to eat their vegetables, it's not unheard of for a foster kid to drown the family pet and accuse the foster parents of molestation.
Even if there's child porn all over Martinez' effects, how do we know how it got there?
BBatesokc 08-25-2011, 06:36 AM I'm going to stand by what I said earlier. You can't rely on officers' affidavits. Those aren't fair opinions of the truth. They're trying to get a conviction. There's a reason you can't admit police reports into evidence. Remember that foster kids often come from abusive homes themselves. They are often savvy enough to know how to manipulate the system. If foster parents tell 'em to eat their vegetables, it's not unheard of for a foster kid to drown the family pet and accuse the foster parents of molestation.
Even if there's child porn all over Martinez' effects, how do we know how it got there?
I am curious about the question posed by prosecutors to the alleged victim. They say he told them if he told the truth it would destroy his family. But on the stand he denies ever saying that.
As for the child porn. My understanding it was on a computer that is normally locked in his bedroom and that the person he allegedly had break into the home was specifically looking to remove a computer with porn on it. We'll see if those pan out or not.
Midtowner 08-25-2011, 08:16 AM The state saying something happened and actually being able to prove that often prove to be very different things as you may have experienced in the past.
Iheartahero 08-25-2011, 08:38 AM The state saying something happened and actually being able to prove that often prove to be very different things as you may have experienced in the past.
I agree. Rape cases get dismissed all day allover the country when the victim gets put on trial and are found to not be "credible". I don't believe that anyone deserves to be a victim of a crime that no one believes was committed against them because they have a sketchy past. But, I know that children that are victims of "the system" are in a theoretical fight or flight mode and are quickly trained to have no boundaries as far as recourse against any type of authority.
On the other hand, I am a firm believer that anyone can simply "lawyer up" or work our joke of a justice system and get any type of charge dropped. I mean OJ got away with murder.