View Full Version : Food Stamp (SNAP)

03-09-2011, 06:42 PM
If anyone on here ever kept writing to DHS/State about the swarm of Food Stamp Users rushing to the store at midnight the 1st (as I have constantly sent in letters), I have news! Although, they did not change the time from midnight to 6am to give overnight Stockers time to do their job efficiently, there was some changes put in place that will gradually occur over the next few months.

Deposits into the cards will now be done on 3 separate days, the 1st, 5th, and the 10th. I saw a poster news at Crest today detailing the changes that will gradually take place more and more days apart each month until the month where the final change will be done. This will lessen the burden on the stores restocking the inventory, less chaotic with the Cashiers and Sackers trying to keep up with the mayhem.


03-09-2011, 10:01 PM
I stay far away from the grocery stores around the 1st unless its on a got to have basis.

03-09-2011, 11:48 PM
And I, for one, would never go grocery shopping at midnight any day of the month unless it was some absolute emergency. I'm sure the grocery stores and their employees appreciate this but it has little affect on the general public who doesn't use food stamps.

03-10-2011, 06:13 AM
Smart change. Saves us all money, flattens out the workload for retailers, bravo. I wonder who actually made this decision.

03-10-2011, 11:57 PM
Smart change. Saves us all money, flattens out the workload for retailers, bravo. I wonder who actually made this decision.

I'm fine with the idea but don't see any particular money saving aspects.

OKC Heel
03-16-2011, 12:39 PM
[QUOTE=Thunder;411135]If anyone on here ever kept writing to DHS/State about the swarm of Food Stamp Users rushing to the store at midnight the 1st (as I have constantly sent in letters)QUOTE]

Pretty sure you're the only one.

03-16-2011, 09:38 PM
Being a manager for a store, this is fantastic and not so fantastic. 1st of the months for us are kind of like our version of Black Friday. It really can help us recover from a lukewarm month. So we won't have those day one OMG great sales, we will probably see more sales long term because now we will have time in between each wave to recover the store and get product stocked back up for customers.

03-16-2011, 10:16 PM
What is not so fantastic?

It stretches out the time for all the grocery stores to stay busy. And its even better for the Cashiers and Sackers to bring home their well deserved paychecks without being sent home early. Usually when it get to around the middle of the month, it start to get slower and employees lose money when their bosses send them home early. Now it should be a bit more balanced and steady all the while everyone will have a better financial security.

03-16-2011, 11:00 PM
Being a manager for a store, this is fantastic and not so fantastic. 1st of the months for us are kind of like our version of Black Friday. It really can help us recover from a lukewarm month. So we won't have those day one OMG great sales, we will probably see more sales long term because now we will have time in between each wave to recover the store and get product stocked back up for customers.

Im waiting for someone to insert a "black friday" joke.........

03-17-2011, 12:00 AM
Im waiting for someone to insert a "black friday" joke.........

March the 18th of 2011, the day after St. Patrick's Day. :-)

03-17-2011, 06:27 AM
I'm fine with the idea but don't see any particular money saving aspects.

Efficiency. When a business can give all of its part-timers hours those part-timers won't leave as much. Turn-over is expensive. Retraining costs money, too. There are all kinds of savings in this for retailers.

Right now hours in retail spike around the first of the month. So quite a few of those people get garbage hours for the other three weeks every month. And understandably, this makes them want to go elsewhere.

03-17-2011, 11:02 PM
Efficiency. When a business can give all of its part-timers hours those part-timers won't leave as much. Turn-over is expensive. Retraining costs money, too. There are all kinds of savings in this for retailers.

Right now hours in retail spike around the first of the month. So quite a few of those people get garbage hours for the other three weeks every month. And understandably, this makes them want to go elsewhere.

Your statement was that it saves us all money and that's still a bit of a stretch. I doubt that I'll see any extra money in my pocket. LOL
If you think any of those retailers will be offering lower prices because of the change, I'll believe it when I see it.

03-17-2011, 11:17 PM
Your statement was that it saves us all money and that's still a bit of a stretch. I doubt that I'll see any extra money in my pocket. LOL
If you think any of those retailers will be offering lower prices because of the change, I'll believe it when I see it.

Well, for Crest, they tend to have some special sales during the time where customers shop the most. Now those times is starting to spread apart, those special sales can extend.

03-17-2011, 11:20 PM
Well, for Crest, they tend to have some special sales during the time where customers shop the most. Now those times is starting to spread apart, those special sales can extend.

I'll believe it when I see it.

03-18-2011, 12:20 AM
I'll believe it when I see it.

You're forgetting I was working there 2 years. :-/

03-18-2011, 12:47 AM
You're forgetting I was working there 2 years. :-/

That makes no difference, Thunder. My family used to own a grocery store. I've being buying groceries for much longer than 2 years and I watch the sales closely every week. There won't be more or better sales just because the food stamp buyers are spread out a little. As I said, I'll believe it when I see it.

03-18-2011, 07:33 AM
Your statement was that it saves us all money and that's still a bit of a stretch. I doubt that I'll see any extra money in my pocket. LOL
If you think any of those retailers will be offering lower prices because of the change, I'll believe it when I see it.

No, realistically you'll probably just see more WMT stock. But for the people who stock part-time as a second job it will mean getting their hours 3-4 weeks per month instead of 1 week per month.

03-18-2011, 07:35 AM
That makes no difference, Thunder. My family used to own a grocery store. I've being buying groceries for much longer than 2 years and I watch the sales closely every week. There won't be more or better sales just because the food stamp buyers are spread out a little. As I said, I'll believe it when I see it.
I'll disagree with that. I've managed grocery sales(along with other retail) for years and i can see the difference between a first of the month that was properly staffed and stocked and one that wasn't. When items simply run out by the close of business on the first it puts a serious damper on sales. The instances of first of the month sales spikes driving outs on the shelf should be reduced significantly.

03-18-2011, 11:48 PM
I'll disagree with that. I've managed grocery sales(along with other retail) for years and i can see the difference between a first of the month that was properly staffed and stocked and one that wasn't. When items simply run out by the close of business on the first it puts a serious damper on sales. The instances of first of the month sales spikes driving outs on the shelf should be reduced significantly.

That has nothing to do with my point which was about doubting that it will save me any money when I shop.