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03-14-2011, 11:25 AM
Bates did all your apps and everything transfer over to the new iPad smoothly, I'm worries only the iTunes stuff will transfer over and not the apps, etc. How did you do the switch?

I always seem to have 'issues' with major OS updates and device upgrades.

Took two days, but it finally all synced. Best thing is, all the content in my apps transferred back over (like Bento databases, MSecure data, etc.).

Definitely don't connect to your computer via a USB hub - connect directly to the computer. I also had to attempt 4 restores before it finally worked and each took hours and hours to perform.

A look at the Apple forums is showing lots of people with syncing issues.

In the end mine worked fine - it just took lots of patience and was not user friendly.

03-15-2011, 04:20 AM
As of this morning, I still can't get 3G to work on it. It's a pretty paper weight. Other than looking at synced pictures, I can't get much use out of it. Mostly due to my ignorance on how the data plan works on it through AT&T, I probably added to the problem. I wanted to transfer the unlimited data I had on iPad 1 over to iPad 2 and things got complicated on their end with how the device connects through the system. The ICCID numbers don't want to update in the system, causing it not to pick up 3G from the towers or something of that nature. I literally talked to twelve different AT&T representatives, and they tried pushing me off to Apple. I even set up and appointment on Wed. I had no idea that when I setup the iPad, it created it's own phone number that you can see in the settings. I had assumed when I set it up originally with the first iPad, I was signing into a Family Plan we had. In reality, it was it's own account and I wasn't helping by referring to the cell phone number on the plan, rather than the number for the iPad 2. It should have been a five minute phone call. Once it dawned on me, I found out I can log on their website and found how to see the account for the iPad 1/2. Basic stuff, and I feel very stupid. I called them again, and they moved me up to the top of their queue so I should get a call today. I still don't know how their going to sort it out.

I had no trouble at all syncing the device though. It works perfectly fine other than no 3G.

03-15-2011, 06:46 AM
Can you not use the wifi until the 3G is up and running?

Now that mine is working good I'm really digging the camera. I was at the county court house yesterday and I simply used the iPad to take photos of all the documents I would normally have to pay for copies of (saved $16).

03-15-2011, 09:28 PM
It was brought up previously what size hard drive do you really need - some stating 16GB was plenty. I am syncing mine right now and my 64GB drive only has 25.4GB of free space. Keeping in mind a 64GB iPad really only holds 59.15GB. 14.3GB is photos alone. Apps take up 6.6GB, Video 16.1GB......

03-16-2011, 08:47 AM
I love my iMac and plan to get a MacBook next year, but I don't get the purpose of an iPad. Is it more than just a nice multi-media toy?

03-16-2011, 09:16 AM
I love my iMac and plan to get a MacBook next year, but I don't get the purpose of an iPad. Is it more than just a nice multi-media toy?

Depends on your needs. For some it's simply a gaming device, for others it's a crucial part of their daily work.

I literally use mine all day long for work and play.

Lord Helmet
03-16-2011, 09:54 AM
It was brought up previously what size hard drive do you really need - some stating 16GB was plenty. I am syncing mine right now and my 64GB drive only has 25.4GB of free space. Keeping in mind a 64GB iPad really only holds 59.15GB. 14.3GB is photos alone. Apps take up 6.6GB, Video 16.1GB......

I find that 16gb is plenty. However, I don't keep anything on the iPad except apps. Video, pics, music, etc all get streamed to it.

03-17-2011, 07:31 AM
I love my iMac and plan to get a MacBook next year, but I don't get the purpose of an iPad. Is it more than just a nice multi-media toy?

Go play with one at the apple store, then make an opinion, it's far more than a toy, but changing the face of computing. Try using a laptop comfortably while sitting back or reclining, or easily on the go. FYI, I'm typing this right now on my iPad while fully reclined in my recliner.

03-17-2011, 09:49 AM
I love my iMac and plan to get a MacBook next year, but I don't get the purpose of an iPad. Is it more than just a nice multi-media toy?

I almost never turn my computer on since buying mine. High-end gaming and flash videos are the only reasons i even have a computer anymore and when it breaks I'll probably just throw it out and be done with them for good.

Typed from a breakroom on my iPad.

03-17-2011, 11:26 AM

03-17-2011, 12:02 PM

That article is just one big whining fest. He's mad because he ordered online and hasn't gotten it yet. Fact is the iPad is hugely popular and they looked to have moved 500,000 in the first weekend alone.

03-17-2011, 12:06 PM
iPad is Apple.

Apple sucks.

ATT sucks, too.


Hai Bri

03-17-2011, 01:59 PM
iPad is Apple.

Apple sucks.

ATT sucks, too.


Hai Bri

Thunder, I used to be just like you. I hated Apple; loathed Apple. I was into all things Windows and Unix/Linux. And then I bought my iPod Touch. I fell in love with that thing. And then came the iPad. Of course, these iOS devices are made by Apple but they are not Mac-centric in any way. They don't use Mac lingo, icons, etc. You can be a Windows user and pick up an iOS device and be on your way in 15 minutes.

The way the iPad has changed the way I keep my own life in order, and basically revolutionized forever how I communicate and do business, I can't speak highly enough about these things. With that said, I would truly like to see some real competition with some of these Honeycomb Android devices. But with iPad 2, Android has a long way to go to get even close to capabilities, design, etc. It's quickly becoming the defacto standard for tablets - the worst thing that could possibly happen (IMO) because competition is good and can only make future iOS devices better.

Bottom line: I'm no longer an Apple Hater. I have come to appreciate the innovative iOS and how it has, literally, changed the face of "computing."

Lord Helmet
03-18-2011, 10:06 AM
I've never understood Apple haters.

03-18-2011, 01:40 PM
I've never understood Apple haters.

They are just barely more annoying than the die hard Apple fans. I use both Apple, Windows and Android computing devices. They all have their pros and cons.

06-17-2011, 11:38 AM
There are several iPad topics, so I picked this one, because of the nature of "so loving the iPad" should be fitting for this story.

Chinese Boy Trades Kidney for iPad 2!

There are Apple fans, and then there are real Apple fans.

Count 17 year-old Chinese student “Zheng” as a member of the latter camp. Zheng is the new owner of a brand new iPad 2, which the Anhui Province resident received through the unlikeliest of means: By trading one of his own kidneys.

Both The Global Times and Shanghi Daily report the story, which begins when Zeng is contacted online by a bona fide organ broker. Zheng, clearly enticed by the notion of finally owning an iPad 2, underwent the surgery on April 28th, exchanging the extracted organ for 22,000 yuan ($3393).

Suffice it to say that Zheng’s mom wasn’t happy with the trade, and made honest maternal efforts to get the police to help retrieve her son’s irreplacable body part. No dice, of course, because the kind broker who arranged the trade was sadly also the kind of organ broker who keeps his phone in a perpetually off state.

Now, Zheng, stricken with sickness after the surgery, regrets his decision, especially after finding out that the hospital where he stayed wasn’t actually qualified to remove his kidney in the first place.

Now the question is, are there any apps for searching for kidney donors?

How much do you love iPad 2? Or even the iPad 3 set to release later this year?

06-17-2011, 12:26 PM
Go play with one at the apple store, then make an opinion, it's far more than a toy, but changing the face of computing. Try using a laptop comfortably while sitting back or reclining, or easily on the go. FYI, I'm typing this right now on my iPad while fully reclined in my recliner.

fwiw, I'm reading your typing, and responding, quite comfortably I might add, using a laptop that is sitting on a lapboard, across me, all while stretched out and comfy, and enjoying the scent of garlic burgers almost ready for me to get up and fix me one. I do so love a lazy Friday every now and again.