View Full Version : NO mention of today's election on NewsOK front page: Fail.
Spartan 03-01-2011, 05:39 PM
Wow. There's an election going on today??
The Oklahoman reaffirms its title as the crappiest pseudo-journalistic organizations in the country. Or the civilized world. They seem more clueless than that Gaddhafi (sp?) interview where he asserted he is loved throughout Libya.
The TOP stories on the front page right now:
Cajun King rules the kingdom of catfish
UCO pays $60K to exit blah blah..
Reba McEntire named to Country Music Hall of Fame
Fmr. President George W. Bush to receive 2011 Reflections of Hope Award
You have to dig through headlines...
It's at the very top of the Top Headlines: "Oklahoma voters head to polls today".
Been there since early this AM.
Spartan 03-01-2011, 05:48 PM Yes, a very small tiny link next to a large picture of bread pudding.
Doug Loudenback 03-01-2011, 05:50 PM Lighten up on that hair trigger, Nick! In addition to this story on page 1 story which Pete mentioned,, today's paper also included yet another Oklahoman editorial ( on the election. I didn't notice the bread pudding link, though, which I will do since I'm very fond of it.
It's on the front page above the fold of the print addition.
LordGerald 03-01-2011, 06:14 PM
Wow. There's an election going on today??
The Oklahoman reaffirms its title as the crappiest pseudo-journalistic organizations in the country. Or the civilized world. They seem more clueless than that Gaddhafi (sp?) interview where he asserted he is loved throughout Libya.
The TOP stories on the front page right now:
Cajun King rules the kingdom of catfish
UCO pays $60K to exit blah blah..
Reba McEntire named to Country Music Hall of Fame
Fmr. President George W. Bush to receive 2011 Reflections of Hope Award
You have to dig through headlines...
I must be old-fashioned, because I still get the "paper" version of the newspaper, and yep, there it is, on the left "council positions up for vote." Front page, above the fold. Plus another editorial on the inside. Yesterday's "paper" also had a similar story on the "front page." I think that OPUBCO has done a good job of promoting/reporting this election. Not to mention the "front page" story of Windsor Hills church in the Sunday Oklahoman PAPER, which is the most widely read of the week.
Doug Loudenback 03-01-2011, 06:22 PM I agree, LordGerald. I also notice that in yesterday's on-line version, at least (I don't recall seeing it in the printed version but maybe I missed it) that contributions reports are shown. See
I'm actually a fan of the Oklahoman in general.
I didn't use to be that way as I grew up hearing all the negative comments from just about everyone. Only later did I realize that apart from the biggest cities (and even they aren't completely spared), everyone seems to hate their local paper -- just like football fans always criticizing the offensive coordinator, it comes with the territory.
Once I moved away I really appreciated their on-line presence and coverage of local business and sports; the rest I can get elsewhere or don't care about.
And I think the current, younger management has been a great improvement.
kevinpate 03-01-2011, 07:10 PM FWIW, some of us down south are right happy Cajun King is coming to town and it ought be page 1. I am hopeful it might finally banish the apparent curse on the location it selected.
But yeah, seems like the election should have gotten a lil' more love as well.
lasomeday 03-01-2011, 07:34 PM Go Reba!
Easy180 03-01-2011, 07:35 PM FWIW, some of us down south are right happy Cajun King is coming to town and it ought be page 1. I am hopeful it might finally banish the apparent curse on the location it selected.
But yeah, seems like the election should have gotten a lil' more love as well.
Definitely have to try it out now since it will be much closer to da casa
bluedogok 03-01-2011, 07:39 PM Yes, a very small tiny link next to a large picture of bread pudding.
MMMMMMM....bread pudding.
jbrown84 03-01-2011, 09:24 PM Once I moved away I really appreciated their on-line presence and coverage of local business and sports; the rest I can get elsewhere or don't care about.
And I think the current, younger management has been a great improvement.
Hear, hear!
BoulderSooner 03-02-2011, 08:48 AM I'm actually a fan of the Oklahoman in general.
I didn't use to be that way as I grew up hearing all the negative comments from just about everyone. Only later did I realize that apart from the biggest cities (and even they aren't completely spared), everyone seems to hate their local paper -- just like football fans always criticizing the offensive coordinator, it comes with the territory.
Once I moved away I really appreciated their on-line presence and coverage of local business and sports; the rest I can get elsewhere or don't care about.
And I think the current, younger management has been a great improvement.
these are my feelings as well .. and i am someone that did not grow up in oklahoma
Kerry 03-02-2011, 09:06 AM I always liked the Oklahoman - both when I lived there and even 16 years after I moved away.
Steve 03-02-2011, 03:05 PM Cut it out guys. This kind of talk is just going to confuse the people I work with.
metro 03-02-2011, 04:27 PM It might would help if Spartan was in Oklahoman. I saw 2 links at the top of NewsOK on it first thing as well as I get the daily NewsOK emails and it was prominently displayed. (shh don't tell Steve I still read the Oklahoman). I was fasting from technology yesterday, so I didn't get a chance to follow the election live so it was a nice surprise this morning to see in my NewsOK email proimently displayed that Meg Salyer and Patrick Ryan won and Brian Walters lost. Hopefully this will be great for OKC, I'm not sure about the newcomers, don't know enough about them.
kevinpate 03-02-2011, 11:36 PM Cut it out guys. This kind of talk is just going to confuse the people I work with.
Not to worry Steve. The paper continues to also maintain its strong support from bird lovers and 4 out of 5 puppy mill owners
Larry OKC 03-03-2011, 02:14 AM Hey, whats wrong with the 5 puppy mill owner...tell them to get with the program!
grandshoemaster 03-03-2011, 01:29 PM So Spartan posted a thread that is based off of false information. Sounds like he has it out for NewsOK.
Larry OKC 03-04-2011, 06:12 AM False info? What false info? Granted it was there but EASY to overlook. Its sort of like the sticky threads on this forum, I ignore them completely for some reason. Make it big and bold (impossible to miss) like it was in the printed edition.
Bailey80 03-04-2011, 02:14 PM
Wow. There's an election going on today??
The Oklahoman reaffirms its title as the crappiest pseudo-journalistic organizations in the country. Or the civilized world. They seem more clueless than that Gaddhafi (sp?) interview where he asserted he is loved throughout Libya.
The TOP stories on the front page right now:
Cajun King rules the kingdom of catfish
UCO pays $60K to exit blah blah..
Reba McEntire named to Country Music Hall of Fame
Fmr. President George W. Bush to receive 2011 Reflections of Hope Award
You have to dig through headlines...
I'm a little late to this, but one of the first rules I learned as a rookie newspaper reporter covering my first city hall election at a very small paper was that it's considered bad form for a paper to run any new news about the candidates the day of an election. Back when newspapers had more sway than they do now, I guess this was done to avoid any appearance of unfairly influencing the vote by coming out with last-minute surprise information on election day.
Larry OKC 03-04-2011, 11:53 PM True, but I think what Spartan was getting at was after the polls have closed (but his post was before they closed, so now I'm not sure). But went I went there after the polls had closed, had the same problem he had.