08-20-2004, 12:47 AM
Looks like another anchor has been chosen to go with Super Target and PF Chang's at the old Memorial Square Shopping center on the Northeast corner of Memorial Road and Penn. A Circuit City will be built on the site.
Also, Best Buy will be opening up a new store as well, next to Gordmans in whats left of the old Quail Springs Target store. I tend to wonder who will win the electronic war at this corner. I give Ultimate Electronics a year.....I bet after Best Buy and Circuit City open, Ultimate will be gone. They're just too pricey. This is just my guess anyways.
Here's the article:
" Circuit City store will be city's third
By Jim Stafford
The Oklahoman
With an eye on the Christmas retailing season, Circuit City hopes to have a store operating at the busy intersection of Memorial Road and Pennsylvania Avenue in December, a spokeswoman said Wednesday.
The new Circuit City store is in one of Oklahoma City's busiest retail areas in terms of both shopping and traffic volume.
It is adjacent to Quail Springs Mall on the east side of Pennsylvania and north of Memorial. It is next to a Target store, and Sam's Club and Wal-Mart stores are south across Memorial Road. An Ultimate Electronics retail store also is nearby.
Oklahoma City traffic engineer Stuart Chai said the intersection averages more than 30,000 vehicles a day traveling east and west on Memorial and almost 30,000 vehicles traveling north and south on Pennsylvania. Those numbers are from 2002, the latest figures the city has, he said.
The new Circuit City retail site is the former location of a now-demolished strip center that was home to the AMC Theaters before it relocated to the nearby mall. Workers with JVC Construction of West Des Moines, Iowa, already have erected some of the building's frame at the site.
Other retailers that will join Circuit City at the site have not been disclosed. Leasing is being negotiated by Tom Blanton of the Blanton Property Co. Blanton was unavailable Wednesday for comment.
This will be the third Oklahoma City outlet for the Richmond, Va.-based consumer electronics retailer. It opened two stores in 1992, one at 221 E Interstate 240 Service Road next to Crossroads Mall and the other at 3625 Northwest Expressway.
Spokeswoman Amanda Tate said Circuit City normally operates from stores that average 33,500 square feet of retailing space and employ about 60 people. She said no general manager has been named for the store.
"This new store will be a different-looking format for shoppers in Oklahoma City," she said. "The biggest thing they will notice is that it will be brighter, the aisles are wider and easier to get around. Shopping carts will be available."
Tate said when Circuit City dropped appliances from its stores in 2000, it reduced the space needed for warehousing inventory and opened more to retailing.
"We have as much product on the floor as we possibly can," Tate said. "We did some research and found that's what consumers like."
The Northwest Expressway store was one of 222 Circuit City stores recently remodeled to reflect the new philosophy, she said. The company operates 609 retail stores and plans to open "60 to 70" stores this year, Tate said.
Circuit City is the nation's second-largest electronics retailer -- Best Buy is No. 1 -- with annual sales of almost $10 billion, according to the business information company Hoover's Online.
As for its soon-to-be neighbors, Quail Springs Mall spokeswoman Stacey Aldridge said the retailer is welcome in the area.
"Competition is a good thing," Aldridge said. "Bringing more opportunities for shoppers to get a variety of things in this area benefits everybody and brings more people to this side of the city."
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Also, Best Buy will be opening up a new store as well, next to Gordmans in whats left of the old Quail Springs Target store. I tend to wonder who will win the electronic war at this corner. I give Ultimate Electronics a year.....I bet after Best Buy and Circuit City open, Ultimate will be gone. They're just too pricey. This is just my guess anyways.
Here's the article:
" Circuit City store will be city's third
By Jim Stafford
The Oklahoman
With an eye on the Christmas retailing season, Circuit City hopes to have a store operating at the busy intersection of Memorial Road and Pennsylvania Avenue in December, a spokeswoman said Wednesday.
The new Circuit City store is in one of Oklahoma City's busiest retail areas in terms of both shopping and traffic volume.
It is adjacent to Quail Springs Mall on the east side of Pennsylvania and north of Memorial. It is next to a Target store, and Sam's Club and Wal-Mart stores are south across Memorial Road. An Ultimate Electronics retail store also is nearby.
Oklahoma City traffic engineer Stuart Chai said the intersection averages more than 30,000 vehicles a day traveling east and west on Memorial and almost 30,000 vehicles traveling north and south on Pennsylvania. Those numbers are from 2002, the latest figures the city has, he said.
The new Circuit City retail site is the former location of a now-demolished strip center that was home to the AMC Theaters before it relocated to the nearby mall. Workers with JVC Construction of West Des Moines, Iowa, already have erected some of the building's frame at the site.
Other retailers that will join Circuit City at the site have not been disclosed. Leasing is being negotiated by Tom Blanton of the Blanton Property Co. Blanton was unavailable Wednesday for comment.
This will be the third Oklahoma City outlet for the Richmond, Va.-based consumer electronics retailer. It opened two stores in 1992, one at 221 E Interstate 240 Service Road next to Crossroads Mall and the other at 3625 Northwest Expressway.
Spokeswoman Amanda Tate said Circuit City normally operates from stores that average 33,500 square feet of retailing space and employ about 60 people. She said no general manager has been named for the store.
"This new store will be a different-looking format for shoppers in Oklahoma City," she said. "The biggest thing they will notice is that it will be brighter, the aisles are wider and easier to get around. Shopping carts will be available."
Tate said when Circuit City dropped appliances from its stores in 2000, it reduced the space needed for warehousing inventory and opened more to retailing.
"We have as much product on the floor as we possibly can," Tate said. "We did some research and found that's what consumers like."
The Northwest Expressway store was one of 222 Circuit City stores recently remodeled to reflect the new philosophy, she said. The company operates 609 retail stores and plans to open "60 to 70" stores this year, Tate said.
Circuit City is the nation's second-largest electronics retailer -- Best Buy is No. 1 -- with annual sales of almost $10 billion, according to the business information company Hoover's Online.
As for its soon-to-be neighbors, Quail Springs Mall spokeswoman Stacey Aldridge said the retailer is welcome in the area.
"Competition is a good thing," Aldridge said. "Bringing more opportunities for shoppers to get a variety of things in this area benefits everybody and brings more people to this side of the city."
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