View Full Version : History's first 'MAPS' project was the Tower of Babel
Midtowner 02-25-2011, 07:43 AM History's first 'MAPS' project was the Tower of Babel
Published: February 25, 2011
'Forum flight: Some challengers to Oklahoma City Council keep low profile' (Our Views, Feb. 22) focused on Adrian Van Manen and Cliff Hearron not attending a forum for city council candidates, but it passed over two other candidates who also weren't at the event. Since the number of Ward 6 and Ward 8 residents in the forum audience isn't known, it makes sense that Hearron and Van Manen would rather knock on people's doors in their wards and talk to actual voters.
I'm glad that Van Manen and Hearron are focusing upon bolstering our police and fire departments. If you study the Bible, you'll see that God instituted human government in order to protect and defend, not to burden citizens with higher taxes to fund projects not necessary to maintaining peace and safety. Oklahoma City residents would be wise to remember that the first 'MAPS project' in human history ended with God confusing the languages at the Tower of Babel.
Rev. Tom Vineyard, Oklahoma City
Vineyard is pastor of Windsor Hills Baptist Church and a leader in the tea party movement, which supports Van Manen and Hearron.
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Midtowner 02-25-2011, 07:44 AM God instituted human government?
Was that while Jesus was riding around on dinosaurs?
Seriously though, this man's views are fairly disturbing; and not even biblically sound. Perhaps Vineyard remember the Levites, the landless tribe of Israel, who helped collect a 10% income tax for the purpose of building and keeping up the Temple and other civic works?
betts 02-25-2011, 03:57 PM Oh, I didn't see this and just put it on the City Council thread. It probably won't hurt, though, to make sure everyone knows what they're voting for Tuesday.
And how about "Render unto Caesar..."?
Doug Loudenback 02-25-2011, 06:55 PM Me, too about not seeing it. I just replied in the City County thread, also. One can have a lot of fun with his words without even trying. Betts, as far as forgotten quotes by famous people even deities are concerned, though, I think that a biblical quote from Jesus is better a reply than this man deserves.
Instead, I prefer "Pity the fool," as Mr. T said some time ago. It was in one of the Books of Rocky, though I won't bother to look up which one right now.
Steve 02-25-2011, 09:18 PM Barnold, Mikemarsh, etc.... do you guys agree with this message by the leader of the tea party candidates? I know you guys weren't thrilled with MAPS 3 - but I recall you being supportive and helping pass the original MAPS and MAPS for Kids programs.
metro 02-26-2011, 09:02 AM These people are kooks
rcjunkie 02-26-2011, 09:07 AM These people are kooks
One of them states that he has a degree from the school the Church opened and operates, guess he couldn't find the classified section of the National Enquirer.
Doug Loudenback 02-26-2011, 10:01 AM Actually, an inconsistency exists about the school and the degrees which it confers. Here, the school's website ( states,
Accreditation status
Oklahoma Baptist College and Institute is not accredited under rules promulgated and adopted by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education or by any national or regional accrediting agency, which is recognized by the State of Oklahoma or the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education. We believe that institutions such as we are, which train young men and young ladies for the ministry of Jesus Christ, should not be under the direct authority or control of the state. OBC&I does not grant college degrees; therefore, transfer of courses from Oklahoma Baptist College and Institute to other institutions is at the discretion of the receiving institution.
On the other hand, when identifying its faculty ( and their credentials here, the college identifies that it has conferred 11 various degrees upon members of the faculty, ranging from a Hum.D. degree to an A.A. degree to a B.A. degree and perhaps others. Look for yourself for more detail.
Midtowner 02-26-2011, 10:31 AM Barnold, Mikemarsh, etc.... do you guys agree with this message by the leader of the tea party candidates? I know you guys weren't thrilled with MAPS 3 - but I recall you being supportive and helping pass the original MAPS and MAPS for Kids programs.
They must agree with them because their temper tantrum consists of trying to get these fellas elected.
betts 02-26-2011, 12:28 PM They must agree with them because their temper tantrum consists of trying to get these fellas elected.
A Bible verse comes to mind: "As ye sow, so shall ye reap."
Doug Loudenback 02-26-2011, 01:04 PM A Bible verse comes to mind: "As ye sow, so shall ye reap."
There you go, Betts, quoting Bible verses again. I'll stick with Bugs Bunny: "What a maroon."
barnold 02-26-2011, 01:39 PM Mid- no tantrums, but I'm laughing at how much at time the Chamber is buying for their candidates. Please don't assume to know anything of what I believe or don't believe until you have met me and know me.
rcjunkie 02-26-2011, 05:56 PM Mid- no tantrums, but I'm laughing at how much at time the Chamber is buying for their candidates. Please don't assume to know anything of what I believe or don't believe until you have met me and know me.
I've tried, offered to buy you coffee or to be my guest at Tenkiller, but you refuse.
Midtowner 02-27-2011, 01:19 PM Mid- no tantrums, but I'm laughing at how much at time the Chamber is buying for their candidates. Please don't assume to know anything of what I believe or don't believe until you have met me and know me.
I'm not assuming anything. You are very much in the camp of these two very dangerous individuals. Why that is you have not revealed, but apparently these guys believe God established government.
Did God also found the fire department?
kevinpate 02-27-2011, 05:26 PM ... Did God also found the fire department?
Nah, founding a fire dept. warn't God's style. Think about it .... speaking via a burning bush, delaying authorities with a column of fire, destruction of Sodom and Gamora, just to name a few. Let's face it, whatever else He is, God's a bit of an arsonist when you get right down to it.
Doug Loudenback 02-27-2011, 05:43 PM Nah, founding a fire dept. warn't God's style. Think about it .... speaking via a burning bush, delaying authorities with a column of fire, destruction of Sodom and Gamora, just to name a few. Let's face it, whatever else He is, God's a bit of an arsonist when you get right down to it.
And he can have a very very bad temper. The predicate for the Tower of Babel episode (Genesis, Ch. 11) is that he literally killed all life on the planet ... people, animals, bugs, whatever ... that weren't in Noah's ark. After the great flood, all surviving humans spoke the same language. But God was not happy with that so he did something to them that made them unable to understand each other ... hence, various languages came to exist pretty much in a flash by God, I guess.
Anyway, here's a little video I put together to honor the occasion ... with partial credit to Messed Up Bible Stories ( ...
Also, see
metro 02-27-2011, 06:02 PM Nothing ever occurred to God In light of new evidence, He is omnicient and His ways higher than our ways, how can a finite man understand infinite things. Its not like he says, "well didn't see that one coming..."
That said, I think these guys don't understand God.
USG'60 02-27-2011, 07:45 PM And he can have a very very bad temper. The predicate for the Tower of Babel episode (Genesis, Ch. 11) is that he literally killed all life on the planet ... people, animals, bugs, whatever ... that weren't in Noah's ark. After the great flood, all surviving humans spoke the same language. But God was not happy with that so he did something to them that made them unable to understand each other ... hence, various languages came to exist pretty much in a flash by God, I guess.
Anyway, here's a little video I put together to honor the occasion ... with partial credit to Messed Up Bible Stories ( ...
Also, see
You won't believe this but when VanManen came to my door I noticed that on the back of his jacket was the Loonie Tunes logo. I asked him if he thought that might work against him. He smiled a weak smile and stepped on off my porch. Other than that he was total milque toast. (shutter) Good video, btw